• Published 14th May 2024
  • 231 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10 - BrandonTheBronyPony

A fanmade Season 10 of MLP: FiM

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Episode 1: A New Beginning

Author's Note:

Note: This is an idea that retcons both The Last Problem and G5, and pretends as if those never existed, and just continues FiM from the Coronation.

It was a normal day in the city of Canterlot. Princess Twilight had been ruling over Equestria for 6 months. But something felt… off. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. Maybe it was something with her guards? No, that couldn’t be it. Maybe it was the bakers doing something a bit off? No, that wasn’t it either.

Whatever it was, she felt as though something was… missing.

Twilight had just finished meeting with the delegates from another kingdom, and had waved them off.

“I hope everything goes well for your kingdom!” Twilight said in happy tone, then her happiness quickly turned to sadness, as she sighed sadly.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked.

Twilight looked over to her royal advisor, Spike the Dragon.

“It’s nothing, Spike. Really.” Twilight said.

“Don’t give me that. In the entire time I’ve known you, which is my entire life, I think I’m pretty certain I know when something is bothering you. So… spill the beans, Sparkle.” Spike said.

Twilight looked at him, before giving a sad sigh. “It’s just… I feel like… like something is missing. Like something really important is missing from my life…”

“And that is?” Spike asked.

“That’s just it… That’s what I’m trying to figure out… I’ve been ruling for 6 months here in Canterlot, and I have everything… But I still feel… empty.” Twilight said.

“Well… have you talked to your friends from Ponyville in those 6 months?” Spike asked her.

“I… Wait a minute, Spike. What did you just say?” Twilight asked him.

“I said, have you talked to your friends from Pony-”

Twilight cut him off by levitating him in the air, causing him to yelp, “WHOA!!!”

“That’s it!!! That’s it!!! That’s what’s missing!!! I just miss my Ponyville friends!!! I must be… homesick.” Twilight said the last part somberly.

Theme Song (Season 9) | MLP: FiM [HD]

“Well, you are the ruler now… Why don’t you just decree Ponyville as the new capitol of Equestria and rule from there?” Spike asked.

“Are you crazy, Spike?! I can’t do that! I mean, with me being ruler and all, i suppose I could, but do you know how much outrage that would cause among everycreature?!” Twilight asked.

“It was just a suggestion, sheesh… I was only trying to help…” Spike said.

“I know, and you’ve been a wonderful help. I just might need to find another way to cure this homesickness. I’ll do something about this if it kills me.” Twilight said.

“I’ve got it!!!” Twilight said.

Twilight then decided to head out to the Balcony, as she spoke using the Royal Canterlot voice, “ATTENTION PONIES OF CANTERLOT!”

The ponies of Canterlot then looked up at their princess, and wondered what the announcement could be all about.

“Sorry for the Royal Canterlot voice, but I just want to say one thing… I’d like all of you to try and make Canterlot feel as much like Ponyville as possible! It’s your job to work together to decorate the city to try and cure me of my homesickness!” Twilight said. “If it’s okay with you all of course!” She giggled nervously.

“Anything for you princess!” One mare called out.

“Let’s make this place feel like Ponyville!!! YEAH!!!” Another pony cheered, and the crowd began cheering wildly.

“Potential cure of homesickness, check. Time to make a checklist of everything that needs to be done. Spike, can you help me with that, please?” Twilight asked. “Spike? Spike! Where are you?!”

Spike then ran inside. “Sorry, I’m here! What is it that you needed?”

Twilight groaned, rolling her eyes, “Make a checklist for all the things that you think I’ll need to make Canterlot feel like Ponyville!”

“Yes Ma’am!” He said, and began writing a checklist immediately.

“Time to see what everypony can do!” Twilight said with a smirk.

After a while, Canterlot began to resemble very close to Ponyville, the houses, the dirt roads, and even the Castle was painted to look like the Castle of Friendship, though badly.

Twilight came out and saw how everypony did.

“Wow! I’m impressed everypony! You all did great at making this feel like Ponyville!” Twilight said.

“You even got Carousel Boutique! Well, sort of… And Sugarcube corner looks halfway decent…” She said.

Spike then ran towards Twilight, “Twilight, guess what?!”

“What is it, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“I sent a letter to our friends, and they’re on their way here now!” He said.

“You what?!” Twilight asked in shock. “S-Spike, you didn’t need to do that, really!”

“Too late, they should be arriving any minute now!” Spike said.

Before Twilight could answer, she heard a familiar southern voice say, “Howdy Twilight!”

