• Published 21st Jan 2024
  • 2,049 Views, 94 Comments

Counselor In The Forest - RedBlack

A simple Earth Pony finds himself stuck in a part of the forest, unable to leave for some reason. His next move? Let's just try to survive. Also, why am I getting so many visitors? And why am I acting as a life councelor?

  • ...

The Next Visit

*Natural Remedy POV*

It was raining.

I sat inside the little shack I'd built as I looked.

Sitting safely right next to the stuff both Center Piece and Zecora left.

A fire, not too big, burned on.

It was relaxing.

It was quite a heavy rain too.

I haven't seen heavy rain in about twenty years.

They'd started fully controlling the weather again back then.

A few crackles of thunder rang out.

I close my eyes, inhaling deeply at the moist scent.

It paired well with the scent of nature.

The smoke smell of the bonfire relaxed me.

Though, the scent of blood ruined it.

I slowly open my eyes.

Slowly looking down, a few tears roll down as I watch the memory play itself.

I'd gotten over it, mostly.

But I can't help but remember those days.

Then, my ears flicker as the bloody scent disappears.

Getting broken out of the memory, I concentrate, trying to locate where the sound is coming from.

It's all around me.

Light steps, coming from behind bushes.

Slowly reaching for the new axe Center left, I hear for any movements.


Six from the front.

Two from each side.

And another two behind.

A sneak attack.

I'm facing smart predators.

Axe in hoof, I stand up as I look at the ten Timberwolves in total.

Gulping, I slowly examine my spot.

I'm inside a shack, able to fit ten ponies if squeezed.

Rather inconvenient.

A bigger one slowly emerges from the back, standing almost thrice my height.


I didn't notice him.

Then he did something.

With a growl, he whipped his head to the side twice as the others backed away.

The wolves, except the alpha, howled to the sky as they stood in a circle.

He's challenging me?


I observed him closer.

The half hearted circling.

The bored gait.

That arrogant look.

Well won't you look at that?

With a snarl, he lunges at me with an impressive speed.

I reply with an overhead swing, fully embedding my axe into his skull as he pushed me back.

Getting pushed back whilst a trail is left on the ground, I almost reach the impromptu arena walls, prompting one of the walls to try and bite me.

With a kick from one hoof, I knock it out before turning my attention towards the big one.

I climbed on him as I pulled my axe out.

With both hooves, I strike once more, getting another hit in.

He shook his body constantly, trying to get me off before finally deciding to just roll over.

I jumped off at the last moment, landing with a roll as I hold a grip on the axe.

I look at him as he now circles me.

No arrogance in his walk.

No boredom in his eyes.

Full of cold blooded wrath.

The eyes of a true hunter.

"Seem like a proper enemy now huh?" I ask, slightly teasing him as he growls in anger.

I stare at the two gashes, connecting on his forehead.

One more hit to break it off.

Another one to reach his brain.

He pounces at me once more, this time with his claws.

I take a step back to dodge it as others come in.

One more, I block, getting pushed back.

Another one, I successfully parry.

Using the chance, I get another strike in, creating a broken spot on his forehead.



I raise the axe once more and strike down as hard as I can with only one hoof.

Fully breaking through the skull, I raise it and strike again.


One more.

Then another.

And finally, with one last hit, I split through his head, releasing my limb.

He got hit on purpose.

A set of teeth marks on the middle part of my front left leg as blood flows down through it.


With a startle, I raise my axe once again as the wolves howl into the sky.

Are they mourning?

I confusedly look around, trying to figure what their intention is.

Then it came.

My whole body screamed at me, begging for me to move.

So I did.

Instinctively raising the axe in a defensive position, I block a singular claw strike.

This son of a bitch.

He was alive.

His skull reanimated itself as I took a leap back.

Almost reaching the walls, I hold the axe in my mouth as I balance myself on three hooves.

Though, the crack that ran through the metal part of the axe didn't give me much hope.

He rushed at me with renewed vigor.

I roll to dodge out of the way, wincing in pain.

Squelching sounds come from every move as the ground slowly turned to mud.

I focus my sights on my opponent while clenching the axe handle harder.

With a growl, he pounces at me once more, trying to scratch or bite me.

Just as he reached me, I ducked under while tilting my head.

Rotating my head swiftly, I swing breaking down one of his back legs.

