• Member Since 28th Dec, 2012
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This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions serving as both a sequel and an independent story.

With the mystery of her past revealed to the Mane 6, Evening Rose adjusts to living her life in Ponyville.

Struggles arise as she makes new friends and adjusts to the town under the weight of her secret.
Will they come to accept her? Will she accept herself?

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 3: Canterlot
Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 165 )

Very sweet beginning. I look forward to more. As an aside Is Rose open about the fact she's a pegasus? or does she still hide it?


She's open about it. I'm glad you picked up on that since it originally was going to be a part of the story but once I wrote the story out I decided to drop that story element in exchange for a different one. You'll see what I mean in a few chapters.

In any case, I'm glad you're still following the story :twilightsmile:
I hope you continue to enjoy it

Well it's good to see that after so much turmoil in her life Rose has managed to find a sense of normality and stability. I await her forays into the realms of friendship with some small amount of trepidation due to the impending awkwardness that I feel is inherent in such matters but ultimately with eager anticipation. I look forward to all future chapters and hope that they will continue along the same path of excellence that you have maintained for all previous chapters!

Very enjoyable read. Ya know, I thought of a funny, if irreverent line for a Trans* MtF fic: "If ya wanna be a mare, get in the kitchen nd make me a sandwhich."

Anyways, Tracked up voted and added.


Thank you so much for adding it to the LGBT page :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you found it enjoyable, I only hope you continue to like it as the story progresses

As for the joke, all is fair if in good fun :twilightsmile:

I like the first arc, and I'm tracking second one, but I have to nitpick one thing:

The idea was simple: act like you are really not going to budge on the prices and set the original price at 10% higher than the original “sale price” was going to be. Most ponies did not feel comfortable arguing for more than a 30% drop, meaning that there would only really be a 20% drop to the profit per apple

Fancy mathematics, you suck at it! :twilightangry2:


I know... :unsuresweetie:

The idea was, if the original sale cost was X amount, and people bartered it down 30%, raising the original by 10% would mean that a 30% drop would put it at a 20% drop of the original. That's not right is it?

(sorry, I have a hard time with percents. I'm good at Algebra and calculus, but statistics (and therefore percentages) always gave me trouble. Kind of the reason I became an English major)

I promise, no more failed math attempts from here on out :raritywink:

In any case, I'm glad you liked the first Arc and I hope you enjoy the second Arc. New Chapter up in 1 hour 15 min... ish

Let's say that initial price is 100
Then higher price is 100 + (10% * 100) = 100 + 10 = 110
Then after subtracting 30% from new price result is 110 - (30% * 110) = 110 - 33 = 77 - 77% of initial price
77 < 80 - therefore Apple Family will die from hunger. See, what you've done?!:applecry:

If you had problem with numbers you could just insert words like "higher" and "lower", without using any explicit numbers.

Nevertheless, I look forward to next chapter. :pinkiehappy:


I think this is top ten in my list of best comments I have ever read.
Not only did I learn something, but it made me laugh, not that a starving apple family is funny or anything, it's not, but.. well, just thank you. Really :pinkiehappy:

Uh oh... That "extra" notebook can't be good.

Edit: I predict that Lyra will be cool with it, but Bon Bon's gonna freak.


I'm not going to spoil anything, but I think you'll like the next chapter.

See you Friday :raritywink:

2143000 To be honest, I wasn't going for spoilers. More of a:

"I CALLED IT" *lights flash, balloons fall from ceiling, congratulatory music plays* a-la Stephen Colbert type of thing.

My rule of thumb about spoilers is: Snitches get Stitches.

This was a cute chapter, and the last paragraph! :fluttershbad:

I am sure that the note book Derpy gave to bon bon was hers and not Rose's. That would result in a confusing mix up.

Regardless, I would hope that Bon Bon would open it up, see it isnt hers and just return it at that. But that'd HARDLY be as interesting. Or y'know, Rose notices and informs Bon Bon.



I am basking :raritystarry:

Though honestly, I'm more excited that:

A: If someone wants to find a story with a transgender protagonist it is now easier to find
B: People are still liking this story for some reason

I'm ecstatic :pinkiehappy:


Yeah, I think the LGBT group is the first one to really be a spot for transgendered (not gender swapped) fics. I just cant believe that I'm both respected there and so many people joined. Its quite flattering.

Also I know its your fic, but I think it'd work well that if instead of reading Rose's diary, she realized it wasn't hers and stopped by her house to drop it off. BUT rose doesn't answer so she lets herself in and finds Rose sans disguise. But you do yo thang.

Anyways, keep up the good work.

2144982 I was just thinking that I've found the most interesting stories thanks to the LGBT group.

TBH, I think my order of favorite groups goes:
The Conversion Bureau
Pony Roomates

Now, if I could just find a story that covers all 5... although Optimalverse and Conversion Bureau have a bit of a conflict with each other.


