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A programmer for fun and profit, roleplayer and hardcore brony.

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  • TBecoming a Monster
    To be a draconequus is to be one of the most hated creatures in the world. Reviled. Hunted. Exterminated. A monster. But what someponies might not know is that monsters aren't born. They're made.
    Telgin · 79k words  ·  42  4 · 1.2k views
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How the Enclave thought controlling Hellhounds would go:

How it went:

Speaking of things not introduced until after FO:E was published; Vampirism, in the episode "Bats!"

The implications certainly would have effected Fluttershy's story, as the last moment of that episode revealed she wasn't completely cured. (Fluttershy is a day-walker. I will die on this hill.) Other than that, a small faction of immortal blood-suckers could have made an interesting side story. Kkat could have taken Arbu in that direction rather than straight cannibalism.
I also think Flim and Flam could have been the Robert House of FO:E. Ruthless, underhanded industrialists, who ended up running Las Pegasus? That's House. They even could have put both of their minds into a single Maneframe.

"By the time we were in our 30s, we were billionaires 30 times over."

"We founded and ran a vast economic empire."

"So, do you really think we'll let an upstart come into our home and ransom our property to us?"

"We spent two centuries searching for the Platinum Bit!"

"It's our invention!"

"OUR property!"


"Now be a good courier and deliver it!"
Cozy would make an effort to quickly mend relations with the NCR after the discovery of her spies with some humanitarian (ponytarian?) aid. Infrastructure work crews and supplies, mostly.

For instance, freshly manufactured solar array components delivered to Sunburn's plant to dramatically increase power production. Having developed some expertise in the concept of solar energy, Cozy might oversee that particular task personally. I'm sure the plant would get a heads up and briefing beforehand, and Daisy 17 would certainly know who Cozy is based on pre-war memories. "I remember her being a pegasus. No idea how she's an alicorn now." is a statement I'm sure would get Amy's attention. Cozy's pretty open to any questions 17 asks her, so Amy would overhear a full explanation of how Cozy was a pre-war business pony and scientist, then a founding member of the Enclave after the bombs, then a defector to the surface 30 years afterwards who turned herself into a synthetic alicorn. All while seeing Cozy fussing over her workstation, installing and calibrating new parts.
Not to mention Cozy, upon learning about Littlepip, opting to fix the SPP. By that, I mean she goes in and extensively modifies the control center so that Celestia can take over, allowing Littlepip to finally leave and live out the rest of her life with Homage, as she deserves. I think Cozy probably had a lot to do with the SPP's design and construction, so she'd know how to do this.

An interaction between Cozy and Celestia would be awkward and bittersweet, as Cozy still bears some resentment towards Celestia over Littlehorn, and making the huge mistake of giving Luna the throne afterwards. However, Celestia is the reason Cozy turned her life away from crime, made something of herself, and a family in the first place. And seeing the state Celestia is in? What she endured? Cozy couldn't bear to be cruel to her.

She'd be far less forgiving to Fluttershy if she encountered her, blowing up on the "traitor" who gave mega spells to the zebras, utterly furious that she survived the global annihilation she had a misguided hand in causing. Not wanting a diplomatic incident with the NCR is the only reason she wouldn't outright attack Fluttershy.
I can't imagine there's much manpower. I can't imagine any Wasteland faction having more than a few thousand people. Even the biggest cities/settlements aren't likely to have populations more than a few hundred.

My basis for that is; With the exception of 14, Stables only held populations of 500 to a thousand, and a lot of Stables were fatal failures. The Great War probably killed around 80% or more of Equestria's population, and of those who made into shelters, I'd say less than half survived more than a few decades afterwards.

200 years of radiation, taint, violence, and darkness kept that population stagnant.
I've been thinking about a little mystery in Pushing Daisies; Which Daisy is the first Daisy? The first clone Project Phoenix produced after Helix murdered Daisy Pusher? Is that Daisy still around? Was she killed by the Maripony bomb? Was she one of the Craisies?

I've decided that Soldier Daisy, 17, is the original clone. The one who's seen the Wasteland's entire history unfold. And until a year passed and a second clone was made, 17 thought she was Daisy Pusher. Meeting another her who was equally convinced of being the real one made her realize she, and every other Daisy who spawned into existence, were just copies.

When Helix Splice finally had a successful clone, she eagerly brought her to a scientific expo... in Cloudsdale. 17 knows what balefire feels like.

Using magitech to extend her life and try to exert influence and power over everyone feels quite appropriate for any version of Cozy, really, so I could easily see that. The canon version of her would almost certainly have used something like a soul jar or the general magic that Rarity invented to make objects more powerful or indestructible using souls, even if it cost hers. If she planned to live forever, what would it matter?

This version of Cozy might be a bit less evil, but I could see at least a hint of that still being in her character. Especially after enduring all of that with her family.

