• Published 2nd Feb 2024
  • 1,311 Views, 25 Comments

Truth and Reconciliation - Jest

Through some unknown means, Luna has been given the chance to stop her and her sister from making the biggest mistakes of their lives. Though it may cost her more than she realizes.

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Recontextualisation and Renewal

“Huh,” future Luna muttered, turning to her doppelganger and her sibling. “Don't suppose you two have a couch I could crash on for a while, eh?”

What is a couch and why would you want to crash on it?” Past Luna muttered in confusion.

It’s… It doesn't matter,” Luna exclaimed. “It just seems as though I am stuck here, for the moment anyway.

You did seem to perform the spell properly,” Celestia added.

I will need to research the spell and see where I could have gone wrong. Though for now, this leaves us with an interesting opportunity,” Luna began, a grin crossing her face.

Opportunity. What do you mean?” Past Luna inquired.

Well I was able to keep you all from dodging one major issue perhaps my presence could help you avoid more while at the same time, I work on returning to my own timeline,” Luna offered, glancing at her past sibling and past self.

Your presence would be appreciated. Especially since we’ll have to dedicate considerable time to dismantling the inquisition,” Celestia offered, nodding to her Luna.

Very true,” past Luna agreed. “Our time will be split and having such a capable… uh… advisor? Will make things easier.

Oh yeah, we should probably work that out,” future Luna murmured. “Okay, what about this? We swear the guards to secrecy, we lock this guy up in a deep dark cell, and I take on a disguise.

That would make things easier. The ponies of Equestria already have enough confusion around our reign. No need to add a third princess to the mix,” Celestia remarked.

Oh yeah that won't happen for over a thousand years anyway,” Luna dismissed.

Wait what was that last part?” Past Luna inquired.

Not important right now,” future Luna declared. “What is important is that we move quickly. Get everyone either sworn to secrecy or-”

Future Luna paused to kick the bound and gagged stallion lying on the ground.

In some hole so deep he will never crawl out,” future Luna finished.

An excellent idea, though I must ask. What manner of disguise are you thinking of?” Celestia inquired. “Perhaps a unicorn would be best. A court wizard is the only position that can hold court while we are not present and the position is currently vacant.

Oh that's right, future Luna muttered. “We were about to phase out that position entirely before the whole… everything happened.

Can we go back to the part where you mentioned there being another alicorn? I feel like that was important,” past Luna pressed.

Look it's a long story but there were two more alicorns only they weren't born alicorns. There was this spell and look let's just talk about this later okay? It’s kind of a whole thing,” Future Luna dismissed.

I must agree with your future self. Best we discuss such matters behind closed doors,” Celestia stressed, glancing pointedly at the captured stallion lying at their hooves.

Hmm, fair enough,” past Luna acquiesced.

As for my disguise, I think a court wizard will be perfect. And I will use the alter ego I’ve employed to get senior discounts at the buffet in Shady Springs,” future Luna declared.

She then lit her horn, and after a brief flash, was replaced with an elderly unicorn mare with a silver mane, white fur, and bright blue eyes. Though she had crow's feet at the edge of her eyes, visible wrinkles, and other signs of age, the alicorn’s new form was to most ponies, appealing. To add to the disguise, Luna had even replaced her cutie mark with one of plain silver ring adorned by a small azure gemstone.

I am Shining Silver. Mage extraordinaire, and master of the divinitory arts,” future Luna, now Shining Silver, declared.

A bit flamboyant, but I like it,” Past Luna, now just Luna remarked. “But it feels familiar for some reason.

Yes. Have you based this form on some future person perhaps?” Celestia added.

I may have taken some creative liberties with a fashionable mare whom I knew quite well,” Shining Silver murmured. “But that doesn't matter. We need to move quickly before word has a chance to spread and this secret gets out before the day is even through.

Good point,” Celestia muttered. “Perhaps I should remain here and speak to our guards while Luna and L-I mean Shining Silver move to contain any mention of you from amongst the town and the small group of soldiers we had already sent after the imp.

