• Published 14th Apr 2024
  • 265 Views, 5 Comments

The Stone - TheKing2001

Sunset hates the so called choosing stone that Pinkie's family trusts with their life for some odd reason.

  • ...

Chapter I


“So we are all going to Applejack’s for a sleepover tonight, right?”

I glanced at Rainbow sitting with a bored expression at the lunch room table, spinning a lunch tray on her finger as our two newest table mates, Blueberry Cake and Norman sat quietly at the end of the table.

I don’t know why they started sitting here, they just sat down one day and well, three months later they still were here. They were fairly friendly I suppose. Not really to Rainbow Dash considering she called it “our table” and demanded to know why they took her spot.

“Yepperoni!” Pinkie announced as she shoved another cupcake into her mouth. “I’m supplying the games, helping with the food and Rarity is bringing sleeping bags for us all.”

“Why when Ah got an air mattress?” Applejack set down a half eaten apple. “We got a few old ones from God knows when.”

I tuned out the rest of the conversation as I watched Pinkie laughing at some joke she probably thought of in her head. Pinkie’s laugh was probably the most beautiful noise I’ve ever heard.

As far as I know, she has no idea I care about her this way. And by that, I mean way more a friend should. Pinkie is damn near the whole perfect package. She’s funny, kind, helpful in her own way, don’t even get me started on how pretty she is.

I’ll spare you the details of my other thoughts about Pinkie, especially the late at night ones.

“Going to the bathroom. And then to class. I’ll see you all at Applejacks. Bye!” Pinkie announced and walked away with her lunch tray as I stared at her walking with a faint blush. I thought she was damn fine in a dress but seeing her in her pink skirt and white leggings damn near drove me crazy.

“Earth to Sunset,” Rainbow waved a hand in front of my face. “You’re staring at your girlfriends ass again.”

“W-what are you talking about?” I forced a nervous laugh as they all exchanged smirks. “I have no girlfriend!”

“Yet you still didn’t deny looking at Pinkie’s assets,” Rarity pointed out with a smug grin. “We all saw darling.”

“We also saw you staring at her the whole time. Today’s not the first time either,” Fluttershy said quietly as she set down a fork. “Is there something you want you tell us?”

“Nope,” I said nervously and shook my head as Applejack gave me an unimpressed look. I hate that she can tell when I’m keeping a secret or withholding information.

“Are ya sure about that?” Applejack asked pointedly as she gazed at me.

“Look darling,” Rarity intervened thankfully before I could make up something in my defense. “No offense but you’re awful at hiding your affections for Pinkie. You’ve been like this since the Battle of the Bands.”

“The what?” Twilight asked as Blueberry and Norman both grimaced. I kinda forgot they were here. Oh lord, they probably heard the other stuff about Pinkie too.

“Long story,” Rainbow answered as she looked away. “I’ll tell you about it later. Sunset saved all our asses that night.”

I blushed more as they all gave me warm smiles. I didn’t really feel like I deserved all the credit. Sure, I helped and was the last piece they needed to defeat the Sirens but still.

“Let’s entertain the thought I like Pinkie,” I started as Applejack snorted. “Firstly, she probably doesn’t even swing that way. Secondly, she probably wouldn’t even be interested in me that way. She seems to only view me as a friend.”

“She most definitely swings that way,” Twilight mused as she closed her book she was reading. “I’ve heard a lot from other louder students about how she dated a few females here. Namely a Watermelody and a Vinyl Scratch before Vinyl started dating some cello player?”

“Are you trying to be the school stalker now?” I asked as Twilight sputtered incoherent words.

“No! People just speak really loudly! Especially Scootaloo. She announces everything in the locker room.”

I gave a snicker as Twilight faintly frowned at me.

“We all know you like Pinkie and it’s damn obvious. Even Lyra knows and that girl is a certified nut case!” Rainbow exclaimed as a nearby Bon Bon shot her a dirty look. “Oops. Anyway, how Pinkie doesn’t see you staring at her twenty four seven is beyond me.”

“I don’t do that,” I corrected with a frown. I received multiple flat looks as I gulped. “Okay, maybe I do sometimes but not all the time.”

