• Published 17th Apr 2024
  • 145 Views, 0 Comments

Break Your Chains - Pachi

Talent. Its important in everything. Whether it be a job or a sport, talent is everything, that is fate...but what if a man born without talent reaches the pinnacle of his world? If only for a second? Well then, he becomes a fatebreaker

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1. Genius of Effort

The wall

The gate

The barrier

The limit

There are many terms for the factor in a persons life that stops them from achieving the next level

Whether it be in studies or in a certain physical sport, or an endeavour, its all the same

You will always have an end. An end that is always unbreakable

This is the law of the “Talent”

Another aspect of this law, is how random each persons limit is decided…

When you hear successful people talk about themselves, they constantly talk about their “Effort” and how they only achieved that status due to that “Effort”

But what about the people below them? The thousands that they treaded on to get to where they are?

Did they not put in any “Effort”?

Of course they did!

Everyone puts in “Effort”, but its only when that “Effort” meets the natural ability of “Talent”, fused with “Luck”, does anyone ever get anywhere in life! Its only when those three combine that "Success” is created

If “Talent” is a multiplier, “Effort” is addition, and “Luck” is an Equal sign

You need “Effort” to create the base that “Talent” grows, but all this could never happen without the “Luck” to gain motivation in the first place!

This is the law of "Success”

That is a multiversal truth

“Today’s your birthday isn't it? Not wasting any time are you?” a middle aged man with grey stemming from the roots of his hair, as well as an aged handsomeness to him spoke out to a young man before him with a chuckle. The boy seemed maybe 17 or 18, but had a childlike glimmer in his eyes, that made him seem much younger “But hey Kid…Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have an ounce of talent in your body, this isn't the right pa-”

The boy nodded his head as he steeled himself

“-Yes! With every ounce of my being, I would love to!” the middle aged man sighed and resigned to the boy’s will, handing him a piece of paper

“Don’t make me regret this…” he mumbles under his breath as the boy signs the paper sheet… “Congrats kid, you're now, officially, on the path to becoming a professional boxer”

The boy’s eyes shone with utter excitement and glee, as he dashed outside of the boxing gym he was currently inside of and let out a joyful yell into the midnight air

The rain pattered onto his face as he ran at full force

The middle aged man walked outside to see the running figure with a chuckle

“Joy induced roadwork, huh? I may have had trained many champions in my lifetime, but this the first time I’m getting this feeling…”

"What'dya mean coach?” said a younger man, who looked to be around his mid 30s

“If for you and your predecessors, i felt that you would dominate the boxing world… but for Tae… he radiates this… burning passion… this unfalliable hope…”

“I get what you mean, just watching him now gets my blood pumping… i wanna train so bad right now~”

“Come on you old bag, you're already retired”

“OLD BAG?! You’re older than me!”

“By only a year!”

“What kind of older brother- you know what? Forget it…”

There was a silence between the two brothers before the older one began to speak

“You know how you said that he didn't have an ounce of talent in his body?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Well… i think you might be a bit wrong…”

“How so?”

“He may not be a genius in the conventional sense, but he definitely isn't normal, after all, who in their right mind celebrates through training?”

“I see what you mean… as they say, eccentricities are the root of all talent”

“We may have contributed to a moment in history…”

“Are you implying the birth of a Genius?”

“Yep…A Genius of Effort”

‘WHY ISN'T THIS BITCH GOING DOWN!’ Thought the champion with frazzled eyes

Staring at the half dead boxer, who in his eyes that shone like gems, was an inexplicable undertone of excitement

It was the 11th round

And for all 11 of those rounds, Tae hadn't gotten a single hit on the champion, James

He was getting absolutely destroyed, as the half-dead boxer’s dry resivours of energy were being scraped clean of anything to let him stand

Through sheer willpower, the man was resisting the temptations of the floor

But there is a limit to willpower alone

One last hit to the chin and Tae collapsed

“ONE!” Yelled the referee




‘Why am I here?’ thought Tae, his body across the ground

‘So soft… I should go to bed…’


‘Huh… did I train today?’


‘I need to get up and get onto the sandbags…’ slowly pushing himself upwards, he raised himself from his grave


Collapsing yet again, he tried once more to get up

“EI-” As the referee was about to finish the count and end the match, Tae rose and put his arms up

“Hey? Can you hear me? Can you still fight?” the referee checked on the mental state of the boxer, and he stayed silent, before trudging forward

‘I can't believe he’s still up… well, I should let him have this, he’ll collapse soon anyway, its better to let him have some hope…’ The referee mused in his mind, before swinging his arm down


‘I need to train…’

Rushing forward, he stared at the champion with a dull expression in his eyes… before a single glimpse of light revealed itself and he screamed out, his consciousness returning


“AHHHHHH!” yelling with all his might, he began to launch a barrage of punches towards the champion

1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds

2 minutes

Normally a barrage of punches from a boxer can only happen whilst they're holding their breath, as the Moment they breath they break rhythm and leave an opening

And that was the case for Tae as well, but he simply continued to throw punches, as his face was purple due to the absolute lack of breathing. His tongue dangled out of his mouth as he was completely and utterly hyperfocussed on this one act of throwing punches

