• Published 11th Mar 2024
  • 1,105 Views, 58 Comments

Run Filly Run - Inkquilly

Twilight Sparkle runs from home in despair after an accident

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Shining Light in the Forest

Twilight was too scared to open her eyes for the longest time. Who knows where she just ended up? Then again, if she wanted to leave wherever she went to get to Spike she would need to open her eyes. She shakily parted her eyelids, looking around at the stone walls. They were faded and had vines growing up their sides. She could see tapestries and paintings hung up, and a long carpet under her hooves. She turned around, finding herself standing in front of a twin set of thrones.

“T-The castle of the t-two sisters?” She said, confused. She was REALLY lost now. She quickly began to employ proper breathing to stop herself from panicking. All she needed to do was get out. Then she could find her way back to Spike. That would be easy! She just…needs to find the front door! She quickly clopped down the hallway looking for the exit. Said task proved easier said than done, the hallways were long and winding. In their age any easy identification of passages had faded, and being a little filly in such a big castle didn’t help either. After going in a circle for what was likely the 4th time, Twilight found herself in an open room, with an organ in the center.


Shining Armor knew he took a wrong turn by that funky tree. Because now he was facing an old decrepit castle. Then again, if the balloon he found out in the forest was anything to go by, it’s possible Twilight ended up here.

“Don’t worry Twily! B.B.B.F.F. is comin’!” He said, rushing in toward the castle. Only for a trapdoor to suddenly open under him.


Twilight wasn’t sure, but she was pretty sure her book-repressed childish tendencies were starting to override her. She was senselessly mashing keys on the instrument, stringing together a disorganized tune that resonated through the castle walls. She was trying to play a tune she heard back in canterlot, but then again her talents weren’t in the musical category. But the more childish parts of her weren’t gonna be stopped.

“Oof!” Shining came to a stop against a stone wall. The trap door led down a winding slide that sent him rolling into a wall in a dim corridor. After nursing his aching muzzle he got back to his hooves and looked up and down the hall. He took a breath in and snorted, and took out a bit. He flipped it and waited for the coin to settle. Heads. Left it is then.

At least it would’ve been if he hadn’t been swept up by a wall flipping and suddenly placing him into an old kitchen. He shook his head to clear the dizziness from the motion. This castle was messing with him. The only reason it would do that would be if it didn’t want him here, and from what he could tell it was abandoned. Meaning no one lived here.


The castle found someone, and now wanted to keep them. There’s only one person he could think of that would be in here willingly.



Twilight froze in horror. Her brother was here. Oh god. Oh god how did he even find her moments after a sudden teleport. He sounds pissed. That didn’t matter, she needed to get out of here now. No magic whatsoever. She quickly started to scramble away from the organ. But zipped back and mashed a few keys, reasoning to herself that if he heard them Shining would come to this room first rather than catch her in the halls. But in reality Twilight still wanted to play with the instrument.

She took off down the halls, frantically. She was quickly making turns, looking out whatever hole she could to check her progress. Frustratingly, she somehow only got higher up the towers. She grumbled as she looked for some stairs that led downward. She descended a spiral staircase, and found herself in a large room with 5 stone orbs.

They looked like some kind of weird statue on their pedestals together, but she didn’t have time to worry about that. She was about to make her way through, but accidentally knocked one of the stone balls off its pedestal. She scrambled to pick it back up, making the effort to use her hooves, and put it back in its place. The second the purple-turned-red filly got it back in its place she heard a set of hooves running up the staircase she was going to descend. She squeaked in terror and hid behind the largest pedestal in the center. Everything was quiet except for the sound of her brother’s hooves. They roamed across the room, searching. She then heard the shimmer sound of magic and could see a pink glow expanding around the room.

A translucent wall passed through her, and she held her breath.

“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you- oh whoops.” Shining Armor said as he walked around to her hiding spot. Twilight internally sighed in relief, realizing that she was still the wrong color- wait she’s blue and yellow now.

Twilight allowed her brother to escort her through the castle and down to the exit. They were both quiet, as from Shining Armor’s perspective he didn’t really have anything to say to a random lost filly. Twilight however was waiting to see how long it would take for him to look at her cutie mark and connect the dots. As they reached the entrance, Shining finally posed a question.

“Hang on…”


“How did you get out here?”

“Uh…field trip.”

Shining Armor stared and the blue filly. Twilight blinked. Shining Armor blinked.

