• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 573 Views, 19 Comments

Dead Squirrel in Equestria - OGBlitz14

Squirrel is playing a game of Lethal Company, yet the next second, he's in a mysterious Horse town and became his avatar. What chain of events led to this? And is there a villain to this story or not?+

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Chapter 2: A Cheeky Welcome

"Umm... well, it looks like we're lost." a female orange coated Filly said with a sheepish smile.

"Well great, so much for a scenic route!" Said a female white coated Filly in a sarcastic tone.

A group of three Fillies appeared to be in a dark green forest and they were in the middle of a small opening. They seemed lost and didn't know where they were going. The white Filly and the orange Filly seemed to argue with each other as a yellow Filly watched them with worry.

"I just thought it be a..."

"A what!? A route that will make us become a Timberwolve's lunch!?" Pressing her forehead against the orange coated Filly's forehead with a glare on her face.

"Well maybe I just thought it would be a nice route to take!" She snapped back with a glare of her own.

"Girls, girls, stop fightin'." Said a female yellow coated Filly as she used each one of her hooves to push the both Fillies back. "We have to get out of this forest before we run into any Timberwolves, so let's not fight."

The two Fillies looked at each other with their glares for a second, then their expression softened and they both released a sigh with a concerned expression replacing their glares they had.

"*Sigh* You're right, I'm sorry for yelling at you, Scootaloo." The white coated Filly said with an apologetic tone in her voice.

"And I'm sorry for getting us lost in the forest, Sweetie Belle." The orange coated Filly replied with a apologetic tone as well.

"Ok, now that's clear, let's get out of this forest." Said the yellow coated Filly. The other Fillies nodded and all of them proceeded to a random direction in the forest.

The Fillies were traveling in one straight direction in the forest for 5 minutes. None of them said anything or made a sound come out of their mouth. The silence filled the forest, but it was broken when the orange Filly whisper yelled to the other Fillies.

"Sooo... are we almost there?"

"Ah hope so." The yellow Filly whispered yelled back.

"You know, for being in a scary forest, it sure is boring. I expected a timberwolf to-"

'Please don't jinx it.' Thought the white Filly.

"-appear and attack us or maybe even a Manticore."

"Aaand she jinxed it." Said the white Filly with a deadpan expression taking place on her face."

"What? I'm just saying? You think something crazy would happen around her-"

"I'M A FUCKING SQUIRREL!!!" A distant, yet close yell interrupted her.

The Fillies looked at each other like if they saw their greatest fear. "RUNNNNN!!!" They yelled in panic.

As they were about to run from whatever they heard, the yellow Filly's fearful expression was replaced with a face of curiosity and she exclaimed.

"Wait a secon'! That doesn't soun' like any Timberwolf or Manticore." The other Fillies stopped thinking to run and looked at her with a confused look on their face. "That sounde' like somepony is in trouble." She looked at the direction of where the sound came from. She then looked back at the other Fillies with a worried expression on her face. "We have to check it out an' make sure that Pony is okay."

The two Fillies opened their mouth to say no, but nothing came out from their mouth. They thought about the Pony who yelled and thought about the danger the Pony could be in. They nodded and agreed with her.

"You're right. We can't let somepony get ambushed out here." Said the orange Filly.

"As much as this forest scares me, we can't let anypony get hurt in this place." Said the white Filly.

"Alright Crusaders, let's go save that Pony!" Said the yellow Filly. The Fillies nodded and ran to the direction of the sound.

"C'mon y'all, we are almost there." The Fillies were running and stopped as they popped out of a bush and was introduced into a sight of a opening in the forest. They looked around to find a Pony in distress, but they didn't and were instantly confused.

"Uh... where's the Pony that was screaming?" Said the orange Filly in a confused tone.

"*Gasp* You don't think the Pony got eaten before we got here?" Gasped the white Filly in a worried tone.

"Oh c'mon, I doubt the Pony got-" She shivered a little bit at the thought."-eaten, I say we keep looking around for t-"

The two Fillies felt a hoof on their collar. Before they could react or register what they were feeling on their collar, the hoof pulled them into a bush.

"What? What was-" She stopped wondering to herself when she looked to see whose hoof was on her collar. It belonged to the yellow Filly. She had a little glare on her face and said with a little frustration in her voice. "Apple Bloom! What in Equestria are you doi-"

"Shhhhh." The yellow Filly shushed the orange Filly with a hoof pressed against the orange Filly's lips. "Look girls." Removing her hoof from the orange Filly's lips. She sneaked over to the to the edge of the bush and peeked her eyes outside of the bush. The two other Fillies looked at each other with a expression of uncertainty on their face. They followed her to the edge of the bush and peeked their eyes outside of the bush like the yellow Filly. They looked around and saw nothing, at first

'What is she worrying about?' Thought the white Filly with an eyebrow raised.

