• Member Since 19th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen January 31st


"Descriptive but creatively shallow and morally bankrupt."


Rainbow Dash comes out to her friends in a desperate attempt to find support as she flounders under the guilt of her sexual identity... but are the bonds of her friendship with the others really as strong as she hopes they are? Not an über-OOC or lynch mob fic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 496 )

Wasn't aware of this.


you beat regidar

and now you are very aware

1789937 Regidar you ain't

I'll give it a shot.

1789948 Yesh.

1789956 I don't give a fuck on who you think I am. I'm epicdonus.

Will read, faving now.:scootangel:

epicdonus? Are you epicdelicious?

I will read and post my response later.
EDIT: Wow, just wow. The Feels man, I felt them. I haven't seen a story like this before. You did well. Damn well.

Nice to see this out.

*says there isn't a god*
*regularly calls himself god*
Maybe just a little inconsistent, my good friend. :rainbowlaugh: Also, you really shouldn't say there's no God. That's perfect shitstorm material, and I doubt you want one of them in the comments.


I doubt you want one of them in the comments

no i don't
because i don't like educating people
i want them to remain ignorant
so i can manipulate and control them
like puppets

Lol, that's a pretty collectivist train of thought. Not too surprising, since you wrote that changeling fic, after all :rainbowkiss:

Surpisingly i enjoyed this i would like a second chapter. yeah iam sick the same old Dash comes out to everyone crap too.

When it comes to times like this, I am reminded that empathy is both my curse and my blessing.

In summary, Rainbow Dash calls her friends to confess her sexual orientation, leaving them with a less-than-positive opinion of her (with the exception of Pinkie Pie). Although Pinkie's intentions mean well, her methods are nothing more than shallow and oblivious to the problem and only drives Rainbow to the point of purposefully chasing her out. In the end, she ends up hating not only her friends, but herself for being the way she is. Even in summary, it's rather tear-jerking and saddening. I could literally feel the tension build up inside of me throughout the intro and remain constant through to the very end of the story... and I absolutely loved it. Your ability to draw and keep readers in an immersive experience leaves me feeling envious and impressed. Very few stories are capable of doing that to me, but the ones that do simply take my breath away. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other readers that share such an opinion. The only true gripes I had, though, were with Pinkie's innocent insensitivity towards Rainbow Dash. I always thought of her to be a much more complex character than the all-out party mare we know and love, and I had assumed her to be the tide turner. But that's just a matter of pure opinion, and there are authors who will portray her in different ways.

Thank you very much for this beautiful piece of work.

I already read a fic where one of the mane six comes out of the closet only for her friends to reject her(ironically, the worst of the rejecters was Rainbow Dash). I do not want to read another one. :(

if i ever submit this to eqd or something i'm quoting that

what story was it?

fuck you

my feels

you took them all

give them back i need those


I'm cautious about this one... I might read it later.

Featured with only 13 upvotes and 106 views?

Tell me your secrets o' wise god

Oh, I remember that one.
I had that in mind when I wrote this, actually. Specifically, it was one of the ones I was trying to avoid similarities to (eg anyone saying 'fillyfooling is sinful' etc). Characters, even evil dastardly unlikable insert-pride-movement-friendly-insult-here homophobes, should be more complex than that.
But if you don't want to read it, I'm obviously can't force you to.

It got featured?

Oh, wow. that was fast.

Actually, come to think of it, you and Regidar are just like SS&E and Imploding Colon. Basically the same person,

1790424 Need a period on that comment, no comma.

Shut up. If anyone's the grammar nazi here, it's me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

And also, Were in the world is Regidar? He hasn't gotten here yet.

I fixed it.

this is like
28 29 30 instances of inb4regidar

never mind. Me and epicdonus have our own going just fine without religious argument.

Meh. Disappointed. The story is solid, but instead of the same old themes tempered with a healthy dose of reality as I hoped, it's tilted to the far opposite extreme of the types that you are annoyed with. This is the same thing Sergent Sprinkles did with his animosity toward Pinkie/Dash with Cupcakes. This is the Cupcakes of Closet!Dash fics. Just as OOC, just as non-thematic, just as heavy handed.

The fic did generate the intended emotions and sympathies and frustrations, so as an examination of this kind of scenario, it was solid. The problem is that even AU, these are not the characters to be presenting this lesson to us. The reason that so many closet!Dash fics exist is because this group feels "safe". It feel like any one of them could find acceptance with each other. And while the shipping this is used as a trope to facilitate is something I find as silly as you do, the outcome is in fact more reasonable based on canon than this version.

What I'm saying is that you succeeded in telling a compelling story, but failed horribly in writing a believable fanfic.

Also Twilight's quoting skewed statistics.
Gays are not more likely to be pedophiles, percentages are pretty even across orientations. Pedophiles are more likely to be gay towards children.


Also Twilight's quoting skewed statistics.
Gays are not more likely to be pedophiles, percentages are pretty even across orientations. Pedophiles are more likely to be gay towards children.

i pity anyone who actually believes gay=pedo
because it means they're mentally retarded
but this equestria is obviously somewhat homophobic
and twilight tends to put a lot of faith in what she reads

This is the Cupcakes of Closet!Dash fics

oh my god
i'm honored

i think i may be the only person on the internet who actually liked cupcakes

This is gold :twilightsmile:

Apart from minor copy-paste formatting issues, and one missing case of the word/letter 'a': flawless. This was amazing. People are ripping on it just because the Rainbow Dash in this fic is homosexual, or the story is sad, seriously?

