• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 301 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Twenty – A Recovery Day – Part One

Starlight grunted as she slowly got out of bed. She’d spent most of the previous day exercising her leg. Taking laps of the Brighthouse between resting it. However, that morning it felt stiff and uncooperative, the exact opposite of what she’d hoped after another night’s rest.

She carefully got to her three good legs, standing with her back to the door. Carefully, she put her hoof down and transferred weight onto her bad leg. The same way that Nurse Flutterheart had instructed when the cast came off two days ago.

“At least that feels fine,” she muttered. “What’s happened to it? It felt better last night.”

She snorted as she tried moving it, lifting her hoof, and bending the joints. It didn’t feel right at all, and she grunted in annoyance. “I’ll be back in the wheelchair at this rate,” she muttered.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door before it opened, and Sunset’s head appeared. Her eyes widened as she spotted Starlight standing. “Whoa there speedy,” she gasped as she hurried in.

“Speedy?” Starlight snorted. “I’m not even sure I could walk this morning, let alone gallop.”

“Well, that’s because you need the spell treatment,” Sunset grinned.

She bent down as her horn lit up. Slowly she moved it along the leg, from the hoof upwards and then back down again. After repeating it a few times Sunset smiled as she looked back at Starlight.

“Try it now,” Sunset coaxed.

Starlight snorted, unable to feel any difference. That was until she lifted her hoof and bent her leg. “O...Okay, that is so much better,” she admitted.

“Knew it would be,” Sunset grinned. “You just need to trust me.”

Starlight sighed again, Discord's last words ringing in her ears.

“So, do you trust me too?” she asked before thinking.

Sunset blinked with surprise. “Of course I do,” she responded. “I think we make a great team.”

“Sorry, I just, well, feel so unsure right now,” Starlight covered. “I want my leg to feel better, but I know that will mean heading home.”

She took a deep breath and started to turn around carefully. Sunset watched, not saying anything as it was clear she was being cautious.

“I do trust you, Sunset,” Starlight smiled. “You’re right, we’ve made a great team.”

“Even when we’ve both had misadventures,” Sunset winked. “I know it’s no fun recovering. Come on, let’s head downstairs, I can smell Sunny’s cooking already.”

Starlight smiled gratefully, “Okay, I’ll stop and let you know if it starts hurting.”

Slowly, Starlight walked out of her bedroom and towards the ramp. Sunset followed and as they slowly descended, Starlight was surprised to see Sunny waiting expectedly.

“I knew you’d be walking this morning,” she squealed with delight. “Sorry, it’s just I wanted to see how well you were doing yesterday but had to open my cart.”

“I nearly wasn’t,” Starlight admitted as she looked at Sunset gratefully.

“She’s just got to remember to let me apply the spell regularly,” Sunset winked. “Especially in the morning.”

“Okay, I’ve got a pair of breakfasts with your names on them coming up,” Sunny grinned. “Also, Zipp’s been waiting for you, she’s in the living area.”

Starlight couldn’t help but sigh as she spotted Zipp with a map laid out on the coffee table. “Thank you, Sunny,” she smiled.

“Any plans for today, Sunny?” Sunset asked knowingly.

“Err, yes, if you’ll both be able to come with me that is?” Sunny asked hopefully.

“Come with you where?” Starlight frowned.

“First Mane Melody for a bit of relaxation,” Sunny grinned before looking nervous. “Then after that, I kind of suggested to Miss Butterscotch that we could show her class some magic.”

“Who’s Miss Butterscotch?” Starlight frowned.

“My old schoolteacher,” Sunny grimaced.

Starlight gave Sunny a deadpan expression whilst Sunset couldn’t help grinning.

“If you don’t want to go to the school I can always go on my own,” Sunset smirked.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t go,” Starlight frowned. “But are you sure I’m up to it?”

“You were doing well yesterday, so I’d say you’ll be up to it,” Sunset smiled. “Maybe not as much as walking to town. However, giving it more exercise is exactly what the book says you need to do.”

“Okay fine,” Starlight sighed as she flexed her leg instinctively before smiling. “We’ll both go and wow some little ponies with what magic can do.”

Sunny couldn’t help squeaking with joy. “Thank you, Starlight. I’d completely forgotten I’d promised Miss Butterscotch. What with the rushing around to stop Opaline.”

Starlight smiled as Sunny hurried excitedly towards the kitchen. She turned and gave Sunset a sideways glance as she carefully walked towards the living area.

Zipp grinned as the pair approached. “You guys have got to see this.”

“But that’s the same map you showed me before,” Starlight frowned.

As Starlight sat down, she tried to stop herself from grunting.

“Okay, sorry Zipp, one moment,” Sunset said. “Starlight, that was a grunt, wasn’t it?”

“Only because I should have sat down slower,” Starlight confessed.

“Doesn’t matter why,” Sunset advised. “If you get any pain, I need to know.”

Sunset moved in again, her horn lighting up. She ran it up and down Starlight’s leg the same as she had before.

“Remember, it’s not a pain relief spell,” Sunset advised. “It takes the pain away because it’s treating the reason for the pain.”

“Sorry, I keep forgetting,” Starlight conceded.

“It’s fine, I know it’s not easy recovering like this,” Sunset smiled. “Sorry Zipp, what did you want to show us?”

“This,” Zipp smiled as she pushed a button on a remote.

Her drone flew into view above the table. After moving around to align itself, it projected another map of Equestria over the older one.

“So, the projection is current Equestria,” she smiled. “I’ve managed to align it with the old map. Given what we know about the location of Canterlot and what I’ve learnt about the Dragon Lands.”

“It’s completely different,” Sunset gasped. “Even the coastline doesn’t match up.”