'It's official, she lost her mind.' Thought the orange Filly with a deadpan expression on her face.

"What in the hay is that?" The two Fillies heard the yellow Filly say that and looked at her then and at the direction she was looking at. What greeted their sight was something strange. It looked like a orange Squirrel with a blue bandana around it's neck.

They inspected the Squirrel more and instantly all the Fillies' face turned into a disgusted expression with slight shade of green on their face and they were almost as green as the bush. They felt their lunch almost come up from their throat, but they quickly swallowed it back down.

"I-is t-t-that a... b-b-brain?" The white Filly shivered and was almost on the verge of passing out.

"I-I t-think it i-is." Answered the orange Filly as she shivered from what she was seeing.

"B-b-but, w-why is i-its b-b-brain s-showin'?" The yellow Filly questioned with a scared tone of voice with her hoof pointing at the Squirrel's head to gesture toward the brain that was exposed.

"P-poor Squirrel." Said the white Filly with a worried tone and expression. "The Timberwolves must of bit a piece of his head and it got away." She shivered at the thought, but quickly got rid of the thought. She turned around and was ready to run to a different direction from the brain showing Squirrel.

"C'mon girls, let's go get Fluttershy to help him." As she was about to take off running, she felt a grip on her tail. She turned around to see the orange Filly hold her tail with her teeth. The white Filly stopped trying to run and looked at her with a confused, yet a worried expression. "Scootaloo? Why are you stopping me? We have to go get Fluttershy."

The orange Filly let of the white Filly's tail. "Sweetie Belle, something is off about that squirrel." She said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Of course something's off! A piece of that Squirrel's head is off!" Pointing her hoof at the Squirrel with a frown on her face. Surprisingly, the Squirrel didn't hear her yell at the orange Filly.

"No, I mean isn't a little strange that Squirrel is still walking around and treating this like it's nothing?" All the Fillies looked at the brain exposed Squirrel and he appeared to be walking around and looking around the forest scenery like nothing was wrong.

"Ah mean, Scootaloo does have a point." Agreed the yellow Filly. "That Squirrel is treatin' that... injury like it's nothin' an' he's just walkin' aroun' normally. Weird."

All the Fillies' eyes narrowed with suspicion from what they were seeing. They were trying to think of an explanation of the walking brain exposed Squirrel they were seeing.

Scootaloo eyes went wide in realization after a few seconds of thinking. "I got it." Announced the orange Filly earning the curious looks from the two other Fillies. "The only way that Squirrel is alive and still walking is because it's... a... it's a... Zombieeeee." The other Fillies had a deadpan expression taking over their curious expression that just spoke the word "really?" "Oh c'mon. Think about it. That Squirrel has its brain revealed and is still walking around." They looked at her and at the Squirrel who looked like he was about to head to a random direction in the forest.

"That could be true, *Sigh* but I hope you are wrong." Said the white Filly who was looking at the Squirrel who walking into a random direction in the forest. "We better hurry, that Squirrel is leaving." Pointing a hoof at the Squirrel almost about to leave their sight. "And I think it's heading for Ponyville. We have to do something."

After a few seconds of silence, the yellow Filly had an idea. "Ok, ah have an idea." Exclaimed the yellow Filly. "We warn the Ponies of Ponyville, so that way the Squirrel doesn't spread the infection. Then we ask for Twahlight's help to trap the Squirrel. Once it's trapped, the Ponies are saved an' the Cutie Mark Crusaders still live on." The two silent Fillies looked at her and nodded to the plan.

"Well I agree with you, Apple Bloom. It is a great plan." Agreed the white Filly.

"Yeah, well I think we can trap that Squirrel by ourselves, but the other parts of the plan is ok." Agreed the orange Filly.

"That can be plan B, but right now, we got to warn the Ponies. C'mon y'all." The yellow Filly said with confidence, earning nods from the Fillies. As they all took off galloping into a different direction from the brain showing Squirrel, the yellow Filly thought about something that was a mystery in her mind as she and the two other Fillies were galloping.

'Wait? Who was the Pony screamin' in the forest? What if it was... no, it couldn't be.' She shook her head left and right a few times. After she shook her head, she kept thinking. 'There's no way that the noise came from the Squirrel, but then who was the one yellin'?'

Squirrel was in a panic and couldn't calm himself for a while. However, after a minutes of self recovery, Squirrel was finally able to make himself calm and relaxed. He didn't know where he was or how he got here, but he needed to find answers. His first priority was to get out of this dark green forest, but first, he had to calm down.