Agreed,” Luna added. “Shining. Where do you think we should start first?

The manor home,” Shining Silver exclaimed. “Though none saw my approach I was less than subtle after I had acquired our little devil dealer.

Then that is where we shall begin,” Luna declared.

I’m assuming you know what happens now,” Celestia whispered in a low tone.

Of course,” Shining Silver replied. “I stand behind this curtain until you’ve had a chance to open court and introduce me.

And after that, you do a bit of a display of your power to win the favor of our vasals. Earning their respect if not trust,” Celestia continued.

Have you given much thought to what routine you had in mind?” Luna asked in a hushed whisper.

I will dispense with the usual flashy display of lightning and stick with a show of my divination specialty by divvying out advice using my advanced knowledge of the future,” Shining Silver replied. “Honestly dears it's like we haven't discussed this a dozen times over the past week.

Both Celestia and Luna exchanged a somewhat nervous glance behind the small shadowed corner of the throne room.

We admit this is a bit nerve-wracking,” Celestia murmured.

It was difficult work to ensure no word of your presence escaped and though your promissory spell worked wonders on our guards and what few staff saw you we cannot help but worry,” Luna admitted.

“Promissory? Oh, the gease spell. Yes, that has made things easier with the guards but it can't be used on the unwilling unfortunately like our little jailbird. But getting back to your point I really wouldn't worry about it,” Shining Silver exclaimed. “You have done an excellent job keeping a lid on things and with all the work I’ve done on my illusion I’m absolutely certain no one can see through my disguise. Why, magic necessary to dismiss such a complex false face won't even exist for a few hundred years at the earliest.

That does ease our worries somewhat,” Celestia remarked.

You will both do fine. Trust me,” Shining Silver declared, stressing the final two words.

We do,” Luna replied. “Let us open court. I’m sure they are getting quite antsy out there.

Agreed,” added Celestia.

With that, the two princesses departed, slipping out of the small curtained-off area and into the wider room. With them gone, Shining Silver breathed a sigh of relief and made a mental note to do something about their confidence. She had known it was an issue they shared but the troubles of her own past had obscured just how prevalent this little problem had truly been.

Brushing off that concern for the moment, Shining conjured a mirror and gave her appearance quick once over. Her illusion was perfect, and she looked exactly as she had the moment she had first donned her disguise. Now though, a layer of perception spells overlaid it, as well as more than a few charms meant to ensure it would not be removed by accident.

The sheer amount of magic would likely give most casters of the day a headache either due to the incredible number of calculations as well as the raw power that had gone into such a relatively simple disguise. Why just the plain dark blue cloak she wore to make her appear more humble was a complex weave of enchantments unreplicable in current days. For a moment Shining Silver wondered if it was even a good idea to utilize such spellwork given the times she existed within but that thought was also pushed aside.

Focusing on the event to come, she peered through a thin crack in the curtain. The throne room beyond was as she remembered it from her distant past. Though the sight of it made a small hint of regret and guilt worm through her chest, Shining Silver quashed it quickly.

Donning a more critical eye, she looked out over the room once more.

Beside her lay the thirteen steps of empire at the top of which stood two ornate chairs now occupied by Luna and Celestia. These thirteen steps symbolized the thirteen realms that had been under the rule of the former ruler, the last king of the unicorns. This small feature was endemic in Shining’s mind of the former master of Equestria and stood out as one of the things that needed to change.

Each golden step was enchanted to make a slightly different sound when stepped on and they were topped by lavish carpet made from the fur of many thousands of slaves. It was ridiculous and downright silly in Shining Silver’s opinion and that was without even considering the fact that there were more than thirteen realms nowadays. When the two alicorns finally listened to her and remodeled the throne room those damnable steps would be the first to go.

Plus they were odd sizes which had always made her trip up them.

Shining forced her gaze elsewhere, pointedly not looking at the gold and jewel-encrusted thrones so gaudy they made the disguised alicorn’s eyes hurt. Rather she looked outward, ignoring the marble palace walls, the grand diamond studded chandelier that hung overhead, and all the other irritating facets of the former unicorn king’s throne room. All such petty details were brushed aside, and added to a list of things she would ensure were changed before she departed this timeline.

