• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Suspenseful with a pencil.

Latest Stories

Hello, I'm Baritone.

A man in a pub once said to me, "I've cracked out better looking wanks than you!" I have not visited that pub since, my Dad's mates are still probably laughing.

Thanks for that one, Dad.

Watch the Good HiE Stream!

Hello! Find yourself bored on a Friday night? Need something to welcome the weekend? Have no fear, the Good HiE stream is here!

Every week, glorious users like Mikesnipe, Anonpencil and Carrier of Heartbreak assemble to create questionable quality horseword entertainment!

If you want to see quality fimfiction/pony related entertainment, then the stream can be found at Mikesnipe's twitch at 7PM EST, 4PM PST or 11PM GMT.

As well as our vomit-inducing regulars, we torment welcome a new guest every week! You can even leave questions for the guests and regulars in our question thread in the forums of the Good HiE list.

If you can't make it to the stream, don't fret! The stream has a YouTube channel where you can catch up on previous weeks!The YouTube channel.

See you on the next stream!


Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

2434642 I am really looking forward to it, thanks!

Thank you for the watch! :yay: I hope you enjoyed "Man Cannot Live On Tea Alone". Look forward to the sequel!


'My Only Sunshine' is the story I added! :rainbowlaugh:

It's genuinely a beautiful story and it easily deserves more love than what it has. I think you're a very talented writer and I plan to sit down and read more of your work!

Thank you for stopping by!

Thanks for adding my story to your 'Unappreciated gems' list! I'd love to hear your thoughts on 'My Only Sunshine'. That story seems to move people.

Are you in the Good HiE List Discord chat?

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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