• Published 7th Apr 2024
  • 606 Views, 42 Comments

G5 Adventures in Barney's Great Adventure: The Movie - ponydog127

In their latest Unity Quest, the Mane 6 meet Barney the purple dinosaur and some brand-new friends, and they must use the power of their imagination to save a rare, magical egg from getting into Allura’s greedy paws.

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To the Circus!/We're Gonna Find a Way

Once finding out that the dream-maker egg was on its way to the circus, the Mane 6 and their new friends (kid, dragon, kirin and dinosaur alike) made a dash for the circus with Bat and her nose leading the way.

As they continued to run as fast as they could, Hitch looked at the female Night Light leading them. “Bat, how in the world can you tell where the circus is even though you’ve never been to one?”

“My mom… told me that I once smelled like cotton candy, and then she and Dad got us some as a snack one day,” Bat said as she kept flapping her wings. “So, I think the best place to find cotton candy would be at a circus!”

“Well, however you’re doing it, keep it up!” Gentle Rain told her. “At this rate, we’ll be at the circus in no time--”


At Izzy’s shriek, everyone dove and ducked for cover as Allura swooped down and barely missed them, Twitch cackling madly as Allura sent a hypnotic purr their way. Fortunately, Sunny was able to deflect it with an alicorn-made shield. “Man,” Ripper muttered as they got on their feet again, “does this cat ever give up?”

“Well, from the looks of it,” Cody said, “I’d say that’s a no.”

“Allura, please! The dream maker doesn’t belong to you,” Sunny said, “and it could bring happiness to so many! Do you really want to take this rare gift away?”

“I don’t CARE what others want! Only about what I want!” Allura snarled. “And once I get that egg at the circus, NO ONE is going to stop me! AHAHAHAHAHA!!”

The baby dragons, Abby and Marcella screamed as Allura dove for them again, but as the ponies stood ready to attack, something unexpected happened-- Gentle Rain leapt up into the air and knocked Allura onto her back!

The kirin looked livid, trying to stomp on Allura’s face. “LEAVE… MY… FRIENDS… ALONE… BEAST!!!”

“...okay, I am officially scared of her when she’s mad,” Pipp spoke up as the group watched the fight with wide eyes, causing Zipp to shudder in agreement. “You and me both, sister.”

Gentle Rain shrieked in pain as Twitch pulled on her mane to get her off of Allura, but when she did get off of Allura, she used all her strength to fling Twitch into Allura, causing both of them to collapse.

Then, she turned to her completely still friends. “Everyone, go! Get to the circus, find the egg and get it back to the farm! I’ll take care of her for as long as I can! GO!!”

“You heard her, guys! Let’s move!” Abby shouted, and the others ran off as fast as they could, leaving Gentle Rain to fight Allura and Twitch on her own. “So…” Gentle Rain said as she and the snow leopard and rabbit began to circle her. “...you’re the snow leopard that’s caused peril between realms, yes?”

“So what is it to you?” Allura sneered. “You’ll be my next meal, and then after you, so will your friends.”

Gentle Rain merely fired up her horn. “We’ll see about that.”

That's when she screamed and charged toward Allura, ready to end this once and for all.


Shortly after the waiter from the restaurant dropped all the food off, Barney and the ponies led the rest of their friends to the circus entrance, panting tiredly. “Man… we really… gotta start finding more methods of transportation!” Pipp said in exhaustion. “Nopony told me that running after an egg will get you this tired!”

“Focus, Pipp!” Misty told the pink pegasus, snapping Pipp out of her tired fit. “The egg’s got to be in one of those bags, and we need to find it before Allura comes after us!”

“Let’s split up,” Abby suggested. “I’ll go with Hitch, the boy dragons, Izzy, Pipp and Marcella…”

“Yeah,” Hitch nodded, “and then the rest of you can go together! Meet back here in 10 minutes, even if you haven’t found the egg!”

And so, the two groups went off in different directions to start their search.


