• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 60,607 Views, 1,562 Comments

Princess Celestia Gets Mugged - BronyWriter

Princess Celestia disguises herself as a younger mare and goes for a walk around Canterlot where she promptly gets mugged. Now on EqD.

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The "Nobility"

Princess Luna walked into the throne room and was horrified to see a group of no less than six representatives from the nearby noble families in Canterlot. She managed to hold her head up and greet them with a nod. The six exchanged quiet grumbles, but bowed to her as she sat on the throne. "Good afternoon, subjects." She used her magic to fluff the pillow on the throne and adjust her tiara. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

The representatives undoubtedly heard the sarcasm in her voice, but they didn't comment on it. It was a sign that Luna wouldn't take their nonsense if she could help it. One of them exchanged an ominous nod with another and stepped forwards. "We were under the impression that Princess Celestia would see us as per requested." His eyes scanned Luna. "You don't look like her to me. Where is she?"

Luna scowled, and she leaned forward. "Am I not regal enough for you? It would be unfortunate if I had to rescind your moon pie privileges whenever you visited!"

Another representative rolled his eyes and snorted. "As if."

A vein in Luna's neck bulged and her right eye twitched as she struggled to prevent herself from incinerating the pony in front of her. "Y-you doubt us?! Very well! Your moon pie privileges are rescinded forever!"

One of the nobles breathed what seemed to Luna to be sigh of relief. "Oh good."

"I know, I always hated them," another muttered. "Too rich for my taste."

Luna gasped and shot to her hooves. "I... how dare you... Why, I never..." Luna's eyes darkened and she flared her wings out. "THAT IS BLASPHEMY!"

As Luna struggled to regain her thought process, another page ran up to one of the nobles and whispered something in his ear. The noble raised his eyebrow and he leaned in to the rest of them to spread the word. Their reactions were similar, and they turned back to Luna just in time for her to regain her thought process.

"So, Princess Luna," one of them began. "Why can't we see Celestia?"

Luna's glower returned full force. "My sister has taken a personal day! It is not my place to disturb her for the likes of you!"

"Oh really?" said another. "I find that interesting because Celestia doesn't take personal days. Not without some warning, anyway."

"I do not understand my sister's thought process," Luna growled. “It is none of your concern what she chooses her day to be like."

"But we had a meeting scheduled for today!" the first noble whined.

"She sent me in her place." Luna raised her snout into the air in a spot-on interpretation of the normal look of the nobles as they walked around Canterlot. "I am a princess too. Never forget that."

The second noble's smirk widened, and she took a small step forward. "You know, Princess Luna, Celestia obviously doesn't tell us everything because she can't, but she's pretty excellent at masking her emotions when she's hiding something big. I've been coming to this court long enough to know that."

Luna opened one eye and made eye contact with the noble. "What are you implying?"

The noble smirked. "I'm saying that it's hard to tell when she's hiding something, so I have to pay attention to the atmosphere to see if she is. Well, the atmosphere here is that you won't tell us where Princess Celestia is, and Princess Celestia always tells us when she is taking a personal day in advance as well as telling us generally what she will be doing in case she has to be reached for an emergency."

"Get on with your accusations or remove yourself from this hall!" Luna snarled. "I am not on trial here, nor are you a lawyer!"

The noble raised a hoof defensively, but the smirk never left her lips. "What I'm getting at is it seems that Celestia has disappeared and you won't tell me where she is, something uncharacteristic of her. Not only that, but I've just received word that a platoon of royal guards has just left the castle."

"They are undergoing a training exercise," Luna retorted. "That is not so unusual."

"A training exercise where they're shouting things like 'let's do this thing' and 'let's go find the Princess'?" She licked her lips as if viewing Luna as a fly that she had caught in her web. "Where is Princess Celestia and why are the guards looking for her?"

Luna growled and hopped off of her throne. She leaned forward and nearly touched the snout of the insolent noble. "You would do well to listen to me. The matters of the castle are not the concern of you. My sister is taking a personal day and the guards are undergoing training."

"With Captain Shining Armor at the helm?"

"INDEED!" Luna shouted, the force of her voice blowing the noble's hair back. "He needs to exercise occasionally as well!"

The noble shrugged. "I suppose so, but there is more going on here than you will admit. I think even a commoner could see that." Her smirk returned full force, but with a bit more determination and menace behind it. "I'm going to find out what is going on. I'm going to find out and tell all of Equestria!" She chuckled. "Or are you going to rescind my right to free speech as well as my right to moon pies?"

"I suppose I cannot." Luna straightened up and raised her nose again. "However, you shall find yourself a guest at Hotel Moon next time you visit the castle!"

The five nobles gasped and even the one who had been talking took an uneasy step backwards and flattened her ears against her head. "You mean that run down motel thing that's, like, eighty blocks from here?"

Luna nodded smugly. "Indeed. I hope you enjoy spending time with the cockroaches. It will be refreshing to see you among your own kind." Luna's glare returned and she flared out her wings. "Begone with you all! I have other matters to attend to!"

The nobles had to hold back grumbles of displeasure as they bowed, but they left the throne room ominously whispering amongst themselves. Luna shook her head as she watched them go. She sighed. "Captain Armor, return my sister with all speed."

Author's Note:

Join these delightful people as my patrons!
Razer Brony
Dawson Schawang
Jim Kieger
Andrew Denton
Not Tom

BTW, if there are any patrons who donated to get the reward of having their name at the end of each chapter but you don't see your name here, please let me know. Patreon updated and now I can't actually see my list of patrons. Or at least, it's much harder to find for some dumb reason.