Ad Astra Per Aspera: To the stars with difficulties.
Ad Astra Per Derpy Aspera: To the stars with Derpy difficulties. :derpytongue2:

Lightning Dust strands herself on her way to the red planet. With no way to move her rocket, she'll die unless Equestria's Best and Brightest find a way to bring her home despite cloak-and-dagger sabotage, snobbery, limited resources, and bureaucratic incompetence.

Content Note:
Death - Mentioned in the Prologue and Chapter 5. Chapters 7, 9, 10 (spoiler): Touched on: miscarriage.
Narcotics - Chapter 14 - Performance enhancers and blood doping discussed.
Sex - Inappropriate government-required questions in Dossier chapters; Ch. 11- a slightly saucy section.

Show Era: After Season 9.
Cover Art: The background Mars is by Kevin Gill with license to only the background Mars cover art at this link. The pony interposed on Mars is by owlicious, who also combined the two images.
Special Thanks: to owlicious for edits from the start through the end. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 34 )

EDIT: Oh, I was right, this is a submission for the Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest

If you have theories as to "just what went wrong" (as Derpy would say), please feel free to share! :rainbowhuh:

None of them seem right.

  • Looking at a fleck on her helmet instead of the planet - that would be unlikely since she'd move her head
  • Too many g forces in a loop de loop and bursting something in her head
  • Not enough oxygen for the return flight?
  • No way to replace the moisture like in Dune. Should have swallowed saliva.
  • Lost supplies somehow, but nothing seems to mention it. E.g. Landing on Marred with no potatoes/crops, e.g. potatoes were what the protagonist needed to survive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Martian_(film)

If you have theories as to "just what went wrong" (as Derpy would say), please feel free to share! :rainbowhuh:

She put on her helmet twice in a row? I don't think I read a part where she took it off. I can't tell if the helmet falling off was the doom, or if it was implied that (1) she lost her helmet without noticing, or (2) she was losing too much air despite the helmet, and was confused/hallucinating/etc.

Or it was just implied that she looked back later.

EDIT: The story was updated

Her head was hurting more now, so she blinked and put the helmet over her head, screwed it on, pressed a few buttons on the suit and pressurized herself. They'd told her to minimize donning and doffing especially since she wasn't well equipped to breathe in space and fine--she'd do that. But she wasn't going to look at Moon or back at Equestria through a streaky blur.

Now she was into deep space, well on her way to Marred, the red fourth planet of the solar system--a planet cris-crossed with ancient canals and otherworldly wonders that she was going to be the first pony to see up close. For now though, it was still just a dot. There wasn't much to see, so, wheezing a bit, she figured she might as well don her helmet.

Thank you for playing along with the theories! Lots of creativity! I will comment more on them after the answer is revealed. :twilightsmile:

RE: The Wonderbolts contest:
- We will see! :derpyderp1:
- I also have another story I have been aiming at that contest (which permitted two stories), but that other tale may not get far enough along, which is a pity. If only the Wonderbolt contest could have started a few weeks before it did when I had more time to write. Alas and alack and all that. :raritydespair:

Good catch. Thank you! :pinkiecrazy:
Fixed by ending the second paragraph with its penultimate sentence.

If you have theories as to "just what went wrong" (as Derpy would say), please feel free to share! :rainbowhuh:

Regardless, she definitely was the first non-Alicorn to travel around our Moon. Except that hadn't been the plan.

and making Lighting Dust bored sick to her stomach.

Rocket fuel discharged behind her butt and she let loose a whoop that nopony heard because there were no echoes even if they had been able to hear it over the roar of her discharge.

