• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!


With a snap, a flash, and the sizzle of ozone, the scientists gaped at their creation. It had four hooves and wore goggles. "'Sup," she greeted, stepping down from her stool with a swish of her tail. "This place looks kinda cool."

This is a tale told for Charlie, one of my lovely patrons. Let's get scientific, and turn up the volume!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 46 )

Oh, this is *intriguing*~ Vinyl's amped up, and an absolute delight!

:pinkiecrazy: yes this pleases me, continue~

A wubbable start.

Dr. Chang raised her hand from behind their computer. "I'm still waiting on confirmation about how our research fits into the update." The deflated suddenly. "Nevermind, no. This doesn't fit anything." She leaned off to the side to look at the curious equine in the glass jar before them. "Can you hear us?

Should be
They deflated

Oh god I love this. She’s just so cute and I love the humans’ interactions with her. For now at least…everything is wholesome and they don’t want to harm her. Not everyday I read a story where they didn’t create a pony scientifically for malicious purposes. 10/10 approve. I wonder where we’re going next.

This science pony needs more details. How did they create this pony? I would like to see their research files.

The song Vinyl and Kyle are listening to...

“That is a concern.” Kyle steepled his fingers. “Ya’ll come out of this with nobel prizes. I come out with overtime pay. I assume you're recording everything, right? On camera I want to be anonymous. Blur my face, whatever, I want to be able to walk away. Tell me you didn’t already it my name?”

Do y'all see what's missing there?

Vinyl popped the headphones over Kyle's head, her eyes on his the whole time as she looked for reaction, approval, any sign this was working as intended. As the music blasted forth, she felt Kyle tense, his hands closing tight, squeezing her legs uncomfortably.

This and the following two paragraphs are repeats.

These glitches got us ponies. We need to be careful with them.

The new pony replicant plague shall soon be upon us all and it all started with a 1 that should have been a 0!

Alright, they got the funds to make more ponies. Will they all be Vinyl or will Octavia be next?

If the researchers really want to figure out the science behind all this, they should replicate Twilight Sparkle!

Comment posted by dlambchic deleted April 3rd

Is touching a unicorns horn like fondling a mare's private parts?

It's like someone grabbing your shoulder while you're in the middle of focusing on your arm. It can startle you.

Are any of the antagonists from the show ever going to appear in this story?

Sounds like they got a star trek type replicator that can make ponies. Computer must be getting data files from MLP videos to download into the pony.

They could make a fortune producing real living MLP character replicas for all those MLP fans. There could be ethical issues, is a pony a person or just an animal pet?

The story, as is, is 'scientists oops a pony into being. Science and friendship occurs!'

Would a MLP villain showing up later fit that?


This is extra, just hanging out between paragraphs.

What an awesome idea for a story! I found it in the "Also Liked" thing after the new chapter of "Rainbow Bridges."

How very appropriate with 420 Day coming up. I fully intend to observe the holiday. 🙃 🫠 ☮

It's a Vinyl Scratch story, random beats are to be expected!

A nice chapter, but it feels like it was posted without being proofread. One example is this said tag:

“Kyle isn’t my real name.” The man replied with a straight face.

...name," the man replied...

Fixed. That one wasn't mine(this is a collab).

Harrington turned to the two eager ones. "Are you talking about videos? I wasn't even at that point. If she wants to present herself as a virtual person, she could, but I don't know why. Let me get this published properly. When that's all done, you can just show yoursle, as you." He pointed to Vinyl. "We're not hiding things."

Should be
show yourself, as

This has been very good so far. But something seems to have gone wrong towards the end there with several paragraphs posting twice and caused me to no end. Must be similar to how Herrington felt at the mention of Equestria.

Which paragraphs are repeating?

This whole part is in there twice.

A few minutes later, the four of them were standing outside in the semi darkness of the empty lot.

Doctor Herrington sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other firmly held Vinyl Scratch on his shoulder. Vinyl's eyes were sweeping widely, taking in the new area she'd never been in. "What even are those?" Her view homed in one the many cars parked in the dark lot. "Looks like the front of a ship from Equestria, but made of metal."

The Doctor opened his mouth to answer her, only to snap it shut when his brain jumped tracks. "Equestria?"

Chang gently prodded their test subject/friend. "Could you tell us about that? We'd like to hear." There was no accusation in her tone, even dipping to specifically gentle and welcoming.

Dang pastas and their copies. Should be fixed.

I am having a little trouble following the IT tech talk. Vinyl was created by an AI that Kyle had uploaded with Pony graphic files, making Kyle the "Dad". Did I get that right?

Basically, but the AI didn't 'make' Vinyl, just was involved in messing with the original experiment, and Vinyl happened.

Come on, let the pony make like a dog, head out the window, tongue lolling, the wind in the mane! Can't wait to see the pony dance. All the girls will want to dance with her, since a cute pony is irresistible.

Road trip!

Aww, that's what I was gonna post! I'll just have to get creative.


This deserves way more views and likes! It's such a fun thing to read!

"Right then." Herrington muttered softly to Chang. "This is the second test showing her as being far more unlike a normal horse than anything we have." He waved as the images came up, showing slices of her body. Some parts were certainly equine-like, but others defied easy explanation. "She is not a horse, miniature or not."

Seeing an Equestrian pony compared to Terran horses is really a shocker!

Music and ponies is an even better combo than what they ordered!

The pony can dance! When horses do it, we call it Dressage.

Found a couple of repeated bits:

“Don’t,” Kyle said just one word.

“Don’t,” Kyle said just one word. It was stern, but he didn't raise his voice...

So pressured, Herrington conceededconceded. "I don't promise anything."

Aside from that, a fun chapter. The night club is Vinyl's natural habitat, after all.:coolphoto:

Lab transcript adjusted.

“Please.” Herrington huffed as they walked into the que line to enter the club. “I may have agreGed to this to avoid… certain eyes. But I don’t see what scientific data we could draw from this.”

Should be
have agreed to

Not even sure how that one snuck in there.

To expand on my comment from the last chapter, the night club is definitely Vinyl's natural habitat. The wubs must continue! For science!


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