• Published 9th May 2024
  • 143 Views, 21 Comments

Captain Underpants and The Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow - Big Imagination E

George and Harold were about to take Lyra and Bon Bon out for their anniversary but have to stop Cozy Glow first.

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Chapter 9: Melvin's Reformation

Meanwhile with Melvin he was fighting his future self and tried blasting him with his crystal laser but dodged. Then Melvinborg tried blasting him with his own laser cannon but he dodged too. Melvin ran to the cyborg and punched him in the face and Melvinborg did the same. Then they engaged in a punch like war and they both fell to the ground with Melvinborg in his face and all pissed off.

"Give it up weakling!! You are nothing without intelligence! Even if you did try to make some friends they would just leave you anyway!!" Melvinborg yelled.

"NO!! I'm not letting you ruin George and Harold's lives!! I might have tried doing that in the past but this isn't how I want it anymore!" Melvin shouted. "I refuse to be the monster you are right now! Because they managed to help me realize what friendship is. It's magic scumbag!!"

"Ha! You really think that friendship is magic now all of a sudden? You never have friends! You never had and you never will! So stop wasting your time and join back with me! That way we can take over the world and change the future of George and Harold!" Melvinborg threatened.

"No!" Melvin yelled.

"Fine! You don't wanna take over the world and gain what's yours? Then you might as well suffer! With no friends and no lover!!" Melvinborg said.

That made Melvin's blood boil as he ran so fast and tackled him that they we're flying to where the ponies were. With them, Mr Meaner, Ms Ribble and Captain Underpants they were still fighting Cozy and she was gaining the upper hand. But then Melvinborg crashed into her and slammed her into a wall which did some more damage on the helmet. Then they both got up.

"Grr. You really think that you can stop me? You worthless weak, little animal! Why rely on them when they have defeated you many times in the future?" Melvinborg said as he grabbed Melvin. "Look at this. All the villains that George and Harold made over the years are now destroying Ponyville. And before you know it Cozy will be ruler and we can do whatever we want. So join us or you will watch them suffer."

At this point Melvin didn't know what to do. But luckily something hit Melvinborg in the back of his head and released his grip on him. Turns out that George and Harold were the ones that freed him. Then he crashed into Cozy again and hurt her body more. And then suddenly a huge rain of sticky glue came on them and they were trapped.

"Uck! Is this glue?! Gross! But even with us trapped in here you're still no match for my army!! Villains assemble!!" Cozy yelled as she used the helmet to bring them here.

Then suddenly one by one they see all the villains surrounding them with evil grins. And then they faced Cozy Glow and Melvinborg once more.

"Face it heroes! You might have trapped us in glue but we still have the upper hand! And Melvin? I know what it feels like to be locked up in Tartarus for a long time. So I'm offering you this. Either you free us from this crazy glue and destroy the ponies so you can have everything, or you can suffer in pain and watch everything crumble to the ground as these villains destroy everything." Cozy said.

Melvin gulped nervously at this. “You honestly wouldn’t.”

“Oh, we would…” Melvinborg said with a sneer. “Now… either you free us or they’re not the only ones getting hurt.

Melvin's ears pinned at this, and he let out a growl.

This was the most difficult choice he would ever have to make in his life... so what was he supposed to do now?

"Don't give in Melvin! You wanted to change and put your past behind you! Don't listen to what these clowns have to say!" Pinkie begged.

Melvin needed a choice now. Then suddenly he formed a little plan in his mind and smirked at the two. "You know what? You wanted to change the future? Then I'll let you go."

Everyone gasped hearing what Melvin said and Melvinborg smirked an evil grin and when he was about to take his hand.....Melvin swatted it away and hit him in the eye as he yelled in pain surprising everyone.

"PSYCH!!! Gotcha you punk!" Melvin said.

"What?! Why?!" Melvinborg asked enraged.

"Because I'm not gonna let you change the future! And that decision means....." Melvin said as he took out his crystal laser. "I'm sending the villains back where they came from."

And like that he blasted a crystal beam at Cozy Glow and it instantly destroyed the ruby which caused the helmet to short circuit and exploded which Cozy fell unconscious! Then the villains started to be shocked in red electricity around them groaning in pain. Then each of the villains exploded into red fireworks until Melvinborg was the last one to go as he had some final words to say.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'M YOU!! I'M YOOOOUUUUU!!!!!" Melvinborg yelled as he exploded into red fireworks and he was no more.