"W-what?... H-h-how d-did I... t-this c-can't be p-possible..." He trailed off as he tried to process his transformation. This took a few minutes for Squirrel to process and calmed down eventually from a few slow deep breaths. After getting his remaining shock out of his mind, he reassured himself.

"Ok...ok... Squirrel or... Joe? Whatever It's Squirrel now." He muttered to himself. "I just have to find someone and... and... and... fuck. *Sigh* Shit, I don't know what they would think about my appearance, but I just gotta find someone. Hopefully they... they... do something." Squirrel was walking in a single direction in the forest and was talking to himself. He continued to mutter things to himself to pass time and to get his exposed mind off his change in appearance.

"Now that I think about it, I mean it isn't too bad. I became a fucking Squirrel by some weird reason. Wait, If I became my avatar, I wonder if Delirious... *Gasp* I wonder if the same thing happened to Delirious, Cartoonz, and Kyle."

Squirrel wondered to himself, but he stopped muttering wonders to himself and stopped walking to look around his surroundings of the forest he was still in. After a few seconds of looking around his surroundings, he continued to keep walking and wondering to himself.

"Well hope they are okay... well, where ever they are. But what was that purple lightning though that struck me in real life and in game? I'm pretty sure I didn't download that mod or something. Even if I did, how does the mod makes me a Squirrel and make some kind of lighting come out my PC and fucking strike me!? It must be a dream, I think!?"

He looked at his left arm and got an idea to prove he wasn't sleeping and dreaming. He closed his eye and brought his right Squirrel hand on his arm and pinched at a spot on his left arm with his thumb and a finger. He winced while making a sucking noise through his gritted his teeth from the pinching. After a few seconds from testing to see if he was asleep, he stopped squeezing his left arm and opened his eye to see he still had a Squirrel arm and hand.

"So it looks like I'm not dreaming, huh. Well..." He was still walking a little bit bored of nothing interesting happening around him. "I got fat cheeks, I got fat cheeks." He said to himself randomly with a boredom expression and a hint of boredom in his tone of voice. "Hmmm... now that I think about it, I wonder if I can talk to animals since I'm a Squirrel? I can for sure eat nuts... pause. That would be awesome if I can talk to animals, especially other Squirrels. Hmm... I wonder what squirrels normally say. Huh?"

Squirrel snapped out of his own world when he saw an opening at the end of a few trees in the forest. Squirrel smiled and with a relieved tone said: "Finally, I'm almost out of this god damn forest." Instead of walking to get out of the forest, he ran toward the opening. After he made it past a few trees, he saw the clearing view become clearer. Finally he made it past the final set of trees and saw a bright green and sky blue view. The sky became more clearer to see without the trees covering it and the grass was much greener compared to the forest's.

He stopped running once he made it out of the forest and was panting slightly from the running. "*Pant* Ok, I'm out of the stupid forest, now to find someone."

Yet, he was still not sure if he should, since he was not a person anymore. In fact, he was having second thoughts about trying to find a person. Would he still be making YouTube videos for his fans? Would he even go back to his normal life? He had a look of worry on his face from thinking of the worst possibilities that could happen to him.

Eventually, Squirrel shook the thoughts out of his head. "Ok, well whatever happens, I'm going to be ready for it." He said to himself. He held his breath for a few seconds and let it out. After taking a deep breath, Squirrel was ready for what was to come. "Alright, let's do this." He ran toward a random direction into the bright green scenery. He may be ready, but he wasn't ready for what he was about to witness.

"*Pant* *Pant* Oh fuck, I'm so *Pant* fucking tired." Squirrel was tired from running for about a few minutes. His size made him feel like he was not making progress on where he was going. He was slouching with both of his arms hanging down and he was looking down since he was tired from running, but he was still walking, hoping to find someone.

"*Pant* When *Pant* am I *Pant* "going to find someon-" His thoughts were interrupted when he looked up to find a house of some kind in the distance.

When Squirrel saw this, it was like if someone had took over his body since he was excited and somehow gained the stamia to run toward the house, even though he was tired from running. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed to himself loudly as he started running.

As Squirrel got closer, he got a better view of the house. It had some mossy leaves covering the top of the house with a few windows on the front side and a front arched door. There also appeared to be a little bridge that went over a little flow of water that was part of a pathway that led to the front door of the house.

He finally made close to the house and stopped near the bridge from all of the running and was slouching with his head down and arms hanging. While taking a few breaths, he looked up to see the bridge, but at the right corner of his eye, he saw something interesting. He turned his head right and spotted many Birdhouses and nests on a tree with a few birds in them.

The Birds in the nests were sleeping and didn't notice the one eyed Squirrel on the bridge. However, one of the Birds in the birdhouse must of heard Squirrel because a pink Bird came out of a blue rooftop Birdhouse with a tired look and laid its eyes on the Squirrel.

