• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 615 Views, 72 Comments

A Heart of Crystal and Glass - Mani-Roar

Cadance loses her memories due to tampering from Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Chapter 3

I stood on the balcony overlooking the Grand Crystal Plaza. The castle was by far the tallest and largest structure in the city. Our viewpoint was well above the rooftops of the shops and houses that spread across the landscape. The roads of the city made a star shape around the castle, with roads shooting out from each of the six points of the star until they reached the end of the city. A metropolis built in a perfect circle. Everything was symmetrical: the star roads, the building patterns of each block, and the circle. I was standing at the epicenter of a giant crystal snowflake flanked by farm lands and mountains.

The Crystal ponies packed the streets in front of and below our balcony. Waves of bodies, shining in the daylight as their collective crystal visage illuminated around them. Their figures twinkled and sparkled below me. It was like staring at the star sequins on my dress. As if I could stargaze by looking down at the earth.

I drew in a breath. I wasn't sure how long I'd been holding my breath, but the air I inhaled was long overdue. Heart racing and a little light headed, I looked over at Shining Armor. His suit was indeed as intricate as my dress with a matching color palette. I wondered if Pell had coordinated with Shining Armor’s servants.

I didn’t have time to dwell on his appearance further when he began to address the gathered crowd. He spoke to them with a booming voice. His shoulders squared back as his confident tone barked down to his subjects below. I knew instantly, without a doubt in my mind: He was their rock, their prince, a strong foundation on which this beautiful kingdom could depend.

So, what did that make me? Certifiable arm candy?

He danced around the facts of my week-long absence, giving excuses for why I couldn’t make appearances or appointments. I hung my head looking at the tiny index card in my hoof. Shining Armor had prepared a speech for me. Just a few placid sentences saying I was fine and everything was ok. Pretty much backing up what he was already saying, although his speech had already gone on much longer than mine would.

I sighed discontented and looked over at Twilight. Her dress matched her hair colors and had a yellow sash that elegantly hung around the back of her neck and hide. It was only the three of us on the royal balcony. I guess that’s why it was called the “royal balcony.” Only royals stood up here for these speeches. No advisors, no servants. Just us with our place high above the common folk below. It implied that everything was on our shoulders. Or our fault, should things go wrong. In better times, perhaps it implied we did everything ourselves and deserved all the credit. I doubted that royals would be able to accomplish much without advisors.

Twilight beamed with delight as her brother spoke. She didn’t even have a handful of sentences to read out like I did. Her job was just to smile and wave. I didn’t even notice that Shining Armor had called for me until Twilight started unsubtly jerking her head in his direction. If I didn’t respond soon, she was going to strain her neck. I walked forward until I was at the edge of the balcony next to Shining. There was a golden see through guard rail with hearts and crystals thinly carved between each gilded post. Still, it was nerve racking to look down from the edge.

Shining put his hoof around me and I did my best to hide my shudder. I knew he was going to do it. He told me he was going to. We needed to keep up appearances and I agreed to it. That didn’t stop it from being uncomfortable. I took all of my pent up awkwardness and aimed it as a smile in his direction. A momentary twitch in his expression told me I wasn’t doing a very good job. Fortunately we were far enough away from our audience that it probably went unnoticed.


I buried my eyes into the index card again and spoke my first line. My voice was much softer and less confident than his.

“Greetings my beloved Crystal Ponies. It is wonderful to see you all, and your smiling faces again.” That sentence was fine. Probably better than what I would have thought of. However, the next sentence filled me with such seething rage that I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud:

I’m sorry for being so narrowly focused on my affairs this past week, I guess sometimes a mare just can’t help herself. *pause for laughter.*

He actually wrote “pause for laughter” on the card. What was this sentence supposed to say about me? That I was a selfish ditz who just forgot she had other duties for a week? He tried to make it all sound important during his speech, but this was just too much. Maybe the old Cadance was just a grinning twit, though I hoped not. I certainly wasn’t going to play that part. These ponies deserved to hear the truth from their leaders.

I flipped the index card over and focused my gaze outward.

“I appreciate my husband…” I put a bit too much attitude on ‘husband.’ “...trying to soften the blow for you all, however the truth is I was attacked.”

A collective gasp floated up from below. I watched as thousands of faces went from pleasantly blissful to outright panic. Shining Armor’s grip on me tightened.

“What are you doing?” He whispered through forced smiling teeth. I responded by removing his arm from my side and taking another step forward. My face was out over the rail now as I ignored the growing knot in my stomach at the plunging drop below. I had wings, why did I need to fear heights?