The first person that Marcella and Pipp approached was a young woman. “Did you see an egg about this big?” Marcella asked, showing how big the egg was. “Yeah,” Pipp nodded. “And it has stripes on it.”

However, the woman said no, causing Pipp to sigh, but Marcella comforted her before they continued.


“Yeah, it’s an egg, which is about this big,” Zipp said, showing the measurements of the egg to a pole bender. “Very colorful stripes around it,” Cody added. However… the pole bender hadn’t seen the egg either.


Pipp, Izzy, Marcella and Abby tilted their heads in order to talk to a contortionist. “Have you seen our egg?” Izzy asked… only to get a no in response.

And unfortunately, all the other responses seemed to be a no too, leaving the group without anything to go off of.


“Guys, did you find anything?” Sunny asked as the groups reunited only a few minutes afterwards. “No, and we asked just about everybody!” Abby said in worry. “Oh, what do we do now?”

Suddenly, Marcella caught sight of the egg on one side of a seesaw not too far away. “There it is!”

“Oh, quick! Get it! Get it!” Barney cried as they all charged toward the seesaw to grab the egg before anything else could happen to it. Unfortunately, someone leapt onto the other side of the seesaw, causing the egg to be launched into the air once again. “This way, guys!” Sunny spoke as she led them forward. “We can’t lose it again!”

Everyone followed after the apricot-colored earth pony in the direction that the egg was flying in. The egg kept flying and bouncing around on different balls and people, prompting the group to chase it all around the circus and try to catch it, only to ultimately fail (Pipp believed that this egg had a mind of its own, but the others were too busy chasing the egg to pay attention).

Eventually, the egg fell into the hand of a juggler concentrating on juggling a few small items, causing the others to approach him out of relief that the egg was safe... at least, for right now. “Excuse me,” Barney said politely, causing the juggler to glance in that direction. “Whoa! You caught me by surprise, my large purple friend. I like surprises,” he said before reaching over, grabbing a small birthday cake and adding it to the juggling. “Surprises are for birthdays. And birthdays go with cakes.”

“If he wasn’t juggling our egg there,” Noir whispered, “I would have to admit, that is very impressive.”

“And I would get this for my Ponygram feed back home,” Pipp agreed, “but this is TOTALLY not a good time.”

“Um… mister?” Misty spoke up, but the juggler was startled just enough so he dropped the cake, letting it splatter on the ground and letting Hitch yelp. “What is it, young lady?” the juggler then asked Misty. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything,” Misty said before clearing her throat, “but that’s our egg you’re juggling precariously right there.”

“That's good. I like eggs,” said the juggler, adding a nearby frying pan to the mix of objects. “Eggs are for breakfast and that means frying pans.”

“Well, that egg isn’t for breakfast,” Zipp said as she kept her eyes on the egg. “It has a dream-maker inside, something that only comes around once every 1000 years!”

“Please, I'm worried about it,” Abby pleaded. “Especially since there’s an evil leopard after it too!”

“Well, young lady,” said the juggler, “if there is a sudden gust of gravity, will the dream-maker bounce?”

“Um…” Ripper shook his head. “No?”

“Then we’re all worried about it.”

That didn’t seem to help the group’s worry, however… it actually made them feel a lot MORE nervous… at least until the juggler spoke again. “There is a way to stop… called the Peking duck trick.”

“How does that go?” Barney asked curiously, willing to do anything to get the egg. “The Peking duck trick goes like this,” the juggler said. “First, you all close your eyes.”

Though they were confused as to this would work, everyone around the juggler closed their eyes, not sure what exactly they were supposed to do next.... until the juggler spoke up again.

“Are you peeking?”


“Then duck!”

Suddenly, the juggler tossed everything he was holding up toward the sky, and everyone screamed and ducked, bracing themselves for objects to fall out of the sky.

However… nothing landed on them.

Sunny and Barney were the first to open their eyes and stand up, trying to piece together what just happened as thunder boomed in the sky above. “Wha… where’d it go?” Sunny wondered, looking around. “Guys, where’s the egg?!”