“HEY TWILIGHT!!!” Pinkie said, bouncing.

“Sup Twi!” Rainbow said.

“Hello, Darling.” Rarity said.

“Hello Twilight.” Fluttershy said.

“Girls… I’m so happy to see you all!” Twilight said, tears in her eyes.

“It’s only been like… 6 months.” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack then elbowed Rainbow.

“Oww!! Hey!!” Rainbow said.

“She means she’s happy to see you too, Twi.” Applejack said, “We all are.”

“Right, of course, heheh.” Rainbow said.

“We should totally throw a “I can’t believe we haven’t seen each other in 6 months but I’m so happy we’re reunited again” party!!!” Pinkie said, then fired off her party cannon, “WOOOOO!!!!!!”

“Alright, Pinkie. But… There’s something I have to tell you all.” Twilight said.

“Go ahead, Darling. We’re all ears.” Rarity said.

“Well… you see… I’ve been sort of… feeling… homesick.” She said.

They all gasped.

“Yes, it’s true… I felt like something was missing… And I realized… I miss Ponyville… So I wanted to make Canterlot feel like home… But… if I’m being honest… it… It really isn’t the same…” Twilight said.

“Darling, why don’t you just move back to Ponyville and rule from there? Being the ruler, you have that right!” Rarity said.

“That’s the exact same thing Spike recommended me to do, and… I don’t know! I’m just so conflicted!!! I… I… AGH!!!” She teleported off.

“Was it something I said?” Rarity asked.

“Ah think we all need to give Twilight some time to cool down, y’all. After all, it’s her decision what she wants to do, and we can’t force her to move back to Ponyville, even if we really want her to.

“We do?” Pinkie asked, “Ohhh, yeah! We definitely do!”

“I’d better go see if she’s okay.” Spike said, heading to where he thought Twilight would be.

Spike knocked on Twilight’s door. “Twiliiight?”

“Go away!!!” Twilight said through a pillow.

“You can’t stay in there all day, you know!” Spike said.

“Yes I can, and I will!” Twilight said.

Spike then turned the doorknob, and slowly opened the door.

“Look. I know it’s hard being homesick, and I know you’re conflicted, but making tough decisions is a part of being ruler of Equestria. I’m sure Celestia had to make tough decisions all the time.” Spike said.

Twilight then sat up, “Yes, but those decisions probably didn’t require ruling from a different place! Canterlot has been the capitol of Equestria for several millennia Spike! I can’t just change it without getting ponies angry! I know I want to go back home, but I have to keep my fellow ponies happy.” Twilight said.
“It sounds like you’re just wanting to do what makes your subjects happy, and not doing what you feel is right. I’m sure the ponies would understand, Twilight. Change is healthy. Sometimes things need to change, they can’t stay the same forever.” Spike said.

Twilight sighed, “You’re right Spike… But… What if they reject me as their ruler after that?”

“They won’t, trust me.” Spike said.

“Alright. I trust you.” Twilight said.

Twilight then took a deep breath, heading out to the Balcony, and using her royal canterlot vice again, “ATTENTION PONIES OF CANTERLOT!”

Twilight cleared her throat, “Ahem. I have an important announcement to make. It’s an announcement that will change Equestria forever.”

The crowd looked on, curious.

“Huh? Twilight’s up there!” Rainbow said.

“Whatever could she be announcing?” Rarity asked.

Twilight then began to speak, “I am making a new decree for Equestria. That Ponyville will be the new capitol of Equestria, and I will continue my rule… From Ponyville. With my friends.”

The crowd then began to cheer.

“Wow… I… wasn’t expecting that reaction…” Twilight said.

“See? I told you everything would be fine!” Spike said.

“I will be taking the first train to Ponyville tomorrow morning, and all my guards are expected to follow me there. I will be packing my bags tomorrow morning, so if you have any business with me or my royal advisor, today is the time to do it. That is all.” She said.

She then teleported away, to where her friends were.

Her friends began cheering for her.

“GROUP HUG!!!” Pinkie said, hugging Twilight and all her other friends.

“We’re so happy you’re moving back to Ponyville Twilight, but… why the sudden change?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, you see… Spike convinced me that making tough decisions is a part of being a ruler, and he’s right. I have to put my hoof down. I miss Ponyville, and I should have known that I just couldn’t stay away from it.” Twilight said.

“Well we’re glad to have ya back, Twi!” Rainbow said.