The bell rang, as James collapsed to he floor, unconscious, yet Tae continued to release his barrage onto the air

It took a few seconds before he stopped, and looked to the sky

It was as if the entire world was silent

The world was in shock at what he done

“AAAAAHHHHHHHH” It was a primal urge in the now 25 yr old boy, to scream out his heart. To show the world his achievement

'THIS IS WHO I AM! THIS IS ME! THIS IS TAE YEONU!’ Was what his scream told everyone

And that message was received

The world was silent yet again before

‘WE SEE YOU!’ They replied in their own screams

As Tae was finally declared the winner, he looked down at the floor, seeing it shifting and turning before his very eyes, he stumbled and fell backwards, and his vision blackened


“Oh, now aint this a treat! You Ponies may have bested me with the elements of harmony, but I’m going to have the last Laugh!” Yelled Discord as he was turning to stone from the power of the elements

Opening a rift to another world, he did what any chaos entity would and grabbed the msot troublesome soul to exists

A fate breaker

A being that breaks the laws of fate and the laws of the universe through sheer willpower and dedication, and it just so happens that he got hold of the 10 Second World Champion, Tae Yeonu

But simply because he was a soul, he needed a body. Quickly making a duplicate body, the draconequs shoved the soul into it

But chaos magic being used whilst under the fire of a magical harmony beam tends to malfunction, and due to this, something peculiar happened

Of course, all this happened whilst under the cover of the harmony beam, causing a massive confusion for the six element barers as three statues, one of a draconequs, one of a young teenage mare, and one of an odd flat-faced creature revealed themselves, after the dust settled

‘I wanna train…’ Thought Tae in his head… he could hear everything happening around him, yet he wasn't able to understand any of it, since it was in another language

The language was most definitely English, from what he could tell, because of how he recognised what some of his english opponents used to say during an after matches

The only words he knew were “Hello” and “How are you”, but even that was so heavily accented that it's impossible to tell what he means without a bit of repetition

Time passed normally, or at least, that's what Tae thought. He often found himself zoning out… and as well as that, always hearing things.. twice

It was incredibly disorientating, but he somehow learned to manage

Though, it wasn't until he heard cracking until he finally got out of his stupor

“Ooohhhh what a relief! Its about time someone got me out of that prison block” Said Discord as he stretched out and snapped his fingers

Tae might have cared for the strange world around him if not for the fact that he was preoccupied with his other problem

He was seeing everything around him… twice!

And it wasn't some double vision, he was seeing things from another angle, he turned his head to the side, and the pony that was trapped in stone beside him turned as well

And when he turned his head to the side, he saw the back of his own head!

His mind quickly calmed down, as he analysed the situation so far

“What is happening” the words tumbled out of his mouth and the pony beside him’s mouth at the same time as the element bearers around him heightened their guard

Hearing his words be repeated by a feminine voice was trippy, that he could tell

He tried closing his eyes and multitasking a bit. And with a little effort, he was able to move his own head independently from the strange pony’s, looking himself dead in the eye…

“I’m seeing from this thing's eyes? And I'm speaking as well… one mind, two bodies?” It was an uncommon trope, but a trope he could understand nonetheless

The purple element bearer then seemed to involuntarily launch a small rainbow beam at him

“HOLY HELL!” Tae yelled out, as the Draconequs stopped his mischief to see the result of his final chaos gamble

“Language!” Applejack yelled at Tae for his choice of words, but Tae, hearing this with both ears and understanding it made him even more confused

“English? Isekai Translation magic perhaps?” He mumbled out loud, completely ignoring the growing intrigue of the chaos spirit before him

He had now managed to adapt a bit to the double senses with a bit of effort, enough so that he wasn't completely overwhelmed with information

“Okay… first off… where am I? Last thing I remember was blacking out after winning the championship match…" He says out loud, which attracted the attention of a certain rainbow maned flyer

It wasn't long after finishing that sentence though, that he was hit with a sleep spell… the pony clone of his also seemed to be hit by the spell… as both of Tae's visions blacked out for the second time that day

“Twilight! What was that!?” Rainbow Dash yelled

“What!? I just hit them with a sleep spell, it'll wear off, and currently, or job isn't to investigate a mysterious pony, its too reform Discord, Rarity, can you take these two to your house to stay until further notice?” Twilight Reasoned

Rarity nodded her head and lifted the two with her magic with a little strain, as Discord began to speak

“Reform? Me? Please…”

Author's Note:

The rest of this episode plays out exactly like how it did in canon
After all, the Fatebreaker hasn't directly gotten involved yet, merely existing doesn't bring chaos, its them acting that does
Long chap, other chaps may be shorter. Like always, just a side story for my main story [Egotistical Gamer] trust me, im still making and writing chaps for it...
Also trying out writing in third person with this. Don't like it much, makes everything seem stale and gives away too much info because your not seeing what the protagonist is, but also boosts word count and allows for some cool narrator lines so... also also its 2:15 and i need to go to bed (its a school night 😭😭😭)

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