I hiss in pain after landing.

Ignoring it, I look around me for a way out.

I can break out, but I won't survive the chase.

It's impossible to get a fire going with him hunting me down.


I look towards the only source of light in the camp.

It's still burning.

I quickly run towards the bonfire inside the hut.

The adrenaline helped me ignore the pain coming from my limb as the wolf rushed towards me once more.

I roll out of the way, causing him to stop right in front of the bonfire.

I run towards him with all I can.

Right as I reached his range, I ducked under his swipe.

Tilted my head and swung the axe upwards, fully closing his opened jaw.

Letting go of the axe, I roll out from under him and reach the bonfire.

I grabbed the discarded stone axe with my mouth and stood behind the bonfire.

He turned back to me as he crushed the axe under him with a stomp, separating the handle into several pieces.

I breathe deep, slowly letting it out.

Fully concentrating on his every move, I wait carefully.

He can't fit inside the little shack, so he has to charge.

I was right.

He ran in, fully intending to slam me with his body.

I Jumped over him by running out, prompting him to slam into the shack and breaking it down.

I grab a random burning piece of wood from the bonfire and jump onto him, fully ignoring the pain.

With a swing of my head, I embed the stone axe into his eye.

With a swing of my hoof, I stuff the burning into his other eye.

Pulling the axe back, I prepare to bash his head in.

Right then, my instincts told me.

I brought the axe back and put it in front of me.

It felt like somepony just hit my chest with a large hammer.

I flew back.

With a thump, I hit something solid, then searing pain came from my back as I was pushed forward.

I shakily stood, staring at the big wolf with bloodshot eyes, trying to extinguish the fire inside his head.

I look at my back, seeing three large gashes.

Even if I survive this, I'll die from blood loss.

It's a miracle I haven't fainted yet.

I'll at least kill that bastard.

With that resolution, I run full speed ahead, fully utilizing all four limbs while numb to the pain.

I pick up the axe head from the previously broken and hold it in my mouth, along with the stone axe.

Basically grinding my teeth, I hold the stone axe into the fire.

The vines that held it together burned, and turned to fuel as the handle caught fire.

I pick up speed once again, and leaped towards him, taking the burning axe into my right hoof.

He finally put the fire out with rain as he looked at me.

Right as he saw me, I swung the burning axe into his neck.

I sent an uppercut with my left hoof, breaking bits off of his neck.

He rolled around, taking me with him as I held onto the axe tightly.

His neck slowly caught fire as he kept rolling around.

I try to concentrate, then I see it.

I was about to land on the bonfire.


No, if I land there I'll burn to death.

Clenching my teeth harder, I put more force into my limbs and plant my back legs on the ground, splattering the mud and leaving a trail into the ground as he tried to push me away with his body.

Barely stopping right in front of the bonfire, I feel my legs getting scorched from being too close.

I let go of the axe and take the axe head from my mouth into my right hoof.

With a shout, I plant the axe head right into his throat.

Taking it back, I give out a heavy punch with my left hoof, leaving behind a cracked mess.

I plunge the axe head into the same spot again as I pull my left hoof back, putting it into the bonfire.

It fully broke his outer shell, leaving behind a broken mess of wooden flesh.

With a final battle cry, I break through the soft flesh of his neck with a burning hoof, setting his insides on fire.

I let go of him, only to turn around and slash at the bags, now caked with mud.

Taking out a simple satchel with the burning hoof, I throw it at the wolf as the satchel caught fire.

I quickly swipe the ground with the wider side of the axe handle before forcing my burning hoof in.

With another swipe, I gather mud on top of my hoof, fully encasing it.

Before I can recover, I hear loud hissing.

*Blueblood POV*


I should've kept my mouth shut.

I grumble to myself as I walk through the Everfree with a terrible mood.

At first, it felt terrifying, walking through the rumored Everfree, but right now, I'm just annoyed.

Disgustingly high amounts of mud, and the heavy rain from the sky.

She didn't even let me get an umbrella, or at least a coat.

Damn it.


Is it really that good of an idea to let a commoner AND a bookworm to organize the Summer Sun Celebration?

Aunty can be so ridiculous sometimes.

"Sir, we've almost reached our location." The guard on my right told me.

