• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 1,877 Views, 99 Comments

Equestrian Hearts - Tatsurou

MLP:FiM/Kingdom Hearts crossover. Scootaloo has only just been accepted by her new big sister Rainbow Dash when the entire world blows up. Guess who's job it is to fix it? Stupid key.

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Radiant Garden

4. Radiant Garden

Scootaloo bounced happily out of the safe point, having successfully disembarked the Gummy Ship 'Rainbow'. "That was totally awesome! Let's do that again!"

Riku staggered out of the safe point and raced for a nearby trash can. He leaned over it for a time, quietly retching.

Scootaloo walked up to him. "Riku? Are...are you okay?"

Riku lifted his head, glaring at the filly. "You're insane, you know that?"

Scootaloo blinked, backing up. "W-what do you mean?"

"You hop right into a ship you don't know how to control, fly recklessly through an unfamiliar region of space, all without engaging the proper safety measures, putting yourself and others in life threatening danger...and you think it was fun?"

Scootaloo blinked her eyes a bit. "Umm...Yes?"

Riku glowered at her for a time, then turned away to examine his surroundings. "Well, all expectations to the contrary, we seem to have made it to familiar ground safely." He gestured around at the glittering town. "Welcome to Radiant Garden."

Scootaloo looked around. "Huh...pretty..."

Riku glanced towards the filly, slamming the palm of his hand against his face after a moment. Idiot, he thought to himself. You saw how emotionally fragile she is right now, and you heard what she's been through, and the first thing you do when she makes a mistake is snap at her? He sighed in frustration. I'm not cut out for this. I'm not good with kids. What am I supposed to do? Looking up, he noticed something, and smiled. Maybe I can cheer her up. He turned to Scootaloo. "Come on, Squirt. I'll get you some ice cream."

To Riku's shock, the intended cheer up put the filly on the verge of tears. Turning, she ran off into town.

"Scootaloo, wait!" Riku tried to run after her, but quickly lost sight of her. "Great," he mumbled under his breath. "What did I say, anyway?" Shrugging his shoulders, he walked towards the ice cream shop. "Well, it shouldn't be that hard to find her. People will have noticed a brightly colored pony running around." Walking up to the ice cream shop, he was surprised to find it closed. "What?" He read the sign. "'License acquired by new shop, visit the Moogle Shop for all your ice cream needs'? Why would the Moogle Shop want to sell ice cream?" Shaking his head, he headed over to the Moogle Shop. "Two ice creams, please," he said to the Moogle.

"Sorry, kupo," the moogle running the shop replied. "We don't sell ice cream at this stand. Don't make potions any more, either. Just weapons and equipment."

Riku blinked. "So...where should I go to get ice cream or potions?"

"Over there, kupo!" the moogle said happily, pointing to another nearby shop. "We've gone into partnership with a potions specialist."

Riku nodded. "Alright." He walked over to the new shop. "Two ice creams ple-" he started to say before freezing.

A zebra wearing several gold rings around neck and ankles walked up to the counter. "Welcome customer, how do you do? What is there today I can do for you?"

Riku stared at her before blurting out, "You're a zebra!"

She looked somewhat offended. "And you are a bipedal, furless ape; but you don't hear me giving jape."

Riku blinked, then smiled softly. "Valid point. I didn't mean to offend you. Who are you?"

She smiled. "Zecora is my given name. But you, Riku, I have heard of your fame."

Riku chuckled. "I see." He decided to focus on the business at hand. "Two sea salt ice cream bars, please."

Zecora smiled. "For you on this day so sunny, your ice cream will cost you 20 munny."

Smiling, Riku exchanged the munny for the ice cream, keeping them in the wrappers. "Now I just need to find her," he mumbled under his breath.

Zecora smiled at Riku. "If a child you were to mind, perhaps with others you will find."

Blinking, Riku nodded. "Right. Heuy, Dewey, and Louie will probably know where to find her. Thanks." Turning, Riku walked through the town square, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of the three duck brothers or the small winged filly.

