• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 417 Views, 17 Comments

Scientific Method - ruinology

Twilight has a problem, and the worst part was? The problem was her.

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle had a problem.

Nothing surprising, nothing new. Just your daily run-of-the-mill life in Ponyville, some daily crap she deals for about eight times a week. She and her friends should get paid for this honestly— if not for them, the world would've been turned into some post-apocalyptic mess or under the management of some power hungry villain that has their brain on their ass.

Fortunately— or unfortunately, depending on the angle— her problem right now wasn't anything like that, it was more of a friendship problem than anything.

Well, specifically a psychological, friendship problem. And hey, Twilight was mostly the problem, so it wasn't that bad.

( Or well, she'd like to think so at least. )

She honestly didn't know why it began, but she could roughly pinpoint when it began.

It was a sunny day in Ponyville then, the summer sun beating down the citizens harshly, almost crippling them to death.

The sweltering temperature she was experiencing almost pushed her to write a letter to her mentor and beg her please, for the love of all citizens of Equestria, lower the sun and lengthen the night just this once, but Twilight knew it would be a futile task. The Princess would probably say something about for the greater good— ugh— and the balance she needs to maintain— double ugh— or some stuff about responsibilities and powers— triple ugh— but does that really matter?

In the face of the monstrous solar sun, will they take note of the good and and the just? Would they consider the balance?

A resounding no, but she'd probably be turned to ashes by the time she got to the Princess and begged her for a swift death. On a positive side note, she was sure that Princess Celestia would now lengthen the night time after the death of millions. Hooray for the next generation!

And all it took was an entire race to be wiped out. Talk about a steal.

"What'cha thinkin' about, egghead?"

A familiar voice wormed its way into her ears towards her pounding head, snapping her out of her reverie. Not bothering to look up, she answered: "consequentialism, extinction, and the sun. You know, fun stuff."

That got a chuckle from the rainbow maned pony, who was probably a few feet above the ground, bathing in the summer sun as if it literally wasn't burning Twilight alive. Then, as if the Gods were gracing her, her shadow fell over her brittle and weak form, shielding her from the sunbeam, good enough to make her feel relieved, but still not enough to protect her from the ferocious attack of the heat.

It was better than nothing. At least, when they found her body, it wouldn't be a pile of ashes; it'd just be badly sun burnt and utterly dehydrated. They could still recognize her, and she'd get a pretty little tombstone for her noble, albeit failed, pursuit of heroism. She'd like the words in her tombstone to atleast reference Icarus, something-something about flying to close to the sun. Something-something about falling from grace. Maybe she should start investing in wax wings for accuracy's sake. She knows the literature loving ponies would tremendously love her limb-accurate portrayal.

Rarity should have some good idea about this. Though she doubts she'd find it as amusing as she did. Not her fault she got so wrapped up with her butterfly wings.

"So boring, nerdy stuff. C'mon Sparkle, It's practically so bright outside it's blinding and you're still being an egghead? Lighten up!" Rainbow Dash playfully taunted, no doubt a wide grin plastered on her face. "Whad'ya say you watch me practice huh? I just finished warming up and I'm ready to go!" She seemed to flap her wings in a way that sent a chill breeze to her, and if it weren't for that, Twilight would've been thoroughly irritated right now— she still was, just not as much.

"Trust me, Rainbow, I am light. So light, in fact, I am on fire. I am hot. Burning even. Like I'm tied to a funeral pyre and the flames are slowly crawling towards me, about to engulf me whole." Twilight rambled coherently, each syllable pronounced with an obvious edge. "Actually, speaking of light, I have a bright idea! How about you do me a favor, pick up a few stones and throw it at me so we could recreate the fifteenth century Equinean Witch Hunt right now!" She was gesturing animatedly now, frustration dripping in her words.

"The Equi-what now?" When she was about to correct her, Rainbow Dash quickly spoke again, "actually don't answer that, that was a rhino— rheto—" she groaned, and Twilight could practically envision her nose scrunched up in annoyance, "radical— whatever— question. And I'm not going to throw stones at you, that's so not-cool." Then, as an afterthought, she added, "'cause, wouldn't that be murder? That's so lame. If I got jailed for that, I wouldn't be able to get to the Wonderbolts." She scoffed, and Twilight was stuck wondering if she was reassuring her or giving her a possible defence in case she got accused of murder in the future.

The first thought on her mind should probably be concern about the fact that Rainbow thinks murder is lame just because she wouldn't become part of the Wonderbolt, but honestly? She gets it, you know? Not getting to the Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns because she committed homicide would suck real bad, or— in her words— lame.

