• Published 20th Feb 2024
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Diamond's Pokémon Adventure - Brian Sheil

To prove her mother that she is capable of doing right, Diamond Tiara starts a Pokémon journey.

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15. All Along the Pokémon Tower

As the trio entered Lavender Town, they saw a little creature wearing a skull.

"That's a Cubone." Silver noticed.

Diamond Tiara's Pokédex provided some useful information. Cubone, the Lonely Pokémon. It wears the skull of its mother to mourn her passing.

They soon saw Zephyr following Cubone into the Tower. Inside the Pokémon Center, the girls wait for their Pokémon to heal.

"I wonder why Zephyr followed Cubone into that creepy tower." Diamond said.

"Maybe that Cubone lost someone to the afterlife as well." Babs replied. "And, Zephyr followed it in to comfort him."

"You know, Babs, that's a good thought. Let's see if we can help out."

A kind old woman soon approached Diamond and company. "Are you heading for the tower to show respect to those who passed on?"

"Yes, we are." Silver replied.

"Bless your kind hearts." She then looked at Diamond with interest. "I have a good outfit for you so you can show respect."

Later, the girls entered the tower. Diamond wore a black vest over a white shirt, gray skirt just over the knees, and black platform shoes.

"I think your mom would love you in that outfit, Diamond." Silver said.

"You might be right." Diamond replied. "Now, if only this skirt can match my hair."

Everybody laughed. Curious, Diamond took off one of her shoes and stepped on the floor. She quickly put her shoe back on. "Whoa. That floor is cold."

The girls started exploringnthe towers. They saw a lot of strange things that looked like ghosts. They started to get nervous. Eevee was equally scared. As they entered the third floor, they were met by Zephyr Breeze

"What are you three doing here?" Zephyr wondered. "Don't tell me any if your Pokémon are gone?"

Zephyr started to get nervous. But, Diamond assured him that everything is fine.

"That's a relief." Zephyr said with relief. "Let's find out with a Pokémon battle. Go, Pidgeotto!"

Pidgeotto comes out. Diamond comes with a counter. "Let's go, Vulpix."

This shocks Zephyr. "Yo, where's your Pikachu?"

"With Professor Oak." Diamond replied. "I traded Pikachu for a Drowzee I caught earlier."

"Not a wise choice, girl. Pidgeotto, use Wing Attack!"

As Pidgeotto prepared to strike, Diamond makes her move. "Vulpix, use Confuse Ray!"

Vulpix's eyes glowed. Suddenly, Pidgeotto got confused. This worried Zephyr when Pidgeotto flew around in a dizzy state. "Oh no!"

"Okay, Vulpix." Diamond called out. "Use Fire Spin!"

Vulpix unleashed a firey tornado to engulf Pidgeotto. Causing it to faint.

"Pidgeotto, return." Zephyr said. He then takes out another Poké Ball. "Try this on for size. Go, Gloom!"

Out pops a round plant creature with red bulbs and leaves. Interested, Diamond pulls out her Pokédex.

Gloom, the Weed Pokémon and the evolved form of Oddish. Said the Pokédex. Gloom has a bad reputation of having a stinky smell. But, not when it's relaxed.

Thinking Vulpix might not stand a chance, Diamond recalled Vulpix, and called for her own Pidgeotto.

"Evolved form to evolved form." Diamond said. "This is my kind of battle."

"Not after this!" Zephyr said with authority. "Gloom, use Stun Spore!"

Gloom fired a strange cloud to cover Pidgeotto. This scared Diamond. Zephyr followed it up, "Now, use Mega Drain!"

As Gloom readied to drain Pidgeotto, Diamond called to her faithful Pokémon. "Try dodging it."

Even though paralyzed, Pidgeotto avoided the Mega Drain. Diamond felt better. "Time to use Wing Attack!"

Shaking off the stiff feeling, Pidgeotto struck down on Gloom. Zephyr recalled the Weed Pokémon, and prepared a surprise. "Okay, DT. Here's my secret weapon! Go, Raichu!"

The sight of Raichu shocked everybody.

"A Raichu?" Babs gasped. "How?!"

"You'll find out later." Zephyr said. "Raichu, THUNDERBOLT!"

Raichu unleashed a powerful lightning bolt. Being a flying type, Pidgeotto got hit super hard, and fainted.

"Pidgeotto, return." Diamond said sadly.

The girls wonder how will Diamond defeat that Raichu. Then, she chose her Pokémon. "Let's go, Geodude!"

Zephyr smirked when he saw the Rock Pokémon. "Even Geodude's Rock Throw won't scratch Raichu."

"Then, try this. Geodude, use Rock Slide!"

Geodude unleashed an avalanche of rocks. The boulders pummeled Raichu so fast and hard, Raichu fainted.

"Looks like you upped your game too." Zephyr said as he recalled his Raichu. "You know, I feel bad for that little Cubone. He can't seem to find his mother. Only these creepy ghosts."

"I know." Silver said with fear. "This tower gives me the creeps."

"Well, I hope you can sort out this ghostly mess. Later."

Zephyr left, probably scared of the ghosts. On one of the floors, the girls and Eevee were standing on a field of light.

"Good thing we were told about this purification field." Diamond said with relief. "This should heal our Pokémon good."

"I'm glad we avoided these channelers." Babs said. "They look like they're possessed. But, by what?"

"We'll figure that out later. Right now, let's keep moving."

The crew went up another floor. They soon we're confronted by a large ghost like creature. Eevee got really scared. Getting the idea, the girls cautiously left the Tower.

"Now, that was scary." Silver said. "Look at poor Eevee."

Diamond cuddled Eevee, hopefully to calm him down. Babs soon saw something ahead of them. "Speaking of scary, look!"

Eevee and the girls spotted the trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth. Also known as Team Rocket.

"I wish that tower wasn't so haunted." James said nervously. "Then, we could find that Mr. Fuji character."

"Never mind that for now." Jessie said. "Let's head back to our hideout in Celadon City."

Soon, they saw that Cubone that was looking for something in the tower. Meowth figured out something. "I think this Cubone is looking for his mother."

This gives the villains an idea.

"You're looking for your mother, little one?" James asked.

"We'll be glad to take you to her." Jessie said.

As the Cubone started to hop happily, Diamond Tiara and company confronted them.

"Stop right there, Team Rocket!" Diamond demanded.

"Well, well." James said. "Diamond Tiara. Good to see you and your two friends again."

"You're not going to take away that Cubone, you trio of troublemakers."
Silver added.

"That's what you think, Silver Spoon." Meowth replied. "Hit it, James."

James took out a Poké Ball. "Come out, Koffing. And, use Smog!"

Koffing came out, and blew smog at the girls. They made their moves.

"Pidgeotto," Diamond said, "blow this smog away!"

"You too, Fearow." Babs added.

Pidgeotto and Fearow used their wings to blow the smog away. But, everybody saw that Team Rocket and the Cubone were gone.

"Those creeps!" Babs said angrily. "They took Cubone away!"

"At least Eevee is safe." Silver added as Eevee is in her arms. "What do we do now, Diamond?"

"From what I overheard," Diamond replied, "they have a hideout in Celadon City. Let's find those crooks!"

"What about this outfit you're wearing?"

Diamond took off her shoes and put them in her backpack. "I'll leave it on for now. Come on!"

With that, Diamond and her friends head out to Celadon City to rescue Cubone from Team Rocket.

End of Chapter 15


At Oak's Lab



Author's Note:

Next time, the heroes head for Team Rocket's hideout in Celadon City. And, meet their leader.

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