Same here

Stories from the LGBT group and the WinningVerse group alone have most of the spots in my top 10 favorite stories


Best. Comment. Evar. :rainbowlaugh:

Uh-oh. Shit's about to get real. :pinkiegasp:

I like this chapter! It shows off how transphobic those in the LGB community can be until they realize they are not better than those against the entire community itself. Again, very well done! :twilightsmile:


I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

And yea, there was a bit of a fight between the LGBT group and the Trans group at my school which influenced part of this. Still, just like with everyone else, there is always the chance to become more accepting. Everything changes right?

I guess that situation could have ended a lot worse. Nice to see Lyra be the voice of reason for once. Many other authors like to have her flip her shit over finding humans.

Also, I'm just gonna leave this here.


Call it you did :twilightsmile:

Taking a left turn come Monday though, so I'm not sure how much else you can call. You'll see what I mean though :raritywink:

I used to be just like Bon Bon. I had a transgender friend when I was in high school, and when she told me that she felt that she was meant to be born a girl instead of a boy, it was a huge shock to me. I never loved her any less than I had when she called herself a "he," but it took me a long time to get used to the idea and even longer to feel comfortable being seeing in public with her. Fortunately, I've grown up a lot since then, and my attitude is that of Vinyl Scratch from the previous chapter now, but I'm still a bit ashamed of how I reacted to her in high school. I think that's part of the reason I like this fic chapter so much; you don't villainize the disapproving but tolerant attitude in Bon Bon as much I as I do in retrospect of myself.

I'm curious to see what happens with the pink Pegasus. I have a feeling it may not be what we're all thinking.

If that's what you call "Okay," I'd love to see what you call "Great." I thought that this chapter, like everything of yours that I've read, was fantastic. :twilightsmile:


You'll see, maybe not immediately, but it will come up :raritywink:

In other news, I checked out your twitter account and the pictures you post are awesome!
If I had a twitter account I would follow you on it.

Oh my gosh so many relatable experiences in this chapter! :fluttercry: I hate applying for work! :fluttershbad: Anyways, very well done! I can't wait for the next chapter, I hope it describes more about her work place. :pinkiesmile:


It's nerve-wracking isn't it? :fluttershysad:

Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to go about applying for a teaching job in the fall and thinking about it puts me on edge.

Very sweet and fascinating. The issue of whether Rose presents as an earth pony or pegasus is really hampering my enjoyment of the story though.:fluttercry:


Originally, I was going to make her trying to live as an earth pony a part of the story (so I set things up for it in arc 1). However, in Arc 2 I realized that the weather team was a good choice for her new employment and that adding another layer to the story would make it cluttered, so I dropped the earth pony idea. The way I explain it is that she passed as an earth pony before because she only had the one dress which didn't have wing holes, a problem Rarity has since remedied.

I still think the Pegasus pretending to be an earth pony has merit, but I think it should be its own story as an allegory of the trans experience. Dysphoria, however, already has a trans character, so I feel tacking it on would be redundant; especially if I want to focus on the struggles that come past coming out, which is the focus of arc 2.

Hope that helps

2182932 *Nods* Much help thanks! I did sort of get the feeling that was your plan but I felt like the story hadn't been updated/written to reflect that. You never mention Rose is a pegasus or mention her wings moving or being used, which is what confused me so much. I went back over the first four chapters and there is no mention of her being a pegasus or having wings.

I'd really suggest you go back and just insert one or two mentions of her wings or body language using her wings. It doesn't need to be a lot just a handful will go a long way to clearing it up.

Very well done! I love the conversation between these two, at first I thought I was going to hate Octavia but I think she is just confused and in shock. I love how you reconnected the old friendship! :raritystarry:


Thank you :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it.
And yea, shock and confusion is to be expected, but it's nothing time cannot heal.

Yeah, at first I was all like "Octavia, why are you such a bitch?" Then I realized that it was pretty much exactly how I reacted to one of my friends six or seven years back...

Damn, I wish I had the balls to just say "Hey, would you go on a date with me?" Touche, pony; touche. Rose should have a switchblade on her hoof and just cut a bitch next time someone gives her shit. :pinkiehappy:


To be fair, it's a lot easier to ask someone out when you've just saved them.

Question, is the story already or mostly written with you releasing chapters evenly or do you just run yourself on a tight schedule?

And I can see the issues from here. Mm-mm!


I'm sending you a private message about it.

2213909 *grins* I always found the best method was to screw up my courage and just blurt it out. To be fair this often requirtes multiple attempts to trying and chickening out :rainbowlaugh:

Oh Rose... Why did you have to go through an alley! :raritycry:


I know right?
The risks some ponies take :fluttercry:

Absolutely love this story! There is a lot of things happening with this story that has happened with me as well! Keep it up I would love to see more! :rainbowkiss:


Thank you for the comment :twilightsmile:

I have done my best to relate the experience of being trans to the best of my ability.
Sometimes it's heartwarming and sometimes it's ugly, but it's always true.

If people can relate, then I'm doing it right :pinkiehappy:

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