"First of all, it's rhetorical," she corrected, rolling her eyes before trailing it up to look at Rainbow Dash. She was about to lecture her about the wrong usage of the word, but she felt her throat parch up when magenta eyes met her purple ones, and she swore something was different then, as if she got struck by epiphany. The feeling crawled to her nerves, limbs, then towards her heart with fire trailing on its wake, leaving her to suppress a shiver.

"And second," she tried to continue, but her voice trailed off. Was Rainbow this . . . pleasing to look at? Not to mention, in comparison to her, she was well toned, muscles visible on her body when she shifted just enough. Well built, if she says so herself, perfectly complimenting the cocky demeanor nicely.

Twilight felt tips of her ears warm up, slowly creeping to her cheeks as she forced herself to think of other things other than the pony in front of her. This was weird. Weirder than when she stumbled to Princess Celestia doing the rendition of Ronello and Julia to herself in the Throne Room by herself.

"Uh, Sparkle?" Rainbow Dash snapped her out of her state of awakening. "You okay? You just stopped talking suddenly. Heat got your egg brain scrambled?" Despite the playful tone, there was concern flickering in her eyes.

You're using rhetorical wrong. And I'm fine, it's just so hot right now. "You're uh, hot." She was few words short but she had to commence herself for being able to speak through the dreamy haze she seemed to got stuck into.

Rainbow Dash looked taken aback. "What?"

Twilight Sparkle immediately recovered. "I mean you look hot." She cringed, grimacing at herself. Yeah, no, that didn't make it better. "Like, temperature-wise. You look like you're thirty nine degrees Celsius, Dash." She blabbered, hearing her heart beat in her ears. Could Rainbow hear it? She hopes not. "Are you okay? Did you drink water today? I told you, drink every after practice. You're going to get yourself sent to the hospital if you continue like this."

Ignore, deflect and chastise, perfect.

Rainbow looked startled as the whole conversation just suddenly turned to her. "I drank two bottles of water after I warmed up—" she emphasized, "—today!" She says, indiginant. "So I look hot, so what? I just look hot, but I'm actually not. I'm pretty cool right now. So cool in fact I'm practically the ruler of coolness!"

She ignored Rainbow's ramblings and distracted her even more by checking her temperature through touching her forehead just to really sell the act, and, surprisingly enough, it felt hot. Congratulations to her! If the Princess doesn't banish her for acting like a total, blundering, idiot right now, Twilight could always resort to being a Psychic or a fortune teller. She had enough knowledge of astrology and her stellar aesthetic was perfect down to the t. The entirety of the fortune teller community should watch out, Twilight the . . . Terrific was coming.

The name could use a bit of tweaking.

"You're so warm, are you sure you don't have a fever?" She asked, actually concerned. She shouldn't be out and about during this weather, it's practically like her begging to have a heat stroke! Twilight voiced her worries, "you shouldn't be out here practicing— you should be home in your cold room and resting!"

Rainbow Dash groaned, leaning towards her, few of her locks falls on her face and framing it perfectly. She had to stop the urge to tuck her rainbow strands behind her ear. "Quit naggin' Sparkles, 'm not sick. It's probably 'cause I just finished my stretching, y'know. My body's probably try'na overcompensate with how awesome I am." She subtly flexed her muscles, flashing her a cocky smirk.

As Rainbow stared at her well earned gains, so did Twilight, though she quickly looked away when magenta eyes focused back on her.

"You're right." She said absentmindedly, then backtracking before Rainbow could even realize what she said and have her ego inflate. "I should stop nagging. It's probably just because of the temperature today and your training that's why you uh, look hot." Twilight ignored the subtle double meaning she practically said. "Still though, take care of yourself. You know I worry about you."

"I know, I know," she relented, "but I'm as tough as I look! A little heat never hurt anypony."

At the tip of her tounge, a lecture and reprimand was about to roll out before she stopped herself. Rainbow Dash might be as stubborn as she comes, but the mare took her training seriously enough to not push herself to the brink of exhaustion despite her recklessness and carefreeness. It would be of no use to lecture her any further. Still, she couldn't help but worry all the same.

"I know you're tough." She said instead of nagging her once again, knowing that she'll never relent, "but even Wonderbolts take a break here and then. Pinkie Promise me you'll take care of yourself?" She couldn't help the affection that tinge her voice, which was totally normal for a concerned friend.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but still she conceded. "Yeah, yeah. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She recited with a tone that sounded less than amused, but Twilight could see the fondness in her gaze as she stared at her. "I'll take it easy just for you. But only because you asked so nicely!"

Just for you.

And oh, if that didn't stir something within her when she said that. Something soft and warm, yet sharp all the same. Every inch of her skin thrummed like a war drum, every beat sending a rush of adrenaline throughout her body. She wondered if Rainbow Dash could feel this emotion that flowed through her, the feeling that tethered between sunrise and sunset: twilight. She felt it for her. Only for her.