This really needs a conclusion. It feels like it's missing a closure. Did she overdose, Or did she just pass out? Can this get any worse for her? (I believe it can) Scootaloo may be a filly, and while she admires Rainbow Dash, what if she has a (secret, obviously) interest in colts? How would this affect her opinion on Rainbow Dash?

Not every fic ending needs to be happy. But hopefully if you write another chapter (really hoping), you'll throw in one or two positive things. It can't all be depressing, right?

Added to comment.
And define "like". It was one of the earlier fics I read, and I found it to be a very competent gorefic as well as generating plenty of fandom and even more fun subversion (dark!subverting canon with Cupcakes and light!subverting Cupcakes). But as a story, it was crap and crappily written.
I vastly preferred Love.Sick



so i guess i'll be writing a second chapter then


iirc cupcakes was the story that made me want to write mlp fanfic
so i have a special place in my cold heart for it

Ooh, ouch. That was heavy emotionally. Poor, poor Dash. It seems rather grim to end it like this, but then I'm not really sure how it would get better, either. I'd read a second chapter if it came out, though.

In other news, this is really well written and your particular characterization of Dash was really good, I found (meaning the personality you defined her having was pretty consistent). I understand that she was pissed at Pinkie, but the whole time Dash just wanted someone to accept her, and then Pinkie did, and then Dash kind of blew up at her. Although I get how Dash was more angry at herself than anyone else and Pinkie just ended up being the target of her built up tension. As for Pinkie - I think she may have acted a bit more mature-ly. Instead of saying that she'd stick by Dash because she promised (which seems kind of arbitrary) it may have been better for her to say that she accepted Dash and that she was fine with her the way she was and that she didn't see anything wrong with it, particularly in front of her other friends. That probably would've eased Dash's downward spiral a bit, for someone not to think she's messed up and has to be "fixed". Although that's my totally subjective opinion, and I'm really only voicing it because I like happier endings. Or at least ones with a bit of optimism towards the future thrown in.

Anywho, my rambling aside, this was a very emotionally charged piece, and even though I don't think homophobia would really exist in a land of multi-coloured talking ponies, you put a real spin on what usually happens in fics like this. Nice job :pinkiehappy:


The fic did generate the intended emotions and sympathies and frustrations, so as an examination of this kind of scenario, it was solid. The problem is that even AU, these are not the characters to be presenting this lesson to us. The reason that so many closet!Dash fics exist is because this group feels "safe". It feel like any one of them could find acceptance with each other. And while the shipping this is used as a trope to facilitate is something I find as silly as you do, the outcome is in fact more reasonable based n canon than this version.

i think i told garbo802
or maybe it was anongladje
i don't remember
anyway i think i told somebody once
that i have an overpowering need to corrupt everything that is innocent and 'safe', as you said
although i get what you're saying
scrocket had the same complaint
about it being too far from the source material

What I'm saying is that you succeeded in telling a compelling story, but failed horribly in writing a believable fanfic.

to be fair
i wasn't really going for believable
although i tried to avoid making it so over the top
that it failed at being believable as a story, period
not just as a fanfic
but yeah
like i said
i get what you're saying

Interesting. The only inspiring thing I find about the fic is that is showed how massive an effect something can have on a fandom. If that's your inspiration in writing...:twilightoops:

i think i could have done better
with pinkie's characterization
she's trying to help
but doesn't know how
and she doesn't truly understand the concept
of being uncomfortable with someone
just because they're gay
not in the way the others do
it doesn't fit into her view of the world
so she can't treat dash's problem seriously
and ends up being completely ignorant
of why dash is so upset
but i think
i could have written it a lot better
if i really tried
and made her come off less childish
than she ended up


i love grimdark
i mean i like other styles
but i love grimdark


And I have angst aversion.

Yet we both like My Little Pony.

The Earth turns, man.

until it gets hit by a meteorite

my moral code is
if i want to do it
i do it
and if i don't want to do it
i don't do it

Jesus Christ that was depressing. I'm not even going to say it all in caps, I just feel so dead right now. I need to go fap.

of course not
i hate it when people do things i don't like
so i'm a hypocrite
and i'm not going to bother pretending otherwise
it's too much work

Every time I see a fic like this, I realize my collection is metal is too limited to adequately match the theme.

This is what I could find from my meager collection:

Arch Enemy - Idolatress, Fields of Desolation
At The Gates - Blinded by Fear, Cold, Nausea
Darkane - Killing of I
Dark Tranquillity - Format C: For Cortex, Am I 1?, My Negation
Disarmonia Mundi - Venom Leech and Hands in Rain
Insomnium - Decoherence
MyGrain - Downfall
Serpent - Clot
Soilwork - One With The Flies

Wow...just wow...I...I have little I can say about this story :fluttershyouch:

That was somewhat hard to read...no it was really hard to read. Not because of problems but because of the content. It hurt to read such issues and the reactions of the mane 6. That left a sour feeling in my stomach. Great, great story indeed.

One question though, did Dash overdoes at the end and kill herself?

Holy shiet. That was intense, damn... Oh, you write nice by the way. Shit.

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