She was past Moon--beautiful Moon with its pockmarked craters--even more beautiful to perceive after a loop-de-loop she'd done to better glimpse its details

Its excessive weight provided more drag on her fuel and reduced the amount of water and food she could carry in her saddlebags. But its cargo was vital

On second thought, something else seems more likely. I missed the parts about using rockets rather than flight magic earlier and multi-stage being rockets rather than a flight plan. Based on knowledge of orbital mechanics (kidding) from Kerbal Space Program and the Martian - there usually isn't much budget for extra fuel(delta-V) in space programs, to save on costs and weight for the craft, crew, and supplies, so if there's more fuel use than expected (loop-de-loop almost definitely not in the flight plan, and possibly close to moon sized, and requiring full reversal of speed, twice or probably just a slowdown for orbit, then speedup to leave orbit, which would still require extra fuel) there might not be enough for landing on Marred, the return trip, or re-entry to Equestria.

- especially if she wasn't paying attention to any orbital mechanics lectures, which is something I'd have to guess at
- Same about needing to drop whatever weight they could in the spacecraft in the Martian's book/movie return trip, etc.

Not really related, but funny - https://what-if.xkcd.com/126/ (Stairs to space and how much butter you would need)


Really good grammar overall aside from minor nitpicking on the chapter, moved to an ongoing proofreading conversation.

Lightning Dust yanked the Device out of her mouth to spit. Spittle fell to her side and not back on her face because flying was flying, whether it was in the sky or in space which was just a type of higher sky that one could only access by rocket or crazy alicorn flying magic, and she was an expert flyer who knew better than to spit where she was accelerating. Before she could sputter and struggle to breathe again, she strapped the Device back on.


...I found the "she" is ambiguous since there's four mares in that paragraph...

A fair comment. Agreed! I split it into its own paragraph as a fix. The 'she' was immediately following the reference to a "test pilot", but it now reads much better split into multiple paragraphs with less ponies per paragraph. :derpyderp2: It also provided me an opportunity to turn the parallelism of three sentences into near-parallel paragraphs after some limited expansion. :coolphoto:

"Sure, the"

I think you are correct that the comma is best here. You are also right that occasionally a comma is not necessary, but I agree it is better in this situation. Thank you.

for the double hyphens being distracting

Em Dash (—) vs. En Dash (–) vs hyphen(-)

e.g. "details--a view" vs "details — a view"

I agree the solid em dash is more ideal but there is no way to generate a solid em dash on my keyboard (or automatically). I would need to manually cut and paste, (more ideally) memorize and type an obnoxiously long keyboard shortcut (ALT+0151), or write the story in a word processor with a feature that automatically converts.

My workaround has been the double hyphen to represent an em dash. Noted that you prefer "details -- a view", with the spaces; however, "details--a view" is equally acceptable. I will keep in mind if there is a large contingent of reader preferences for the preceding and trailing spaces. My preference is for less spaces due to convenience, since less characters are typed (less of a chance for a typo), due to aesthetic preference and due to aural preference because an em dash sounds jumbled together without a pause. :pinkiegasp: Thank you again for the suggestion, however!

Again, I'm enjoying the story and looking forwards to the rest of it, and there's really good grammar overall, aside from minor nitpicking in a few places that are now fixed.

Agreed! I split it into its own paragraph as a fix

The rearrangement looks better, I have no complaints about ambiguity in the rewrite of the paragraph, and other comments were fixed. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

You do know that her name is not really derpy right it's muffins no seriously look it up that's her actual name in the show

Thank you for your guesses!

You put in a lot of thought. Many of your postulates could have been the answer. And then you arrived at the right one with your comment on "definitely not in the flight plan"! :twilightsmile:

You mentioned the Martian and I would cite the Martian, Project Hail Mary, and The Right Stuff as influences along with other sci-fi stories, portions of Changeling Space Program, histories of the space race, and nonfiction books on early rocketry technology development, so if those sort of things interest people, you'll probably see glimmers of them here.

But she hadn't accounted for minuscule mispositioning caused by

Loved the twist ending.

Will she end up like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk%27s_Tesla_Roadster and need a lot of rockets or an impressive feat of magic to try to rescue? I'll wait for the next chapters to find out :rainbowwild:

EDIT: For readers imagining how Doctor Hooves acts and speaks (excited, British accent, scientist), see the below show clip about "Derpy and the Doctor" at 1 minute and 47 seconds in.