The tired looking Bird instantly had a horrified face taking over it's tired awakening. Squirrel noticed the Bird looking at him with a fearful expression which he had never seen a Bird do before. However, he was more focused on the Bird's horrified expression, probably because of his exposed brain and this left him in a awkward position, since he had no idea what to do. At the moment, Squirrel only had one thing to say that he could think of.

"Uhhh... hi?" He said awkwardly with a sheepish smile with a little hello wave he did with his right Squirrel hand. The Bird cawed in horror and flew away from the Birdhouse and from Squirrel. Squirrel was perplexed and had a eyebrow raised, dropping a sweat from his only brow from the reaction he caused.

At that moment, he noticed that many other Birds came out of their Birdhouses and some stopped sleeping in their nests. The Birds were all around him, since the Birdhouses and nests were on a few trees that were planted around and some were on the mossy top of the house.

He looked all around him to see the Birdhouses and nests to see the Birds with a horrified look on their faces, just like the pink Bird. "Uhhhhhh..." Squirrel didn't know what to say and was sure that saying anything would just make them more freaked out. As expected, all the Birds cawed like the first Bird and they all flew away from Squirrel's sight in a matter of seconds. This left a ghost town for the air when all the feathery fliers were all scared by the dead looking Squirrel.

"Well... that reaction is probably went on how I expected a person...or Bird, to react to a brain showing Squirrel." He muttered to himself, wiping the perplexed look off his face.

He turned around to walk to the bridge, but was introduced to a sight of a few Bunnies with different colored fur and a Bunny with long horns that extended and looked like they were heavy for its head to handle. They were on the tiny bridge with horrified expressions and looked like they were frozen with fear.

Squirrel and the pair of Bunnies were just staring at each other and Squirrel didn't know what to do, since he's sure it will end up like when the Birds saw him. Eventually something happened, but a move wasn't made by the Bunnies and Squirrel.

The front door to the mossy rooftop house opened hastily and slammed in the wall which made Squirrel jump and the bunnies snap out of their frozen state and turn their heads to the direction of the sound. Squirrel looked over to the front door thinking it was a human opening the front door and looked relieved for a second to find a actual person, but what came out the front door, made Squirrel blink a few times in surprise from what he saw.

He saw some kind of yellow coated Horse with long pink hair and a pink tail, blue eyes that were bigger and cartoon looking than any other Horse he had seen, and it had a few black eyelashes. Just looking at the Horse's coloring and features, screamed female vibes to Squirrel. The buttery colored Horse didn't notice Squirrel and she looked very concerned and was looking around.

"I heard screaming outside, is everything ok out here!?" Exclaimed the yellow Horse with a worried tone in her voice. After hearing the female Horse talk, Squirrel had his jaw dropped and was in his own frozen state, like the Bunnies.

The butter Horse noticed the Bunnies looking at her and flew to them with her wings. "Are you ok? Did something happen?" She asked the Bunnies worryingly, after laying her hooves on the ground.

The Bunnies with their horrified faces returning, squeaked at the same time and it looked like the yellow Horse wasn't understanding anything they were trying to say.

"Shhhhh... calm down and take a deep breath." The Bunnies stopped squeaking and listened to the yellow Horse's advice and took a long deep breath and let out some air from their lungs.

"Alright, now tell me, what's wrong?" Instead of one of the Bunnies explaining what was the matter, all the Bunnies pointed their paws at the panic in front of them that the butter covered Horse didn't notice.

The Horse saw all their paws pointing to a direction. With a confused expression on her face, she turned her head to where their paws were pointing at.

"Is something wrong over ther-" She couldn't finish her sentence when she turned her head to the horrific sight she saw. Her eyes turned into tiny dots and her mouth dropped with shock. She saw a Squirrel on its two legs standing like a tiny minotaur, but that was not what shocked her, it was the Squirrel's brain showing out of its skull that made her horrified.

Squirrel (still in his shocking daze) was staring at the yellow Horse and it seemed that none them didn't know what to say to each other. Eventually, Squirrel was able to come back to his senses and say a quiet, awkward hello, but he was still shocked on seeing a Horse acting very Human.

"Uhh... hi?... How's it going?" This made the yellow Horse reach its breaking point.

"EEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!" She screamed loudly in panic. The animals around her looked at her in worry, while the animals sleeping were woken up by the alarm coming from the yellow Horse's mouth.

Squirrel didn't know how to deal with this situation. A very Human Horse was panicking and screaming in terror. He didn't know what to do. He never expected to be in a situation like this. However, there was only one thing he can think of to say at the moment.