Instead, she focused her gaze on the ponies that were slowly filing in from the large double doors at the far end of the marble hall. Most were nobles, marked by their elaborate dress and the fact that they were fully clothed while most wore little. Some were merchants powerful and wealthy enough to earn their place as minor vassals in league with the larger houses. Though not quite as well dressed as the masters they served, they all wore something around their necks, symbolizing their subservience to those who owned their allegiance.

The colorful display of fashion the likes of which Shining had not seen for centuries was intriguing but not her focus. Rather it was those who wore such articles of clothing as well as the lay ponies that stood at the back of the room that most stole Shining’s attention. Mostly staff of the castle, their inclusion was mostly ceremonial as their approval was not considered important, and thus they were granted little room to stand.

Despite this, they were the happiest by far, due in no small part because they had not been forced to march halfway across the country to witness the appointment of a court wizard, like their noble cousins. Still, the sight of their grinning faces brought a small warmth to Shining Silver, who recognized more than a few of them. Unlike the land owners and guild masters that stood in front of them, these common folk didn't care about Luna’s tactless attitude or utter absence of patience.

While Celestia used her boundless energy to wade through convoluted courtly manners and suffer the sting of veiled insults with grace, Luna had ignored them entirely. She had seen that it was the lower strata of ponykind that held true power, though that realization had admittedly been born of a childish dismissal of the boring aristocracy. While today the few held authority over the many, there would come a time when that changed, though far too late in Shining Silver’s opinion.

The elder alicorn’s musings came to an abrupt end when the doors to the throne room closed, and the trumpets blared. With the twin cries of brass, still echoing throughout the hall, both Celestia and Luna stood up from their thrones. The moment this happened, everyone, both pauper and prince alike, bowed their heads to the two rulers.

Rise, children of Equestria,” Celestia began.

And set thy worries aside. Today is a momentous occasion,” Luna added.

For we have finally found a genius worthy of replacing Starswirl the bearded as our court wizard,” Celestia proclaimed.

But before we begin, we must make several announcements of a most pressing nature,” Luna stated.

A great victory has been achieved and with it peace at-” Celestia continued.

Shining Silver tuned the pair’s announcements out and focused all of her attention on the ponies filling the majority of the throne room. Celestia and Luna’s joint proclamation concerning the events of their most recent investigation were important but Shining knew such things already. More important were the crowds' reactions, especially those whom Shining had little memory of.

The declaration of victory over the last of the demonic holdouts was a cause for celebration but not all in attendance seemed elated. Sure everyone looked happy, but Shining could see the undercurrents of discontent that most could not. The clench of a mare’s jaw, the fervent whispers of a lord into his aide’s ear, and the quiet grumble of a pony whose plans had been foiled, all were heard or seen by the disguised alicorn.

Investigations would need to be had, and assurances made in the wake of the announcement. They were entering unforeseen territory, with history shifting beneath their hooves at this very moment. More importantly, questions were being asked about the role of the Inquisition given that it no longer had a purpose. Though that question would be answered in time, a consistory would need to be held and the various lord inquisitors summoned to the capitol. That particular announcement would not be delivered quite yet, for now, preparations needed to be made, and plans put in place.

The inquisition would not be brought down quickly, nor would it be a clean break even with Silver’s foresight into the matter. Most, Silver knew, would become an early version of the modern police after disbanding while others would break off and form into bands of raiders. Though she knew which troublemakers would be the worst, Silver didn't know how things would turn out this time around.

Silver made a mental note to begin assembling a list of the worst offenders that her counterpart and past sibling would need to contend with. That would need to come later, as Silver could hear that the announcements were coming to a close and her time was quickly arriving.

And so we move to the main topic of today’s event. The appointment of our new court wizard,” Luna began.

Though none here know her, Silver’s contributions to the capture of the traitorous warlock were significant,” Celestia added.

