• Published 22nd Feb 2024
  • 207 Views, 0 Comments

"Once Upon A Time" - Joshua the Dragonslayer

The nerves and overthinking that comes with writing

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"Once Upon A Time"

Twilight Sparkle sat in her cozy study area as she adjusted her glasses, surrounded by books and quills, determined to write her very first novel. It had been a dream of hers for a while to write a book and she was finally willing to give it a try. She already had a brilliant idea in her mind, a tale that consisted of magic, friendship, and adventure. Excitement bubbled within her as she eagerly dipped her quill into the inkwell, ready to bring her story to life.

However, as she poised the quill over the parchment, the words refused to come. She frowned and tried to force herself to write, but the blank page stared back at her, taunting her with its emptiness. Twilight felt a growing sense of frustration as she grappled with writer's block. No, this wasn't writer's block. She was nervous.

Days turned into weeks, and Twilight still struggled to progress with the book yet even to write a single word. Doubt began to creep into her thoughts. What if her ideas weren't good enough? What if people didn't like her story? The weight of expectations and self-imposed pressure hung heavily over her. Was this what every writer went through at one point when they first started out as writers? Was this the type of emotion that they cared about on their backs and the thoughts that consumed their minds?

Sitting at her desk, Twilight sighed and buried her face in her hands. It seemed today was going to be another day without her writing down a single word. Just then the sound of her door opening caused her to turn her head. That's when her faithful dog, Spike, trotted into the room. Sensing his owner's distress he walked over to Twilight and nuzzled her gently. Twilight picked him up and put her into his lap. He had a smile on his face until he noticed the expression on Twilight's face which made him give her a questioning glance. "What's wrong, Twilight?"

Twilight looked into Spike's eyes and decided to pour out her worries about writing her book to him. "Spike, I'm worried. What if people don't like my book? What if they don't think it's good enough? Spike, I just don't know if I can do this. What if I'm not cut out for writing a book? What if they think it's an utter failure of a book entirely and I become the biggest laughingstock?" she fretted, running a hand through her violet hair. When she finished she sighed as she took a moment to gather her breath. Now that she had expressed her inner thoughts, she had to admit she did feel a bit better, even if it was a little bit.

Spike, being the wise companion that he was, tilted his head and wagged his tail. "You know, Twilight." Twilight looked up at Spike who started. "Writing is about expressing yourself and sharing your unique perspective. Don't worry about what others think about your work. Just let your creativity flow. Besides, you wanted to make this book for fun as a new experience for yourself. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your work with anyone you don't have to, no one is forcing you. And whenever you do decide to share it with others don't worry about what they say."

Twilight, comforted by Spike's words, smiled and hugged her furry friend as he licked her cheek which made her laugh. "You're right, Spike. I shouldn't worry so much about what others might think about my book. I should just write the story that I want to tell, not for anyone else, but for myself." Twilight said, gaining a newfound sense of determination. She realized that she had been too focused on the end result and the opinions of others, forgetting the joy of the creative process. She smiled and patted Spike on the head. "Thanks, Spike. You're the best." Spike wagged his tail vigorously, seemingly proud of getting through to her.

As she picked up Spike off her lap and back onto the ground, Spike smirked. "I know I am. Just another day of work." Spike walked over to Twilight's bed and jumped onto it as he found a comfortable spot and went to sleep. "Goodnight, Twilight."

Twilight smiled as she looked at Spike. "Goodnight, Spike." She then turned back and to her paper. Twilight stared at the blank page once again, her mind swirling with ideas but struggling to find the perfect opening for her story. She sighed, feeling the weight of the creative process bearing down on her again. "I just can't seem to figure out how to start this story. It needs to be captivating. Something that draws the reader in right away." Twilight lamented, tapping her pen against the desk.

"Why don't you just try Once Upon A Time?" Twilight looked over at Spike who was struggling going to sleep with all of Twilight's talking despite him normally being a deep sleeper.

Twilight blinked, a lightbulb moment illuminating her mind. "Once Upon A Time... of course! It's classic, timeless, and it immediately sets the tone for a fairy tale. Thanks, Spike!" she exclaimed as she turned around. Spike, who was still on the bed closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

With newfound inspiration, Twilight began to weave her tale. As she wrote those timeless words, "Once Upon A Time," Twilight felt a sense of magic and possibility infuse her writing. It was the perfect beginning to her story, setting the stage for the fantastical adventure that would unfold in the pages to come. Grateful for Spike's insight, Twilight continued to craft her narrative, embracing the joy of storytelling without worrying about perfection or the opinions of others. The words flowed more easily, and she found herself immersed in the magical world she was creating.

She let her imagination flow freely, crafting a world of wonder and magic. As she wrote, the worries about external opinions began to fade away. Twilight Sparkle was ready to embark on her writing journey, free from the shackles of self-doubt. The chapter of worry closed, and a new one, filled with creativity and self-expression, had just begun.

Author's Note:

Just a fun little book idea that popped into my head that I knew how to write. Out of anyone Twilight would be the most anxious about writing a book, but hey then again that's how so of us are or at least when we first started out as writers. This is supposed to be just a fun little book but if you want to take the meaning further then you gladly can, I know I can relate to this book.

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