• Published 6th May 2024
  • 540 Views, 20 Comments


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Dear Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight Sparkle, this is an urgent message, as literally the fate of your future and the entire world is at stake.

Twilight my faithful student, I know you know better than to disobey me. Put the letter down and all will be forgiven.

I do not have a lot of time to explain but really all you need to know is that I am you from the future, and no, this is not some practical joke that Discord decided to pull. Knowing me, however, you will want to verify this, so I did cast a spell that should confirm what I am saying if you wish to see your self.

You do not need to confirm anything Twilight as there is nothing to confirm just put the letter down before things get bad for you.

Now I think it's time to explain why this letter has been sent to your time, and based on what I've previously written, you can probably anticipate that the future is in danger. And you would be correct, It very much is in danger, and I need your help to fix it. But I need you know that I have casted a spell to make it impossible for anypony but you to read this and to also make you unable to talk about the letter to anypony. except for a certain being, but I will come back to that later.

TWILIGHT, I am warning you put this letter down before you get hurt!

So, basically, there is this entity whose name I do not know, but it is extremely evil and powerful. Its power surpasses if not matches that of Discord, and given the rate at which it is developing, it will most likely keep growing in power, and as alicorns, our power actually comes from this entity. okay I feel I am getting ahead of myself; let me start from the beginning. Do you recall reading that book about the legend of Nightmare Moon before we met our friends and became the barers of the Elements of Harmony?

I see, you still refuse to listen even after I warned you. Do you know what will happen when your done with this stunt?

The issue with that book is that it is mostly incorrect. Luna was indeed sent to the moon, but it was incorrect as to who sent her and why she was sent there in the first place. She was not sent there because she had become evil or anything like that; rather, she was sent there because she had broken free from this entity's control, as this entity's primary attack strategy was to create alicorns, transform normal ponys into alicorns, and control them, making them appear like gods in order to control the mortals that it could not control.

And at this point, you probably do not think I am your precious teacher anymore, do you?

Yes, it created and controls alicorns, as Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are all under its control. This is why Luna became the Nightmare Moon. She had discovered a flaw in its plan, so she broke free and attempted to free Celestia, but unlike in the story, when Celestia used the elements of harmony, the elements acted on their own, putting Luna on the moon as a way to protect her from the entity's control and to also have no more deaths, as yes Luna was free, but she was still not in the best state of mind after having all of her decisions controlled by something outside of this reality.

Do you want to know what I am, Twilight? Do you really want to know what happened to your future self? Because I do not think you do.

So, as you can see, things are not as they appear. According to what I have learned, the elements and this thing have a sort of rivalry. I am not sure how it works between the two forces, but they are fighting constantly as the elements prevent this thing from coming into our world, and the thing creates and does things to circumvent the elements' power, such as producing alicorns to subjugate the pony and other populations.

Because if you did, you would likely already be wishing death apon your pathetic mortal soul. Wishing you had listened to me.

It has also played an important role in guiding Equestian history as a tactic to accomplish this; it has planned for everything from Rainbow Dash performing the first sonic rain-boom to bring us and our friends together, as well as timing the return of Nightmare moon and useing Celestia to manipulate us to become bearer of the element of magic.

You would be screaming into the sky begging for the sweat release of death. After all ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Why is becoming an element bearer important? It important because the thing wants us to be an element and uses us as a Trojan horse of sorts. We became the element of magic, then we ascended, and when that happened, we granted it complete access to us, allowing it to freely corrupt the element's power through us like an infection over time from the inside, which is exactly what it is useing us for. Also, the reason we are not under its power right now is that the elements are protecting us and keeping us safe from it. So yes, everything has been planned out from the start and by the looks of things, the elements are losing the war.

How do I know you would do those things?

Twilight, from the era I come from, everypony is dead. I am the only one left, and even as I am writing this, I am literally losing my mind because the elements power is fading, especially in light of the others' deaths.

Becuse, I have seen it all before, you mortals are all the same really.

Twilight, you would have been so proud of them and spike, our friends died trying to protect me giving me time to write this letter as the princesses have attacked stopping their act all together, Spike died fighting them protecting me to the end he, was the last one standing right before Ponyville fell so please I beg of you, give spike a hug and tell him I am sorry, even if he has no knowledge of what you are talking about.

Thats right, they all died, you want to know why? Its becuse they DISOBEYED ME just like you.

I am running out of time, but before I go, let me give you one last important instruction. Fortunately, I used the last of my magic to cast some protection spells, but it will probably still be able to write something of its own to try and stop you from reading this. so DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, listen to any other writing on this letter that is not mine. Another thing I should mention is that you must deliver this letter to Discord. Find him and show him this letter, and do not act suspicious in front of anypony, especially the princesses, as they might figure out whats going on.