“It’s not here?!” Bat gasped as they all looked around. “And hey… where’s the juggler?” Hitch asked. “He wouldn’t just leave, would he?”

“He would… if he took the egg right out from under our noses!” Zipp said with a growl of frustration. “I knew jugglers weren’t meant to be trusted…”

“Sunny! Barney!” called a familiar voice. “Everypony!”

That’s when everyone gasped to see who was coming toward them… a limping Gentle Rain, who had several brushes and scrapes from her earlier battle with Allura.

Bat, Ripper and Noir gasped and ran toward her, hugging up against her. “Gentle Rain, what happened?” Noir asked. “Is the bad kitty gone?”

“I don’t know yet,” Gentle Rain panted. “Allura put more of a fight up than I thought she would. I'm actually glad I was only able to escape her claws with just a banged up leg so I could come find you.”

That’s when Gentle Rain looked around, but there was no egg in sight. “I… take it the egg is still missing?”

“It just disappeared, and so has the juggler who was juggling it!” Izzy said before pouting. “And I thought his juggling was pretty good…”

Suddenly, large raindrops began to fall on them from above. “Oh no!” Ripper cried. “You gotta be kidding me!” Pipp cried in frustration. “Now an unexpected storm?! HOW CAN THIS GET ANY WORSE?!”

“Uh… uh… quick! Head for the tent!” Sunny told her friends. “We can take shelter there until the rain clears up!”

Everyone went toward the tent after the earth pony mare, with Izzy and Misty helping Gentle Rain along until they got to the tent, and the ponies and dragons tried to shake the water off of them… but they couldn’t shake the heavy feeling in their hearts. “It’s just… gone,” Marcella spoke depressed. “We've lost the egg again,” Abby sighed, “and this time we are never going to find it.”

“Well… we can’t just give up,” Gentle Rain tried to advise the downtrodden kids and Night Lights. “Right, everyone?”

“Right,” Barney said before making all the lights in the tent come on. “When the rain stops, we can look around some more, and then maybe we can find it.”

“We already looked around!” Cody snapped, causing Ripper and Bat to whimper. “We’re not gonna find it-- we lost it.”

Suddenly, the attitude that Cody had been giving them throughout these last few days had brought Zipp to her breaking point, causing her to finally snap. “You know what, Cody? We’re tired of your high and mighty attitude!” she said fiercely. “All Abby and Marcella wanted, all WE wanted, was to be your friend and let you have fun with us while we were here. But, because of YOUR carelessness and LACK of imagination, we may never see that egg again cause Allura could have it in her grimy paws by now!”

“Zipp,” Gentle Rain tried to approach her, “I know you’re a bit upset, but there’s no reason to blow this out of proportion--”

“I know you’re trying to help, Gentle Rain, but I’m just pointing out the facts of this whole mess!” Zipp said, not noticing that the baby Night Lights had begun crying silently. “If me and my friends don’t complete this mission, we may never get back to our loved ones in Equestria! They need us!”

“And besides,” Abby turned to glare at her brother, “you don’t even wanna find it. You never did!”

Cody tried to protest against his little sister to calm her down. “No, I…”

“It was crazy kid stuff!” Abby continued to rant. “What's wrong with just being a kid, Cody?! What's wrong with that?”


Finally, Ripper let forth a sniffle, causing the kids’ attention to turn to the baby dragons again. “Guys?” Marcella put a hand on Noir’s head. “Why are you crying?”

“I mean… I guess it’s nothing now,” Ripper sniffled, “but…”

“We had been thinking,” Bat spoke first, “that if we found the dream-maker egg and it hatched… it might be able to help us find Mom and Dad, and we could be a family again. But now… we’re never gonna see our family again!!”

Barney, Gentle Rain and the rest of the ponies immediately stared in sadness over how broken the kids and the dragons looked.

It was like… all hope had left their bodies altogether.

And this was something that Barney and Sunny just couldn’t stand. “Oh… cheer up, Abby,” Barney tried to comfort. “We’ll find that egg.”

“Of course we will… we promise you that,” Sunny agreed sincerely. “Hoof to heart.”