It's only mostly canon, and plenty of authors and artists ignore it.
Look at the tags on this story (and Fimfiction generally). The character tag is Derpy.
And on the tags available on derpibooru. She is Derpy Hooves there.

Even in merchandise, her name is rarely "Muffins"; it is usually a picture of a muffin and/or her face. Because it's not her name; it is the substitute Hasbro decided to use in place of her name.

I'm looking forward to more updates.

"It's simply that... the time device is a little dangerous. Remember Minuette?"

I'd liked that story and expanding the canon.

The time device is a little dangerous--remember the mouse--" she shivered

My headcanon for an outdated version of this chapter about a lab mouse was that it became inedible, similar to the scene in the below video.


My headcanon for the mouse is that it is now inedible.


On second reading and with the elaboration added to the author's note (the day of this comment) giving context, I'm really loving how this prologue fits in with the rest of the story (theme, events, explaining background/motivations, etc.), and I'm looking forward to the other chapters of the story.

I'd missed a few things because I read it too fast the first time.

Thank you. I hope it delivers for you and that it finds an audience! :twilightsmile: Less than 100 people have even opened the story (I assume some of the 101 views of the first chapter are repeats and my own). :pinkiegasp:

Thank you! :twilightsmile: Only a few more chapters left now!

I'm looking forward to the conclusion of a story I personally found similar to The Maretian or the Changeling Space Program (and the various other works you've linked)

Question for Readers: It's obvious that Derpy's probably going to space. But how's Derpy going to get back?

Hopefully, they'll get back by both returning on a trajectory close enough to home for a third group to rescue them later. Maybe the species will finally cooperate for the rescue, but I assume ponies would have reasonable plans that didn't rely on external help, so I don't know. (Alicorn/other help? Finishing another rocket?)

I had the idea for the below non-canon edit picture of the concept of Derpy being trapped on Marred, for the events before chapter ten, for non-serious memes, etc.

"We just don't know what went wrong"

(Below: Twilight seeing Derpy on Marred, edited for Marred to be much closer than the Moon to make the test pilot easier to see)

And for just Derpy (edit of this) on Marred with the current cover art of the red planet. The red planet is from NASA's 3D model of mars, and use of their images for non-commercial purposes with attribution are generally allowed by their guidelines.


Question for Readers: It's obvious that Derpy's probably going to space. But how's Derpy going to get back?

Edit: Oh, I missed the part in Chapter 5 about oxygen, as well as the oxygen Device having finite resources in Chapter 6: Lightning Dust Continues / Twilight Tries / Spitfire Doesn't Make the Grade.

After an eventful couple of hours of blurry adjustments and several removals of her helmet to squint and check the bearings, Lightning Dust stared straight at Marred and used the Device to suck in oxygen, processed from space hydrogen and converted into something more palatable. Her Device still had enough chemicals remaining. She'd still be fine. And, if she didn't sleep, she could process oxygen from the floating space particles--for a while anyway.

Original comment from when I thought the issue was fuel and the Device was magic is below:

I've been assuming all launches were from ground level, so I think it's mostly a matter of saving fuel for the launch to Marred and back.

  • Most likely, positioning the moon for a gravity assist in a way that does keep the flight plan (then moving it away once the ponynaut starts moving away from the moon, from a distance where it's safe enough to do so), since the story's setting mention it does have enough gravity for an assist
  • They'd save fuel if there was a way for Twilight to teleport or accelerate the rockets before the launch, but if they called Discord then she probably can't, e.g. if it was sent to the moon (spells to transform items, seal them inside other items, reduce effects of gravity, etc.).