I send out a sound of acknowledgement, too tired and annoyed to properly respond.

I let out a lengthy sigh, fully remembering the details that led me here.

I heard about Aunty sending her student towards Ponyville to check whether they were ready for the celebration or not, so I went and told her about my thoughts.

Then she told me to visit her friend for some reason.

"That seems to be the barrier" the mage scholar from Aunty's school piped up from right next to me.


I'm also traveling with her and ten guards.

I wasn't informed about what the mage wants, but the guards are for protection.

Thankfully, we haven't met anything on the way.

We went through the barrier, which felt extremely weird.

Or maybe it was just my mind.

Then suddenly.


Three of the guards move forward to place a barrier as tremors travel the ground.

Realizing the danger, I empower their barrier by adding my own to it.

The mage snapped out of it and added her own magic to the barrier.

As the multicolored barrier held itself against strong currents, I struggled to keep wake.

Then I saw it.

An emerald green fire rose to the sky, then disappeared a second after.

"Zebrican magic?" The mage muttered from next to me.

Seconds passed and the winds died down as we let go of our barrier.

I noticed that the temperature had gotten significantly warmer.

I breathed heavily as two of the unicorn guards fell down with the third being barely conscious.

I growled in slight anger at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Just what is going on in this Celestia forsaken forest.

I take deeper breaths, trying to calm down.

I shouldn't use Aunty's name in a cuss.

I take a look at the fallen guards as three of the others wake them up.

"Are you alright sir?" A pegasus guard asked me.

Several words and sentences ran through my mind, berating the buffoon for not being able to do his one duty.

"I'm fine." I said with a sigh.

In the end, I'm both tired and irritated, so I don't have the energy to be mad right now.

We made our way through the forest, getting closer to the location of the explosion.

The ground was scorched.

Trees nearby were shattered.

Timberwolves were sat in a circle, bowing their heads despite sitting so close to a fire.

A fire that burned high with an emerald green color to it.

In the middle, large amounts of wood were used as fuel for the fire.

And right next to it, laid an injured green pony, surrounded by roots.

The roots gave off a light green glow.

I felt the magic from it.

It was so different from the magic I knew.

I furrowed my brows and examined the magic closer.

It felt, natural.

Like a perfect balance between pure and impure.

We tried to move closer to the pony, but were stopped.

The wolves, despite their heads never leaving the ground, they bared their teeth and let out growls when we got closer.

We backed off.

"We'll take a rest here. The Princess told us to converse with Mr. Natural Remedy before beginning our study." The leader of the guards commanded the rest.

We found a relatively good spot.

The guards stood at the ready, just in case.

While me and the mage chose to sit on overgrown tree roots.

They were a better option than burnt dirt.

I release a weary sigh at today's events.

I really, should've kept my mouth shut.

I turn my attention towards the circle of Timberwolves.

Is it some kind of ritual?

Why wasn't I informed of this?

Just who is this mysterious pony?

Are those vines under his control?

Do those wolves follow him?

Questions upon questions ran through my head as I kept looking.


My beautiful coat got ruined.

I'll need to visit a spa after this is over.

I can't look too different from Aunty.


I'm tired.

I spent my magic on that barrier.

I look at the scholar who had already dozed off, snoring like a pig.

Getting slightly mad at her stupidity, I let out a sigh.

Who sleeps right next to a group of Timberwolves?

My eyes slowly travel around our little camp.

Two guards were building a little campfire.

Another had brought out little bars.


I almost puke, remembering how gross it tasted.

It was like salted dirt mixed with piss.

"Do you want one your majesty?" I shake my head in response.

The only way I'm eating those things is when I'm on the verge of starving to death.

I silently stare at the little campfire as the guards gathered around it, except two who were missing.

Likely standing guard.

The guards started little conversations that further turned to story telling, singing, an overall good experience.

They must've thought it was alright since I hadn't said anything yet.

But I still just silently stared at the fire.


It was, calming.

Just look at the random shapes of the fire while relishing in its warmth.

It allowed me to think things through.

Made me look at how I am.

My situation.

My choices.

My life in general.

I guess that's why I catch Aunty just staring at her fireplace sometimes.

I have those thoughts as I close my eyes slightly.

They feel sore.

Lightly closing my eyes, I reorganize my plans.

