• Published 6th May 2024
  • 400 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Recruiting Help from Superstars

The Mane 6 and George Jetson were escorted by Mr. Vincent McMahon, many different Superstars, including Sheamus, and some flying leopard WWE trainees...

...and the Mane 6 felt like they were foals and fillies being led to the principal's office after cheating on a test.

Yeah. That's how tense this was.

However... Clover, the trainee of Sheamus himself, was unsure of what to think. Sure, the group's appearance was a bit unexpected, but it did seem like there was more to them than meets the eye.

But what was it?

Well... she and her friends would soon find out.


The second the Mane 6 and George were booted into Mr. McMahon's office, the yelling and accusations began, and Mr. McMahon couldn't get the Superstars, plus Brooks, Jaya and Amiri, to stop so they could talk this through.

After about 30 seconds of this, Clover officially had enough and did something what no one expected. “EVERYBODY STOP YELLING AND LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!

Silence rung through the air after this, never expecting Sheamus' trainee to yell in this sort of manner. “I admit it! You guys should have a right to be upset! But yelling and scaring everypony isn't going to help! Just... give these guys five minutes to explain, and THEN you can talk,” she said before her eyes glowed bright red. “Is that PERFECTLY clear?”

“Uh... sure thing, Clover,” Alicia nodded stiffly. “We trust your instincts.”

“And believe that,” Roman agreed. “Okay... thank you,” Clover took a breath to calm herself before approaching George and the frightened ponies. “Are you all okay? Would you like anything to drink?”

“Um... no thanks. We're fine right now,” Zipp said, taking a moment to calm herself down before smiling at the cub. “Thanks, for... helping us stop the yelling.”

“No problem. I'm Clover. And... despite us only meeting a few minutes ago... I trust you when you say that you don't mean any sort of harm,” Clover told them. “Why don't you just tell us the whole story, and we can discuss what to do afterwards?”

“Well... okay, but you all better brace yourselves,” George told the group. “This is gonna be one wild story.”


Within 20 minutes, the entire story had been told, and now, Brooks and Amiri had been convinced that the ponies and George were telling the truth...

...but Mr. McMahon, the Superstars and Jaya didn't seem a bit convinced. “Now, let me get this straight,” Mr. McMahon said to the group. “You found Big Show frozen in ice, in the future?”

George nodded stiffly at this. “Yes.”

“You thawed him out, and he and this evil snow leopard and rabbit took over your city.”

Zipp nodded firmly at this. “Yes.”

“And you've come back in time to take my Superstars and their trainees to the future to save... what was it? Onion Town?”

“Orbit City,” Misty nodded, “and yes.”

Sheamus was the first of the Superstars to speak after this was said. “This is the craziest thing I've ever heard.”

“I believe that,” Roman Reigns nodded. Suddenly, the door opened, and Vega ran in, looking immediately relieved. “George! Ponies! You're okay!”

“Vega! Oh, thank Jupiter,” George took the cub into his arms, and as he felt the cub purring in his arms, he let himself smile and held her tighter, easing his own worries.

Then, the security guard came in, golding Astro by the collar while Jane and the kids filed in right behind him. “Found this leopard and Future Guy's friends out by the souvenir stand.”

“Get your hands off me!” Astro barked, and this caused Jaya to immediately stop in shock. “Uh... did that dog just talk?”

“I take it back,” Sheamus said in shock. “That is the craziest thing I've ever heard.”

“Would you believe this isn't the first time I've met a talking dog?” Mr. McMahon asked... just before Amiri spoke up. “Well... I think it's really cool! And look-- that blue cub has a charm just like ours, guys!”

“Huh? Oh... yeah,” Vega nodded in George’s arms. “My brother has one just like it. We don't really know where we got them... they just kind of appeared.”

“Same with ours. I'm Brooks, by the way,” Brooks introduced. “And this is Amiri, Clover and Jaya. What's your name?”

“Vega... and my brother's name is Orion.”

The ponies and Jetsons smiled at seeing Vega begin to connect with the trainees... all except Jaya, who seemed a bit hesitant.

As the cubs were about to continue their conversation, Seth stepped forward to talk to George one on one. “Okay, Future Guy. First, stop using 'Future Guy' because everyone knows I'm the future of WWE, not you,” he said as Jey began to silently mock him, causing Jimmy to chuckle as Seth continued. “Second, if you're really from the future, why don't you show us your flying car? Or your pet robot? Ha ha ha...”

“Oh, great idea!” George smiled. “They're both in the parking lot right now! They'll prove that we're telling the truth.”

“But word to the wise,” said Vega, “don't call Rosie a pet. She might be a robot, but she hates being called names and she knows robot kung fu.”

Jaya and Seth seemed a little unsure about the whole arrangement, and the pink leopard turned to Mr. McMahon. “Boss, you're not really considering this, are ya?”

