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The Grim Reapony

It was nearly half past two when they finally made it out of the Magical Menagerie. In the end they bought so many things that they were forced to have Jonathan forward them onto Hogwarts. There were several cases of dog shampoo and toothpaste, countless brushes for Teeth’s fur and, well, teeth, nail clippers, extra-large poop sacks (much to Limestone’s disgust), more toys than Limestone could count (even if Teeth’s favourite one still seemed to be one of her legs), a magical collar that would grow with Teeth, identity tags, and finally numerous blankets. Other items they discussed and opted against included a bed as there wasn’t one big enough to accommodate him, bowls for food and water and food as Professor Sprout assured Limestone the castle could provide these. A lead was also swiftly dismissed after Teeth grabbed and obliterated several with his namesake.

“Oof, I would not like to have to be the one to pay that bill,” Kendra winced as they reached Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382BC. “How much was it in the end again?”

“127 galleons 7 sickles 3 knuts,” Limestone replied, for once in her miserable life somewhat pleased after finally getting away from that obsessive girl Jasmine who had poked and prodded her for much of the past hour. And just when all her bruises had healed from the day before to!

“I am sure the DMC will manage and Teeth now has plenty to keep him entertained whilst you are in lessons,” Professor Sprout said a little irritably after being held up for so long. “And if not, he can go chase Minerva up a tree,” she added under her breath.

“What was that last bit Professor? I didn’t quite catch it?” Kendra enquired as Limestone pushed open the door to their next destination. The smirk on her face told Professor Sprout she most certainly had.

“Oh, um, I was just saying doesn’t Teeth look cute with his new favourite chew toy?” Professor Sprout spluttered as she reached down and took the dog by his new collar.

Perfectly timed, a pitiful meow came from the squeaky cat clamped in Teeth’s jaws.

“That he does. Come on Limestone. After that unexpected and long detour, I’m getting peckish. Shouldn’t take Olivander that long to…” Kendra began only for a male voice to interrupt her from inside the shop.

“Good heavens!”

“Ah buck,” Limestone swore as a black wooden box hurtled straight towards her face. Luckily, she was quick enough to duck only for the wand box to stop abruptly in mid-air and fall on her head.

“Ow,” she grunted taking a hold of the box from atop her head as Kendra snickered behind her.

“Even quicker than I could have hoped. Go on, don’t keep us in suspense, open it up.”

Taking a deep breath and then slowly exhaling it Limestone lifted the lid of the box to examine just what was inside.

“My, oh my. I never thought I would see the day when that wand finally found an owner,” the voice from inside the shop said mysteriously. “It’s been nearly sixty years since I made it.”

Professor Sprout looked to the heavens. Please, for the love of Merlin, just let it be a normal wand.

“I named it, Death’s Joke,” the voice went on as Limestone lifted the dark brown, almost black, wand from its box and was immediately illuminated in a shroud of black to highlight the wand’s acceptance of her as its new owner.

Meanwhile, all the colour was draining from Professor Sprout’s face whilst Kendra was trying her utmost not to laugh at her head of house’s reaction.

“One of my test wands when attempting to find the perfect wand core. Fir, thirteen inches exact, unyielding and with a thestral tail hair core,” the voice divulged.

This time Kendra’s jaw joined Professor Sprout’s jaw in nearly hitting the floor.

“My first and only successful thestral tail hair core wand. I instantly found the substance extremely unstable and practically impossible to utilise. I only succeeded here by combining it with a wood that will only ever choose decisive, focused, and strong of mind individuals who never question their beliefs or choices. This ensures that only those who have truly accepted their own death may wield it, thus why I doubted I would ever find it an owner, let alone one so young as you my dear. Garrick Ollivander by the way, proprietor of this shop,” the voice explained, its owner now revealing himself to be an extremely elderly looking gentleman with scraggly white hair and silvery eyes.

Limestone rolled her eyes as she made her way properly into the shop. What was it with all the death omens today? Yeah, so she technically should have died yesterday if not for a one in a billion miracle but seriously did she need to be constantly reminded? Did she just reek of death or something?

“But,” Ollivander stated.

Oh great, just what she needed, a but.

“Fir wands are extremely powerful, especially in the art of Transfiguration, and have an incredible knack of saving their owners from mortal peril and situations where death seems inevitable. My grandfather even labelled them “the survivors wand” and its combination with such a powerful core will, quite frankly, allow its wielder to escape any situation no matter how bleak it may be,” Ollivander disclosed, now standing right in front of Limestone and completely unperturbed by her unusual form.

“And that’s a bad thing?” Limestone questioned with a look of confusion across her face.

