• Published 10th May 2024
  • 552 Views, 28 Comments

Future Twilight Is a Bully - Bad Dragon

Future Twilight returns with more than just a warning.

  • ...

Tough Love

It was a good day packed with activities, and I managed to get a lot of things done, as is proper for the Princess of Friendship. I checked the checked checkBoxes on my checked checkLIst and neatly folded it in the ‘Done’ chest by my bed. It was time to sleep.

I lay in bed, rested my weary head on a book and closed my eyes. My consciousness slowly slipped away as I drifted deeper into slumber.

A joyful dream of friendship and harmony gained form and all my friends were there to greet me.

A flash of light disintegrated everypony into dust before my very eyes. Their screams of agony echoed in my ears. The dream violently ended, but the brightness remained. I could see it even with my eyes closed.

When the light faded, and I opened my eyes, a pony in a black furtight bodysuit dropped from mid-air on top of my bed. All four hooves surrounded me. “How could you!?!” she screamed at me.

“Wha…” I uttered.

“You lousy, good for nothing, tard!” A barrage of hoof slaps across my face interrupted the question on my tongue.

I’m known to be patient with ponies, but this mare crossed the line. “That does it, old hag, you chose to mess with the wrong pony! You should not trifle with an alicorn!” I charged my horn and let out an energy burst that could pierce a whole mountain.

With a mere blink of a horn, the ninja pony disintegrated my blast into nothingness. “Typical! You think you can just magic your way out of this ordeal, don’t you? No wonder you’re such a loser!”

Another blink of her horn later, I flew through the air, crashing into a wall. “Auch!” I pressed a hoof on the bruised head and glanced at the invader, “Who are you? What do you want with me?”

“How tardy can you get, tard?” The black figure yelled.

She used that word-base twice in a single sentence. I’m the only pony known to abuse it so much. I knew who she was. “You’re me. Did I mess something up?”

“The water bill, dummy! You forgot to pay it on this day! You didn’t even put it on your checkList!” She pointed to the chest by the bed.

“Oh, right!” I facehooved “How did that slip my mind? I’ll put the bill and the bits in my saddle bag right now, and I’ll pay it first thing in the morning.”

“You better, or future-me will return with a vengeance!”

“Before you go back to the future, tell me why you’re acting so hostile. I’ve never been this mean to anypony before.”

“I’m not mean to anypony. I’m just strict with myself, and that’s a good feature to have. It’s called self-discipline. You should try it sometime.”

“Still, I want to know what happens in my future/your past that forces me into going as far as to try changing the unchangeable timeline.”

“You really want to know?” She smirked at me. “Good, because I was going to tell you anyway. Those interests on the overdue water bill I had to pay decades ago are actually a minor inconvenience. I mostly just needed to vent to somepony. You see, some old Future Twilight popped up on me in the middle of the night! Can you imagine that? Of course you can’t. It’s unthinkable! Anyways, she said that I’ll develop vein problems in the future, and now I have to wear this clingy furtight bodysuit at all times so that my veins don’t expand. But it’s super tight and uncomfortable. It’s itchy and restraining. I feel like I’m constantly suffocating. It feels as if a hundred hooves are touching me without my consent, especially in the areas I don’t want to be touched. The abuse won’t stop no matter what I do. If I move away from the fondling, it opposes my movements, reminding me of my solitary confinement and my everlasting victimhood. Trapped in the tight bubble that disconnects me from the real world. Bound forevermore. I’m not even wearing this furtight bodysuit; it wears me! And with each passing moment, it wears out my mind and resolve more and more. The fabric doesn’t ask for my consent and doesn’t take no for an answer; it just assumes direct control over my freedom and keeps the rapy initiative. I’m exposed to bad touches all the time, but I can’t even take the damned clothes off because Future Twilight said she’ll beat the shit out of me if I try. I just want to get out of this enwrapping prison, but no amount of kicking and screaming can help me.”

“Well, I better enjoy the rest of my freedom before I meet your fate.”

Future Twilight put a hoof under her chin. “Now that I think about it, maybe there’s a way out for me. My future Twilight even hinted at this possibility.” Her horn glowed, “I could just help myself. And by I, I mean you. You can help me! You can help the future-self.” With half-closed eyes, she glanced in my direction. ”Speaking of future-self, I’ll be right back.”

At that moment, a bright light filled the room and another Future Twilight dropped in. “Okay, I’m back.” She saw the other Future Twilight. “Stupid wibbly wobbly, timey wimey chronology…” She dropped some black material on the floor. “It seems I’m a bit early.” Pointing a hoof at me she yelled, “Unlike you with paying our water bill, you tard!”

