• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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This story is a sequel to The Silent Wind

Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying.

And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back.

This story was a gift for my mate Zon, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics.

NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to Shadow Within. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.

The story is finished and will be published daily until finished.

Thanks to all who helped, particularly Drider and Bike without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 24 )

“And, as I have already told you, Twilight Sparkle. The original term had been ‘The Eternal Madness’.”

This is literally the kind of world building I live for. Just taking a small detail, twisting it on its side, and letting it breathe until it becomes something new.

It was rapturous.

The description of the bread before this, and then this simple line, is just such a truly excellent delivery. What a great usage of 'rapturous'.

Because there were only a few things that could release so much energy as to scour the world clean of every notion of complex life. And one of them was the energy released when you destroy an alicorn.

Again, this world building is chef's kiss. To be honest one of my favorite subgenres of MLP is the exploration alicorn lore. The show kinda gave us nothing, though I hear there's more in G5? I should watch it. But my point being, the show gave us the barest suggestion of what alicorns are & their power, so I just love when stories take that and run with it.

“And how, exactly, do you propose to bring me to heel?” Luna asked, an unmistakable edge of steel in her voice.

She is eating right now and we love her for it.

The guard finally snapped. He brazenly abandoned his post in front of both sisters to help Twilight to her hooves. He was gentle, he was so gentle and his touch and voice were kind when he asked her if she was alright, and if he should send for anything that she needed. He guided her to his feet the whole time, not rushing nor forcing. Just patience. Just softness. Just understanding.

You really succinctly displayed so much comparison with this paragraph, and the one after, between the humanity/equinity of the guard and the almost alien otherness of both Luna and Celestia.

Ah, the hubris of alicorns. Love this story.

Whoah. The payoff for the mystery that had been building was definitely worth it. Great job sticking the landing near the end!

You know I'm a sucker for a good Luna, and your portrayal of her here is such a fantastic hook. Honestly, for anyone familiar with my stuff (I say, like I'm some author people should be familiar with), this opening alone should clue people in to what other story this is a sequel to.

Another little problem to solve for her, while the universe sat back and laughed at her. Get rid of Nightmare Moon? Okay.

Get rid of Discord as he hypnotises her friends? Okay?

Get rid of Chrysalis while everyone actively tells her how mistaken she is? Okay?

Get rid of Starlight? Get rid of Tirek?

Okay, she’ll do it.

This is such a good passage. I've touched upon this concept myself, but this just does it so nicely, with such disdainful emotion. "You want me to do six impossible things before breakfast? Sure. Okay. Why not."

The subtle implications of the RariTwi shipping here are not lost on me either, and are very nicely done.


Even here, the implication that Twilight has just always been the one expected to fix things, is perfect.

Celestia watched her go, before remembering herself and placing a comforting hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. But it was absentminded, and she returned her eyes to watching after Luna.

The princess’ hoof was so unbelievably powerful. It nearly knocked Twilight to the ground again.

I love this. Luna is so overt in her hostility here, her otherness, that it's easy to overlook what Celestia is doing in her wake. And, of course, that's exactly how Celestia likes it.

“You’re… you’re not better at all,” Twilight said, backing away, “You’re just like her. You don’t care about normal ponies at all, you only care about yourselves, you both do!”

I'm going to be honest this part right here makes Twilight sound like a hypocrite see quite literally chose her friends over everyone else in Equestria when she was fighting tirick. It was only because of pure plot that they found the secret magical key and use friendship to win that fight.

Very nice, would happily read more entries in this universe.

I was NOT expecting a happy ending from this story. You subverted my expectations, and did so in a way that worked, so good job.

ooh, love this Luna! though i am feeling that not having read "The Shadow Within" is making me lose some references here, i love how this captures the sheer difference in how the ruler-subject relationship works for the Luna of a millennium ago, and the problem of translation manifesting here in such a wonderfully sinister way is such a great setup

Twilight bit into the loaf of bread, her eyes rolling back into her head with ecstasy. It cut the inside of her mouth, the crust long hardened into sharpened ridges in the freezing temperatures and ever-present stale air.

It was rapturous.

Things like this were becoming fewer and further between.

and yay i know what’s going on now, since i have read “The Silent Wind”! great way to introduce the state of Twilight’s life now

Because there were only a few things that could release so much energy as to scour the world clean of every notion of complex life. And one of them was the energy released when you destroy an alicorn.

Not just kill it, but rend its very soul into nothing.

ooh love this cosmic horror-scale worldbuilding

Twilight had never liked the catacombs and neither had Rarity. They weren’t aesthetically pleasing, and magic didn’t even properly penetrate down there. It had nothing for either of them.

