• Published 12th Mar 2024
  • 206 Views, 8 Comments

Wheel Of Femships - Crimson Enjoyer

A collection of one-shots with F/F ships created by spinning a wheel.

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Rainbow Dash X 3 Raritys

Ya know, if you told me like, a year ago that in the not-too-distant future, I’d have not one, not two, but three girlfriends, I’d have been like “holy s@#!, awesome!”

If you then told me that all three of them would be the same person, I’d have been like “wait, what?”

And if you then told me that person was Rarity, I’d have asked if you were high, and then asked if I could have a hit.

But apparently, you weren’t high, because at this moment, I’m relaxing on the couch watching some crime drama on the tv, with Rarity snuggled up to my right. And my left. And also lying down on my lap.

Just so we’re perfectly clear, I am NOT AT ALL complaining.

But still, like, how did this happen?

Well, the first Rarity’s easy enough to explain. She’s the Rarity I’ve known for years, the one that’s been part of our friend group for as long as we’ve had it.

I’ve always thought she was pretty hot, even before I knew I liked girls, but it wasn’t until like six months ago that I started thinkin’ about her that way, and decided “screw it, I’m gonna ask her out!”

So I did, and turned out, she liked me like that too, and that’s how we became girlfriends.

The second Rarity is where things get weird. So, basically, in that pony world where Twilight (the one without the glasses) and Sunset came from, there’s like this river or pond or whatever that can make clones of you or something, and I guess that world’s Rarity fell into it or something, I dunno, I was kinda tired when they were explaining it.

Anyway, Rarity Numero Dos is like, a clone of Pony Rarity, and she didn’t want to go back to not-existing, so she ran away and accidentally came to this world through that quicksand portal we found during summer break. She was on that island for like a week until a navy crew found her and brought her to our hometown.

Rarity (as in, the Rarity from this world) convinced Pony Twilight to not take her back to Pony world, and let her stay here. You shoulda seen her, she got all up in her face, and used a bunch a big words, it was sexy as hell.

So yeah, clone Rarity started living with human Rarity, and, well, one thing lead to another, and we included her in the relationship. I don’t think I can get into details of how that happened, but let’s just say it involved a lack of clothes.

Now, Rarity number 3. Honestly? I don’t even know what her deal is. She just kinda showed up one day with no explanation, but we all agreed there’s probably nothing evil or fishy about her, and then it happened again, and now, I’m dating three Raritys.

And in case you’re wondering, yeah, they’re all dating each other too. And I wasn’t such an open-minded, progressive individual, I may think that that’s weird. But ya know what they say, “el amor es el amor”(that’s french, btw).

Anyhoo, back to the present, the show we were watching just ended, and Rarity Number 2 just fell asleep on my legs.

“Oh my, do you think we should wake her?”

“Nah, I’ll just carry her upstairs.”

Rarity 1 and 3 start giggling. Then Rarity 1 goes all bedroom eyes on me.

“Think you could carry me, too?”

And Rarity 3 joins in.

“And how about me?”

So yeah, my life is pretty awesome right now.

Author's Note:

This came as a result of the wheel somehow giving me Rarity three times in a row. And yes, i did use the shuffle button.

As for why this is written in first person and is also in the Egq verse this time, i dunno, i just felt like it.

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