“Queen Chrysalis made an attempt on my life last week. I’ve been resting and recovering from my injuries ever since.” The crowd murmured and I could feel their fear lurking its way up the balcony. “I assure you that I have recovered back to my full strength and that the magic of the Crystal Heart, my magic, was never in danger of running out. I’m sorry that we kept you all in the dark for so long. We didn't want any unnecessary worrying while I was recovering.”

If Shining Armor wanted me to bluff for the sake of the Crystal Ponies, that was fine by me. I would bluff in my own way. The side of my cheek curled into a confident grin.

“But if you think for a moment that I got beat up by Chrysalis, well…” my grin widened, “you should have seen her after the fight.” I stood up on my hind legs and gave a quick one two air punch with my hooves. Finally there was a bit of real laughter to pause for as the panic of the moment subsided.

“This attack on our Kingdom will not stand.” I removed all levity from my voice as the crowd collectively stood up straighter. “We are going to let Queen Chrysalis know that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. I will not allow her to harm anyone else. I will not permit her to spread terror and dismay amongst any of you. Look to the Crystal Heart. Look upon all of the love and friendship that we hold dear. For it is not maintained by my magic alone, no.” I shook my head fervently. Children were present in the crowd. Some of them seated on their parent’s backs holding small flags with our national emblem on them.

“That strength that you can see and feel.” I gestured above me to where the Crystal Heart was located. The castle was propped up on four massive bases, creating a foyer underneath that was open. Ponies could pass freely beneath the castle. There were probably an overflow of ponies underneath the castle as well. This unique castle structure turned it’s peak into a tall spire that rose far higher than any other structure in the capital. The Crystal Heart was all the way at the top of that spire. Floating under its own mysterious magic power, humming and reverberating in its open air chamber. It was the subtle background music of the Crystal Capital. They had shown it to me before the ceremony started. I was in awe of its massive presence while being small in size. I knew that I wasn’t the one holding it there together. I couldn’t be. It must have been the Crystal Ponies. Some magic they collectively possessed. This part of my bluff I actually believed.

“That strength belongs to you.” I continued convincing myself as much as them. “And as long as you stick together, it cannot be broken. I promise you all that our response to this so-called Queen will be a swift justice. I promise to keep our kingdom safe for you, and our children’s generation, and for their children as well.” I wasn’t sure exactly where this bravado or where these words were coming from. I just let it flow out of me. If I was going to look like a Princess, then I certainly should act like one as well.

The crowd was antsy now. Ponies were stomping their hooves and nodding to one another. I had their attention. Now to close it out.

“Thank you for your attention this afternoon. If any new developments occur, we will keep you informed. Long live the Crystal Heart! Long live the Crystal Empire!” I held my hoof down and out towards them as I shouted. They responded back to me in kind.

“Long live the Crystal Heart! Long live the Crystal Empire!” Their words echoed in my ear as I turned to leave the balcony. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep up a brave face. Shining Armor’s face looked like he was about to have a litter of puppies. Twilight was hyperventilating and gesturing her hoof from her chest to out in front of her over and over again. It looked like some sort of ritual to calm herself, although it didn’t seem like it was helping much. Apparently I would need to keep up my brave face a little longer for them.


“Why did you tell them about the attack? Are you trying to start a mass panic?” My dear husband verbally tore into me once we were inside the antechamber for the balcony.

“They didn’t sound panicked to me.” I stood my ground staring him down as hard as he was glaring at me.

“But they may.” He stomped his hoof like a petulant child. “Now that they know you are vulnerable, they could…”

“I am not vulnerable!” I interrupted him. He blushed for a moment and looked away.

“You know what I meant.” He looked to Twilight, probably to back him up. She just stared at the floor shaking her head.

“Do I?” That drew his attention back to me. “I’m starting to think that you think I’m some delicate little flower that has to be protected.”

"I never said anything like that." He sat down in one of the comfy office chairs, crossing his hooves in protest.

"You don't have to. It's written all over your face." I pointed to Twilight instead of him. "And hers."

Twilight’s chin shot up. She looked positively stricken by my sudden accusation.

"I don't think you're weak." She tried to hide her pouting lip.

"Then let me be a Princess to my ponies." I sighed, letting out my pent up frustration through my hurried breath. "If I'm a leader, then let me lead. I don’t want to be some figurehead that just does what she’s told, wears frilly dresses, and reads pre-written speeches off of index cards. I have a voice. And, clearly, they want to hear it."