This feeling was new and it fascinated her. Twilight wanted to know about it, consume everything about it and exhale every single bit and—

"I have to go now, Rainbow. It was nice talking to you."

"Did I say something—" she could hear Rainbow's voice tinged with a slight shake. Of fear? Of nervousness? She didn't want to find out, swiftly turning her heel in the other direction and she walked away. She didn't know why, but a part of her screamed and told her to run. She didn't understand it, didn't know what the hell was happening to her but she was sure about one thing.

It was just the heat, that's all.

Despite the fact that days have passed already, the nemory still pops in her head, in and out like an unwanted visitor. Worst part was it consumed her waking thoughts, like an unsolvable equation. An itch she couldn't scratch. And many more metaphors that she can't think of right now just to showcase how annoying it was.

She repressed it, pushed it down and ignored it despite the fact she wanted it to make sense— and it worked! For the most part. The past few days, she would talk and interact with Rainbow Dash and it all seemed fine. Typical even.

A brief tingle might run to her but that was all. A minute. A flash. They didn't mention that day, but she could see, in the corner of her eyes, that the pegasus seemed hesitant towards her, thought it was covered by her brashness. The cusp of her eyes seemed to contain something she couldn't read, a hint of longing in her gaze. For what? For whom? The question constantly barraged her night, but she pretended that nothing was out of place. That everything was normal.

Until one quiet night.

She was lounging quietly on the balcony of her tree house. It was peaceful, except for the occasional sounds of animals chirping or moving around. The moon provided enough light for her to be able to read her book, though a candle still stood beside her, melting the wax and fading into a puddle of hot liquid.

It was then interrupted by a loud crash just beside her, barely missing the candle.

She didn't have to look to know who it was— the rainbow entrails and the blue feather was enough of a indication.

"Are you okay, Rainbow?"

Twilight turned to her friend, who's face was scrunched into a frown.

"Fine." She reassured. "Nothing can bring me down."

"A wall certainly did." She replied dryly, before deciding to move towards the hopefully uninjured mare. Looking at her closely, it doesn't seem as if there are any bumps or bruises on her. She didn't seem hurt, nor did she garner any injury, though she could argue her ego probably had few brusing. She doesn't need to worry about it however, just a few compliments could heal that well enough.

"Well, a wall ain't nothing, Sparkle, It's something. Something bigger than you could'a imagine. You can't underestimate them; look at how it managed to harm someone as great as me!"

She stared at her with barely concealed amusement. "Ah yes, forgive me for my ignorance. How could I forget that among the many enemies of our nation, the wall stood the greatest among them!" She exclaimed with false vigor. "The horror they instilled! The fear they spread!"

"You get me now Sparkle." Rainbow Dash says dramatically. "Now that you see what I see, how about you join me and embark on a journey to bring every wall down!"

"Of course. I am nothing if not a patriot."

That seemed to be the last push, making them dissolve into fits of laughter. Something about it felt so peaceful— she never wanted it to end. It took them a few moments before they can compose themselves, an air of comfortable silence hanging over them. It was Twilight who broke it.

"So, what were you really doing, Rainbow?" She said, glancing back at the mare who was comfortably setting herself down the wooden floor.

She shrugged casually. "The usual, duh." She paused, as if considering something before adding: "well . . . I was supposed to be out for a night flight but I got jittery so I went to practice."

"And then you crashed?" She continued, raising a brow as she looked at the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash looked offended at her comment. "It wasn't my fault! I was just whooshing and zooming around everywhere, but then, wham! I accidentally got into the dark part of the town and I had to maneuver in the pitch dark! Can you imagine doing that? And then, I guess that kinda led me here . . ." She finished her story with a sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry about crashing." She grimaced. "Again."

"Well at least it isn't the bookshelf this time." She relented. Twilight just couldn't stay mad at the mare, she was far too adorable— in a totally cool way and not in a lame kinda way.

"Dont worry, I'll go back to my daily schedule tomorrow." Rainbow Dash flashed her a grin.

"Don't you dare." She warned. Then, an idea popped into her head. "If you do that, I won't let you borrow the latest Daring Do series."

Rainbow looked panicked. "You wouldn't dare, Sparkles." Her challenging demeanor disappeared as she looked at her imploringly. "Right?"

It took her a few good minute before her mask of seriousness cracked, laughing with delight. She wouldn't be so cruel as to take away one of her best friend's guilty pleasure.

"Of course I am." She says in a sing-song voice. "I was kidding, I'd never do that."

