• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



Two tekkit minecraftians, Matt the mage and Trent the engineer, are sent into Equestria following a catastrophic (Think resonance cascade, but on a very small scale) experiment in teleportation thanks to the element of magic's attempts at trans-dimensional communication. Will Matt find love [No, no he won't.]? Will Trent succeed in keeping Equestria from exploding in a very, very pretty sequence of fireballs? Will Twilight ever have peace in the library from the damnable macerator?

A'ight, here's a list of the mods that will make an appearance: Thaumcraft 3, Red Power 2, Industrial Craft 2, Gregtech, Equivalent Exchange 2, Buildcraft, ICBM, Twilight Forest. More may be added as time goes by.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 57 )

Seriously? A tekkit crossover? Well, this can be good. Or bad. Reading now.

Wow, this is amazing. The numbers are slightly annoying (try using ², ³ etc instead), but it is funny. Good job.

Not bad , i gave it a fave cuz i like tekkit and i wanna see how this turns out .
IT will be awesome if matt and trent still somehow applys to minecraft physics eventhough their in equestria , THAT WILL SURELY MAKE MY DAY nut your the author

EEEEE! They're like Sips and Sjin!

*aims arcanic bore at twilights house and turns it on.*

I already want longer chapters.

2000 words quota :D

I have one

you should too

it's good for the colan

it gives you likes!

it gets you a girlfriend.

it sucks your dick...wat?

oh god not a half life 2 reference D:



oh take the yogscast rout and create a sky scraper for them to live in :D

I'm surprised how spike didn't pee himself when they dropped into the library. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Two person that can build a nuclear reactor, out of dirt live in Equestria?

Equestria is doomed :pinkiecrazy:

I'm just going to say it, TEKKIT IS EVIL!

That is all

1863409 'tis why I use DNS! Or build my own pack, if I'm sick of their bull.

1863458 DNS? don't know that mod pack... Whatever it is there's no way it compares to Feed The Best mod pack. Which is billions times better than tekkit and probably DNS

1861422 No fuck yogscast. they're misrible twats and not funny in the least

To be honest their techit series is really one of the few things worth watching these days :/

I am disappoint by the shortness of this chapter.

1867629 Tell me about it. And I thought my writing was a bit shoddy this time, too. Expect more next time, though!

(1) Alumentum is an extremely high grade fuel that, when dropped or molested, explodes violently. Think a thaumic grenade.

DON'T MOLEST THE ALUMENTUM!!!!:derpytongue2:

1867702 If you do, you'll be missing some important bits. I didn't even realize I left that in there, but I'm not taking it out now. Pretend I meant the other definition!

1867710 :applejackconfused:You should keep it in.

oh now i want to play tekkit but i cant:fluttercry:

if the yogscast make an apearence in this series , Simons gonna scream : 'AaWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !'
and Everypony in equestria Goes deft .

I'm done.

"Are you a SPY!"

yea that did it. I've already come to expect this to be one terrible cliche.

1871035 I didn't want to, but my 'co-author' (See: Idiot in a skype call) insisted. Terrible cliches are the best cliches!


1871144 ...Can I frame that and slap my co-author with it? Please? I'll pay you in vodka.
Also: Fixed along with some more minor editing. And I am totally annoying my 'co-author' with that. :D

You saved a like :D

And if you dump your co-author for me (or bring me onto the team with storyboard) then I will help you with your story :D

1871165 Hells yes you can be on the storyboard, I have no idea what I'm doing.


do you have a steam account? we can get ahold of eachother with ease then.

1871258 Redeject on steam, handily

1871258 WolfGear? Why do I keep running into you?

Whelp. Off to play FTL.

I dont like Tekkit. Usually I stick with Vanilla so when I want something extra I can just get one mod instead of that mod I wanted and 200+ others.

Its like getting a cable package. Yes I would get The Hub but I would also get so many other channels that are a waste of money you know?


uh not really sure if I like the way you were going with this. I was expecting more along the lines of actually living with the ponies by building their own home and eventually their own company of miners or soemthing....PLEASE GO THERE!

1997174 Trust me, I'll get there. Got one little plot point, first. THEN the slice of life can happen.

I like it. My only recommendation is to be careful with the whole "more powerful than the gods" thing you've got going on. The story won't be as interesting if any and all conflict can be fixed by blowing it up. That said, I can't WAIT to find out what they're planning on blowing up!

1873250 i know i personaly only want EE2 now all i need to do is get the damn thing working:facehoof:

2148885 It took me a goodly while, and it's not really up to par. It gets better, though, I promise.

why would you molest metal?:rainbowhuh:

2148974 Bad joke and a different definition, and Alumentum is very definitively not metal. Metal tends to explode less.

I like it now have a moustache :moustache:

2148974 Why would you NOT molest Alumentum? And by the way it's not metal. It is a thaumic fuel, like Nitor, except it is most instable and tends to go kaboom.

2791591thats almost as bad as molesting a toaster :trollestia:

If they have a Machine making that much EMC, why aren't they wearing Gem armor, or at least Matthew? Because it would take just under two minutes to completely pay for it at that rate. And, why isn't he using Alchemy bags? Those things are badass.

That answers my questions about the gem armor, but now im curious why Matt doesn't have a life stone, with that and a omega, he would be immortal. Unless something can one-hit him.

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