“A whole lot smaller too,” Starlight blinked. “Look, most of the area of the old map isn’t even shown on the projected one.”

“Yeah, and that’s the problem,” Zipp sighed. “There’s a whole lot of unknown between here and the Crystal Empire.”

“There's no trace of the railway at all,” Starlight sighed. “It feels so strange that getting to the Empire will be so hard for you. I’ve been there so often by just hopping on the train.”

“Sunset, I’ve been meaning to ask. What do you know about the Crystal Empire?” Zipp grinned. “Starlight has told me lots, but I’ve not had the chance to ask you.”

Sunset sighed and looked down uncomfortably. “Sorry Zipp, I’ve not really been there.”

“You must have,” Starlight frowned. “I thought that was where Princess Celestia kept the mirror.”

“Yeah, after I went through it for the first time,” Sunset sighed. “My only visit to the Crystal Empire was looking for a certain crown.”

“Oh,” Starlight gasped.

“Say no more,” Zipp added understandingly.

After they’d eaten breakfast. Sunny, Sunset, and Starlight all headed to Mane Melody. To rest her leg, Starlight opted to ride in the wheelchair for the walk into town.

As they entered Mane Melody, they were surprised to find that Pipp, Jazz and Rocky were all busy with customers. Therefore, the music playing was one of Pipp’s pre-recorded songs, not a live performance.

“Oh hey,” Pipp waved with a beaming smile. “Take a seat everypony, we’ll be with you as soon as we’re finished.”

Starlight grunted as she carefully lifted herself out of the wheelchair.

“Think I’ll stand for a moment,” she advised. “I’m starting to think that stopping actually makes my leg worse.”

“From what the book said, it can do that,” Sunset advised. “Here, more treatment coming up.”

Sunset’s horn lit up and she repeated the same steps as before. Much to the interest of Pipp’s other customers.

It wasn’t long before Pipp was finally able to tend to her friends. With a big grin, she fluttered over towards them. “Okay, so do any of you want anything different today? Anypony interested in a new mane style?”

“Just the usual please Pipp,” Sunny smiled knowingly.

“The last time I changed my mane was when I was reinventing myself and I’m happy with the way it is now. But thank you for the offer, Pipp,” Starlight chuckled as she carefully took a seat. “Besides, I think Rarity would have words if I appeared with a new style that she wasn’t involved in.”

“Honestly, I daren’t change my mane style,” Sunset admitted.

“Why?” Pipp asked. “I can think of so many that would work with your specific two-tone colouring.”

“Oh no, it’s not that,” Sunset chuckled. “I used to experiment all the time when I was little. I just don’t know what would happen to my human hairstyle if I did.”

“You ought to experiment sometime then,” Starlight smirked.

“Yeah, I will,” Sunset agreed. “I’m hoping to spend more time swapping between home and Equestria. Especially as it’s my final year at CHS and I don’t know what to do afterwards. I want to keep my options open.”

“Okay, no style changes but that’s no problem,” Pipp grinned. “I can’t remember what you tried last time you were here so here’s a list of all of them.”

Pipp passed Sunset a tablet. Sunset smiled as she immediately started tapping away on the screen. Looking through all the various treatments that Mane Melody had on offer. However, Starlight couldn’t help feeling worried as she watched.

“Here you go, Starlight,” Pipp grinned as she handed her a tablet as well. “Now, let me help you go through what we’ve got here.”

“Thanks, Pipp,” Starlight sighed. “I’m not at all used to this technology of yours.”

“It’s completely fine,” Pipp beamed. “You’d be surprised how many other ponies don’t understand. Especially Unicorns, Bridlewood seems to be quite slow to pick up technology.”

It wasn’t long before all three had chosen their treatments and were sat back relaxing. Misty had also joined them to get her mane and tail re-dyed.

“I was worried it would need redoing,” Misty admitted whilst Pipp worked away. “I’m sorry for making you more work, Pipp.”

“Hey, it’s completely fine, Misty. I knew it would need redoing at some point,” Pipp smiled. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t want to do it for you.”

“It’s funny how a change of mane style can help you reinvent yourself,” Starlight grinned whilst Rocky worked away on her hoofs.

“So, Sunny, I’ve been wondering something,” Sunset ventured. “The other day you mentioned you broke your leg when you were a filly?”

“Yeah, I did,” Sunny responded. “I did it whilst skating.”

“Really?” Misty gasped. “I thought you were a good skater.”

“I am now,” Sunny chuckled. “But that’s only because my dad was really supportive when I was a filly. Even when I did get hurt.”

“Well, you can’t keep teasing us like this, Sunny,” Rocky grinned. “What happened?”

“Oh, it’s really silly really,” Sunny sighed. “I mean, I fell over a lot when learning. It’s one of those things that you don’t learn unless you fall.”

“If you don’t want to tell us Sunny then it’s okay,” Misty reassured.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I brought it up,” Sunset added. “You fell over whilst learning to skate, that’s enough for me.”

Sunny let out a deep sigh. “No, I broke my leg because I should have taken my skates off before going to the loo,” she admitted before chuckling. “I told you it was really silly.”

“Wait? Really?” Pipp exclaimed.

“Yeah, really, Pipp,” Sunny laughed. “I should have listened to my dad about skating in the house. But I didn’t and slipped over in the Bathroom.”

“The things you do when you're little,” Sunset chuckled.

“I know right,” Sunny giggled. “You should have seen my dad’s face when he found me. It took me months and months until I could walk normally again. Even longer before I could try skating again. I never went into the bathroom with my skates on again.”

“So, you still skated in the house?” Starlight smirked.

“Oh yeah,” Sunny grinned. “All the time.”

They all laughed at that and continued to enjoy each other’s company.