I let that thought hang in the air for a moment before Shining Armor eventually chimed back in.

"You're right." I blinked a few times at his sudden acceptance. "For what it's worth, I wasn’t trying to treat you like a fragile doll. I was just worried you were still hurt, and then worried you wouldn't know what to do or say, and then…" He shook his head a few times, "...I don’t know. I guess I just let my worries get away with me. You've always been able to handle yourself just fine with or without me, and now shouldn't be any different."

I started to smile until his eyes shot arrows straight at me again. His tone shifted to harsh once more.

"However." He cleared his throat. "If you want to be heard as a Princess, that's great, but don't forget that I am also Prince of this land. I get a say as well." He grunted a bit as he adjusted in his seat. I took the opportunity to sit down across from him at the fine mahogany table.

"I just thought that the Crystal Ponies deserved to know the truth. I believe they can handle it." I neatly folded my hooves in front of me. Very polite and regal. I suppose royalty was part of my instincts even if I had no conscious memory.

"Be that as it may." His voice relaxed just a little bit. "By going against what I said, you made me look like a fool or worse, a liar. Whatever decisions we make, we have to be on the same page. We have to show a united front."

Twilight calmly and quietly sat in the middle of the oval shaped table, splitting the distance between us.

"You're right." I nodded. "I should have said something, instead of pivoting on the spot."

"So from now on we make decisions together?" He tilted his head at me. His sly grin looked cute at that angle.

"Together." I agreed.

An adolescent squeaking noise drew both of our gazes to Twilight.

"I'm so happy." Twilight clapped her hooves together rapidly. The joy on her face was unending. "I knew we would all come together eventually."

"Twilight Sparkle, the eternal optimist." I grinned at her, holding my cheek up with my hoof on the table. A bit less regal than a moment ago.

"As Princess of Friendship." She proudly pointed to her chest. "It's my job to be optimistic."

"Somehow I think you're mixing business with pleasure." I stuck my tongue out at her. She giggled back like a school filly.

"Cadance." Shining Armor looked worried again. "About your comments on the Crystal Heart, are you able to access your love magic?"

In response I activated my magic, levitating the crystal centerpiece on the table. I could feel the warmth of the glowing magic coming off of my horn.

"I can cast magic like a normal unicorn." I began. His face looked hopeful, but it wouldn’t last long. "But I have no idea how to access the love magic you described to me."

"That's why you said the Crystal Heart is maintained by all the Crystal Ponies combined. Do you really think that's true?" He watched carefully as I set down the crystal piece.

"It has to be true." I shrugged. "Cause I'm not casting anything and the heart seems to be functioning fine."

"That makes sense." He nodded at Twilight who shared his pensive look. "However, I'm worried it may not be as strong without your magic guiding it."

"You worry too much." I grinned at him, stretching the side of my cheek. He returned it.

"Well I'm gonna go meet with Captain Flash Sentry on what security changes we need to make. Chrysalis is still out there." He stood up. "Do you want to join me? We're a team, after all.”

I stood up as well. I felt the dangling pieces on my hair shift as my legs rubbed against the rough interior of my dress.

"Yeah I do, but let me change out of my formal wear first. It's starting to chafe." I tugged on the fabric where it was particularly bothering me.

Shining couldn’t hide the surprise from his face. He glanced at Twilight subtly but I noticed.

“What?” I asked glaring at both of them.

“You’re much more… rambunctious.” He replied softly.

I stood up, not bothered to smooth the wrinkled lines of my dress. “Must’ve been my week long nap. I’ll go change.”

"Fair enough. We'll wait for you in the west wing on the 4th floor." He turned to exit the antechamber into the rest of the castle. “You do know where that is right?” His head turned back to me as he grinned out of the side of his mouth.

“I’ll find it.” I grinned back.

He continued on out the open archway. Each step was sharp and graceful like a well trained military officer. Then I remembered that Twilight told me he was military before he was a prince. I certainly could see what any mare would see in him.

"I have to go back to Equestria soon." Twilight said as she stood up. "But before I do, I'd really like to spend some quality time with you." She walked over and took my hoof into hers. Twilight had this demeanor that could instantly disarm me.

"I'd like that." I squeezed her hoof back. "When do you have to leave?"

She shook her head.

"No particular time. But I can't just stay in the Crystal Empire. I have to get back to my own duties."

"I understand. You have your own kingdom to attend to."

"That's just it." She let go of me. "I wanted to stay until your memories came back, but…"

I pulled her hoof into my chest, and she looked up at me with her hopeful and youthful eyes.