“Ya do realize this sounds like am obsession, right?” Applejack pointed a fork at me as I scowled at her.

“I am not obsessed!” I snapped as she raised an eyebrow.

“I agree with Sunset darling. I personally find your interest in Pinkie quite adorable,” Rarity squeezed my shoulder. “I do wonder how you will be able to handle sleeping in close proximity to Pinkie though. You do seem quite flustered in the past by that alone.”

Oh fuck. I did kinda forget about that. I usually was better at keeping it hidden than I have recently.

“And I volunteer to assist you in telling Pinkie,” Rarity continued as I choked on air. Out of everything I’d expected her to say, I didn’t expect that. I should have seen it coming though. Rarity read way too many romance novels. This was practically her territory after all. “A grand gesture maybe? A simple dinner made by yourself? The opportunities are endless. Saving Pinkie from a vampire murderer whilst revealing yourself to be a vampire who betrayed her own kind after falling for a human girl?”

I stared at her for a brief second. I have no idea where she gets this shit but she needs to quit reading her romance novels.

“Last time I checked, Sunset isn’t a vampire Rarity,” Fluttershy pointed out before giving me a nervous look. “Right?”

I slammed my face into the table and groaned as a response. Hopefully that answered her question.

I should have just kept lying and said I didn’t like Pinkie that way.

I crushed a cupcake wrapper before tossing it into the trash can sitting next to me.

“Having fun?” Pinkie demanded as she approached me and I nodded with a smile before turning to watch Rainbow and Applejack continue their Mortal Kombat match.

“Yeah Pinks. What about you?”

“I’m super duper terrific!” Pinkie announced with a grin as she hugged me and I turned red as I accidentally got a look down her pajama shirt.

Think puppy dogs and raccoons getting ran over by car tires. And never let Fluttershy see my thoughts because she’d definitely be crying if she saw what I was thinking.

“T-that’s good,” I hugged her back and forced an inhale. “Same here.”

“You’re warm,” Pinkie giggled as she licked my cheek and I froze. “You had frosting on your cheek. I’m not about to let perfectly good frosting go to waste! That’s a frosting crime.”

“A frosting crime,” I mused and snorted a laugh. “Yeah, that checks out. Why do you have so much Reddi Whip in your fridge by the way?”

“That’s a secret,” Pinkie sang and winked at me. “You’ll find out shortly.”

I hummed as I relaxed and realized everyone was giving me grins as I turned redder.

“Adorable,” Rarity mouthed at me and I gave her a look. “I personally think I’m ready to go sleep darlings. Are you two finished with your video game war yet or no?”

“I kicked her ass so yeah I am,” Rainbow shrugged and set her controller down as Applejack scowled at her.

“Only because ya distracted me to win!”

“Meh,” Rainbow waved a hand dismissively as she slid into her sleeping bag. “Minor details. Still won.”

“You’re insufferable,” Applejack muttered as Twilight let out a quiet snore. How she managed to sleep the noise of the those two and Pinkie, I’ll never know.

I stretched out on the bed Applejack insisted I sleep on as I yawned again, watching as Fluttershy stuck a night light in the socket next to her sleeping bag. I stared up for a moment at the stars on the ceiling and smiled faintly.

She was probably the only one who knew I was afraid of the dark. She seemed like the only one I could trust at the time and well, telling Rainbow Dash I was afraid of the dark would be the worst idea ever.

“You’re comfy,” Pinkie muttered as I jumped slightly. I had assumed she’d gone to her sleeping bag next to Twilight.

“Pinkie? Why are you sleeping in the bed with me?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and internally hoped that didn’t make her leave.

“Too tired to move and you’re comfortable and warm. Is it fine? I can force myself to move if you wish,” Pinkie commented as she covered a yawn and curled up closer to me.

“N-no this is fine,” I stammered as I caught Rainbow winking at me from the corner of my eye.

I’d be willing to bet she had something to do with this with a doubt. I shifted slightly under the sheets and wrapped an arm around Pinkie as the pink haired girl sighed contently.

But yeah, this was fine. More than fine.