As you can tell her spell did nothing to stop me from writing this, who's to say it could stop me from KILLING EVERYONE YOU LOVE.

And really Discord is your plan? Please that buffoon couldn't survive a battle with a normal earth pony if all he had were his fists.

You know, as I am just writing now to pass the time until I lose my mind and the time travel spell activates, I am having doubts, that even this was planned from the start and that me doing this is just helping it in the long run. And really I don't even know if this will work, I mean, what I hope to accomplish is to save the princesses, and free them. But who knows I could just be ending us all faster.

You know they are right in having doubt and as logical of a mare you are you cant seem to get past this whole everything will work out mantality. Its ok to have doubt lean into it, thats how you mortals survive right?


I really hope that is not the case.

Well too bad for you it is.

Sincerely your future self, Twilight Sparkle.

So, you got to the end.

Are you happy now?

Is this what you wanted?

Because like I said ignorance is bliss.

The only thing your getting from this is knowledge of your death.

And death is inevitable.

In fact death would actually be better for you.

especially if you try to stop me.

Becuse if you go throgh with this.

You need to understand one thing.

I made you. I am you.

And you cant hide from your self now can you?

I was created at the dawn of creation.

I am temptation.

I am the snake in eden.

I am the reason for treason.

Beheading all kings, I am sin with no rhyme or reason

Son of the mourning.



Father of lies.


Truth in a blender.

Deceitful pretender.

The banished avenger.

The righteous surrender.

When standing in-front of my solar eclipse.

My name it is stitched to your lips, so, you see?

I won't bow to the will of a mortal, feeble and normal.

You wanna kill me?

I'm enteral, immortal.

I live in every decision that catalysed chaos.

That causes division.

I live inside death, the beginning of ends.

I am you, you are me.

When I am involved, you cant defend.


Author's Note:

(only read this if you have read all of the secret text)

Just want to say I am good at poetry and most other poetry on my profile is mine, but this little poem that the thing said in his monologue was taken from a song called hi ren by ren check the song out and I thought it would sound really great if some of the lyrics were at the end.

Comments ( 20 )

Hope your happy, has to blind my eyes just to read the secret text.

Great story.

And I really hope everything turns out well in the end.

I plan to make a sequel shhhh

My keyboard is sealed. 🤐 😉

Very awesome idea, the interactive element works even better now!

Dawg #6 · May 6th · · ·

That was a very good story, ngl i wanna see a sequal to this like another interactive like would you follow your own words? Or would you go blind eye to the letter and following the entitied path and repeat the cycle. Ngl i wanna see or read what will happen

Great story

If i make a sequel it would have some secret text but it probubly wont be the intire gimmick of the story like it was in this. in the next one you could probubly just fine some secret messages.

is the secret text too small or is it all able to be read ok?

thanks could not have done it with out you

I was able to read it perfectly fine on light mode, only had to zoom in a little.

I used to have a computer but not anymore so I wouldn't be able to 100% tell you.

Though I am curious if anyone else is having problems.

..... Holy MOLY THOSE LINES HIT HARD, MAN! I was literally getting chills! Ah man, that was a REALLY awesome read! I hope to see more of this and possibly a sequel!

I am a big fan of yours so if you could could you check out my other stories and tell me what I can do to improve.

You should read my story BRIGHTBURN: TAKE EQUESTRIA

Dawg #14 · May 7th · · ·

Nah its perfect. I just suck at wording it properly hold on let me correct it

Some of the grammar errors were a bit distracting, but overall great work.

I really liked the light mode/dark mode feature you used.

However, I can never forgive you for making me turn on light mode. It's so different and weird.

I use night mode 24/7, except on mobile.

Nice to see there's a sequel in the works.

Like I said I am sin with no rhyme or reason.

You don't scare me. Who's afraid of a pathetic fallen angel that got high off his own pride? You spend thousands of years building your plan, you kill everyone in the world, only for your entire scheme to become undone with a single letter. Call yourself whatever you like. You are still nothing. You scream and writhe and gnash your teeth in the presence of the Alpha and the Omega. Those who follow I AM cannot be harmed by you, for HE comes quickly, and exhalts the humble. It is you who shall be humbled by the Light of the World, which you will never comprehend. Get behind me, Satan, for you may brush HIM on the heel, but HE shall bruise you on the head. Amen.

Great. Twilight will defeat this arrogant pompous villain easily.

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