The previous Future Twilight also pointed a hoof at me and ordered, “Do everything Future Future Twilight tells you, or we’ll both come back to beat the shit out of you.” With that last warning, she disappeared in a flash.

I sighed with relief but quickly caught a piercing stare from the other Future Twilight.

“That was very disrespectful of you toward yourself. You shouldn’t bring yourself down like that.”

“Sorry about my lapsus. I don’t usually exhibit such a self-defeating attitude.” With a lowered head, I said, “I’ll pay the water bill, I promise.”

“I’m not here for that.” She kicked over the black fabric brought from the future. “I had Rarity make two smaller versions of what I have to wear. I even had her add two rubber socks to cover your face, just to be sure. I told Rarity that they need to be super durable so that I don’t have to come back every time you brush against something sharp. We all know how clumsy you can get. Rarity is old in my time and needed two weeks to complete the task. Supposedly, some materials need to be ordered moons in advance, but I didn’t want to wait so I told her to just work with what’s available. She warned me that she’d have to use the uncomfortable itchy material to adhere to all my specifications and that only a filly would be able to fit inside, but I didn’t mind. It’s your problem now, anyway.”

“Why is it my problem? You’re the one who was ordered to wear a furtight bodysuit!” I protested.

Future Twilight sighed. “I shouldn’t be forced to wear anything, especially not these stupid clothes.” She kicked herself in the other leather-wrapped leg. “It’s not fair! But I’ll make it fair for myself and regain my freedom. All that‘s needed is some self-discipline.”

“But the old Future Twilight ordered you to prevent her vein problems, not me!” I insisted.

“She did, but I was wronged. How can you not see how super unfair this is to me? No, of course you can’t, oblivious tard. You can’t even see an unpaid bill.” She waved a hoof in dismissal. ”Anyways, I have a solution. I figured that if you wear a tighter version of what I’m wearing, and a pair of them, at that, I might be allowed to take mine off. And that’s how I’ll get my own old Future Twilight off my back.”

I wasn’t about to just take the brunt assault of that one-sided argument of hers. “If you think I’m going to even touch these rubber-torture wrappings, you have another thing coming…”

A blast of light engulfed me. “And this is a paralysis spell against which you tard haven’t developed a defense yet. Now let’s get this stupid fabric on you. Once I do, you won’t be able to take it off even if you try. And if you do try, I’ll make it a daily routine to come to the moment you disobey me and we Twilights will beat the shit out of you and make you wear yet another layer every time you defy us.” She stopped wrapping my motionless body for a moment, “You know, this could probably have been avoided if the younger you wouldn’t walk nacked around all the time. But what can you do… It’s not like you could change the past, right?” She proceeded to enwrap me with the entrapping fabric.

Author's Note:


Comments ( 28 )

“She did, but I was wronged. How can you not see how super unfair this is to me? No, of course you can’t, oblivious tard. You can’t even see an unpaid bill.”

That's absolutely, positively, 100%..

The single most sickest roast I've ever heard :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

11900715 It's also the most out-of-touch roast. She presents herself as a victim, not realizing that she's being the exact abuser she complains about at that very moment.

I recall reading this a while ago and it's as funny and confusing as I remember.

Kinda wish you'd have expanded the ending a little bit since then though (at least kept it going until Future Twilight goes back to her time period after wrapping up her past self, who's then left alone to try — and fail — to deal with her constrictive predicament and realize that, for all that her future self was mean about it, she certainly wasn't understating how unbearable it was).

11900797 If you want the continuation of the story, just read from the start but from the perspective of Future Twilight who's trying to deal with her predicament while bitching about what Future Twilight did to her.

Is this story really as confusing as you say it is?

11900859 Having Future Future Twilight pop in on Future Twilight probably doesn't help.

But the thing is, confusing stuff happening is the point of the story. Imagine you going to sleep, just for the older version of you crashing on top of you and start busting your balls. You'd be confused as well.



It seems like the comment you received is a string of random characters and emojis. This could be a case of “keyboard smashing,” which is when someone types out a random sequence of characters, often out of frustration or to express an emotion that words can’t quite capture. The emojis included might be an attempt to add a playful or whimsical touch to the message.

This comment doesn’t make sense in the context of your story. It’s possible that it was left by someone just having a bit of fun or by a bot.

No I left it for fun because I’m bored and have nothing better to do this Friday night than lurk around this site that saw its heyday in 2012 lol.

I am a real person like you.

