• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


Life at Crystal Prep is tough, but so is Sunset. The school demands the best from the best, and she’s happy to prove she’s the cream of the crop. Having an amazing girlfriend doesn’t hurt either.

Even if thinking too hard about that girlfriend does.

An entry in the Sunset x Villains Crystal Prep contest, Sci-Fi Contest III, and RockstarRaccoon’s final Crackfic Storm. Mostly to see if I could. Rated Teen for brief mentions of assorted work-safe bodily fluids.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

I was ready for a "I love my multiple-possibilities-at-once girlfriend", not Changeling-based corporate. The Rainbooms IP thing was too real.

Still, this was enjoyable in its own weird dystopian way, and very worthy of being part of three contests at once.

Well done.

Is... that the Matrix filtered through a used cyberpunk coffee filter, EqG, and my nightmares?

Or possibly just Abacus's Basilisk.

This story is both weird and funny...and it lives up to the promise of the "science fiction" label. :rainbowderp:

I think most of all, this story shows that by writing characters well in a way that instantly works and keeps working, you can really get a story off to a good start and keep it running. (Even a story that spends some time being oddly surreal in some ways, as this one does.)

I like how in the story's last part (SPOILERS!)

Sunset awoke ten years older, twenty years wearier, and surrounded by technology many decades ahead of where it would have been without her actual girlfriend. From the full-immersion VR pod to the bodysuit that stimulated her muscles, provided nutrients, and took care of the used nutrients, everything around her boasted of Twilight Sparkle's handiwork.

- you fill us in so efficiently on some backstory of how the world got this way

Then the pod opened and disconnected from the suit, letting Sunset sit up and lament Twilight's choice to make that technology freely available to all, regardless of their intentions. Like the pod, the room containing it was mostly dark, broken up by lines of halogen light that somehow produced painfully harsh glare while doing a terrible job of actual illumination. A wall-sized window presented an overcast night broken up by skyscrapers with far more sensible lighting. Shadows turned the wires winding into the needlessly angular pod into writhing snakes, and the floor and ceiling holoprojectors into some dread altar to a god that considered proper ergonomics a sin. [...]

- you use details such as lighting and (bad) interior design to portray an environment that isn't really catering to HUMAN tastes and preferences, but nonetheless (with a few words about that view through the window!) you let us know that even if Sunset may feel trapped in a dystopia, it's a very LOCAL and possibly TEMPORARY situation for her.

11864959 [The Sleepless Beholder]

I was ready for a "I love my multiple-possibilities-at-once girlfriend"

That, too, is a good story idea though...or at least part of one. :twilightsmile:

As expected from this particular Author, even if you first favourite and like the Story before actually reading it, it does not change the outcome.

she'd spent half an hour arguing with herself over whether their two-girl band would work better as "Psychomagnetic Bloodpunch" or "My Neighbor Greg."

This summarises Ultrakill's two moods better than I could and now I have to consider writing about Lemon playing that at some point. She'd probably like the soundtrack.

A nice short story, even if already dated in some respects (they have already gotten better at fingers). I've considered including AI in my own potential Sci-fi contest entry but the site doesn't really allow for what I'd have planned. It's a bit of a shame people are only exposed to the more limited and filtered writing applications, they'd be surprised by what can be achieved if you know where to look and ignore a few legal issues.

I don't usually go for the school of sci-fi that holds up a stark mirror to reality, but that's how this one developed. Though "quantum-superposed girlfriend" is definitely a fascinating topic.

Hang on, adding "Used Cyberpunk Coffee Filter" to Lemon's notebook. Though that may be more of an album title.
But yes, while I didn't mean to channel your nightmares specifically, that is a good summation of the story.

Glad you enjoyed it on so many levels. And yeah, even when I write corpro-dystopian cyberpunk—but I repeat myself—I can't help but add a light at the end of the tunnel.

Glad to hear I lived up to your expectations. :twilightsmile:

Let's face it, all you'd have to tell Lemon is "Mankind is dead. Hell is full. Blood is fuel" and she'd spend the next four hours doing coin shots and combos. At minimum.

Also, I'd rather the only legal issues I ignore when writing be those relating to Hasbro's intellectual property. :raritywink:

Actually, it's Blood first, then Hell. And wow I have to assume my previous comment was misinterpreted looking at the amount of dislikes. Unless some people are really big fans of Amazon.

As I was reading this, I couldn't help but get distracted by the idea that Sunset actually just had six girlfriends, which extended into the idea of an MLP version of The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You. Picture this: Cadance, still growing into her powers, accidentally gives Sunset 100 soulmates, and their shared love is what redeems her instead of the power of friendship. It'd have different vibes, since Sunset wouldn't be as much of a gigachad as Rentaro, at least at first. I'd read the hell out of that. Don't have the time to write it myself though, unfortunately.

don't think you ever did in any of your stories.

“That’s not what I mean." Sunset glanced at the other girl, who raised an eyebrow back at her. "Well, yes, I’m not interested in Sour Sweet that way, but I also don’t want this . No matter how you tweak it.”

outta my wait straight girl i'm aboutta get it

Ignoring legal issues is a crime. You are endorsing crime. Why are you surprised that you're getting downvoted for endorsing crime?

Writing fanfiction is already "ignoring legal issues" depending on how you look at it. A lot of things fall into a grey area. I wasn't suggesting anything actively illegal. The use of public proxies hosting scraped access keys is questionable, but the service providers themselves turn a blind eye to them and if it even was a crime it would be for the people hosting or scraping rather than for those using them.

Taking on three contests with one fic, you absolute madman :raritystarry::pinkiecrazy:

This is equal parts confusing, disturbing, and amusing. I was worried for a sec that Twilight had, erm, kicked the bucket and Sunset was in denial, hence the other Shadowbolts helping her through the process. I have a very dark mind, what can I say? :P Still a thought-provoking read; you did it again! :twilightsmile:

Feels unusually bleak for you. But admittedly I'm not in the best of moods lately, so that might be coloring my perspective.

Excellent story. Didn't expect the rather bleak turn at the end. I was half expecting a multiple secret girlfriends sort of thing.

One of these days I need to figure out a story to write with the Shadowbolts. Much like the ladies of Helltaker, there's a lot of personality and potential in them.

Also, like the cover.

"Sunset shot Sunny Flare a warning glance, then went back to trying to follow who was killing whom this time."

Grammar is a pet-peeve. I am gland that you got this right. Siri is definitely not an AI:


"¿Who do you want to call?"


"⸘Whom would you like to call‽"


"I do not have an entry for '⸘Whom would you like to call‽'"

I suggest tightening it:

"Sunset shot Sunny Flare a warning glance, then went back to trying to follow who killed whom this time."

Hey there, my friend and fellow contestant! Here's my review of this one:

I really like this "quantum superimposed girlfriend" thing, as you've called it, and it makes for an interesting first half of the story. That something is wrong is obvious, but the what of it is what caught my interest. I think I might have liked a more climactic scene where Sunset has a bigger confrontation with her "girlfriend," perhaps shifting between them several times before finally disconnecting from the simulation.

As for the ending, I think you've very humorously captured a legit fear for the modern age, and one that is in line with the trend our corporate overlords would probably love to see come to fruition. After all, if they can harvest and sell our data, why not slap a copyright on our memories?

Great read, my friend! :twilightsmile:

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