• Published 16th May 2024
  • 410 Views, 7 Comments

Into the Dashieverse - Foal Star

Rainbow Dash accidentally gets thrown into an adventure with over versions of herself to save the multiverse

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Chapter One: Getting into some Zap Apple jam!

It was early one morning, and Rainbow Dash was slowly flying through the skies. A lot happened recently, with her being kidnapped by changelings and fighting and defeating the Storm King. But out of everything, she became a Wonderbolt…a Wonderbolt after years of work and toiling through all the challenges and heartache. She was now sailing through the skies, letting the wind hit her face. It felt like she had everything: good friends, a wonderful life, and a dream fulfilled. But something felt empty, the thrill…that part of her that desired the feeling of facing danger or doing some insane stunt, the risk and reward of pulling it off or crashing. Then the idea came to her: how about she wake up by doing a Sonic Rainboom? It's been a while since she did one, and it would feel good just to let out some steam! She then soared through the skies, and as she gathered speed, she felt energy surge through her as a massive explosion rippled behind her; she squeaked, seeing a rainbow tear in the sky. As she went through it, all around her was a beautiful plume of rainbow colors streaking around her as she was whipped through the skies and slammed down towards the ground and then as she broke through a bunch of trees, she skidded onto the ground, breaking her landing. Rainbow Dash then looked around seeing the dozens of apple trees around her. It didn’t take long to recognize she was in Sweet Apple Acres, recognizing the rows of apple trees, then she heard a loud Crack and turned to see a massive blue-coated stallion with a short rainbow mane and tail and wearing a cowcolt hat. Rainbow Dash eyed him as she first mistook him for Big Mac, but the coat color didn’t match; im fact other then being a bulky earthpony stallion he looked much like her. She then slowly trotted over and asked, “uh…hello?”

The stallion turned to face her, rather surprised, and said, “Uh, hello, mam. Are you lost?”

Rainbow Dash was taken aback, surprised somepony in Ponyville wouldn’t recognize her, then snapped back, “What, no! In fact, who are you, and what are you doing here!?”

The stallion tilted his hat with a smug grin and said, “I'm Zap Apple, and I've been helping the Apples run this farm since I was a colt. Now, how about you tell me what ya doin’ here? This here apple orchard is private property.”

“What are you talking about!? I come here to visit Applejack all the time?!”

The stallion scratched his mane, “Well if Applejack’s your friend, I’m sure I would’ve seen you by now?”

Rainbow Dash started getting scared and angry as she snapped, “I could care less if you know me or not! I'm going to go find her!”

She flew off, looking around the apple orchard, scanning for any sign of her best friend. Then she saw the orange-coated earth pony not far away, landing near her and waving a hoof. “Applejack!”

The mare looked over and eyed her as she stepped back. “Um, who are you?”

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks, her heart freezing in her chest. “Applejack, stop joining! Is this some kind of prank? Is that just Big Mac in disguise!?”

The stallion looked at her as if she were crazy and asked, “Um, no? And whose Big Mac?”

Rainbow was now starting to get scared, “no, wait! You have to be a Changeling!” she flew over and looked her over as Applejack scoffed, “I am no changeling! Now, what is with you!? If anypony is actin’ like a changeling, it's you!”

Rainbow Dash flew back and shouted, “I’m no changeling either! I'm Rainbow Dash, your best friend, and this isn’t funny anymore!”

She then heard something and saw the big blue earth pony coming over, looking stern as he said, “Applejack, has this pegasus given you any trouble?”

“No, she ain’t; she just seems confused.”

Then Rainbow Dash felt something similar when she caused a Rainboom. She turned to see the sky above and watched in awe as bipedal creatures emerged from it. Rainbow Dash recognized them instantly as the minions of the storm king. It wasn’t long before she heard screams from Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash didn’t take a second to think about what to do next as she, Applejack, and Zap Apple were rushing toward the town.

In the middle of Ponyville, the storm creatures were smashing homes and dragging scared ponies into the middle of the square as more poured through massive rainbow portals. They were now gathering the ponies, enslaving them in shackles as a blue-coated unicorn sporting silver armor and hoisting a flag bearing the emblem of a burning sun flying over him. His stone-cold glare looked among the ponies and shouted, “I am Captain Nimbus! This is but a taste for what is to come as you must be ready to welcome your new ruler of this Equestria Princess Day Breaker!”

The stallion slammed his flag into the ground as he removed his sword and poised. “Now kneel!”

Many of the ponies stood there, but most were forcibly placed onto their knees. Soon, most were doing it of their own free will, too scared, and then somepony shouted.

“Not if I can say anything about it!”

Then he turned to see Rainbow Dash slamming next to him, dirt flying everywhere, her eyes glaring as she shouted. “You will let these ponies be, or get ready to get your flank kicked!"

“Don’t forget about me!” the massive stallion she met early slammed next to her as he looked up, tilting the hat on his head, and said, “This pompous windbag needs to learn a lesson bout messin' with Ponyville."

