• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 1,093 Views, 41 Comments

Expanding Horizons - mechafone

Sequel to Legends Of Ponyville. As Spark Storm resumes his life in Canterlot, Anorax and his changeling friends receive a message from halfway across the world - 'Come home'.

  • ...

15 - Friends And Enemies Part 3

The rumbling continued, something Mimosa now recognized as impact tremors, and he had a good idea of what was making them. "Ampelus, be a dear and scoop out that poor siren, would you?"

Mimosa's daughter stared down at the limp creature laying at the bottom of the pool. Did she really have to? She turned a look of distaste at her father. "But...that's salt water. I don't like salt water."

Mimosa sighed. Had his daughter really never touched sea water before? There were going to be many, many lessons in the near future. "Really, Ampelus...the salt won't hurt you if you don't drink it. We are perfectly capable of touching it, even swimming in it, so long as we don't drink the water. Now bring her up."

Ampelus grumbled quietly as she approached the water amid the tremors underwater, her hooves nearly slipping as she neared the edge of the rock. Tentatively, she dipped her vines into the water, remembering bitterly how awful the water had tasted when she'd tried it back on the boat. The water was cool and pleasant, and she was tempted to drink from it. Thinking better on this, she stretched that pair of vines down into the depths of the rocky pool, and entwined them around the siren and pulled her up.

Suddenly, the tremors ceased. Both dryad and nymph glanced at each other, caution written on both their faces. As Ampelus pulled the siren's body up onto the rock she perched on, both pairs of eyes were drawn down below as a new figure emerged from the tunnel. Mimosa's face drew up into a smile, his eyes wide with recognition. "Ah. I thought so. Lusus." The figure down below was indeed Lusus, no longer in the enormous, frightening form from before, but barely bigger than Mimosa himself. The dryad was quiet as the seapony swam cautiously to the surface, aquamarine eyes focusing first on the siren, then on Ampelus, then on the dryad.

"Mimosa..." Lusus said quietly when he surfaced. His eyes darted back and forth between dryad and nymph, the latter of whom carried his prey. "...you're breeding."

Ampelus made a face at this, but Mimosa seemed to find the comment amusing. "Oh, Lusus, my boy...I bred quite a long time ago." Ampelus nearly gagged. "This is my daughter, Ampelus."

"Fascinating," the shark pony deadpanned, his eyes settling on the siren in Ampelus' grasp. "Would you mind returning that siren to me? I'd greatly appreciate it. No trouble, mind you. I was simply trying to have a word with her."

"From one predator to another - that's bullshit." Mimosa made no comment as Ampelus gave hers with a light sneer.

"It's really not your business." Ampelus grinned challengingly down at Lusus. He had moved slightly closer in the water, his expression unchanged. "She and I will finish our discussion, and I'd thank you to keep out of other's affairs."

"Well, I might've been willing to step back and let you have her," Mimosa began diplomatically. "...buuut, I'm afraid I'll have to deny you your wishes. See, she entered my domain in quite a panic. I know Leucothia, and she's not one to usually panic. I've never seen her so frightened."

"It's none of your concern," Lusus growled warningly. His tail thrashed about lightly in the water, clearly agitated. "Just give her to me and we'll forget this whole thing ever happened..."

"It's not your place to decide that, boy." Ampelus stared at her father. She'd never heard him speak in such an authoritative tone. It almost scared her. Lusus looked like he'd had enough. He dipped below the surface of the water, then shot upwards again, his powerful body thrusting upwards. He broke the water and sailed into the air, his body transforming quickly. The giant shark came down headfirst, the massive jaws opened to swallow siren and nymph both.

Ampelus stared in shock and fear. She'd never seen a creature transform from something as small as Lusus to something as massive as he was now. She stared up into the massive maw, down that dark throat, and actually heard his heartbeat, the gurgles in his stomach, and...wasn't he coming down? Apparently not. The jaws snapped at her from several feet up, water and saliva dripping down from above. She came out of her stupor to see that an even more massive tree had sprouted from where her father stood. The tree - no, her father, had himself increased his size and changed his shape into that of a massive tree that dwarfed even the shark and grabbed hold of it.