"Let's not worry about the past and make some new memories instead before you go."

She beamed at me, then blushed and turned away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well," She hung on the word for a long time. "There's this little rhyme that you and I always do. You taught it to me when I was a little foal and you were my sitter.”

"How does it go?" I asked and she turned beet red.

"You might think it's dumb." She bit her bottom lip.

"Why would I think it's dumb?"

"Because once, when Chrysalis was imitating you, I didn’t know and tried to do the rhyme with her. She ignored me and I felt stupid and maybe the dance is stupid and childish…"

I shushed her by putting my hoof on her lips. Twilight and Shining had told me about when Chrysalis tried to replace me at my own wedding. It must have been a painful memory for everyone.

"Show me. I promise I won't laugh or think it's dumb." Whatever this little dance was, it made her think of the Cadance she had lost. The Cadance she wanted to get back. Maybe I could give her just a little bit of that back until my memories returned.

“Ok!” She nodded at me with the excitement of a child given permission to play their favorite game. She began by galloping in place.

“Sunshine, sunshine…” She dropped prone on the floor with her hooves over her eyes. “Ladybugs awake…” She pulled her hooves off her face to peek-a-boo at me. Then she shot up and pantomimed a patti-cake exchange. I was probably supposed to participate but I missed my cue. “Clap your hooves and…” She spun around, stuck her rear in the air, and wiggled it. “Do a little shake!”

Her butt was right in my face and it was all I could do to stop myself from chuckling. I promised not to, but the booty wiggle looked so ridiculous. Although, I had to admit it looked like fun. Especially for a kid.

Twilight sat sheepishly on the ground with her back to me. She gripped her shoulder as she turned her head in my direction. She could barely meet my eyes.

“I-it’s dumb isn’t it? I’m probably too old to be…” She started to say but I began galloping in place just like her. My dress was going to chafe and dig into me with all this jumping around, but it would be worth it. For Twilight.

“Like this?” I asked and began the rhyme before she could answer. “Sunshine, sunshine ladybugs awake.” I did all the motions as best I could remember them. She spun around to face me as I hopped back up for the next part. “Clap your hooves…” She clapped my hoof and we turned to face away at the same time. “And do a little shake!” We said the last part in unison as I shook my flank as hard as I could. I imagine Twilight did the same behind me. We turned to face each other again and neither of us could hold it. We bursted out laughing, falling on the floor unable to keep our balance. Pell was probably going to be angry if I damaged this dress, but I didn’t care. I’d deal with her later.

“I’m sorry.” I said in between laughing. “I promised I wouldn’t laugh.”

“No, no it’s fine.” Twilight giggled right back at me. “That was perfect.” We each sighed as we collected ourselves to stand back up.

“That’s an adorable dance, but very ridiculous for grown mares to do.” I smiled wide and, for a moment, I wasn’t thinking about my memories or worries. “I love it.”

“Yes, very regal and dignified for a pair of royal Princesses.” Twilight chuckled again. I watched as her face slowly fell. In a moment she was much more serious, yet still held my gaze with her hopeful smile. “I missed you, Cadance.”

My heart leaped when she said it. It made me feel so much joy. I felt like family. Then the guilt hit me.

“I wish I could say the same.” I looked away for a second before forcing myself to meet her eyes again. “But I’m really glad I met you.”

Her eyes widened as her ears tucked back beside her head. Her smile consumed her expression until she was glowing with delight.

“I couldn’t ask for anything more.” She sniffled a little bit. Holding back tears through misty eyes.

“Yeah we could. We could ask for my dang memories back.” I laughed again.

“Well, yes, I…” She flustered as she began back pedaling. “Obviously I want your memories back, but for now I just meant that I really appreciate…” She started over explaining until I rubbed my hoof over her intricately styled mane, messing it up a bit. “Hey!” She said, pulling back before I could damage her royal hairdo any further.

“You’re too serious.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

Twilight was about to say something back until Shining Armor came tearing into the antichamber.

“There’s been an attack!” He stared right at me as my heart plummeted into my stomach. “The Changelings just hit one of our rural villages.” His eyes darted to Twilight and then back to me.

“Chrysalis.” I said through gritted teeth. This Changeling Queen had attacked me, kidnapped me, stolen my memories, my family, my life, and now she was attacking my Kingdom.

I hated her. Seemed strange to hate someone so easily. But I did. I hated her with every ounce of malice I could muster.

“Let’s go.” I demanded and the three of us trotted off without another word.


Author's Note:

Best song to pair with this chapter:

Mufaya- Embers of The Untold