• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


My name is Metemponychosis Edgy Hornyson!


Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.

Soldiers fight with guns, blades, and grit.
Politicians fight with money, words, and alliances.
Gods fight with souls, rules, and ideas.
And everyday people are collateral damage.

This story is part of the Samsaraverse!
It happens concomitant to Piece of Parchment and Fólkvangr. While Gallus and Gabby need to deal with their problems, Twilight and Cadance fight Farseer in Manehattan’s harbor and Gilda’s caravan prepares to leave Frozenlake. All the relevant context is contained in the story, though.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 33 )

That was a good story so far goodluck with the rest of it.

Thanks. Second chapter should be up in a day or two.

Well now I’m intrigued…

Remember the banker from Fólkvangr?

She's a loremaster of the Harpy and takes care.of the bank in Thunderpeak. She gave Gilda her money.

Really enjoying this fic. I appreciate how hard you commit to showing gallus's journey, and the detail used to describe the locations. It's immersive!

I haven't read your other fics but the lack of context isn't a bad thing, I'm right there with Gallus and Gabby's confusion; moreso, I'm intrigued. It'll be interesting reading this after taking a look at your other work.

I'm glad it worked. And yes, the lack of context really works for this story since the two were mostly away from the rest of the AU.

Hope Gallus isn't going to regret burning all those bits on that fancy room!

Though given how heavily infiltrated both Equestria and Griffonia are, Gallus has every right to be nervous!

Poor Gallus is a scared teenager doing his best.

As a big Gabby fan it was really rough seeing her go through all this. Too bad for her things are probably only going to get rougher!

Given that Gabby is almost certainly saddani I'm very, VERY worried about why a Loremaster has taken so much interest in her!

Genuinely impressed by how well you write "frightened teenager" here. Gallus knows just enough to understand he's in deep sh*t, but not enough to actually avoid the deep sh*t. Here's hoping his new "friend" isn't just going to make things worse!

And because I just can't resist tossing in yet another crazy fan theory, I'm going to take a stab and say Grampa Gruff is or was a member of the Blackfeather legion. Or at the very least ex-military!

That was a good chapter.

I'm gonna respect your right to make crazy theories and not say anything. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad you liked it. As always, that is the goal.

"You should eat. The worst has passed.”
No. No I don't think it has, not by a long shot.

Oof, poor Gabby really needs a hug after that. That was a well written chapter. My skin was absolutely crawling near the end there, and I assume that was the intention! Personally I found that interrogation and inspection scene to be creepier than any of the scenes involving the Windigos in Fólkvangr. At least they have the excuse of being inhuman (for lack of a better term) abominations, while the previous Loremaster inspections we've seen were for griffons that weren't as "impure" as Gabby!

It's how 'pure' Gabby is, and also how poorly she took it compared to how easily Gia took it in Fólkvangr. Also, the setting in Fólkvangr was much more friendly and none of them were singled out. Gilda, Grunhilda, Gertha all took part of it in Fólkvangr.

Assuming The Harpy's magic works the way I think it does then she can see and hear everything that those who are connected to her can, and it sounds like Gallus is connected to Her whether he likes it or not. So sorry Gallus, but you absolutely ARE being watched!

Hoo boy, I am very, VERY scared of what will happen to Gary, Greta and Gilmara. To say nothing of all those hippogriffs! All the same though Luna's brief cameo does give me hope that Gabby and Gallus might truly be able to make a difference, if they can just convey their perspective to Gilda, and through her The Harpy. Though even this seems like a long shot, given the nature of this conflict and it's belligerents. Time will tell!

I'm very happy you are paying attention to the overarching story. It's nothing out of this world but given where piece is going to fall, it is always amazing to find readers that not only understand what you're doing with your story, but that will et you know the message is getting across.

Apparently Fimfiction's "Follow Creator" function doesn't work the way I thought. Had no idea these last two chapters dropped until I checked your Story section this morning. :facehoof:

*Ahem* Anyway WOW, I can finally let out that breath I was holding in since that dream sequence a couple chapters back. Very happy to see Luna's vision was of what could happen, rather than what will happen! I know realistically speaking Gallus never had any chance of escaping The Harpy's grasp, but it's good to see he was able to save some lives in the process, as well as untangle the genuinely chilling plot that unwitting GSA captain was a part of!

Also appreciate that unlike a lot of antagonists in fiction, The Harpy is smart enough to understand the importance of using both the "Carrot and Stick" methods of rule (at least when it comes to dealing with griffons,) as demonstrated by that "gilded cage" Gabby, Gustav and Giselle were sent to. Anyone can rebel against a ruler that only ever bestows punishment to their subjects, the same cannot be said for one that mixes it up with gifts and praise. That said, I don't see a bright future for Gustav's pastry business given the Cult's stance on anything involving processed sugar!

Still not 100% sure why Gabby is getting the same sort of treatment that Gallus is. I can understand why The Harpy would want to keep her on a short leash, given her ties to Twilight and co., and her nearly pure Saddani lineage. But that alone doesn't seem like it would warrant a trip to Griffondel while under the care of one of the few remaining Swordmaidens. Can only assume there is more going on that has yet to be revealed!

And once again we have Gwineth wasting no time reminding us why she could just as easily be called "The Harpy's Harlot". No doubt Gabby and especially Gallus are in for a "fun" time!

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I had a couple of bad days while I was finishing this story and I focused too much on videogames.

Anywyay... Fimfiction does weird stuff sometimes.

What you said about Gustav is something I mean to touch on with Gilda in Fólkvangr. I'll give you no spoilers, but the Harpy's Children are more creative than she had considered.:moustache:

Well, Gabby wouldn't understand, but the reason she was sent there was because the northerners, unlike some GSA officers, are not doing what they are because they actually hate the hippogriffs or the 'ponified griffons'. The Harpy has instilled in them her twisted view that they are dangerous because they spread the pony magic among the griffons and she means it in the literal sense because it is in their blood, but also in the ideas they usually subscribe to. It is shame because this story should have dealt with that more overtly, but I didn't want it to get too large.

Anyway, I'm already working on the next chapter for PoP and maybe I'll give this one a sequel with their trip to Frozenlake just to show off the dynamics between the three.

Alright definitely looking forward to that!

Filthy blood?!

Hooow daaaare!!! Gabby is a pure warble!!! *tries to bite the doctor hen.* you take that back!!!

D-damn Gallus, where were you hiding them huge bawls?!

Welll darn, I was hoping Gallus and Gabby knew each other, but alas ‘‘twas not to be. That being said…


Gallus stepped up when he had to. That is how I see him. The kind of guy that wants nothing with the issue, but that steps up when he must.

I wanted to start their relationship, and with Gilda, from the start. Its gonna be important in Fólkvangr.


also gabby needs gallus snuggles ^^

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