Lusus' massive form thrashed about in the great tree's grasp violently, scratching at the tree's branches with his pectoral fins and tail. It didn't seem to make sense to Ampelus how he could do this, but a closer look at the fins and tail revealed short, sharp spines, slightly hooked for grasping. "Mm, poison," the tree muttered in a deep, guttural voice. "That might've done the trick if it were beyond my biological sciences. And quite weak, at that. It's not your first choice of attack, it seems."

"I don't need it to chew you up, Mimosa!" the shark announced in that booming voice. The echos of his anger reached the ears of the unconscious Leucothia, stirring her into a panic. She wriggled free of Ampelus' grasp and fell to the ground. Finding herself out of her element and exposed, she stared up in horror as the strangest sight she'd ever seen played out.

Lusus wriggled until he caught the branch that held him in his fins, the spines grasping firmly as he bent his body quite suddenly, the large form more flexible than it looked, and latched onto the branch with his enormous jaws. Bark crunched loudly as teeth ripped through hardened flesh, branches snapping off and falling to the ground. The shark bit once more, snapping off bigger and heavier branches. Mimosa seemed to recoil, having been unprepared for such an onslaught. This drove Lusus to continue his assault, his jaws making quick work of the dyrad's branches.

Finally, Lusus had chewed through enough branches to escape. He fell to the ground with a whump, then dragged himself around until he faced Ampelus and Leucothia. The shark's grin stretched across his face as his pectoral fins pulled the giant body much quicker across the ground than one would think possible. "Three birds with one stone! Why didn't I try this earlier?!" the shark laughed, taking a moment to lean up and stare down at Ampelus and Leucothia, savoring the fear and helpless looks in their eyes. Leucothia, having been too horrified to move, curled up into a little ball, while Ampelus stood there, frozen on the spot. This wasn't an enemy she could beat - if it beat her father, how could she hope to?

Before Ampelus could react in defense, Lusus jumped. This time, Ampelus' vines shot forward, wrapping around the shark's nose. Though the nymph was still afraid, she would not die cowering on the ground. Lusus stared in surprise as the vines emerging from the nymph, who was so much smaller than himself, further wrapped around his body, preventing him from moving further and supporting his weight. "Not bad, kiddo. You're stronger than you look." Lusus' spined fins grasped at the ground below. Grasping at the dirt, the shark began to pull himself forward, despite Ampelus' efforts, and brought the massive jaw closer. "When you see your old man in the afterlife, you can blame him for your weak genetics."

"Our genetics are just fine." The voice of Mimosa Palm surprised both combatants. Ampelus looked overhead as the massive tree rose once more and reached for Lusus. As the branches from the bigger creature overtook the shark, Ampelus relinquished the sea monster. "Ampelus could handle you easily if she paid attention to the lessons I gave her when she was young. Still, it is good to see she faced her impending death with courage."

"You're deluding yourself if either of you think you could handle me," Lusus growled angrily as he turned in the tree's grasp, again grasping his captor with his fins. "Your flimsy branches can't hold me!" The shark bit down into the branches once more, but this time instead of a great creaking of wood, a terrible whining sound could be heard as tooth met stone. The horrible clacking noise turned into a shattering clatter not unlike broken glass. Lusus' scattered teeth fell to the ground, broken and cracked.

"My 'flimsy' branches, as you call them, as well as I, are able to adapt to certain situations. This petrified wood, as I'm sure you'll find, is difficult to bite through...as I'm sure the pain you're experiencing is now telling you." Lusus let out a roar of pain, his mouth dripping blood from where his broken teeth were jammed into his gums. "Now I'll have to ask you to leave. I imagine that you might need some help with that, though, I'm only too happy to oblidge." The tree reared up, it's shape changing to that of a massive bipedal form. An arm reached up and easily lifted one of the ceiling panels, giving way to the sky outside. "I trust you'll have more respect for my domain, sir, and I bid you a good day!" Lusus let out a roar of anger as he was flung out of the bio dome's ceiling.