Her skills are beyond reproach, as is her loyalty. And yes we know this is sudden, but we ask that you give her a chance,” Luna proclaimed, adding a bit of royal weight to her words.

With that, we give you Shining Silver, mage exemplar, and master of divination,” Celestia stated, her magic pulling aside the curtain.

Silver strode forward, a small but confident smile on her face. As she moved to the center of the room, she took in the reaction of the crowd. Most seemed neutral, but there were a few who did not believe she could match the previous court wizard, Starswirl the bearded.

Shining Silver, do you know the oath of office for a court wizard?” Celestia inquired.

I do,” Shining Silver replied.

Then you may proceed by making your oath in view of all of Equestria,” Luna declared, gesturing to the gathered crowd of ponies.

I, Shining Silver, do swear by Celestia, the sun. Luna, the moon, and by the gods both new and old, making them my witness, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment this oath and this indenture,” Silver began, making sure to have her gaze sweep slowly across the room, meeting each eye that sought out her own. “I will use what magic I know in the benefit of Equestria according to my greatest ability and judgment and I will do no harm or injustice to her or her ponies.

Neither will I use my magics to hurt those I have sworn to protect even should they ask me to do so. Nor will I suggest such a course,” Silver continued. “But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will take up the sword not even, verily, upon the enemies of Equestria but I will give place to such whose place it is to fight.

Into whatsoever house I enter I will enter to help the sick, and aid the downtrodden. I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of those who seek my aid be they bond or free,” Silver proclaimed. “And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with ponies if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.

I really should make efforts to remove all these lingering religious connotations, Silver thought to herself before continuing.

Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all ponies for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me,” Silver continued, bowing her head to the gathered audience. “So I do swear.

The throne was quiet for several seconds before Celestia spoke up.

Do all present bear witness to the oath of office?” Asked the alicorn.

Aye!” came the resounding answer of those present.

Then from this moment forward you shall be our advisor and confidant, expert and administrator,” Luna exclaimed. “Raise your head and accept your badge of office, the white stave.

Luna reached back behind their thrones and produced a long wooden staff that seemed oddly natural at first glance. At one end it was capped with a silvery metal while the other became a gnarled mass of roots that clutched a peice of polished quartz. The item itself was brought forward, and Celestia held aloft the other end, symbolizing further the shared nature of this position.

I almost forgot about Starswirl’s favorite walking stick, Silver thought to herself.

I accept this gift with honor and humility,” Silver exclaimed, gracefully taking the offered staff from her past self and Celestia.

Now then,” Celestia began anew. “Though you have earned our trust Equestria does not know you. Please, make thine power known to all.”

Silver smiled, and with stave in hand began to walk toward the back of the room. As she moved the confusion of the ponies became palpable but despite the increasing fervor of the growing whispers, Silver pushed forward. She stopped at the back of the space and fixed the confused guard standing at the door with a firm look.

Your lack of confidence will get you killed. Astral Claw,” Silver began. “You are more skilled than you give yourself credit for, face this fact or leave the service of the crown.

Without waiting for a response, she turned and looked to another pony.

You are a skilled stone mason, but an even better sculptor, finish your contract at the castle, and after, embrace your talent. Success will come as surely as the dawn,” Silver continued.

The confused stone worker just stood there, too baffled to say a word.

The lost deed to your family’s farm lies in the ruins of your family home. Safe but buried beneath the rubble. Seek it out,” Silver exclaimed.

Without missing a beat she continued down the line.

Your lucky hammer was dropped down the well by your son who was too embarrassed to admit it to you. Forgive him, find it, and you will all be happier,” Silver declared.

The blacksmith seemed confused, then enraged but that anger was quickly quenched. Around her, Silver could hear that the doubt and confusion she had detected earlier was beginning to wane. Even still, there was a long way to go, though she didn't mind, as dispensing advice felt good like a load was being removed from her shoulders.

