• Member Since 19th Feb, 2022
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In an Alternate Universe, Starlight Glimmer destroys the world.

Written for the 'Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/215801/hall-of-contests-sfw/thread/538292/open-tropical-post-apocalyptic-story-contest

Written as a Judge entry that won't be judged but to promote the contest.

* * *

Starlight Glimmer destroyed the world. No, like , for real.

Unfortunately, she survived to pay the price.

The price? Trying to fix it... to the disdain of every pony around her.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

You have an error in the description, it says "she survive to price the price" instead of "pay the price".

“First of all, there will be no pregnancies until we have a stable food source, either from fishing being consistent or from fruit trees literally bearing fruit. Once the infrastructure is in place and the food is stable… I will be suspending the concept of marriage so we can produce a diverse population. Once it is safe to do so, resource-wise, every mare will breed during every heat with a different stallion each time and will bear anywhere between 5 and 10 foals each, with a diverse genetic background so our species will survive. Earth Ponies with Earth Ponies. Pegasi with Pegasi. Unicorns with Unicorns. But with a different stallion each time. This will continue until we have a population of roughly 50,000 ponies. No incest of any kind… as we don’t have the medical or magical facilities to undo birth defects. Any objections?”

Applejack lowered her head and whispered “Phooey.”

I'm sorry, what?

So let me get this straight, basically Starlight created a bomb, killed of 2 entire species and destroyed the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan?

I'm a little confused cause the story hasn't explained that much but I'm guessing the bomb damaged parts of Equis as well? So Equestria is uninhabitable I'm guessing.

Whatever happened to Celestia or Luna? Also where the heck is Discord.

After much debate, it was decided that the bomb would be tested on Mount Everhoof, north of the Crystal Empire. Prince Shining Armor was excited to test the new weapon and Princess Cadance was convinced to stay and watch the show, but they had both agreed to send Princess Flurry Heart to Canterlot in case there was an accident.

Well that was probably the biggest and last mistake someone made, I'm guessing Shining Armor is the one who convinced her? Also the term "accident" is a major understatement.

Caladis #3 · May 6th · · 1 ·

Fixed, thank you.

Caladis #4 · May 6th · · 1 ·

Okay, let me try to clarify some things. Starlight invented a nuclear bomb and when they tested it, it blew up an entire mountain causing 10,000 times the damage because the mountain was filled with uranium. So the rough equivalent of 10,000 nuclear bombs similar to 'Mutually Assured Destruction' which would in theory create a nuclear winter. So, it would effect the entire planet. Also, if you look at a map of Equestria, Mount Everhoof is North of the Crystal Empire and East of Yakyakistan, so an explosion that big would potentially destroy both countries.

Second, there are a lot of implied incest stories out there between Applejack and Big Mac but this contest has a no incest and no clop requirement. However, a lot of people also consider it canon that Appejack and Rainbow Dash ended up together at the end of season 9 in the last episode and it doesn't show Applejack having any foals of her own so having 5 to 10 foals with random stallions to help repopluate Equestria probably isn't her glass of Cider.

Third, Luna is on the Island and will be in Chapter 2, Celestia is on the mainland trying to help undo the damage. Discord is unaccounted for and might show up in the story. Depending on comments.

The more comments I get with people telling me what they would like to see or what they wish would happen might change the flow of the story.

Ok, thank you.

And if discord was in the story, the entire nuclear winter probably would have never happened, I don't know the character that much but judging by how powerful he is, he could probably see possible futures or rewind time.

Speaking of, didn't Starlight Glimmer try to go back in time to redo history? Why not just go back and time and prevent the entire thing from happening. :facehoof:

Caladis #6 · May 6th · · 1 ·

They did a time travel episode when Starlight was a villian and it led to her becoming redeemed. The time travel required a powerful artifact that I dont think they kept.

The contest does have a 22k word limit so I'll have to wrap the story up within 7 chapters. Discord tends to not directly interfere so I don't think he could help even if he wanted to.

Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.

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