• Member Since 4th Aug, 2013
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Mister Horncastle

British voice actor, filmmaker, gamer, and proud author of The Titans' Orb. | Join the TTO Facebook Group!


The Titans' Orb: Discord Server · 8:33pm 1 hour ago

Good morrow my dear readers!

So, it's been a few days since launching the TTO Facebook Group, and although several members have joined it, I'm aware that not everyone uses Facebook, with one of my readers directly requesting an add on Discord instead.

As such, I have decided to launch a Discord server alongside the Facebook group. :pinkiehappy:
It will serve the same purpose, and will contain the same updates, posts, etc...

Here's the link...

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TTO: Rising Storm Update - Chapter Four · 3:58am Last Friday

Another day, another rewrite complete!

Chapter Four has been rewritten and is now publicly available. :pinkiehappy:

Originally titled 'Walking on the Lonely Road' when it was the OG Chapter Three, this thoroughly overhauled introduction to the Bunnie arc has now been re-released under the simplistic new title, 'Lost and Found'.

I thoroughly hope you all enjoy it! :twilightsmile:


Official Titans' Orb Facebook Group · 3:27pm June 1st

Good morrow my dear readers!

So, it's been a long time coming, but I've finally got around to creating a Facebook Group for The Titans' Orb, as an additional community hub for people who are active in places other than FimFiction. I plan to share updates there on upcoming chapters, along with housing community content such as polls, behind-the-scenes work on the series, and later down the line, videos.

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The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm - Rewrite · 6:39am May 26th

Salutations my beloved readers! :twilightsmile:

With The Titans' Orb rewrite now complete, (and fully released in just a few more days), I have now officially begun work on rewriting the second book, The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm!

Hooray! :pinkiehappy:

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The Titans' Orb Remastered: COMPLETE! · 8:30am April 30th

Hello all, I bring exciting tidings!
I have at last completed my rewrite of The Titans' Orb! :pinkiegasp:

It's been quite the journey, and it's been both enjoyable and difficult to go over what I wrote all those years ago and come up with a better way to tell the story. Since completing Chapter 30 and the Epilogue, (which are not yet uploaded), I've since begun another pass over, and have essentially rewritten the Prologue and Chapters 1 to 3 all over again. 😆

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A Personal One: Continued · 8:21am April 2nd

At the time of writing this blog post, it is the 2nd of April, at 9 o'clock in the morning.

I am in a hospital, sat alone in an empty room, while my husband Phoenix is undergoing surgery on the floor above me. Having never had surgery before, the poor lad was terribly nervous, and has only had about two hours of sleep.
I couldn't be more proud of him for his bravery and his spirit.

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A Personal One · 2:48pm Dec 21st, 2023

To my dear readers,
Good day to you, and I hope you are well. :twilightsmile:

2023 is coming to a close, and boy what a year it's been...
Though I don't know your own experiences this year, mine have certainly been wild; from losing my Google Account & YouTube channel by way of a bot hack, to developing flu-induced pneumonia and almost dying, my 2023 has been utterly mental. 😵

Above all else, the biggest occurrence surrounds my husband Phoenix, and his ongoing transition.

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Rebranding · 2:42am Jun 1st, 2023

Hello you lovely lot, Callum here!

So, for many years now, I've gone by the alias of Old Man Dusters.
It was a nickname given to me by my mother when I was about 4 years old.
It's been my online persona and brand for over a decade! 😮

Well, for those that follow me on YouTube, you'll have noticed that the channel is gone.

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The Titans' Orb Changelog · 12:04am Dec 17th, 2022

(Edited: 24th of May, 2024)

This blog post serves as a changelog for the TTO Rewrite.
It will be continually edited as significant changes are made.

Zecora's healing gel, previously known as Kuphila Amanzi, is now called Oozima.
I changed the name because after some research, I found that Zecora's native tongue is Swahili.

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Firebird, and My Life - Explained · 4:38pm Nov 20th, 2022

My dear readers,

It's been a while since I uploaded a blog, but after uploading Firebird parts 1 & 2, I decided it was a good time to explain a little more about my life and my situation, which hopefully elucidates as to why my chapters take so long to write and upload.

So, since the 9th of November, I've been happily married for FIVE years, quite the milestone.

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