“I can’t wait to throw you a Welcome BACK to Ponyville Party!!! Who knew you’d only last 6 months in Canterlot?!” Pinkie asked.

“Now now Pinkie Pie, be nice. Ah’m sure she didn’t anticipate this happenin’.” Applejack said.

“Applejack’s right. I didn’t at all. I never thought I’d grow to miss Ponyville so much… But after leaving it, I felt sad… I had grown to accept it as my new home, and having to leave it so suddenly was harder than you could ever imagine…” Twilight said.

“We know.” Rainbow said.

“What about Starlight, darling? Will she still be Headmare of your school, or will you be reinstating yourself as Headmare?” Rarity asked.

“Starlight will remain as Headmare. I’ll be far too busy with royal duties to think about running a school again. But I’ll still be sure to make time for my best friends.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Well, it’s getting pretty late, Twi. i reckon you’ll need to be lowerin’ the sun soon, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah… Good catch, Applejack. I’ll do that in a bit. After all, we’ll all need to get up bright and early to catch the train to Ponyville tomorrow.” Twilight said.

Several hours pass, and Twilight has lowered the sun, and has gone to bed, and is sleeping peacefully.

The next morning arrived, and Twilight woke up, stretching, and yawning. “Aahhh… Good morning Spike…” She said.

She then smelled Pancakes. “Huh? Are those pancakes I smell?”

She then trotted down to the kitchen, and saw Spike making Pancakes, and fighting with the bakers.

“These pancakes NEED to be perfect for Princess Twilight’s last day, got it?!” Spike asked angrily, then saw Twilight, “Oh, hey Twilight!” He said nervously.

“Spike, ease up on the bakers, would you?” She yawned, “Those pancakes do smell delicious though.”

She then sat down at the table, as Spike served Twilight her pancakes.

“Your pancakes are served. Bon Appetit.” Spike said.

“Oh Spike, you’re such a silly goof. But thank you.” Twilight said, and began eating.

“Mmm, these are delicious!”

She then glanced at the clock, “Oh sweet Celestia!!! The train leaves in 10 minutes!!! Come on Spike, we have to get moving and fast!!!” She said, levitating Spike onto her back and running out of the castle, after making sure to grab her belongings.

She made it to the train station just in the knick of time, and saw her friends there waiting.

“You know you could have just teleported right?” Spike asked.

“Ohhh, right. Hehe…” Twilight laughed nervously.

“Bright and early was it?” Applejack asked jokingly.

“Hush!” Twilight said, her mane clearly frizzed.

“All aboard for Ponyville!!!” The Train Conductor said.

“That’s us!” Fluttershy said, as they all got on board.

As they took their seats, they heard a flash sound, and Discord appeared.

“Well well well, if it isn’t Princess Book pony herself! I see that you’re moving back to Ponyville i presume?” Discord asked jokingly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Yes Discord… do you have a ticket?”

Discord laughed, “Ahaha!!! Ticket? Between you and me, I’ve been getting free rides for years, I like to sneak on when nopony is looking… But that’s just a lil old Discord secret!”

“Of course…” Rainbow said.

“What do you want Discord?” Twilight asked.

“Well, honestly, I thought you’d be more welcoming to me after I turned those three villains to stone, and saved the day! Seriously, no one appreciates me anymore… Such blasphemy I tell you.” Discord said.

“Discord, I promise we’ll have our Tuesday teas, and if you leave Twilight be for now, I promise I’ll show you how much i appreciate you.” Fluttershy said.

“Ohhh, Fluttershy… Ohh, alright. Tata for now Everypony!” Discord said, snapping his fingers as he disappeared.

“Sorry about him, girls… I told him not to do that, but… he just doesn’t seem to listen…” Fluttershy said with a sigh.

“It’s alright Fluttershy. It’s just Discord being… well, Discord.” Twilight said.

They then made it back to Ponyville, and they got off.

“Wow. I can’t believe I’m finally back… home.” Twilight said in relief.

“Just know yer always welcome here, Sugarcube. Course, now you’ll be livin’ here again.” Applejack said.

“Ohh Twilight, you and I simply MUST stop by the spa to celebrate!” Rarity said.

“Not before her Welcome back to Ponyville party!!!” Pinkie said, firing off her party cannon again.

“Yes girls, there’s so much I’d like to do with you all to celebrate, and i’m willing to do it all. But remember that I also have royal duties.” Twilight said.

Starlight came up to Twilight, waving to her. “Twilight! Spike sent me a letter telling me you were moving back here? Tell me it isn’t a prank?”