The knight just scoffed as he held up a hoof and shouted, “These are your champions! Some peasant and this mare!" Lightning started to spark from his horn as he reared his head and then shouted, "Come then, let's see what you can do!"

Then, the rest of the creatures started to surround the two. Zap Apple then lowered his head and whispered, “I don't know you, but for now, we both wana to stop this crazy colt, so we work together to stop this, agreed?”

“Agreed,” Rainbow Dash replied, seeing she had no choice. Then one of the storm creatures attacked, and Zap Apple slammed her hooves into its face, sending it back smashing into one of his comrades while Rainbow Dash flew up, missing two as they collided into each other. Zap Apple then took out a lasso, tied one of them, and started to swirl him around, knocking a couple more as Rainbow Dash bucked and hit left and right, slamming one after the other as she circled around in circles like how Zap Apple was and their motions started to create a lightning storm zapping and knocking out the rest of Nimbus’ minions. Then the knight came forward as his eyes filled with lightning, and lightning started to shoot out of his horn. “Don’t think I will go down so easily as those fools!”

He was about to send a blast of lightning at Rainbow Dash as Zap Apple lassoed Rainbow Dash out of the way, then threw her up in the air and ran right at the knight as he bent his head, readying his horn this time, Zap Apple anticipated the lightning jump up and took his lassoed his muzzle then jumped over and slammed him down onto the ground. As the cowcolt got up, Nimbus was about to ram him with his horn, but then they heard a massive Boom! Everypony looked up in amazement as a rainboom appeared above them; a blast of rainbow enveloped the entire field, and the two blinked and looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing on top of the stallion as he struggled under her, shouting, “Unhoof me, you cur!”

“Such naughty language for a knight in Shining Armor!” as Zap Apple started to tie him up with the lasso, the storm creatures started to jump back through the rainbow-colored tear, and the stallion shouted but couldn’t as his minions fled, and the tear disappeared, Then, as the danger passed, many of the ponies around them started to clap and cheer. Just as six ponies came running into Ponyville, Rainbow turned to see she recognized most of them as her friends except for a red-coated pegasus with a straw-colored mane blinking in confusion as she groaned, “Aww, we missed all the fighting!? I wanted to show off a new trick!”

Rainbow Dash blinked, looking at the red pegasus with confusion. As she was about to say something, she felt queasy, and every muscle in her body seemed not to want to listen to her. As she began to lose her footing, the pegasus felt lightheaded and then fell backward, as she felt two massive hooves catch her before everything went dark.

Later that day, Rainbow Dash groaned as she lifted her head, trying to gauge where she was. Looking around, she saw a massive room filled with bookshelves, a trophy case, and some plowing equipment. Then she looked to her side to see a massive stallion sitting by her bed reading a book. He looked towards her and, with a sigh of relief, “You’re awake.”

She groaned, slamming back down, and said, “I was hoping that was all just some crazy dream.”

He came forward, wiped his forehead, and said, “You’re telling me the last few hours were nuts? The princesses came down, and they took that crazy stallion away to their dungeons. Meanwhile, I’m being praised as a hero despite trying to tell them if it weren’t for you and doing that sonic rainboom, I'd probably be dead.”

“Oh, stop! You saved my flank, and you deserve some praise. I'm starting to realize that this might not be my universe anyways.”

Zap Apple turned to her and said, “Twilight mentioned something like that while I took you over here. Especially what Applejack saying somthin' about knowing her, but she doesn't know you.”

Rainbow turned to see a bowl of soup and a mug of cider on the table. “Is that for me?”

“Yeah, it’s some cider, and Granny's cream and mushroom soup thought it could help.”

Rainbow got up and ate her food, which was okay, but she eagerly drank the mug of cider, enjoying every last bit of it. As she wiped her mouth, she then asked, “So, another universe? Ho…how did I come into another universe?”

Zap Apple sat down next to her bed and simply shrugged, “I can’t say for certain, that's something some egghead like Twilight will know.”

Rainbow Dash snickered. Seeing so much in her in this stallion made her want to know more about him, so she asked, “Alright? So why not tell me about your life? Why are you here in Ponyville?”

“Ah well, been born and raised here my whole life by to two pegasi no less; parents were quite surprised to birth an earth pony; nonetheless, they loved me, and I simply found I had a talent growing Zap Apples and been here helping the Apples farm ever since.”

“I see, so what about that red-coated pegasus? I don’t recognize her.”

“Oh, Candy Apple!? She’s quite a show mare. I've been trying to be a daredevil, going to fairs and performing ever since I knew her as a filly,” he then took a draught from his mug of cider as he chuckled, “She and her friends are the ones going out to save Equestria. I mainly just stay here and take care of the farm.”

Rainbow scoffed, seeing that if this stallion was anything like her, that wasn’t the only thing he does, and asked, “Oh, if you’re like me, you have bigger ambitions than that!”

“Well, I said I help out on the farm. My true passion is competeing in rodeos. Heck, I went to the big Rodeo in Canterlot last year and won nearly every blue ribbon!”