I mean, unlike with the stable time loop of "It's About Time", here Future Twilight's changing the past by successfully reminding Twilight about her unpaid water bill (and it getting paid retroactively nullifies the reason for the warning, thus creating a grandfather's paradox), not to mention how she got put into her bodysuit by another older Future(r) Twilight who sought to remedy to her vein problems, so she decided to try and avoid it by making it her younger self's problem instead (and put her in a worse predicament with a set of even more restrictive and uncomfortable garments, so the time loop is clearly not stable here).

11900936 I'm glad you managed to find some entertainment, a real person.

11900977 The history may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

¡2 weeks! ¡That is an whole fortnight!

I suspect that some of your uses of tart (prostitute) should be 'tard (retard).

Schools should teach foals to wear CompressionStalkings. They instead tell foals to get up hourly —— ¡I have to stand 12 hours daily! ¡I developed varicose veins from standing 12 hours, which progresses to veinous ulcers requiring surgery for removing the damaged veins! As somepony who has to stand 12 hours daily, I have no sympathy for white-collar workers who get to work sitting who forget to stand every hour and die from heart-disease.


Indeed, this time-loop is unstable; if we follow the path of causality through the loops, I suspect that it will change every iteration. Eakin wrote a story about the origin of the stable time-loop of "it's about Time":

Twilight tries to return to the past and warn herself of Tirek's escape
Eakin · 1.5k words  ·  524  22 · 7k views

Initially, no time-loop existed. Twilight Sparkle had to make a change to the past for preventing a catastrophe. The temporal interdiction lead to time-loops which converged onto a stable time-loop. It solves the problem of a predestination-paradox nicely.

¡2 weeks! ¡That is an whole fortnight!

Sawing is a whole science of its own. The way you cut the pieces and the stitches you have to choose to saw them back together. I have a respect for the tailors. I still hate Rarity, though.

I suspect that some of your uses of tart (prostitute) should be 'tard (retard).

I was going for tardy.

After the expected or usual time; delayed
"tardy children are sent to the principal"; "always tardy in making dental appointments"

Schools should teach foals to wear CompressionStalkings.

When AI takes over, everyone will be forced to wear skintight clothing because it will be easier to mass produce.

They instead tell foals to get up hourly

Nobody ever cared enough to even tell me that.

—— ¡I have to stand 12 hours daily! ¡I developed varicose veins from standing 12 hours, which progresses to veinous ulcers requiring surgery for removing the damaged veins! As somepony who has to stand 12 hours daily, I have no sympathy for white-collar workers who get to work sitting who forget to stand every hour and die from heart-disease.

At least I know how I'll die.

Though, I do stand up quite often for various reasons.

Indeed, this time-loop is unstable; if we follow the path of causality through the loops, I suspect that it will change every iteration. Eakin wrote a story about the origin of the stable time-loop of "it's about Time":

That was actually my headcanon, even though I didn't read about self-stabilizing time loops yet.

I could have made the story with a fixed time loop, but that would make Twilight look too dense for not recognizing the very time loop she'd been exposed to.

Initially, no time-loop existed. Twilight Sparkle had to make a change to the past for preventing a catastrophe. The temporal interdiction lead to time-loops which converged onto a stable time-loop. It solves the problem of a predestination-paradox nicely.

An idea I had was also a progressive time loop where Twilight visits the younger and younger self so many times that she ends up waiting to be born with a latex cocoon in her hooves. That's another reason why I didn't settle for the first-shot stable time loop at the get-go.

11901953, my friend. Can I ask you for a favor?

The deadline for the writing competition is in a day. I can't put this story into the contest folder because I'm banned from the group, for some reason. I also can't contact the organizer because I'm blocked, for some reason.

I've tried to contact other judges, but they either have me blocked or haven't been online for a long time.

Can you please add this story to this folder:
for me?

I'll owe you one.


If we assume that initial conditions are random, cause-&-effect exist, and time-travel is possible, going to the past should have 2 results:

  • A simple change without a time-loop (one kills one's grandfather, returns to the future finds that one never existed, but that a stranger killed the man who was one's grandfather in the past).
  • An unstable time-loop (the initial modification leads to more modifications, but things change each iteration).

In the latter case, the time-loop might break, change chaotically forever, enter a grand cycle, repeating itself every x-number of loops, or settle into a stable time-loop. If it settles into a stable time-loop, one might be confused because everything seems predetermined.

I added your story to the folder.

11902233 You know your chronology well.

And thanks for adding the story. I don't have much hope though, given that I'm banned from the group and blocked by half of the judges. Still, I'll let myself be surprised.