    Even for helping with launch it from within Equus, Discord might be trying to avoid leaving any traces of his chaos magic whatsoever, for any being like Cosmos that might exist and be capable of sensing chaos magic (Dark forest hypothesis)

  • Or to have Twilight teleport into space to meet them there for a boost/refueling on leaving, if that's possible
  • (Unlikely given the show and the overall story genre/theme) Or to use boosts to magic such as Elements of Harmony or Grogar's Bewitching Bell, though the first is only ever used when there's a danger facing Equestria, and the latter could be stolen, misused, or seen as a provocation to other countries after what Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis did. (and potentially the same problem with powerful magic artifacts and beings like Cosmos)
  • Joke answer: I don't expect it to be staying on Mars and farming potatoes (or bringing lots of rations) like in (The Martian) because there's no way to bring a space habitat, and nothing about farming was mentioned, and I assume Marred would be uninhabitable for long periods and equipment problems would quickly occur.

Those are excellent images! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the fanart! :derpytongue2:


Thank you for the fanart! :derpytongue2:


EDIT: Second concept cover based on https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Derpy/Gallery?file=Derpy_flying_through_the_hoop_S4E24.png


And a meme version (Interstellar and The Martian were space rescues of characters portrayed by Matt Damon.)


EDIT: additional concept cover fanart/meme with an edit to the above post, inspired by the cover of "The Martian", which had similar themes

Other concept fanart of potential covers, based on discussion several chapters ago when I was still speculating on the ending (same picture, with title and shifted pictures)


Firefly: HEY! thats my line!

Lightning Dust strands herself on her way to the red planet. With no way to move her rocket, she'll die unless Equestria's Best and Brightest find a way to bring her home despite cloak-and-dagger sabotage, snobbery, limited resources, and bureaucratic incompetence.

So in other words, Lightning Dust should just kill herself now and save herself the trouble?

Lightning Dust strands herself on her way to the red planet. With no way to move her rocket, she'll die unless Equestria's Best and Brightest find a way to bring her home despite cloak-and-dagger sabotage, snobbery, limited resources, and bureaucratic incompetence.

So in other words, Lightning Dust should just kill herself now and save herself the trouble?

Best and Brightest refers to several members of the team as a whole.

The thing that Derpy's the best at in this story is brought up in the first chapter, then explained in more detail later, current/former Wonderbolts were also in the space program, and the reasoning for the choice of pilot is explained in the story.

(aside: comments on the story page (about a quote in the story description) confusingly show up as comments on the most recent chapter at the time of posting)


Maybe the species will finally cooperate for the rescue, but I assume ponies would have reasonable plans that didn't rely on external help, so I don't know. (Alicorn/other help? Finishing another rocket?)

All good plans. :twilightsmile:

Why didn’t you reply to my comment?

There was nothing to respond to. No question was asked. If you read through the comments section, you may also note I do not respond to every comment.

If you meant me by "you", I originally forgot to click the reply button, but then it felt like an unwanted notification if you didn't have plans to read the story, and redundant if you had already read the story. The original comment was an ambiguous rhetorical question (somewhat of a funny joke, but would confuse new readers about the story contents), and I didn't want to start a discussion unrelated to the story.

Peeved, Doctor Hooves filed a complaint with Mrs. Harshwinny who duly filed it away and never looked at it again.

This made me grin. :D

I really enjoyed Spitfire's voice in this interview!

This was quite a wild ride! It took me a bit to recognize that the italics in some of the more narrative sections were Derpy narrating, but in general I enjoyed this story's structure: the switches between what was currently in progress, occasional flashbacks when they seemed appropriate, and the dossiers as supporting evidence, all felt like just fragments of a bigger story.

Honestly, the dossiers were some of my favorite parts of the fic -- you nailed the character voices there; each was very distinct, and it was always clear what was going on despite the fact that we were only seeing a little over half the conversation.

The parallels to the US/USSR space race felt a bit on the nose to me with how the GSCR was constructed and the role it played in the story, but I do appreciate how its existence and the pressures that ended up trapping Twilight into feeling like she had to rush into the space race to begin with tied into the finale where friendship -- or at least, an extended hoof that could perhaps be a start -- played a key role in Derpy's rescue.

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