“That checks out. C’mon! Let’s get you back to Ponyville!”

Cadance was sure how she got roped into it, but now she was helping buck apples for the afternoon. To be honest, as the apple filly would put it, by golly she was lovin’ it!

“Wow Mr-”


“Ms. Carl! Yer’ a natural! But please don’t shake out too many of tha’ leaves.” Applejack said to Cadance as she went to town on tree after tree, the orange filly kept pace catching the apples that would fall from every tree. Rainbow Dash sighed in exhaustion as she returned to pick up a bushel of apples. She didn’t even understand how she got roped into helping with chores, she was here looking for “Sparkling Cider”!

“Man, this blows! How’d you even drag me into this!”

“Ah’ didn’t. Ya’ got bored of watchin’ carl and started helpin’ out yerself.”

Oh. Right, dang it Rainbow. Wait a second is that Pinkie Pie?

“Hey, what’s going on with Pinkie?” Rainbow said as she pointed at the pink earth filly, who currently had her nose to the ground as she moved forward past the orchard. Fluttershy walked behind her, with Spike on her back playing with her mane, making Fluttershy giggle. Applejack’s attention was brought to the pair, leaving Cadance to get carried away and continue bucking the section of the farm they were in. Applejack and Rainbow Dash approached them, walking along the fence at pace of the other two fillies.

“Howdy! What brings y’all out here?” The apple filly asked as they all walked on. Fluttershy clammed up, but Pinkie was fine to fill them in.

“Well first, me and Sparkling Cider were gonna throw-” She looked back where “Carl” was going to town bucking apples off trees gleefully. “Carl a surprise Welcome to Ponyville party!” She said in a whisper.

“Then we baked the cakes for it, though Sparkling isn’t too good at it. Actually she’s kinda bad, like reeeeeeeaaally bad, but she’s trying though and that’s what counts! But Spike is really good at baking and he’s only a baby then I told her-”

“Pinkie, focus.”

“Right! Then we went to the library to get ready for Carl’s surprise! Then I took Fluttershy with me to put up decorations, and left Spike and Sparkling to make the invitations!” Spike brandished the two hoof-made invitations Twilight had managed to make.

“Then when I got back Sparkly was gone and there were sparky bits on the ground! So now I’m sniffing her out!” Pinkie concluded, sticking her snout back into the ground and continuing to sniff-snoff a scent that she logically shouldn’t have been able to find. Applejack facehoofed and let out a small sigh.

“Ya didn’t overwhelm ‘er with anythin’ didja’? We just had an incident with that earlier an’ it sounds like she panic-teleported again.” Applejack said, hopping over the fence to follow the trail Pinkie Pie was picking up.

“Nope! But I noticed that her horn was a little leaky.”

“Her horn was what?” Rainbow Dash asked, following above the others as the scenery began to change to the fields just outside Ponyville.

“Whenever she was trying really hard while baking her horn would leak sparkly-magic-stuff.”

“That sounds like magic leak.”

Everypony except Pinkine looked at Fluttershy, who proceeded to “Eep!” and engrossed herself with Spike again, who was happy to get the attention.

Eventually everypony found themselves standing on the edge of the Everfree Forest. They stood in terrified silence, just staring into the magic infested woods. All except Pinkie were highly reluctant to go into the cursed forest.

“A-And you’re sure she’s i-i-in there? I-In the E-Everfree Forest?” Rainbow Dash said hesitantly.

“Yup! Absolutely, positutely!” She said, trotting right into the woods.

Twilight wearily looked around the forest she and Spike had gotten lost in before. Now that sun would shine through some of the trees, she noted that the forest was…strange. The fauna was incredibly unique, it had to be the highest concentration of magical plant-life she’d ever seen! Aside from the potion ingredient stash at the school. It was also…a bit eerie. She saw in the distance a few times small ponds, with four legged trees around the edges. There were trees with horrific faces in denser woods enveloped with shadow. Twilight was glad she and Spike had gotten out of these woods safely, one of the BRANCHES had snapped at her!

“Uh, Shi- AHEM -Mr? H-How much longer until we’re out of here?” She asked Shining Armor, the faintest sparks raw of magic leaking out of her horn in response to her anxiety.

“Uhh…I have no idea! I think I took a wrong turn by those monster-trees. This section isn’t familiar at all.”

Twilight, could only let out a strangled squeak.

She was stuck in these stupid woods again.

Author's Note:

Feel free to tell me what you think!