Rainbow sighed in relief, then said, “See there, that proves it! You’re me! Despite it, you’re like a Big Mac Rodeo star mixed with my personality!”

“I still don’t know who this Big Mac you’re talkin’ bout, but sure? So what about you? what ya do in your universe?”

Rainbow blushed a little as she started to talk about herself, “Me, well, I saved Equestria by turning Nightmare Moon into Luna, stopped Discord’s rampage, helped the Crystal Ponies and stop Sombra from returning, helped Twilight defeat Tirek, stopped the Storm King from taking over Equestria, and became a Wonderbolt!”

Zap Apple chuckled and said, “Is that all? You didn’t become a princess, too, and now you have a kingdom?”

Rainbow couldn’t help but snicker at Zap Apple’s sarcastic remark, then said, “No, my friend Twilight became a princess; I'm just a pegasus.”

The stallion rose, stretched his limbs, and replied, “Well, it seems we have some similarities, except you’re a hero, and I’m just a simple farmer.”

Rainbow felt a pang of regret, just lambasting her glory a little. She then trotted to the trophy case, admiring the dozen blue ribbons inside, and said. “Don’t sell yourself short; getting all those blue ribbons is quite an achievement. I bet you even gave all the prize money to help Ponyville?”

The stallion was surprised to hear this and asked, “How did you know?”

“My Applejack would’ve done the same; in fact, when she competed, she didn’t earn any blue ribbons at the Cantelot rodeo and tried to gain enough bits by working at a cherry farm.”

The stallion paused, and he couldn't help but chuckle and replied, “That’s funny, my Applejack did the exact same thing?”

They both paused for a second, and then they started laughing, and Rainbow Dash felt another pang in her chest thinking about her Applejack, Ponyville, and all her friends. She started to feel sad and depressed as she said, “But now I'm stuck in another universe, and I can't get home…" Rainbow Dash couldn't hold back, tearing up a little and crying, "I’m stuck here forever.”

Zap Apple slowly came over, and she looked up into those two big magenta-colored, caring looks in his eyes as he said, “Rainbow, listen, I don’t know you that well, but you saved my life and helped my Ponyville. The least I can do is help you get you home, and I promise that’s what I'll do.”

Rainbow felt in her heat. Zap wanted to help her, but the problem was he was just an earth pony. Feeling abit angry, she blurted, “But how!? I'm sorry, but you don't have magic powers, and you're not really smart, as you said! So how can you help me if you literally can't do anything!"

Zap Apple stepped back, clearly not really knowing how to respond as he stammered, “I’ll…I'll ask around; I'm sure somepony has to know how to get ya home, ok? I'll do research, ask Twilight, I'll beg the princesses if I have to. I promise I ain't gonna just leave you high and dry." Rainbow then started to stumble as Zap went by her, aiding the mare up on her hooves as he suggested, "You're still pretty beat from the fight; why don’t ya rest?”

The pegasus tried to get back up on all fours, wanting to support herself, but every muscle in her body was aching in pain, so she lay there against the big oaf and grumbled, “Fine…if I'm gonna be bedridden all day I might as well read, do you at least have some Daring Do books in this universe?”

The stallion laughed as he helped her to the bookshelf she had noticed before and then saw that it was completely filled with Daring Do books. “Help yourself.”

Rainbow got up, having enough strength to look through, chose a few titles she hadn't read before (or weren't written in her universe) and plopped them on the bedside table, looking forward to reading them all. She then gave one more look around the room and, with a confused look, asked, “Hey, if I'm using your bed, where will you sleep?”

The stallion pointed a hoof towards a sleeping bag with some pillows. “I’m comfy here.”

Rainbow was taken aback. It was a nice gesture, but this was Zap Apple’s room, and she did not feel comfortable stealing his bed. “No, I'll take the sleeping bag. You can sleep in your bed.”

The pegasus squeaked as the stallion laid her down and tucked her underneath some blankets like a filly, “Now stop your frettin’; you saved my life, and you get to sleep in my bed.”

The pegasus didn’t like this arrangement; seeing Zap Apple was way too nice for his good. In fact, he's been nothing but kind since they met, despite not knowing each other. Rainbow sighed, seeing a lot of the Apple's stubborn, kind nature in him, so fighting back would be like talking to a brick wall, so she relented. “Fine, but that just means I still owe you.”

“Well, if you're up for it, how about you help me with some chores tomorrow? That'll probably help keep your mind off things and pay me back abit while my friends find ya way home?”

“Fine, I've helped my Applejack buck apples before; it’ll be fun.” Rainbow yawned as she picked up a Daring Do book and started to read. She then spent the next few hours engrossed in the adventure of Daring Do trapped in the Underworld and having to explore a labyrinth full of traps and monsters! It was exciting, and she continued reading until her eyelids grew heavy. Then, she fell back on her pillow, dreaming of herself stuck in a labyrinth with Daring Do, searching for a way to get home.