There was silence as the bio dome's panel was replaced. Leucothia and Ampelus both just stared as the gigantic tree shrunk. The siren herself had never seen such a transformation before, Lusus being the biggest transformation she'd seen prior. Finally, the dryad returned to his pony form. Slightly bigger than the average stallion, bug-like wings, and the dorkiest pink mane a stallion ever did have. Mimosa sighed as he laid eyes on the tattered remains of his lab coat. "I lose more lab coats that way," he muttered before glancing at the girls. "...Not really. Doesn't happen often. I think that one was my favorite, too!"

"Um." Leucothia sat up slowly. What had she wandered into? She'd met Mimosa a few times before, this being a safe place to come to for whatever reasons, but she'd never seen him like this. Was it still safe? Her instincts told her it was.

"Well. Now then, Breezy Plume, would you care to tell me what that was all about?"

The siren made a face at her alias. The only name she'd given Mimosa was Leucothia. How did he...? Probably Deep Surf. Mouthy little...well, he's my mouthy little...whatever, she told herself. She stretched herself out, her tail pulling itself straight and rigid as her body began to transform. Within a moment, she'd regained her land legs and hidden her long, powerful tail. She looked like a pegasus again. "Not that it's any of your business-"

"You're welcome," Ampelus interjected. Pegasus and dryad turned to look at her. "Mimosa spared your life. He didn't have to, and I certainly don't see why. Be grateful, you little sea worm."

Leucothia drew herself up in proud defiance, ready to offer a scathing retort when Mimosa approached her and rested a hoof on her shoulder. "Now, now, Ampelus, don't be rude to my guest. She's a friend." Ampelus balked at her father's reproach. She should've known. It was as if he'd never left the forest. Leucothia's rude gesture to the nymph didn't help. Ampelus was finding herself further and further pushed away from her father, who always seemed to find more interest in other things and creatures. She was never good enough for him. She was as tired of it now as she was before he left.

Almost as if sensing his daughter's anger, he turned to her, a look in his eyes not unlike curiosity. "Daughter, I'll be taking Leucothia on a walk. Meanwhile...I'd like to meet the ponies that brought you here. You quite obviously didn't cross the ocean by yourself. Do they even know what you are, dear?" Leucothia winced at the withering glare Ampelus gave her father. Mimosa continued seemingly unaware of the nymph's ire. "Are there any among them that you feel you can trust?"

"N-" Ampelus frowned. She'd been too quick to answer to realize that yes, there was one. She sighed thoughtfully as she thought of that one. Spark Storm. He really had found a way to get in good with her. Was that all he was doing? Just getting on her good side?...No. No, it was more than that. He was her friend. He defended her. He trusted her with his life, after everything she'd done to him. The two of them had been down into the pits of Tartarus and back, had protected one another. They respected one another. So..."Yes. There is one."

This, at last, made Mimosa turn his attention on Ampelus. The way she answered him gave him hope. "I see. Then, Ampelus, why don't you bring them here? I'd like to get to know the individual that has managed to get past that wall you built so long ago. Maybe they can get you to grow something for once." Mimosa's daughter ground her teeth together as the dryad took Leucothia deeper into the woods. With the two conversing companionably, Ampelus took her leave with reproach gnawing at her stomach.

Pain. Exploding pain. Gabriel broke the surface of the water screaming, his entire body wracking with the worst, suffocating pain he'd ever felt. It was over in an instant, and a new sensation came over him: the first gulps of air he'd taken in some time. Water purged from his system, making way for the air that he'd not breathed since he'd taken to the water. As he floundered about in the water, he thought about how long he'd been down under the sea. It felt like hours, but in reality it'd only been about twenty five minutes. The pegasi's perception of time had been radically altered since his brief journey, and so much had happened in so little time.