“No Starlight, it isn’t a prank. I’m really moving back. But you can still be the Headmare, so don’t worry.” Twilight said.

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to reinstate yourself.” Starlight said.

“No, I’m far too busy with Royal Duties. And besides, I have full trust in you. I picked you for a reason.” Twilight said.

“Riiight… and I promise I won’t disappoint you, Twi! We’ve actually gotten a major influx of new students since I’ve been Headmare actually!” Starlight said.

“That’s great!” Twilight said.

Twilight’s guards were next to her, and were following her to her old castle.

“Right this way, guards.” Twilight said, leading them to the Castle of Friendship.

“Right behind you, your highness.” One of the guards said.

“Don’t we get to have any fun?!” Rainbow whined.

“Patience, Rainbow Dash. Everything will come in due time. I promise I’ll spend time with you all.” Twilight said.

They then came to the Castle of Friendship, where Twilight admired the sight of her old castle, feeling glad to be home after 6 months.

“It feels good to be home after 6 months… It almost feels like I never left, haha.” Twilight chuckled to herself.

“Come on Spike!” Twilight said.

“Coming!” Spike said.

Twilight set her things down in her throne room, and admired seeing the map table again.

“The old map table… Sure brings back memories…” Twilight sighed.

Meanwhile, with Mayor Mare…

Mayor Mare got on the podium to make an announcement, “Attention Everypony!!! May i have your attention, please? Thank you. It has come to my attention that Princess Twilight is now living here once more! But that’s not all! We’ve officially been made the capitol of Equestria!”

Apple Bloom was standing next to Granny Smith, whose jaw was wide with shock.

“Betcha never expected this, eh Granny?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Certainly not in my younger days would I have ever seen this comin’!” Granny Smith said. “But it makes me proud as a prickly pear!”

“Yay!!! Twilight’s back!!! WOOHOO!!!” Scootaloo cheered.

“And we have one more thing. A speech from Princess Twilight herself! Please welcome.. The Princess of Friendship!” Mayor Mare said.

“Umm… she should be here any minute!” Mayor Mare said, when she didn’t show up.

Suddenly, without warning, Twilight telported onto the podium.

“Sorry I’m late everypony! I’m here, I’m here!” She then cleared her throat, “Ahem. For my speech… I just wanted to say how grateful I am to be back in Ponyville. Ever since I was sent here by Princess Celestia all those years ago, I came to welcome this place as home… And when I had to leave it, I was heartbroken… Truth be told, I really didn’t want to leave my friends… And I realize now, that this is my true home, and where I truly belong. I hope that I can create new memories here with all of you, My Little Ponies! Thank you!”

The crowd then cheered for her.

“Thank you everypony!” Twilight said.

“Now, let us follow Princess Twilight’s example, and continue to be the friendliest place in Equestria!” Mayor Mare said.

Ex-Princess Celestia then teleported to Princess Twilight.

“Princess-erm, I mean, Celestia? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked her.

“I just wanted to say how proud of you I am, Twilight. You made the decision to rule from Ponyville, despite it being a hard one, but you followed the example of a true leader by doing in your heart what you think is right.” Celestia said.

“Well… I learned from the best!” Twilight said.

“Indeed, and I will continue to offer guidance whenever you may require it. Even though i’m retired, I’m more than happy to offer my guidance to you, Princess Twilight.” Princess Celestia said.

“Thank you Celestia. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Twilight said, hugging her, as she returned the hug.

“You’re welcome, Princess Twilight. I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish.” Celestia said.

“Yo Twilight! Your Welcome Back Party is starting!!!” Rainbow called out.

“You have a party to get to, go on.” Celestia said.

“Thank you… for everything.” Twilight said.

“No, thank YOU.” Celestia said.

Twilight then headed to the Castle of Friendship, for her party, and the party continued through the night, and Twilight was ready to be back in her true home.

End Credits

Comments ( 4 )

Hmmm. This looks promising! Also I agree that the last problem AND ESPECIALLY gen 5 are a different time line.

That is so wholesome yet adorable! I love it! This story has a lot of promise here!

Pretty cute start and Spike had great advice.

Since this is continuing from the show, I wonder if some stuff is gonna be addressed.
Such as how Spike was include in the show's final rainbow laser, like is he a Element Bearer now.
And some issues such as what Beginning Of The End did to Spike?

I hope to see some great adventures here, whether they be Sparity, the Mane 6, the CMC or some of the side characters, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

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