“Maybe or maybe not? For you see, young one, although the wielder of this wand may have accepted their death, whilst they are in possession of such a wand, they shall not find eternal rest, thus its name,” Ollivander concluded cryptically.

“Huh?” Limestone responded totally perplexed by what Ollivander had just said.

“What he’s saying is that the only person who can possess the wand you now hold is someone who has accepted their death and likely made peace that they are going to die very soon. This wand prevents its owner from dying, no matter how much they want to. Thus, an extremely cruel and twisted joke,” Kendra simplified sombrely.

Limestone stared wide eyed at Kendra for a moment and then down at her newly acquired wand in her right hand. This was yet another fine mess her sister had got her into.


Ten minutes later and the peculiar four, of pony girl, giant puppy, teenager, and professor had departed Ollivander’s and were nearing their final two stops which thankfully were next door to each other.

Professor Sprout had wanted to do nothing more than find Limestone an alternative wand but knew it was neither her nor the girl’s choice but the wand’s and if that wand had chosen Limestone, all she could do was ensure that she did her job correctly as an educator and teach the girl how to wield it properly and safely.

“I still can’t believe Ollivander let you have such a powerful wand for a single galleon,” Kendra griped as they stopped outside Jebediah’s Jewellery shop. “I mean my own willow wand set my parents back seventeen galleons when they bought it for me!”

“Old stock and was an experimental wand, thus heavily discounted,” Limestone replied flatly.

Although the last thing Limestone wanted at this new school was to be immediately labelled the Grim Reapony or something similar, the wand had specifically chosen her for a reason and she had taken an immediate attraction to it. She couldn’t put words on why but the wand just felt right in her hand and she actually felt, dare she think it, excited about trying magic out with it in the near future.

“Still seemed way too cheap in my eyes although I suppose it does wonderfully add to your whole aesthetic,” Kendra conceded as they entered the penultimate store on their trip. “Although, if I saw a midget of an anthropomorphic pony on my deathbed…”

Teeth let out a low, menacing growl.

Kendra gulped. “Understood,” and they continued up to the counter in silence.

“Pomona Sprout, well this is a surprise!” a tall, slim, middle-aged man with chestnut brown hair exclaimed from behind the counter. “It has been too long. What can I do for you today?”

“Hello Jebediah, I hope business is good. Miss Pie here needs a small lockbox for her vault key and any other valuables. Nothing to fancy,” Professor Sprout explained.

“Ticking along as always. Thanks for asking and of course, but, if you don’t mind me asking, isn’t it a little late for student shopping? The new terms very nearly here,” Jebediah understandably queried.

“Yes, well this is an exceptional case,” Professor Sprout replied, gesturing towards Limestone, who, alongside Kendra, had moved on to peering into several of the different display cases, with the former providing information on the many different stones contained within them.

“My, my, that’s something you don’t see every day. What is she, a crossbreed?”

“Close enough. You likely wouldn’t believe me if I told you the full story anyway,” Professor Sprout informed the clerk. “Now, about that lockbox?”

“Of course. Just give me a moment. I have a selection in the cupboard back…”

“What are these?” Limestone suddenly interrupted, pointing at an item in one of the cases that had a big red and white SALE sign in it.

Jebediah’s salesman routine kicked in and he paused in his current task to divert and entertain the young girl.

“That young Miss is a beautiful black sapphire set. In fact…” Jebediah started to explain only for Limestone to cut him off.

“No, no, I know natural black sapphire when I see it, I did grow up on a rock farm. What I mean is, what are earrings?”

Kendra stared in shock at Limestone. “You don’t know what earrings are? Right, then we are buying this set with that beautiful bracelet, necklace, and pendant as well.”

“Wait, what? I was only browsing Kendra. Even at the reduced price I cannot afford it,” Limestone argued.

“Nonsense, that’s what rich friends are for,” Kendra insisted. “Besides, it will add to your whole Grim Reaper look. Would you mind if we look at the items before purchasing Jeb?”

Limestone was unsure how to react to Kendra’s words as a mixture of emotions flooded through her leaving her in a daze as Jebediah removed and then placed the items onto the counter for them to inspect.

“There, what do you think? I think it suits you,” Kendra stated snapping Limestone out of her daze.

“Huh?” Limestone quipped, having not even noticed the older girl placing the necklace and pendant around her neck.

“The necklace, silly, what do you think?” Kendra repeated holding up a mirror for Limestone’s benefit.

For one of the few times in her life, Limestone was lost for words. For a minute she just stared into the mirror and her attention drifted to the pendant now resting on her chest and took it in her right hand.