Regarding changelings: it's a shame that I believe FO:E was completed before they were introduced to the canon, else I'm sure they'd have factored into the story in important ways. Everyone would be scared of them, for good reason, and that would almost certainly still apply even to reformed "changedlings." Using them as spies certainly wouldn't engender any trust either... though it would be impossible for anyone to avoid that temptation. For that matter, I'm sure the NCR would employ them in that role if at all possible.

That's pretty good artwork, and does definitely give off the vibe of a Rainbow Dash-like proud pegasus. Definitely material for a potential Wonderbolt.

I'm sure that they'd have been a terror against the rank and file in Fillydelphia. Wonderbolts are "main characters" in that sense, while the Talons in Fillydelphia were just mooks to be gunned down by such characters. I'm sure that if I wrote a scene involving Kaz's squad going up against them, it would have ended up similarly to the Steel Ranger that single handedly almost killed all of them. It would have required a similar level of contorting circumstances for him to survive the encounter.

And on the subject, I'm sure that there was a lot of confusion about the radboom. Most of the people who saw it, like Kaz's squad, believed it was a balefire bomb going off since they'd never seen one.

A proper demonstration of a rainboom would really be something to see, and I could easily see that being part of celebrations, like fireworks. Or just a way to show off.


This brings up something I've always wondered: just how much manpower is available in FO:E?

If Gideon tried to establish a competitor to the current Talon Company, he might be able to offer better circumstances to new recruits with better pay and equipment, but he might struggle to find suitable recruits. Presumably at least a large portion of the griffons who would be willing to join a mercenary outfit would have already joined Talon Company, or weren't physically or mentally capable of it. Some naturally would refuse to be soldiers out of principle or would want to do something else with their lives, but it's not clear just how many people are even around.

Of course, Gideon might try to lure already contracted Talons away from their posts, but that might invite a lot of ire from their employers. He might have a lot of stored away goodies, but if he's struggling for manpower that might make his life difficult.

If he didn't resort to that, he'd probably have to build up slowly. Gawd might be a good potential ally. I don't remember how she rented her contracts out so she might not sign on in a permanent sense, but she'd probably be a good stepping stone at least, and wouldn't be allied with Red Eye and all of the nastiness in Fillydelphia.

It would be interesting to see if he were able to convinced the Enclave to only take out Fillydelphia, and if things turned out differently with Maripony that might be possible. As much as the Enclave distrusted the surface ponies though, it might be inevitable that conflict would spread everywhere as they tried to reassert dominance over them. Maybe he could keep that form turning into as much bloodshed.

If Cozy got any snark regarding her synthetic body, she'd give it right back.

My favorite line in that clip is;

"No machine should have free will."

"Why? You jealous you had to turn yours in?"

It would be especially savage if this was between Cozy and an ex Filly Talon.

If Gideon fell in with Talon Company as it was, working with Red Eye is a status quo he'd have to live with for the time being. He'd try to steer the cyber stallion away from the more sadistic practices, especially the Pit, through the lens of them being 'bad for business.' It'd be one hell of a long shot, but he'd try to get Red Eye to shift from slavery to the legitimate employment of ponies for labor.

In the more likely scenario that Gideon simply can't abide by what Red Eye and Stern are doing, he'd build up his own Talons, likely employing Gawdyna and griffons from the homeland, and even go so far as to reach out to the Enclave for an "enemy of my enemy" alliance.

This would be well before the Maripony bomb, so Gideon would have a decent shot of convincing the Enclave to burn just Filly down. It would also be far more of a devastating surprise assault under his direction. No announcement over the radio, no "spread out" attack across the Wasteland. Just the entire Enclave fleet bearing down on Fillydelphia from directly above with zero warning, with orders to exterminate anyone who doesn't throw down their arms.
Gideon: "Stop doing slavery."

Red Eye/Stern: "No, lol."

Blacktalon Tower in Manehattan is a hidden gem that Gideon could use for mainland operations against Red Eye. Disguised as a simple office skyscraper, it's built like a fortress, and due to it being constructed during the war, it is overall much more modern than Ashfall. The interior has everything one would expect from a military compound and more. There's even holographic training chambers. And, just like Ashfall, an armory stocked with high-end armor, firearms, and munitions.

Only downside compared to Ashfall is a complete lack of exterior defensive turrets. Back in the day, you couldn't get away with that in a civilian population center. That being said, the windows are all fake. Reflective tempered glass on top of thick concrete and steel walls to simply give the illusion of being an ordinary building. Access points are limited to ground level doors, rooftop hatches, and underground tunnels leading to the docks and metro.

Any would-be scavengers who've managed to get inside in the past 200 years were quickly turned to dust by interior defenses for not having clearance.
Typical "easy money" job for Trickshot Gritt.

Gritt being OpFor on an NCR/Talon training drill.
POV; You are Cozy Glow and a raider/slaver encampment has declined to surrender.
Except instead of Balefire Eggs, she's using alicorn death laser magic.

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