Your cutie mark is a quill, not a feather. You are a skilled flier but an even better writer,” Silver pressed on, her gaze briefly settling on a watch pony standing amidst the gathered staff.

Tell her you love her, she loves you too,” Silver added.

From one pony to the next she rattled off advice, barely giving the individual a chance to gasp in shock before continuing on.

You’re parents do approve of your union, stop second-guessing yourself.”

“Your bumb leg is easily cured. Go to your apothecary and request Nightweave extract. Apply to the limb twice a day in small doses and within a weak you should have full use of it once more.”

The best years of your life are ahead of you, do not miss them by staying lost in the past.

He would want you to be happy. Remarry, you will not regret it.

Reinforce that old timber you keep ignoring. You will regret not doing so. Immensely.

Your husband isn't cheating on you, he's playing nerdy games with his friends and is too embarrassed to say it. Trust him.

It is not strange to desire a herd, stop overthinking it. Monogamy may be in fashion now but that is only due to the lingering influence of the old unicornian customs of marriage.

You are loved you are wanted, you are not a burden, and what you are feeling is normal. Seek out your friends and family, the weight on your shoulders can be lifted. This too shall pass.

Silver stopped abruptly upon facing a mare with plucked eyebrows, no eyelashes, and almost perfectly ovoid features.

That style will last only a few months more. Ditch it now, trust me,” Silver exclaimed, briefly touching the other mare’s shoulder.

“Don't go boar hunting on the thirteenth.

Do not trust your uncle. He does not have your best intentions at heart.

It is not advisable, nor wise to throw a party so large that it bankrupts your entire family.

You’re second son is planning on killing your eldest in order to become heir, stop him.

No, keeping it in the family does not make your offspring more magically powerful. Stop that.

As she continued moving from one pony to the next, the nervous confused atmosphere quickly morphed into one of anticipation. The distrust of this strange newcomer ebbed and with it came an intense desire to know what advice this seer had to offer. Not all struggled to contain their excitement, however, as one stallion suddenly broke the relative silence by trying to sprint out of the room.

He is the one who slew his wife!” Silver boomed.

The stallion skidded to a stop in front of the guards, and for a moment seemed ready to fight or perhaps flee in another direction. Only for a bolt of magic shot from the horn of Luna, to send him sprawling to the floor, limbs twitching as electricity arced through his body.

The stable boy is innocent, and is the true father of this stallion’s son,” Silver continued, gesturing to the spasming male on the ground.

That cheating bitch deserved it,” he spat before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell unconscious.

She sought comfort in the embrace of another because she would never find it in you. Had you a heart with which to share she would have never left you,” Silver proclaimed, with venom in her voice.

Now then,” Silver began again, turning back to a noble who flinched under her gaze. “Mister Merryweather. Though your poetry is frankly trite, your skill in crafting stories for children is exceptional. Yes, you may not be as well respected but with the proceeds of your books you will be able to refill your family’s coffers and better defend the lands you have been charged with protecting.

Duchess Light Touch, your mother did not abandon you, she was eaten by wolves during a walk in the forest,” Silver continued.

On and on she went with the gathered ponies, including both Celestia and Luna, looking on in awe as their new wizard dropped truth after truth without even pausing to breathe.

Though not all were happy to see the arrival of this strange mare that had supposedly spent almost her entire life living as a hermit and practicing magic, none were less glad for her appearance than the former lord Ostre. Locked within one of the ill-used cells of the castle dungeon he lay on his cold stone bed, forelegs crossed over his chest. A tiny window barely larger than his hoof allowed in only a few stray strands of light, barely enough to illuminate the cramped quarters of his new home. There was no toilet, or sink, only a metal pan that lay tucked beneath bed and a small rusted fountain that spat coppery water when the attached button was pressed.

Where most would succumb to terror and regret, the former lord felt no such feelings, only hate and bitter resentment. He didn't know how long it would take or how he’d do it but he swore he’d escape, and when he did, he was going to kill the mare that had ruined all his plans. Nothing else mattered, not his plans for immortality, not his desire for conquest and domination.

Only revenge.

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