“It’s beautiful,” Limestone said, her eyes lost in the stone’s shimmering beauty.

“We’ll take it Jeb,” Kendra informed Jebediah with a ginormous smile.


“Seriously, were there no other colours but black,” Limestone griped in reference to her new lock box as they left the jewellery store and headed next door.

“Nope,” Kendra replied in an instant. All to quickly for Limestone’s liking but the girl felt like she could not press further due to her new friend’s overwhelming generosity. “Now buck up, we’ve got a ton of sweets to purchase.”

“I think you’re forgetting something,” Limestone deadpanned pointing to the “no pets” sign on the sweetshop door. “I’m not that fussed anyway. We’ll just wait here for you.”

“Not that fussed! Not that fussed!! What child is not that fussed over sweets?” Kendra exclaimed in disbelief.

“Me,” Limestone responded, raising an arm and stroking Teeth’s back much to the dog’s enjoyment.

“Well, we shall see about that. I like a challenge.”

And with that Kendra was gone.


Professor Minerva McGonagall was just finishing the last of the large stack of paperwork on her desk when her fireplace glowed green once more.

“At last, took them…” she stopped mid-sentence and stared at the giant black dog that had just appeared with Miss Pie.

Teeth stared back at her and instantly smelled something he detested, cat.

“GRRRR,” the dog growled dropping his chew toy and preparing to pounce.

In a flash Professor McGonagall was on her feet, wand drawn. “Move an inch from that spot and you will remain as a piece of furniture for the whole first term. Miss Pie, care to explain?”

Teeth slumped onto his rump and then slid onto his belly as he stuck his tongue out at the cat lady. He had only wanted a little bit of fun and wouldn’t have chewed on her… much.

Limestone glowered at the Deputy Headmistress. “He’s only a playful puppy so lay off.”

“That thing is still only a puppy. Oh no, please tell me that is not what I think it is?” Professor McGonagall asked, already dreading the answer.

Perfectly timed, Teeth chose that precise moment to try and catch Professor McGonagall unawares by apparating onto her desk, only to find McGonagall’s wand under his chin.

“Think carefully. Do you really want to see who is faster? Your jaws or my wand. I can assure you it will not end well for you,” McGonagall warned the dog.

“Hey, has Teeth laid his teeth into old Mrs Miser… Oooh, looks like I arrived at just the right moment,” Kendra said as she walked out of the fireplace.

“Teeth, get down boy or you’ll get me in trouble and you wouldn’t want that now, would you?” Limestone commanded, trying to get her new dog under control.

Reluctantly Teeth turned, jumped down of the desk and returned to his mistress but only after cocking a leg and marking McGonagall in the face.

“He didn’t,” Kendra exclaimed trying desperately to control the laughter bubbling up inside of her and failing miserably.

“He did,” Limestone groaned attempting to hide herself in embarrassment in her hands as Teeth affectionately rubbed himself against her legs.

No cat loving human was going to get the better of him!


“Not bad,” Limestone quipped sat up on her bed.

“That’s an acid lollipop, it should have burnt through your tongue!” Kendra exclaimed in disbelief sat opposite her.

“Well, it didn’t, so now it’s your turn. Truth or dare?” Limestone retorted.

Limestone had never had a sleepover before, despite Pinkie’s best efforts to persuade her otherwise, but she’d found that Kendra was somehow even more persuasive than her sister! To be honest, she still owed the older girl for her extremely generous gift, that and she’d threatened to break her arm if she didn’t and force her to drink the vilest medicine known to wizard kind, Skele-Gro. Considering the look on Kendra’s face as they made a hasty retreat as far from Professor McGonagall as possible whilst she was distracted by Professor Sprout, Limestone was certain Kendra meant what she said. So, reluctantly, she’d allowed Kendra to drag her to the prefects’ bathroom, which, Kendra had explained, was one of the perks of having the school’s matron for a godmother. Dare Limestone admit she may have enjoyed the pampering session that followed and was now sitting on her bed in the infirmary with curlers in her hair, nails polished, ears freshly pierced and a mud mask on her face as they played truth or dare.

“Dare,” Kendra replied smugly.

“Try and take Teeth’s bone from him.”

“Wait, I thought we agreed the dares were just sweets?” Kendra enquired looking down of the end of the bed at Teeth enraptured by said bone. She really did not fancy trying to take that bone from him.

Limestone shrugged her shoulders. “I never agreed to anything. Would you prefer truth?”

“Fine, truth.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

Kendra simply stared at Limestone for a while before eventually muttering under her breath as a distant expression adorned her face, “Because I know how it feels to be alone.”

