• Published 13th Feb 2024
  • 289 Views, 3 Comments

The Shadow Wars: Rise of Nightwing - Void Streak

Upon rescuing an enslaved pegasus colt from the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia decides to make him, her personal protege.

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Chapter 1

Princess Celestia and her army of Royal Guards were sat atop a mountain that was overlooking what resembled a prison camp. From her vantage point, she could see lines of innocent ponies chained up and shivering in the freezing snow, she could see that they were being forced to mine inside of a large pit with pickaxes and chisels.

She had discovered the slave camp a week ago when she sensed a shift in the aura, upon investigating she found that the shift was strongest in the camp, making Celestia believe that there was an aura-sensitive creature confined within the camp.

Currently, Equestria was embroiled in a war against the Crystal Empire, which was ruled over by the tyrannical King Sombra. After Celestia found out about the way Sombra treated his subjects, she knew that she could not let him continue with his reign of terror.

Celestia knew that if the aura-sensitive creature was discovered then Sombra would have them killed. The aura was a mysterious force that enabled certain creatures to manipulate objects around them as well as to see into the immediate future.

Princess Celestia suspected that King Sombra was using the aura to carry out his twisted experiments.

Celestia looked around at her brave soldiers before turning and using her horn to mark the watch towers as targets. She then pulled out a horn and blew into it. As soon as she did this, her soldiers instantly began to charge at the prison camp, while Wonderbolt pegasi, dressed in the Wonderbolt combat gear flew overhead and dropped bombs on the watch towers, causing them to explode and tumble into a fiery pile.

Instantly the sound of an alarm could be heard as her soldiers began to enter the camp. Her soldiers locked into combat with the enemy as swords clashed, the Wonderbolts dived into the fray, using their wing blades to slash at the enemy's throats.

Sombra’s forces realised that they were greatly outnumbered and began to massacre the enslaved ponies instead. Celestia teleported in front of the prisoners, who were cowering in fear unable to run away because of the chains. She managed to magic up a forcefield protecting them.

She realised that the feeling of the aura disturbance was stronger. She looked around to find a small pegasus colt curled up in a ball. She knew that the aura disturbance was coming from him.

This moment of realisation caused her to momentarily lose concentration as her force field flickered out of life. The crystal soldiers took the chance and pounced rushing to the chained captives.

Celestia began firing bolts at the attackers, some struck their mark while other missed. Some Crystal Guards has slipped pass and began to cut the prisoners down, just as the pegasus colt was about to have a knife stuck into him, the pegasus reared up onto his hind legs and struck his wings and hooves out, causing a strong gust of wind to throw the attackers away, the wind was so strong that it nearly swept Celestia of her hooves.

Everypony looked on in amazement as the Crystal Soldiers lay unconscious, it was at this moment that Celestia realised that the pegasus colt was incredibly powerful.


Celestia ordered, “I want those soldiers tied up and sent to the POW camps for questioning! And get these civilians sent to a hospital.”

She then walked over to the colt, who stared dumbfounded at the knocked-out guards. Kneeling down to his eye level he jumped as his golden eyes came into contact with her own pink eyes.

The colt was a small, blue pegasus with a blue mane that had a white stripe running partially through it. He looked exhausted with bags under his eyes, he also had bruises sporting his body, he had clearly seen better days. She asked the colt, “Hello there, what is your name?”

The colt replied timidly “Void Streak.”

“Where are your parents?”

Instead of answering, Void looked to the floor and sniffled, “They killed my father, because he tried to stop them from taking me and my mummy. My mummy couldn't handle the work so she - so she hung herself.”

Celestia could tell that the colt was traumatised from the ordeal but she needed to find out information about him.

“How old are you?”


“How long have you been here?”

“Since I was seven.” he then closed his eyes in thought before adding, “So around three years.”

“What did they make you do?”

“They forced us to mine crystal and gems and if we didn't mine enough then they would tie us up and leave us outside in the freezing cold for the night, and if we were too slow then they would whip us and beat us. They did this to me several times.” he explained showing several long scars that lined his back and flanks.

Celestia had to contain her anger as she was forced to question how somepony could be so evil to harm an innocent foal.

“Have you ever done what you did to the guards before?”

Void peered down in thought before replying uncertainly “Not that but I have moved things without touching them and I sometimes have Deja Vu.”

Celestia nodded before saying, “Do you know who the League of the Elementals are?”

Void Streak nodded with enthusiasm before replying “Of course I have, the league of elementals are a group of ponies that can use the aura.”

“You are correct, I believe that you can use the aura, so to confirm this I want to take you to the league,” she explained.

A look of greed overtook his face as he flapped his wings in excitement, “Really, you think I could become an elemental?”

Celestia merely said, “Maybe, we’ll see.”

She then took Void Streak over to an airship that had just arrived and took him to the medical bay, where the nurses started to treat him for exhaustion, malnutrition and frostbite in the tips of his wings.

Celestia was unsure about the colt as she could feel the strong aura being emitted from him, she could also feel the presence of darkness pouring from his soul.


When they arrived at Canterlot Fort, which was the headquarters of the League of Elementals, they were greeted by none other than Princess Luna, Celestia’s younger sister.

“Sister, I see that you found the aura-sensitive pony.” Luna greeted, giving Celestia a hug, making Void feel slightly uncomfortable.

“Yes Sister, this is Void Streak, he was enslaved by Sombra’s forces, he has no family, so I am hoping that the Elemental Masters will allow him to become an Elemental himself,” Celestia explained.

Luna winced, reminding her sister, “You know the rules. Elementals are only trained at birth.”

“I am aware but I am hoping that because of his situation that they may let it slide.”

Luna merely nodded before leading them into a large chamber, in which several ponies along with a green dragon and a griffon were all sat on miniature thrones.

“Celestia, what brings you here?” asked Star Swirl the Bearded. Star Swirl the bearded was the leader of the league as well as both Celestia’s and Luna’s mentor.

“Star Swirl, I come before you to request to teach this colt the ways of the Elementals. I believe that he is very powerful and he could potentially be the chosen one to defeat King Sombra.”

The Griffon suddenly spoken up and replied before Star Swirl could, “The Elemental code of conduct states that all league members must be trained from birth.”

The green dragon however interjected “Hold on Cerberus, I can sense a very great power coming from young Void Streak. It would not be wise to leave him alone with such an untrained power.”

Star Swirl agreed by saying, “I must agree with Blaze on this one. As grand inquisitor of the League of Elementals, I hereby decree that Void Streak shall become the protege of Princess Celestia and therefore receive full Elemental training as well as the teachings of the code of conduct.”

Cerberus merely scoffed calling it a clear violation of the code of conduct, however, everycreature ignored him.

Celestia then took him to the castle of the two sisters where it will become his new home.