• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago




Upon the mirrors peer through the looking glass to a mirror of worlds. A magical door way opens and new endless possibilites open up. What are the meaning of the mirrors and why are they appearing two by two through both worlds of humans and ponies? What is the connection and is there a darker history that time forgotten?

21 makes 22...

Note: I noted fair number saying there is grammar errors in my story but the thing is I can't see these errors you speak of, If anyone would be willing to help me, I would be grateful for it and to point out the grammar issues. So I can learn and see how I made these mistakes instead of those saying... "There too many grammar errors it hurting my eyes and brain" that doesn't help me explain the problems.

So I ask kindly to point these out instead of complaining about it.

Note 2: If anyone willing to help me lead a hand, I be welcomed to it for proof reading this story and make it sound better for those to read. If anyone willing to lead a helping hand I be most grateful.


Chapters (32)
Comments ( 29 )

I dunno, I think the guy is a bit too calm. For example, ,“Mum this might sound crazy but I think I am trapped in some sort of magically force field… it sealed around all the windows and doors…” would probably be something like "oh my God, what is this. I don't even...."

And he seems to figure some stuff out a bit to easily. It's a bit unrealistic to assume at a mirror had to do with a solar eclipse.


I can see what you mean and might need to re-word it a little to make it a bit better but as for figuring things out it all down to the imagination. You see, I always think of so many different things that could well next to impossible and chain them up together in my imagination as if they real.

Also when it comes to magic and old magic at that events could work out of the confines of normality as impossible could become possible linking a mirror to a eclipse.

Still I will look back at the sealed up scene when I get time and see what i can do to make it better.

:ajbemused: Three words: GET AN EDITOR. The storyline is fine (I think), but the grammar is atrocious. I'm sorry, but trying to read and understand what you wrote, but it's giving me Headacheous Inducofulus- pronounced head-ache-e-us in-duce-off-ul-us (Nerd talk meaning a freaking big headache).

Please Pm me when the story has been revised and edited, and I might just decide to read the rest (and upvote).

That the thing I can't find anyone to do this... I tried and tried and tried... sadly I given up on finding anyone to edit and look through it, I know my grammar sucks hard and sadly I know this. When you have at least three plus you asked for help and nothing comes back you seriously just get fed up and give up on asking for anyone to help ya.

If your willing to help me out I gladly accept it and mention ya that you took a look through my chapters from 12 onwards, since the only ones that been edited have been chapters 1 to 11 by mix of people... :ajsleepy:

3227248 Hmm, I might be able to help every now and then....

What chapter would you like me to start on? (If I can, I'll PM you the edits.)

3235411 It from Chapter 12 onwards, the rest before that been checked over by people already. It would be great to have ya check it over for me.

Apologies, i am going to stop reading here...The grammar and the like make this a bit hard to read, i sincerely recommend getting someone to review your chapters again and edit them, it will likely make it more enjoyable for other people to read it aswell. It certainly would help, that's for sure, atleast in my eyes.

Good luck on the story.

3336236 well I ask and get no joy, maybe you like to help me out. I would welcome it

In the description:

I can't see these errors you speak of, if anyone willing to help me I be grateful for it

"If anyone willing to help me i be grateful for it" should be,
"If anyone would be willing to help me, I would be grateful for it" or
"If anyone willing were to help me, I'd be grateful for it"

Haven't read any chapters yet, I may let ya know if there are any other errors in there. :pinkiehappy:

3415631 I even did it on the summary asking for help :scootangel:

That how bad I am at over looking something as simple as that lol.


I am going to do a sequel to this story. Thanks for the idea. There somethings I didn't like what I typed up for after this chapter. So since I left it on such a cliff hanger I am going to leave it here and work on the sequel to it.

Didn't this story used to be, like, much, much longer?

Sentence fragments. You have a lot of sentences that are missing a verb and sound really wrong when you even think about reading them aloud. If you can somehow manage to scrounge up a proofreader, do it. When you've gone back through and edited the chapter (as well as newer chapters probably), send me a message and I'll continue reading this...probably. The idea is there but the polish is not and getting pulled out of the story due to the text having errors is jarring enough to turn me off from the story.


I am sorry for the grammar errors and such but I truthfully can't see it unless I look really really hard and been pointed out by some. The disability I have effects the way I can see some words, so when I am typing I am very much unaware that I made these mistakes till I most likely looked through them a few more times after a while and someone pointing it out.

I never been able to find anyone to help me proof read this first story of mine so I gave up after getting to joy in anyone able to help that I just put the chapters up. I know many get annoyed with the grammar and such but I can't do much on my end. I will try to fix when I get the time but it may take a while. Real life and such.

sorry again.

As much as I'd like to read it, and point out mistakes... There's just too many.

“Leela! Come on girl! Are you in here?” he shined the light around and heard

barking at a dusty old mirror,(—— “Leela, come here girl,(——” she turned and saw Wayne coming over to him for a cuddle.(—— “Now let’s…” he noticed a strange glow from the mirror only a minor one. “What in hell?” he walked by Leela and she came up beside him as he stared at the mirror and it markings on the frame.(——

“Well it must have been the reflection from the sun,(——” he walked over to

better call mum to let her know Leela is ok,(——” he dialled the number and his mum answered,(—— “Hey mum found Leela, by any chance is there a Eclipse happening over there?”

His mum on the other side of the phone looked outside,(—— “Yes, but there was nothing on the news about it, in fact it’s on the news right now, they’re saying that the moon is causing a eclipse, but can’t explain how since it shouldn’t happen for another 78 years since 13 years ago…” She said looking at the TV then outside seeing people gathering and talking as wonder how such an event was missed by NASA and other space watchers.

Wayne turned to the mirror as everything grew darker by the second shinning his

She turned to the TV then frowns,(—— “That’s strange it says the centre

he was about to the but the door slammed shut and locked.

Oh god this is terrible!!

I have a real fear of sudden loud and unexpected loud noises”

He sighed “in the one place we wish it wouldn’t appear in…”

I’m guessing America or North Korea.

the fact the US trying to press in taking control since it seem to be linked with one of their cartoons

Ha I knew it!!!

Morning soon came and Spike was asleep but a sweet smell caught his nose and he woke to it “Wow what is that wonderful smell. It smells yummy” he looked over to the kitchen to see Electuroo hard at work making breakfast and Applejack sitting there watching him at work. “Applejack I didn’t hear you knock”

What was Spike like sleeping in the living room?

They all gathered and saw what look like a large pair of jeans with boots and a farmer hat and white button shirt “What happened did the fellow just got his clothes off and leave?” Applejack said lifting up a boot and star dust floats out and fades away then she looks to see nothing in there.

Reminds me of the movie stardust.

“JJ was right, I told Jock what happened and that he could of joined him but refused and was happy for JJ, Jock kept the lie going and I felt like I failed them all as the barrier finally gave way as foretold and watched as they smiled and understood that from their view that we did everything we could as they faded away and be with their lord in the heavens beyond our world and returned safely to their world on their great journey” Celestia finished telling them the story and they didn’t seem to be uptight about it or annoyed in fact they was happy.

That brings a tear to my eye.

Please bear with the grammar and spelling mistakes. ^^

I’m gonna rewrite these chapters one day for you.

For about an hour he continued to just read with Luna reading as well without him even realizing whom was reading it behind him the whole time.


they charged on Arthurs call pointing the blade running with them into a head long set of human troops that seem to be nothing but icy beings as they shattered on impact. “They not even human any more… everything that good in them is just gone they just icy afterimages…”

Reminds me of the neverweres from Doctor Who.

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