She had no actual memories of coming here, aside from rescuing Cadence. All she had were these persistent odd notions and niggling feelings. So why had it felt so important to come here? She didn’t dream any longer, without the moon, she couldn’t. Sleep only brought flashbacks of times that were completely irrelevant, like that interview with Luna.

but i get the feeling said interview will turn out to be less than completely irrelevant later! also, dang, what is going on here with these memories? definitely an interesting idea though, with the moon being the literal source of dreams going with Luna’s powers and duties of dreamwalking

A small photograph of her and her friends, all vanished now. Tucked off to the side, was herself and Rarity. A small alcove they’d formed for themselves almost imperceptibly, unconsciously. When she tried to remember, Twilight thought that a lot of photos of the group of them had that quality.

aww very RariTwi! and idk if this was intentional but my brain is linking alcove and catacomb semantically so maybe Twilight's disintegrating one is as well

Celestia watched her go, before remembering herself and placing a comforting hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. But it was absentminded, and she returned her eyes to watching after Luna.

The princess’ hoof was so unbelievably powerful. It nearly knocked Twilight to the ground again.

ooh, symbolism! just love this, and how the whole conversation really does loop back to being analogous to parents arguing in front of their young child in terms of incomprehensibility, with many years ahead of the child before they can even begin to hope to comprehend the context. they are just as above Twilight right now, and of course, any parents that actually did this

They looked worried.

They wanted her to hear.

They wanted her to fix it.


would be very unhealthy ones!

oh no! the only other living creature in Twilight's world now is... French...

But Twilight knew the truth. She was under no illusions that her ascension had been Celestia’s design alone, and that Luna had never been pleased by it. Her verbal inclusions of Twilight as one of them always seemed forced, drank in like a mouthful of lye, cringing and overworking of the tongue to affect an air of normality.

Sadly for Luna, subterfuge had always been her elder sister’s strength.

ehehe so true and love it

“The moon governs the mind, in contrast to the sun’s nurturing of the body. My magic weaves throughout the nocturnal domain and allows ponies to dream. It keeps them spiritually nurtured. Without it, the moon would stand sentinel over a world of not the living, but the existing, and nothing more,”

ah that definitely explains what’s happening to Twilight’s brain! very cool worldbuilding!

“I will brook your attitude, little sister, but do not profess to meddle in the business of gods,” she hissed, eyes centimetres from Twilight’s.

ahaha that is so belittling i love it. i hope to one day be able to use this line in my life against someone

“Y a-t-il quelqu'un dehors?” the voice called back.

but why would the French of a matriarchial Equestria not use “quelqu’une” as the default, huh? immersion RUINED

“But languages aren’t even useful!” she said, not noting the irony of her myriad mispronunciations as she tried to convince her teacher, “I can just cast a translation spell! But I’ll never learn how to do that if I don’t focus on science and magic!”

in this age of effortless AI translators, commentary!

“Oui, mais nous n'en avons plus. Il y a de l'eau ici, mais la nourriture ne durera pas longtemps."

pourquoi cette jument parle comme un livre

“Mon amie, Rarity,”

j’aime ma femme

And the second Twilight saw her, somehow still the beautiful grey of a winter’s sky, untouched by the chaos, she felt less weak.

Considerably less weak.

extremely relatable thing to feel upon seeing Rarity

Rarity fell, some far part of Twilight told her she should care. Twilight oddly didn’t.

Rarity rolled over, Twilight saw some gash on the inside of her foreleg she must have gotten sometime after coming down here. It must have been recent, it wasn’t properly healed. Twilight looked at Rarity’s horn, Twilight felt stronger, Rarity convulsed, the wound reopened.

ooooookay this is certainly getting unsettling! i didn't mean it that way!

“That niece of hers up North in the frozen waste is a winged unicorn, nothing more, incapable of even using the elements. But you, Twilight? My sister was right, you can be a real alicorn.”

ah dang, being an alicorn in this universe is pretty bucked up! and makes Luna seem more, well, alicorn-like in context

You’d lose your mind before you got to that point and you’d take every bit of magic from her until nothing at all remained.

foreshadowing! except that it’s happening in a flashback after this was shown to happen so idk what that is

“My sister and I were arguing because her regime is rotten and will lead to nothing but ruin for this entire world because its gods are eating nothing more than rations, and must rely on a whelp who’s stubbornness is killing her. We were arguing because she has weakened you her entire life by filling your head with a fantastical, fallacious philosophy that she doesn’t even believe herself. Her domain is, and always has been, lies, and I respect that lies have their place in governance, but sometimes it is time to wake up from the dream.”

and augh love how well this fits in with the fact that in the canon Luna and Celestia are often so helpless and reliant on Twilight to save the day. and augh it’s like i’m reading a twisted mirrored version of some of my own ideas about Luna and Celestia’s conflict, it is distressing to me personally!