Gabriel's body was quite weak from his trip. His flailing slowed, his head dipping below the surface of the water. It resurfaced, followed by Melody's, her hooves wrapped around him for support. "Easy, Captain, I've got you."

The Saddle Arabian gave her a gentle glare as he rested in her embrace. His lungs still burned from being reintroduced to the air, though it was the retraction of his ability to breathe water was what had caused the intense pain. "I thought I...told you guys...not to call me that," he rasped. Gabriel might've held the crews' respect to be elevated to that title, but he hated being called that, especially since the actual captain still held that title.

"Oh hush. You've earned the title of Captain...second Captain, whatever," the seapony said with a smile. The smile turned to a frown of concern as she looked him over. "Are you all right?"

"I'll live..." Gabriel sighed and closed his eyes, only now noticing how truly bright the sun was on the surface. "Mariasha wasn't lying when she said that coming back to the surface would be much...much more painful."

"Yes it is. I'm sorry."

"It was worth it. I'm certainly not going to make a habit of going down there, though."

Melody's giggle tickled Gabriel's senses. He opened his eyes enough to stare at her suspiciously. "You're pretty cute when you're all tuckered out, like I've said multiple times."

Before Gabriel could comment, a thick shell of golden magic surrounded the two. "'Hoy!" The two looked above to see that the ship had approached, with Rossa's magical grasp surrounding them. "It's about time, amici! Cosa รจ successo?"

"Long story, bella signora," Gabriel answered as he and Melody were brought back on board. The seapony shook herself off and sighed contentedly. It was good to be back on the ship. "Suffice to say, mission was successful. Let me rest a bit, I'm sure Melody can fill you in on everything that happened." Melody nodded enthusiastically at what was more a request than a statement.

Rossa beamed down at the second captain and helped him to his hooves. "Well, come on then. I'll get you to bed. And-a you-" she said, towering over Melody with an accusing hoof. "Don't you start without me! There'll be hell to pay if you do."

The seapony just giggled in response and kept watch on the two as they stumbled together towards the cabins, then bounded off to gather her shipmates. It was going to be an interesting tale.

Rossa opened the door to Gabriel's quarters. The room was dark, and as usual smelled of cinnamon and other earthy spices. The second captain liked to keep his room well scented. It kept things smelling nice, and the scents made things interesting whenever he had 'guests'. Being a tall unicorn, Rossa had a good view of the room: the room was a large open space. His bed was a queen size, and lacked a large decorative frame. The walls were sparse, save for a single large picture frame that displayed all current members of the crew.

In the humble bed, however, was a figure. The form of an attractive mare rose from a prone, relaxed position. She was lithe, with an athletic build, and was adorned with curtains of long, black mane. Her coat was a deep crimson red, a few shades darker than Rossa's, a fact that the tall Istallian resented. "Gabriel," the mare called in a seductive, sing-songy voice. "Come to bed and tell me all about your trip into the darkness."

Rossa held her tongue as Gabriel eagerly stepped past her into his room. This new mare had been a thorn in the Istallian's side for several weeks now. She was the average mare's height, and her mane was constantly bedazzling in the sunlight. She was sweet, hard-working, seductive, and far too nosy. Something about her had set Rossa on edge the moment she'd arrived on the ship asking for work, and she never stopped asking about Breen. The knife cutie mark didn't help matters, either. They were Eastern weapons...what was a Neighppon mare doing way out here on this side of the world?

Whatever. Rossa rolled her eyes and stepped out, pulling the door closed behind her. There was no reason to be jealous. This ship ran on free love, after all. There were no relationships. Relationships made things complicated, and with the way that Gabriel went after both mares and stallions, he needed that freedom. They all did, even though several crewmates were married and were off-limits to the others, which was well respected. No, Rossa was bothered by something else about that mare. From the slight limp she walked with in her hindquarters, to the way she could smooth-talk any of the crew...she was trouble.