"You WE'RE me. But I no longer want to be that monster." Melvin finished.

Like that the deed was done and Melvin faced our heroes and they had surprised looks on their faces.

"Melvin. You actually pranked Melvinborg and helped us defeated Cozy Glow. But why?" Harold asked.

"Because. I didn't want him changing your future. And boys? I wanna speak with Twilight and her friends." Melvin answered.

Then the crew allowed Melvin to come to the girls and he got on his knees.

"Well Melvin. You certainly have surprised us with your assistance in destroying the helmet and defeating Cozy Glow. But I thought you didn't care about friendship." Twilight said.

"You we're right. I didn't. But the more time I spent in Tartarus I realized that I was more alone then ever. Plus George and Harold were right all this time. I had no friends and no lover all because of my intelligence. I was so busy getting the best grades that I didn't care about anything else. And because of that I never got those two important things that I desperately need. I'm terribly sorry for ruining your lives and causing all that trouble. I fully see now that being like this just to gain respect isn't the way to go. I only wish there was some way to go back in time and fix this." Melvin explained.

"Well Melvin. If you really want to fix it then I suppose I can send you back in the past when you were a boy and convince him to be more friendly." Twilight smiled and Melvin for the first time let out his true emotions.

We cut to Piqua Ohio a few years later in the past and in a house we see Melvin Sneedly when he was a boy and was angry that the school changed. He growled and walked home angry and slammed the door and threw a fit.

"I can't believe it! First George and Harold came back and threatened me for a way to stop this Tirek and now the school changed and I don't like it!!" Past Melvin shouted.

Then a portal appeared in his room and he got startled a little. And coming out was himself from the future. And he was mad at him.

"You pathetic waste of friendless flesh. I would hit you right now if I didn't value my own life." Future Melvin replied.

"Who are you?" Past Melvin asked.

"Look at you. Every mistake I ever made is just waiting to happen." Future Melvin said.

"Why do I look like a thug?" Past Melvin wondered.

"Because you became one in the future. Listen here kid. You need to start being nice to everyone and actually try to enjoy some activities that are not school related. Otherwise if you don't you'll end up like me in prison for eight years, chained up like an animal." Future Melvin explained.

"You're joking right?" Past Melvin asked.

"I'm not! All the choices you made led me to being locked up in another world! So stop arguing and actually try being nice to everyone in school and get a sense of humor! If you don't they where I am in the future I end up in jail! Do you want that or no?" Future Melvin asked.

"No I don't wanna end up in jail in the future! I'm the smartest kid ever!" Past Melvin replied.

"Then quit being a self-absorbed moron, get outside, make some friends and learn how to get a sense of humor so you'll understand why some things are funny." Future Melvin demanded.

"Ok. Ok I'll do it. For the future's sake." Past Melvin said as he ran off to do his duty and Future Melvin returned back to Equestria.

When the portal reopened and Melvin came back to Equestria he took a deep breath finally feeling that huge boulder being lifted off his shoulder.

"Whew. I feel a lot better now. George? Harold? I appreciate you helping me realize that laughter isn't A bad thing. I guess I should learn how to enjoy things that are funny." Melvin replied and then he saw some magic sparkles coming out of him. "What the? What's happening?"

"Melvin. When you talked to your past self I believe he listened to your demands and now you'll change to see what will happen when you actually made friends." Twilight explained.

And after she said that the magic engulfed all of Equestria and when the light died down Melvin was no longer looking like a thug and was grown up but wearing a green shirt and black pants with a gray jacket.

"Did. Did I just be reformed?" Melvin asked.

"Yes you have Melvin. By doing the right thing and convincing your past self to do what we have being doing you had earned the form of a new life for you." George said.

Then Melvin cried happy tears and hugged the boys. "Oh thank you guys!"

"Well now that's taken care of I say that tomorrow we can have Melvin help us fix everything in Ponyville as he starts learning the true importance of friendship." Twilight said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and proceeded to help Melvin and also have him help fix up Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Well I guess Melvin really did have a change of heart after all. One chapter left.