“Understood,” Limestone responded before doing something she had never done before, she actually reached across and hugged the older girl. “Thanks, just never tell anyone about this or I will show you just how powerful earth pony hooves are. I don’t do emotions.”

Kendra smiled warmly in reply as she reciprocated the hug. “It’ll be our little secret.”


Limestone awoke the next morning to something tapping her face. “Five more minutes Pinkie,” she groaned ignoring the wake-up call.

“I think not and I am certainly not this Pinkie fellow,” a stern voice replied.

Limestone’s eyes shot open and slowly looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing at her bedside. She attempted to whistle for Teeth hoping he would d be able to apparate her to safety.

“I’m afraid if you are calling for your dog, he is currently tied up at the moment so that he cannot get in the way of our study session,” Professor McGonagall informed.

“S-study session?”

“Yes, I wish to test your understanding of our language, your writing ability, and also simple mental arithmetic through a series of tests,” Professor McGonagall explained.

“Mental arith… oh no, you don’t mean math?” Limestone griped, every last ounce of happiness she may have felt the night before swiftly evaporating.

“I do. We have had one to many accidents over the years due to students not knowing the correct amount to pour into a potion for an example, thus a basic grasp of numbers is essential for all students at Hogwarts. We have two and a half days to get you to that level, so I suggest you tidy this mess you made last night swiftly otherwise there will be no time for breakfast before your first test,” Professor McGonagall said sternly, referring to the abundance of sweet wrappers that covered both Limestone’s bed and the floor around it.

“Hey, where’s Kendra?”

“Just went to fetch your breakfast before helping you tidy up the mess we made last night. After that, I’ll be heading off I’m afraid but I’ll see you in a few days at the sorting ceremony. Here’s hoping you get placed in Hufflepuff. Although I am sure Teeth wouldn’t mind Gryffindor, apparently their common room is where all the students’ pet cats like to hang out for some strange reason,” Kendra interjected, appearing through the infirmary doorway with a tray of food and then directing her gaze towards Professor McGonagall.

“If she does, that mutt of hers will most be certainly be staying in the stable with the Thestrals and I’ll be placing an apparition prevention spell around the common room to prevent him from entering even if he howls the whole place down and none of us are able to get any sleep,” Professor McGonagall stated firmly, pointing her wand in the direction of Teeth, who, as she had declared, had his legs and mouth bound with rope.

“Well, if that hat dares put me in your stuffy house, I’ll have Teeth deal with it in retaliation and then join him in the stables or break into Hufflepuff, because that’s about the only house that wants me,” Limestone declared boldly.

Kendra could not help but let out a snicker at the blasé and blunt response. “Oh, you would fit right in and considering Hufflepuff are supposed to have a connection with the earth, I think it’s obvious where you will end up so don’t worry about it, especially when you’ve got to get through all these tests old Mrs Miser has planned for you over the next few days first.”

“Miss Abbot, might I kindly remind you that I am standing right here and that unless you wish to be the volunteer in our Transfiguration lessons for the entire first term, I suggest you apologise this minute, especially as I will also be the one writing out your reference for future job applications at the end of the year,” Professor McGonagall snapped back at Kendra.

Kendra shrugged her shoulders as she placed the tray of food on Limestone’s lap and began clearing up the array of empty sweet wrappers. “Already got a job planned.”

“And what might that be?”

“I’ll be taking her on as my apprentice as agreed by Headmaster Dumbledore this morning, but only if she knuckles down, gets the required grades, and, most importantly, improves that attitude of hers,” a strict voice said entering the conversation.

Kendra froze in the middle of picking up the sweet wrappers. “Yes, Madam Pomfrey and I’m extremely sorry Professor McGonagall, I should know better than to insult my elders,” she said turning and giving Professor McGonagall a curtsy.

“And, about you meeting the required grades, I am sure you will have enough time to get your things together tomorrow. Today, I am sure Professor McGonagall will not mind giving you a recap of last year’s Transfiguration curriculum as it is by far your weakest subject,” Madam Pomfrey went on.

A devilish smile crossed Professor McGonagall’s face. “Of course not Poppy. I have several old written exams she can sit and we can then evaluate her weaknesses from there.”

“Excellent, now if you don’t mind, I am going to enjoy my final day of freedom with a walk around the lake before I have to do the last-minute checks tomorrow before the students return Sunday,” Madam Pomfrey explained, proceeding to disappear into her office.

Kendra was now totally frozen, the pile of sweet wrappers forgotten about in her hand.

“I suggest you go get some breakfast yourself because you’re in for a long hard day,” Professor McGonagall informed Kendra coldly.