• Published 4th May 2024
  • 177 Views, 4 Comments

Horses & Blackpowder - Ashel

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Chapter 1

"What's that you're working on?"

The mare, whom was painstakingly analysing a book, jolted upwards. "Oh, Twilight. Uhh, I was just working on this spell". Pushing the book towards the other in the room, she sat back down and invited said other to join her. "It's supposed to allow me to grab something from another universe". As she continued to ponder such a task, she felt an intense glare fall upon her. "Why, exactly, would you want to do that?", asked the confused, and rightly so, alicorn.
"Because I can, of course!", replied the eager mare. A groan was audible as Twilight lifted a hoof up to her face.
"And what if you bring in something dangerous, hmm?", queried the alicorn.
"I'll just put a shield around it" was the reply given. She closed the book and stood up. As the lilac mare walked to the centre of the room, the slightly annoyed one followed behind. "I can't convince you to stop?", the only response being a noise of general agreement.

But this, thought Twilight as she braced herself for some very likely explosions in the near future, is not something she wanted to be agreed on. Standing slightly back and bracing her hooves, she watched in trepidation as the slightly, not-so-slightly insane unicorn charged up the spell. A hum of magic dispersed itself across the room as the trans-dimensional portal began to open. This wasn't your usual portal you see in those new moving pictures, but the real kind of portal that was invisible, owing to the fact that there wasn't just not something there, but an absence in existence itself. The hole in reality grew wider and wider the longer the spell lasted, until eventually, a rather confuddling object materialised itself onto the current reality.

A bubble was quickly erected around the, truly alien, object before Starlight collapsed to the floor. She huffed and puffed from all the exertion before stating "See-- told you I-- could do it". In slight horror, Twilight stared at the object confined within the bubble, mouth agape. "Uh, Starlight. You do know what you pulled over, right?", queried Twilight.
Before she could speak a reply, she too, looked up at the object. Inside the forcefield, a shallow pit of water had formed, naturally being hemispherical. And atop that water was, adorned with two oars, a small rowing boat, which had a crew of creatures neither of them had ever seen before. One of said creatures turned fully towards the two ponies, raised its arm, and opened its mouth. This was going to be, both of them thought, a very long day.


Corpses scattered across the floor, of civilians and comrades alike. A wall of fencing stood erect at the shore, formed in a semi-circular pattern, protecting a diminished grouping. A boat, with one occupant, paddled towards their location, in a desperate bid to rescue them. Mindless creatures battered and tore at the fencing, some swung with arms, others with axes, all with one goal in mind. As the boat grew closer, more and more desperate creatures began to fall, until none but a handful remained. Quickly climbing aboard the now docked rowing boat, they slashed at any attackers within range. One grew too close, and pulled its unlucky victim towards them, forever sealing their fate.

The hordes of mindless beasts shrunk as the distance between them grew. The crew rested, all being temporarily safe from the omnipresent destruction. As they recuperated, an event none of them could ever have imagined, occurred.

The boat shook as a general feeling of trepidation spread amongst the crew. Several things began to occur in the next few moments, and quite possibly the last few moments, of the crew's lives. A glistening, aquamarine wall began to fade into existence, as a patch in the air began to fade out of existence. Said patch grew and grew and grew until all but naught inside the bubble was left. Soon, the bubble itself disappeared, followed shortly by the closing of the hole. Several onlookers, standing on the deck of a boat, were absolutely perplexed by what they had just witnessed. "What the Hell was that?"


As the boat gently rocked on the contained water, the crew began to regain their wits. A chorus of profanities and queries rang out as the crew looked around at their new surroundings. Looking similarly to the bubble that previously ensnared them, a forcefield shimmered around the rowing boat and its occupants. Beyond it, walls of immaculate crystal stood tall, adorned with speckless windows. One diligent member astutely observed the two other occupants within the room. "Look, there are colourful 'orses!", he said pointing at them. Another member, standing next to him, sharply elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't get any funny ideas, Frenchman. I know what your kind are like". The 'Frenchman' stared intently at him before responding, "What are you talking about, British man? That is Sweden, you bâtard!".
"Shut up, the both of you", an authoritative voice rang out behind them. They both turned round, one muttering a quiet 'Yes, Sir', whereas the other was far more bold. "Eh? W'o put you in charge? You were our prisoners not long ago". The other quickly responded by unsheathing his sabre and resting the tip on the throat of the insubordinate who challenged him. "As of now, I am the only commanding officer present, therefore putting me in charge. Do you wish to challenge that?". Sweating slightly, the soldier swallowed and mustered, "No... Sir". The newly-declared officer sheathed his sabre and took a step back. "Good. That goes for all of you. As your commanding officer, you will now follow my orders, understood?". All the crew chorused 'Yes, Sir' or variations thereupon, but one. Said soldier, unbeknownst to the others, sat there quietly, face awash with sickliness. "Now, someone tell me what the Hell is going on". He turned and, for the first time, looked upon the 'Colourful horses' standing in front of them, their mouths agape.

Author's Note:


As of right now, I could not find any G&B related stories. So I decided to make my own! Don't expect anything too grand (It is me I'm talking about), but I do plan for this to be longer than my last story.

I hope you enjoyed what I have written so far! Or not, that's completely fair too.