“You’re not out of the cycle, my dear,” Celestia said, a sad smile ensconced by two red rivers, “Blueblood sustains me, and I sustain you. You’re still feeding, as an alicorn would. One level removed, still consuming magic of our subjects, just in a roundabout way.”

well that does explain Blueblood’s whole deal!

“You are the element of magic… you are the single strongest mage I’ve ever known… an alicorn like you? If it got bad enough? I worry you’d drain the whole world.”

and ooh, what a direction to take the events of this story’s prequel!

And now Twilight knew exactly where the last ponies alive were.

And now there was no more alicorn blood to feed on.

well ok, now all that is a horrifying twist! love how all the pieces from the previous chapters that seemed so disjointed and random fit together to paint this awful and tragic picture

She’d like to talk to this mare in the picture. She wanted to hold her, and tell her to stay in her library.

She was better in there.

i mean, the most understandable sentiment imaginable, given how alicorns work here. augh.

Contrary to what Twilight would have liked to have expected from herself, she wasn’t consumed by self-hatred.

Twilight could recognise herself as a mare who acted without sanity, and that it had been taken from her by a new body and a new biology in which she never belonged. Twilight would have liked to hug that unicorn in the picture right about now.

Twilight is keeping it together extremely well, all things considered. though in the face of things, what choice does she have?

Coquillage had gone to grab another one of the guards to help. To Rarity’s eternal shame, she didn’t actually understand Prench very well. A short while back she may have blanched with the admission, but times had forced a rethink of priorities.

love this bit of Rarity

When she’d started screaming through the streets of Canterlot, trying to get as many as she could to follow her as dawn broke. Telling them they were going to die if they didn’t come with her right now. She imagined it was only her reputation as an element and as one of Canterlot’s leading designers that had gotten anyone to follow her.

and just love this horror-survival story nested within Twilight’s with Twilight as the monster apocalypse. i just think that’s neat!

She wanted to die looking at something beautiful.


“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU MORE.” Celestia bellowed, her nigh-unheard royal voice shaking the tower, “I had a choice, Luna, fight with the alicorns, and die, or pledge us to the serfs, and live. I told you once, and I will not stop telling you. I will continue mother and father’s line. With your leave, or without it. And helping to kill every other alicorn who’d ever lived was a small price to pay for you to still be here.”

and augh, just love the layers here, and how this finally confirms that the difference between Celestia and Luna were approaches and not philosophies

Twilight had no doubt said tear stains were fake, administered by an eye dropper and done in the service of wooing Twilight with the great, dramatic romance of it all.

Twilight loved her beyond mortal comprehension.

Certainly beyond immortal comprehension.

the correct thing to feel about Rarity

“It was the nightmare,” Luna replied darkly, “My plan had always been to unite the country in resistance to Celestia, hypnotise the population to overthrow and imprison her, and be loyal to me. But once that parasite seized me, it wanted for nothing but bloodlust and rampage, and ‘eternal night’ as if I could ever be so vain.”

ah wait so Luna didn’t mean a mistranslation by “originally”? and yes, that was quite the vain and shallow motivation! good thing we have fanfiction to make it much more horrifying

There’s no nightmare to addle my spells any longer. I will do this, one way or another.”

and what a twist of the knife that that is what helping Luna get rid of the Tantabus led to

“It will just be like falling asleep,”

“You’re sparing them the pain?” Celestia sounded surprised, “Can I ask why?”

“Because…” Luna began, keeping her eyes on the Dias, “I love you more.”

augh i love it

But Luna probably couldn’t even conceive of being outsmarted by Twilight, and her spell reflected it. It was sophomoric, pathetic, worthless, smugness and unearned self-satisfaction radiated off every shoddy piece of its thoroughly underwhelming puzzle.

i mean i’d say this is being harsh but considering what Luna is like in this story…!

and ooh, damn! love that this second revelation recontextualizes the entire situation of the world again! not to mention truly feeling epic in tension and scope. how did you do this???

Twilight looked her in the eyes. How could someone be so beautiful? Maybe some questions fell outside of the realm of problems to solve.

well at least this part of Twilight’s brain isn’t addled by everything that has happened plus being an alicorn

This time, Twilight decided to believe.

and augh, what an end! i was horrified by this journey into this version of alicorn biology, then heartened that despite her biology, within the constraints of it, Twilight was able to hold onto and fight for her equinity in all senses of the word is a beautiful theme and so fitting for the character that Twilight is, coming full circle to reflecting her character arc in the canon. excellent work here, Sere!

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