He paused momentarily as that thought went through his mind. Winged... He looked up towards the roofs, catching a flash of purple and orange above the weapon shop. Smiling, he leaped up onto the roof, landing lightly beside her. "You alright?"

Scootaloo quickly wiped her eyes, obviously not wanting him to see she was crying. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Riku sat down beside her. "Look, whatever I said that upset you-"

"She used to call me that."

Riku stopped. "What?"

"Squirt. That was Rainbow's nickname for me. When you said that, you sounded so like her for a moment...I..." She shook her head, obviously trying to shake off the emotion. She looked up at him. "So where's my ice cream?"

Chuckling, Riku unwrapped one of the bars and handed it to her. "Sea salt ice cream. Nothing like it anywhere." He hesitated, wondering how she would hold onto it without fingers.

Scootaloo took the ice cream bar in her hooves, taking a lick. "It's salty!" she said in surprise. Then she took another lick. "But sweet!"

Riku chuckled. That was how everyone reacted the first time they had the ice cream. Opening his, he ate as well.

After a time of enjoying the ice cream in silence, Scootaloo spoke up. "You said your world was consumed by darkness once, right?"

Riku nodded. "Yeah."

"How did you manage to move on, when everyone you cared about was gone?"

Riku sighed. He'd been dreading this conversation. "Well, it wasn't exactly difficult. See...that first adventure...I was kind of the bad guy." He closed his eyes, waiting for her reaction, expecting shock, horror, or anger.

"Oh. But you're not now, right?"

Riku looked at her seriously. "No, not anymore. I was rescued from the darkness before that adventure had even ended."

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders. "Alright. Guess you can't help me deal with this very well then, huh?"

Riku closed his eyes, thinking, wondering what he was supposed to say. Thinking for a bit, he decided for a shot in the dark. "Does the name Zecora mean anything to you?"

Scootaloo choked briefly on her last bite of ice cream. "Where did you hear that name?"

Riku smiled. "From the zebra running the potions shop. She's the one who sold me the ice-" Riku found he was talking to empty air and a rapidly spinning ice cream stick. Turning, he saw Scootaloo in a slow glide towards the potions shop, her small wings buzzing rapidly to keep her in the air.

Leaping off the roof after her, he saw her leap over the counter, calling, "Zecora! Zecora, it's you!"

Turning, the zebra embraced the filly warmly. "Well isn't this a pleasant to-do; if it's not my good friend, little Scootaloo."

Scootaloo had her face buried against Zecora's side, struggling to hold back her tears. "You're here...you're here..." Her small frame shook slightly in silent sobs.

Nuzzling Scootaloo's mane, Zecora blew gently on her forehead. "Silly filly, do not be so blue; here, drink this, and tell me your troubles true." She handed Scootaloo a cup filled from a nearby pot.

Scootaloo drank slowly from the cup, her shaking slowing. "I...I thought I was the only one. I thought everypony else was...well, gone."

"Ah," Zecora said, understanding. "Here, listen to my comforting rhyme; rest here for a while, you've plenty of time." Zecora then began to sing quietly. Although the language was one neither Scootaloo or Riku knew, the cadence and tones made it clear it was a lullaby.

Scootaloo swayed a bit, listening to the comforting sounds. Eventually, she slumped over, her empty cup clattering to the side. Zecora turned to Riku as her song ended. "Riku, come where you are led; help me get this little filly to bed."

Walking forward, Riku picked Scootaloo up and carried her to the bed Zecora pointed out. "What was in that tea?"

Zecora smiled sadly as she tucked the filly in. "Although she's struggled to try her best, she has had little true rest. Since nightmares of memories would make her weep, I gave her a potion for dreamless sleep."

Riku nodded. "I see. I don't think you should have done that without telling her, but-"

Zecora held up a hoof. "This young one is a stubborn whelp, knows not how to ask for or accept help. She feels she must be endlessly strong, that to show any weakness would be a great wrong. "She placed a hoof against Scootaloo's cheek, and the Keyblade briefly appeared. "But with how much upon her small shoulders do rest, I must do what I can to keep her at her best."