“Hmmm...” Mr. McMahon turned to the Jetsons and ponies with a raised eyebrow. “I think I need to see this robot and spaceship you speak of.”

“Sure thing, Mr. M!” Izzy chirped as they all headed for the door. “One more question, though,” said Pipp. “...can we keep the outfits?”


“Seriously? You guys go to different worlds on different missions?” Brooks asked as he rode on Sunny's back. “That is SO wicked!”

“It can be sometimes,” Sunny said, “but other times... they can be a bit... over the top.”

“So, we know that flying leopards have all sorts of powers,” said Zipp, walking next to Roman Reigns and Jaya, “so... what powers do you all have? And does that affect your wrestling capabilities positively or negatively?”

“Man... you're a talkative one, aren't you?” Jaya snarled under her breath before flying up to get away from the ponies and Jetsons. “Don't mind Jaya,” Amiri told the others. “She's just... passionate about what she does and who she's around. To answer your question, Zipp, I have cloud magic, and Jaya had lightning magic. Clover can control plants and Brooks can control dark magic like a pro!”

“What about you, Vega?” Alicia asked as George carried the little leopard on his shoulders. “What powers do you have?”

“Well, I haven't experimented much, but I think water is more of my specialty than anything,” Vega shrugged. “My brother is learning how to control rocks and other earthy stuff, so I guess that's his power.”

“Speaking of your brother, there he is with Rosie!” Pipp said as she pointed over to the spaceship with Orion and Rosie close by. “Come on, everyone. We'll introduce you to them.”

Jaya saw the spaceship with wide eyes, but composed herself as she landed beside her friends. “So,” George stated as he gestured to the spaceship, “here they are.”

“A spaceship!” Amiri gasped. “A pet robot! Ah!!” Seth yelped as Rosie karate chopped Seth right in the ribs. “Watch your mouth,” she scolded. “And the rest of you can shut your pie-holes before you start catching flies. Mr. J? Orion and I repaired the car while you were away. She's ready to fly.

“All of these people are going to come and help us? Will we even have room for everyone?” Orion asked. “Well, that all depends on a couple of things,” Misty told the cub. “Especially the fact of believing our story-- which is definitely true and not made up!”

“...yeah, whatever you wanna tell yourself,” Jaya muttered and rolled her eyes. “Well, Mr. McMahon?” George said with a smile. “Do you all believe us now?”

“If Big Show really has taken over the future with the help of an evil snow leopard, and the Superstars of WWE are the only ones who can stop them,” Mr. McMahon declared, “then, by gosh, we have to stop him. And I really wanna go for a ride in that spaceship.”

“To the future!” Alicia exclaimed. “YES!!” Brooks cheered in excitement. “Bring me to Big Show,” Roman pounded his fit into his open hand, “and I'll bring the fight.”

“...well, it isn't exactly the way I wanted to spend my Friday night,” Jaya muttered with a shrug, “but... I guess if you guys are going, I guess I'm going too... just to make sure Big Show knows that teaming up with evil snow leopards isn't what makes a Superstar.”

“SHOTGUN!!” the Uso brothers, Clover and Amiri raised their hands and paws for dibs on the front seat, only to get into a playful tussle, just before Seth stepped forward. “As the undisputed future of WWE, it's only fitting that I see my future, that I...”

“Thank you, Rollins,” Mr. McMahon interrupted. “Well… what do you think, Sheamus?” Sunny asked hopefully, leading Sheamus to think for a few moments. “Me versus Big Show in a match to decide the future of the Earth, and help you ponies take down and evil snow leopard.”

Then, after a moment of considering, he laughed and punched George on the arm. “You can count me in… fella!”

“George, you did it!” Jane said as she hugged her husband. “You got them all to come with us!”

“Yeah, but...” Alicia spoke as she glanced inside the spacecraft, “...we aren't ALL gonna fit inside your UFO.”

“Yeah-- do you have another spaceship parked around here?” Amiri asked as she pinned Clover playfully on her back while Jey pinned Jimmy on his stomach. That caused George to chuckle and hold small circle like devices. “I got something you're going to like better. Sunny, I could use your help passing these out.”

“I thought you would never ask!”

The rest of the Mane 6 guided the rest of the Jetsons, Orion and Vega into the nearby spaceship, before they lifted off the ground a bit. Then, one by one, George and Sunny slipped everyone into a small space pod, whether they shared it by themselves, or whether they shared it with a leopard cub (Sheamus, the Usos and Alicia were ones that did this).

After everyone was in a space pod and ready to leave, Sunny shifted into alicorn form and let George climb on her back before she flew him and her back into the car, just as it took off further into the night sky.

“Hey hey!”




And during the midst of the cheering, they flew in circles around the moon once again until it went fast enough to teleport them back to the future...

...and for the futuristic adventure that lurked ahead.