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You're on your own Kid, Always have been

Celestia watched on in horror as Sunset. The girl she had been waiting to talk to, probably after today, was slammed into the ground hard enough, to cause a giant crater.
The worst part it, is that it seems everyone else was cheering. Cheering that she got hurt.

So when a... what looks to be, a nine year old girl, clawed her way out of the pit. A hush fell over the crowd.
"Well. That hurt like a bitch." Sunsets voice. Higher, but not by much. So while small, more around the CMC's, age. Rather than the sixteen she was pretending to be.

Eleven, if Celestia was to hazard a guess. That was a little too young, to be thus hurt.

Sunset wiped away a little bit of blood from her nose, and calmly stared at Twilight.
"Screw you." Was the first thing she said. "All you do, is steal other people's dreams, and needs."
"DO I need to even explain how... infantile you are being?"
"Shut up."
"You have no co cerm for others. You hardly have a good bone in your body. I hardly think it's a challenge to say that Mom was right in throwing you out before any attachment could be made."

Celestia felt her blood boil at that. Really. Is that what she was going to say? Alice and Reyna both looked like they were about to actually rush Twilight.

"... she... let's you. Call her mom?" The absolute heartbreak that came from that one sentence, hurts Celestia like nothing else.
"Yeah. Can see why she didn't let you."

"She is nine." Celestia growled out, getting closer to Sunset, rather than Twilight. That is not something you should say to anyone. Let alone a pre-teen.
"Twelve. I'm twelve." Sunset corrected, sounding defiant in what she's saying. But quiet enough that only Celestia heard her.
"That's, not much better, sundrop." Celestia whispered, but from the slight redness on the ears, she liked that.

"Why did you get everything I wanted!? I needed!?" Celestia felt her heart twist with every word that was spoken. This is a child. A hurt child.
Her back, while the jacket was OK, enough. Still had a plethora of tears littering the sleeves and back.

She could tell some blood was poolong in the clothes, by the winces. She could see, that the now shorts. Which, nice outfit change universe, could have healed the child? Were Ok enough to wear. More sporty than what she would have picked for her.
The socks were knee highs, the same colour as her hair.

It was a child, that was standing there, with an angry look on her face. And a hurt heart.

Twilight just glanced at the moon, and sighed. "I don't have time for you. Either coke back, and deal with the Princess, or stay here. I don't even care. I'm just tired of your scat."
Well, that was... less crude than shit, Celestine supposes. But not by much.
"Goodbye then, shitface. I don wanna see you, or Princess Bitch for a long time...
Am I actually swearing!?" She asked, excited. Celestia sighed, but chuckled under her breath. It was cute, and thus could seems to have earned a few words.
"Eyup." Alice-Justine muttered.
"Holy fucking shit! Finally! Oh holy crap. Ok well. Fuck you you mother-"

I belive I used up my swear amount. Please let your imagination, run wild.

Cestia just blinked, at the amount of words used. She just felt the rage, and hurt and... fear, that made them all needed. Sometimes, all you can do, is say things so... emotionally, that's all you need.
She pulled Sunset into a hug, as Twilight made her escape.

"Sunset. Sunset. Sundrop." She whispered. The shoulders slumping slightly at that last name. "She's gone. I've got you."
The shoulders shook, and Celestia could feel the wetness on her shoulder, as she cradled the young girl. She held on, even standing up.
She looked at the amazed students, that all decided to go off, either in groups, or one by one. She noticed that the fake crown, was in two, at her feet.

Twilight must've left it. No, it's fine. Don't magic the school back into working order. Thanks, she didn't need that money for that school trip anyway!
"Please, let me down. I'm fine now." But Celestine could hear the slight tremble in the voice. She knows that's a lie. She knows that Sunset...
"I know you're not." She whispered, and held her tighter. "And that's OK. You don't have to be. Not anymore." She promised. The feeling of the girl resting on her shoulder, and in her arms...
It felt right. Like she was Mena to do this. Be here, for her.

A quick glance at Luna, and she knows that her sister is already dreading the lack of violent, and age restricted games. She just gave a bashful smile. Because, what else could they do? Let a child just be on her own?

When she got to the cars, Luna just motioned for her to get into the back seat. When Celestia raised her eyebrow, she just made a sleeping motion. Oh, Sunset's asleep. Ok, she can stay with her.

"So. What should we do next?" Luna asked, from the front. Voice low, and soft.
"Let her rest. Go on from there."
"You... sister, I'm worried you're not thinking this entirely through. Clouded."
"The only clouds here, are the ones that Twilight has put up. I trust Sunset. Now that I know that she is quite honestly a child..."
"Everything makes more sense? Yes. Now I'm just worried about Flash Sentry."
"As far as I heard, from him and her. It was just guitar lessons." Celestia muttered.
"I see... sister. You care for her. Should I get the spare room ready?"
"No. She shouldn't be alone. Not for a long while. She's been alone, for far too long."

"Had it not been for the fact that we are both very lesbian, I would assume she is your Daughter."
"Shame it isn't Alabama then." A sparky voice spoke, and Sunset twisted around to give Luna a smirk.
"You little..." Celestia just laughed.
"Let her have this one, Laura."
"Fine, Celestine." Sunset just made a confused, but tired noise. Celestia giggled softly, and started to softly brush the back of her head. At which, the girl snuggled closer into her shoulder.

"All right. Let's get inside, and into some Jammie, how about that? I'm sure an old T will fit you, just fine." She whispered, as they got parked. A soft confirmation, but it was so sleepy. Celestia might need to help her.
Doesn't help, that she looks closer to seven or nine, rather than a nearly thirteen.
She softly opened the door, and entered the house.
"We're here." She whispered. Sunset just nodded, a feeling that was... weaker, than before.

Celestia put aside the other clothes, and helped the girl take off the many sizes too big bra, and placed the T, over her.
"Thanks." The girl whispered, and went to the door. Celestia quickly finished her last button, and made a no motion.
"Isn't this your bed?"
"Yes. But, you shouldnt be alone, little Sundew." She said, brushed the side of the girls face.
"... I don't wanna be alone." She admitted. "Please. Never again." Celestine nodded, and pulled her close, when they got in.
"I promise. I'll never leave you alone, ever. You won't ever be alone, ever again.

Author's Note:

Just thought this was a neat idea
If you wanna ask questions, I would answer them! I love to get comments!

Also, yes. Everyone has actual freaking human names, because I said so!

Comments ( 2 )

Okay... my biggest question is... WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH TIWLIGHT?

Why was she so snappy and rude?

Good doesn't always mean nice.
For real tho, if I wasn't half asleep, this would've been longer, and had a bit more time.
I was going to make her say something along the lines of, "Thank the sun, Spike was never like this."
She's tired, slept on books. Learned how to use hands. And just beat a demonic possession.
In two days. I feel like a crap ton, including myself, forget that this movie, takes place over less than two days.
So, yeah. She was a little Short. And if your mom was talking about her other kid that was supposed to be in rehab, or Julie, and asked you to find her, then would you be short?

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