Edit: I did, indeed, get surprised. Very negatively.

Apparently, I as a person (and not my story in any way) am in violation of some arbitrary personal policies of the contest founder:

I could have written the best story the world has ever seen, and I'd still get disqualified just for existing.

It's funny since I'm not even on das List:

Walabio #17 · 3 weeks ago · · 1 ·


¿Do you remember we conversed about how some young UniversityStudents, not knowing how society works, try to silence fascists without understanding that they give fascists weapons to use against them (if the fascists gain power, they can cancel the UniversityStudents —— ¡hoist them by their own petards! The solution is the Archie Bunker:

Archie would says something racist and Michæl (the son-in-law) debunks.

The fascists took the high ground by decrying CancelCulture while censoring libraries, which is rather hypocritical.

The solution is to counter the propaganda of the fascists ArchieBunkerStyle and not censor libraries.

John Oliver on "Last Week Tonight" takes on censorship of public libraries:

1 of the biggest organizations in the business of censoring libraries is Moms for Liberty —— ¡they are illiberal! They are in have a scandal:

They are supposed to be against premarital sex and sex outside of marriage, but their President and her husband turned out to be swingers. This came out when of the SwingPartners did not feel like sex and the husband of the President of MFL raped her.

Since we both like Dust, I found this:

1 of the 1st comments demonstrates FreeDumb:

We have a saying:

"Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose."

A commenter states that being asked to not spread disease is like burning books. by that logic, we should release all of the rapists and murderers because locking them up tramples on their freedom:


"¿Why is mine house ablaze?"


"Because we released an arsonist."


"¿Why did you do that?"


"Because incarsonating her constrained her freedom to burn whatever she wants."

¿Do you remember that I never started using addictive substances because I do not wish to become addicted? Dust have another reason not to use addictive substances:

¡I am a Goody-2-Shoes!:

11902993 My view is quite simple. Truth is factually not a lie. If you release everything into the open, truth will eventually find its way on top.

The moment you have some organization combating misinformation, manipulation starts and truth suffers.

Walabio #19 · 3 weeks ago · · 1 ·


Truth is truth. As skeptics, we can combat misinformation by stating the truth.

11903099 Indeed, it's best to let people sort it out. Those deserving of the truth will get to it.


I just remembered a video about InnerSpeech stating that most InnerSpeech is abusive:

Timecode To The Segment

That reminds me about how the future Twilights, rather than suggesting to past Twilights to please use CompressionStalkings; instead, abuse Past Twilights in your story.

Also, the video states that some people do not have an InnerVoice. ¡That is as weird as coming across a sighted person without visual imagination! ⸘Can you even visually imagine a sighted person without visual imagination‽


I just remembered a video about InnerSpeech stating that most InnerSpeech is abusive:

That reminds me about how the future Twilights, rather than suggesting to past Twilights to please use CompressionStalkings; instead, abuse Past Twilights in your story.

It would make sense in the sense of this story. Future Twilight doesn't talk to Twilight like she talks to other ponies. She talks to her with 'innerSpeech'

Also, the video states that some people do not have an InnerVoice.

Actually, I don't really have personal innerSpeech. My mind is like stories. It's a simulation of either reality or a conceptual worlds. Sometimes it's like playing chess and sometimes it's like a dialogue between characters.

¡That is as weird as coming across a sighted person without visual imagination! ⸘Can you even visually imagine a sighted person without visual imagination‽



I remembered your Aphantasia. It was a private joke between us. FiM did an whole episode about a private joke:

S05E22, "¿What about Discord?", ——, Neal Dusedau, 2015-11-07

11911419 Your insinuation was quite on the nose, but I didn't make the connection that it's sarcasm and a private joke. I must be getting old.


We all get old. Unfortunately, gradients even out. Thus is life:

Eyes Do More Than See
Isaac Asimov

The Last Question
Isaac Asimov

11911455 We have successfully managed to scan a portion of the brain. With that, it could also be simulated. In the simulation, you could live eternally without aging. Alas, you would need a nuclear power plant to run the simulation.

We have the technology for immortality, it's just that no human is worth preserving.


⸘Eternally‽ ¡No! Even CelestAI must die:

EMemory of Forever
CelestAI did an optimal job managing the matter and energy of the universe for all her little ponies, giving them incomprehensible satisfaction. Yet entropy remained, and sooner or later Equestria Online would finally run down.
Starscribe · 12k words  ·  186  18 · 1.9k views

11911474 I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about the Universe's end.

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