However, the only response they got from that moment was a sniffle from Abby, who was trying to comfort a crying Ripper in her arms. That's when Sunny knew that something had to be done before they could continue their search. “Ponies, Barney? Gentle Rain? Huddle up.”

That’s when the eight of them gathered in another corner of the tent, out of the others’ earshot. “...I should have kept my big mouth shut,” Zipp sighed. “I guess I was mad at myself for letting the egg slip through my hooves.”

“We were trying, Sunny,” Izzy said quietly, “but… I guess we weren’t doing good enough…”

“No… we were doing enough, but not as a team, like we usually do,” Sunny said. “These kids and dragons are depending on US to keep their hopes alive… and that’s what we’re gonna do. Together”

The other ponies nodded at this, acknowledging that Sunny was in charge, and they needed to follow her lead. “I love that idea,” Gentle Rain said, “but… how? Even I’ve never seen the Night Lights so sad before.”

“Well… I’ve always learned the best treatment for this sadness is music,” Pipp said in thought. “Barney… maybe we could sing them a little something?”

Barney chuckled a bit. “Good idea, Pipp! Ho-ho!”

With a snap, Barney was able to illuminate more lights in that small tent before the group approached their friends again.

Barney: When it looks like all is lost
And you're feeling really sad

Sunny: It doesn't do a bit of good
To keep on feeling bad

Pipp: Just make up your minds
That we're gonna see it through

Barney: And soon I know you'll find that
You can make your dreams come true

As the song picked up tempo, and the group began to do a little dance, the kids and Night Lights looked over at them, then each other, before changing position a few times.

Barney: We're gonna find a way
We're a super-dee-duper team

Izzy, Misty and Gentle Rain: And when we stick together
There's no storm we can't weather
No matter how dark it may seem

Barney: We're gonna find a way
We're gonna save the day

Zipp: We'll solve this situation with our imagination
We're gonna find a way

That's when one by one, Barney and the Mane 6 began to gently guide their downtrodden friends onto the stage with them to further encourage them... even reluctant Cody managed to flash a smile.

Misty: When things are going wrong
We can make our own good luck

Hitch: The only time we even fail
Is when we just give up

Gentle Rain: Don't be a quitter now
There's some tricks left up our sleeve

Barney: We'll get through this somehow
If we can only just believe

Then, in unison, everyone began to dance and fly around, their hopes rising like never before-- even Cody was getting into it about halfway through.

All (except Cody): We're gonna find a way ♪
We're a super-dee-duper team

Barney: (spoken) That's it

All (except Cody): And when we stick together
There's no storm we can't weather
No matter how dark it may seem

We're gonna find a way
We're gonna save the day

All: We'll solve this situation with our imagination

Then, there came a brief dancing moment that finally got the Night Lights to giggle.

All: We're gonna find a waaaaaaaaay!!!!!

Finally, the song was over, allowing the group to catch their breath, finally smiling. “You know, Sunny?” Marcella smiled. “You guys were right.”

“Yeah,” Noir nodded. “I don't know where that egg is, but I'm not gonna be a quitter.”

“Me neither,” Abby nodded before looking in Cody’s direction. “Cody?”

The ponies eyed Cody with a little suspicion, but Cody merely smiled and placed his arm around his sister, making Abby smile. “Sure, Ab. We'll find that egg. We won't quit lookin' till we do.”

Barney couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this. “That's the spirit!”

Bat giggled as Barney booped her nose, just as Cody stepped up to Zipp. “Hey, uh... Zipp? Sorry if I caused you to become so... agitated. I guess I was too cool for my own good.”

Zipp chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Finally you admit it, but... no hard feelings.”

Cody bumped her hoof, both of them exchanging smiles just before Sunny spoke up. “All right, guys. Before we head out there, we need to prepare ourselves for what might be next-- Allura is villainous, ruthless and persuasive, and she's gonna do anything in her power to steal that egg for herself. It's time we hunker down and save that dream-maker egg once and for all!”