Rainbow Dash grinned in relief, though she could uneasiness in her shoulders that suggested she thought she was serious. "Of course you wouldn't." She echoed.

For a good measure, Twilight bumped into the mare. "How about I let you borrow it tomorrow morning?"

The pegasus' wing flapped behind her as she looked at her with unbridled excitement. "Really?"

She nodded. "Really."

Rainbow Dash did a mid-air flip. "Awesome!" She whooped in delight. "You're the best, Sparkles."

She smiled back at her, genuine and soft, before it dropped. Twilight bit her lips and looked down as if troubled. Rainbow Dash immediately noticed the change in her demeanor, pushing her to drop down and stand eye to eye with Twilight.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Twilight opened her mouth before closing it once again, giving her a tight lipped smile. "It's— it's nothing, just a silly thought."

"It's not silly if you're worrying over it, egghead." She says. "So c'mon, what is it?"

"I was wondering why do you keep calling me Sparkle instead of Twilight or even Twilight Sparkle." When she didn't receive an answer, Twilight sighed before shaking her head, as if it would make her concern go away. "See, it's stupid—"

"Nah." Rainbow Dash cut her off. "I told ya, if it bothers you, it's not stupid." She bumped her head gently against hers, making her startled. That seemed like a pseudo nuzzle of sorts, wasn't it? Did she want to nuzzle? Twilight found herself unopposed to the idea. "And, to answer your question, I call you Sparkle 'cause it rolls off the tounge better. And Twilight is just way too—" she scrunched her nose, as if trying to figure something out, "round. It's boring. Uninteresting. Sparkle on the other hand is spiky and way cooler to say." She was now moving animatedly while explaining, as if she was making sense. "Ya get me?"

"I guess?" She replied, unsure.

"That didn't convince you huh?"

Twilight sighed. "I can't help it. I get what you're trying to say, really, but it's just— well, you call our other friends by their first name. Going by your logic, shouldn't Rarity and Fluttershy be spiky too?"

"There's nothing else to call 'em. And besides, the roundness fits their personality." Rainbow continued. "You, Applejack and Pinkie is spiky. And before you ask why I also call her Pie, it's because her last name is like, super rad."

Twilight took her time to process what Rainbow said before hesitantly speaking. "So, to sum it all up, you call me Sparkle because I'm spiky and it's cooler, and Twilight just doesn't fit me because it's lame and round."

"I didn't say it's lame—"

"You implied it."

"—but, yeah. Basically."

"That doesn't make—" she struggled for a minute before she continued, "you know what? I get it. In a Rainbow-sense, it's comprehensible." She relented.

"You mean awesome-sense, but whatever. Rainbow and awesome are the same too if ya think about it."

"That it is." Twilight indulged. "Though, one day, you're going to use my first name."

"Is that a challenge, egghead?"

"And what if it is?"

Rainbow looked at her with a cocky grin. "Well, prepare to lose!"

That got a laugh from her. "I wonder how I'll make you say it though." She mused out loud. "If you fell in love with me, perhaps?" She joked, turning to look at Rainbow Dash to tease her, but the pegasus seemed frozen in place.

"Wha— that's— uh—" she spluttered, unable to make a full sentence as if something was stuck on her throat.

"Rainbow? Are you okay?" She asked, looking at the mare in worry. As she moved closer towards her, the pegasus inched away to avoid her.

When she was about to speak again, Rainbow finally spoke up.

"It was nice talking to ya, T— Sparkles. Goodnight!" Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. She couldn't even say goodbye as the pegasus bolted away, leaving a trail of rainbow entrails. Twilight was left in the balcony, alone with the company of herself, the stars and cacophony of questions in her mind.

The silence hung around her, before something else washed over her. Something warm yet uncomfortable. It was foreign and all encompassing, a promising whisper that told her she could fly but its weight was holding her down. She didn't know what it was, and her mind scratched and repeated her not to know about it. There was fear on her heart at the uncertainty, her fight or flight response triggered, but she was determined.

Twilight Sparkle has to know about it. This strange blooming sensation was taking over her, and if she doesn't understand it, she'll be forever lost and bumbling around like an idiot. She has to try, not only for herself but also for Rainbow Dash.

And she'll do anything for Rainbow Dash.

With that thought in mind, she blew the candle and headed inside her library, were dozen of thoughts wrapped around her. Tomorrow, she promised, she'll start figuring it all out tomorrow. But today, she'll let the strange feeling wrap around her like an embrace, and let herself settle softly.

Author's Note:

I took a few liberties in both of their personality, but I hope they stay true to their canon personalities. I also littered some few headcanons here and there. This story is basically more of a rambling in my part and probably very self-indulgent than anything. I also posted this in ao3 but I wanted to focus on the fandom itself specifically because reasons.