Riku sighed. "I know the type," he mumbled under his breath.

"Of that I am quite sure," Zecora replied, a sly smile on her lips. "For you, 'tis not like gazing into a mirror?"

Riku held up his hands. "I get it, I get it." He leaned back against the wall. "...she's going to try and face the darkness that swallowed your world, you know."

Zecora nodded. "Long has she sought to prove herself; but little concern does she have for her health."

"Don't worry," Riku replied. "I'll keep an eye on her."

Zecora raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She turned and went back to minding the store.

Riku watched over Scootaloo as she slept, thinking deep thoughts.


Scootaloo woke up slowly, shaking herself as she rose to her hooves. She slept well and deeply, though she didn't know for how long. Seeing Riku leaned against the wall, chin to his chest, she smiled. Hopping out of bed, she followed her nose to the front of the shop, where Zecora was setting up a deliciously familiar breakfast. Smiling, she sat down and chowed down.

Zecora smiled at her, but waited to say anything until Riku also came out and ate. Once they were all fed, Zecora spoke up. "Scootaloo, though you feel alone, you are not the only survivor from home. If more familiar faces you seek to find, then head down to the Burrow, but danger you should mind. From out of shadows in that place, numerous Heartless you'll have to face."

Scootaloo smirked. "I'm not afraid. If I can find more friends, I won't hesitate to go. Come on, Riku, let's check out this Burrow!"

Riku rolled his eyes at Scootaloo's enthusiasm, but raced after her as she charged out.


Reaching the Burrow, Scootaloo looked around at the buildings and alleys. "Plenty of shadows for Heartless to crawl out of."

Riku nodded. "So we'd better be on our guard."

Scootaloo flinched back as several Heartless appeared in flashes of shadowy light. "Wah! I thought Zecora said they came out of shadows!"

Riku grunted as he drew his sword. "Well, there's plenty of Shadows to fight, and a few Red Nocturnes as well." He pointed to the floating red creatures.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes as she clenched her teeth, summoning the Keyblade. "Real original name," she muttered under her breath. She yelped as she dodged a fireball flung by one. "You could have mentioned they threw fire!"

Riku held his sword side on to block more incoming flame. "I was getting to that."

It didn't take long for them to dispatch the first wave of Heartless. However, when the second wave arrived, they were accompanied by three that resembled walking beach balls from their shape. "What are the fat ones?" Scootaloo asked.

"Large Bodies," Riku replied.

Scootaloo blinked. "That's a polite way of saying it." Without thought, she hurled her Keyblade in the spinning disc technique she'd found effective previously, only to see it bounce of the Large Bodies large bellies. "The heck?"

"Their greater girth deflects most damage from the front," Riku replied, gathering a black fireball in his hand. "Either a magic hit or an attack from behind is needed to damage them."

"Do I look like a unicorn to you?" Scootaloo cried in frustration. "How am I supposed to fight these things?"

"CHARGE!!!" a strident voice called out.

Turning, Scootaloo saw something smash into one of the Large Bodies from behind, shoving it into another one and crushing both against a nearby wall, causing them to disperse into darkness, releasing hearts. The figure turned, somehow holding a shield out in front of it. "CHARGE!!!" it called out again, slamming into another group of Heartless and dispersing them.

As the figure approached her, Scootaloo held up the Keyblade and braced herself. The shield impacted against the Keyblade, pushing her back, but she held her ground. After a time, she ground to a halt.

The one behind the shield continued to try and press forward. "That's funny," a familiar voice said with a southern accent. "Ah don't remember there being a wall here..."

Scootaloo's eyes went wide. "Apple Bloom?"

The figure behind the shield took a step backward. Apple Bloom threw her head back, causing the hinged device braced on her head and shoulders to flip the shield up to over her head. "Scootaloo?" she cried in shock and joy, before racing to embrace her friend.