After talking to Aunty's friend, I need to head to Gold Coin's Grand Opening Ceremony for his new art museum.

I'll also have to take somepony who knows their art to see if any of it is stolen.

Before that, I'll need to report to Aunty that most of the employed scholars didn't show up.


They say they're scholars, but what kinds of seekers of knowledge pass up on something that even Aunty herself hadn't figured out yet.

I'll make sure they don't get off too lightly for trying to scam the Crown.

What the?

I get broken out of my thoughts as I felt my body being shaken.

"Stop that." I sternly tell whoever it was as I open my eyes.


The sun was high in the sky and a blanket was placed on top of me.

"I'll take my blanket back if you talk to me like that." the mage told me with a pout as she sat back on her root.

"This is yours?" I ask in disbelief.

Not a lot of ponies would care for me or my wellbeing.

And those who do are paid to do so.

"Yeah? I couldn't just let you sleep without a cover, especially during the dark." She said with a bright smile.

I silently stared at her in disbelief.

Words ran through my head once more.

What would be the best choice?

Is she worth making a connection with?

What benefits would it bring me?

Would she be useful to the Crown?

"Just say thanks." She said with a light punch to my shoulder.

Normally, I should've been offended.

"Thank you." I utter out, getting a chuckle out of her.

"He's awake sir." One of the guards told me.

I looked towards the place the wolves circled, seeing them still there, but have simply sat down, some fully sleeping.

The fire in the middle had ran out.

The vines were gone and the pony in the middle was standing still.

He looked himself over, checking his left hoof repeatedly for some reason.

Nonetheless, we approached him.

This time, we were unimpeded by the wolves, though we received stares of warnings.

I walked at the front of the guards along with the mage.

"Good morning." I greet to start the conversation.

Soon enough, I can get back to the castle.

He turned to us with wary eyes.

I flinched slightly at the immense amounts of bloodlust radiating from it.

It felt like a blade was on my neck.

Inching ever so closer.

Then it was gone.

"Good morning." He said with a tired voice.

His personality changed.

From an apex hunter to an old stallion.

"I thought there would be more mages, since the barrier seemed quite rare and powerful." He commented as he started digging through the dirt.

I was about to ask what he was doing until he dug up a torn bag.

He grumbled something before dropping the bag on the ground and walked back to us.

"Sorry, it seems that anything that I had that was edible was burned in an explosion." He said with a nonchalant expression.

"It's fine, we weren't expecting a feast when we came." The mage said with a bright smile.

Before I could talk, one of the wolves came running.

I tensed up, preparing for the wolf to attack.

But it never came.

The green pony was also looking at the wolf with confusion.

I carefully looked towards the wolf, fully expecting to see a fearsome beast.

Yet, it was different.

The wolf was wagging its tail as a leaf basket filled with all kinds of fruits was tied to its chest.

My face blanked, never having even heard of such a thing.

The green pony suddenly moved towards it.

Before I could snap out of it, he had already started petting it.

"What the buck?" I just mutter in total confusion.

Just in case, I looked at the other wolves, only to see most of them whining with, jealousy?


I chuckled a bit in disbelief as an apple was presented to me.

Grabbing it with my magic, I cast a simple cleaning spell before taking a bite.

"So, I'm Natural Remedy, what about you guys?" He asked as he sat down on the ground, fully leaning back on the wolf who had brought fruits.

"I am Prince Blueblood Platinum, I have come here on the command of the Princess herself." I presented.

"I'm Joyful Light, nice to meet you sir."

Oh, that was her name.

I focused back on the green pony.


His eyes, they were mad.

Full of wrath, then it was gone.

It was replaced with confusion as he muttered something to himself.

"I guess I've been too disconnected." He commented before taking a bite into a pear.

"Well Mr. Remedy-," Joyful Light started.

"Just Remedy will do fine." He interrupted.

"Ah, yes, then Remedy, could you please tell me everything since you've woken up, even the smallest details will work."

I tuned out the conversation as I began eating my apple.

I kept staring at the wolves in the area.

They weren't really doing anything.

Eleven of them.

Most slept.

The rest were just watching us.

Though, they seemed bored more than anything.

"So, Prince Blueblood Platinum, may I ask what your objective is?" I was broken out of my stupor by the question.

Joyful Light had already moved on to her job.

"I was sent here to speak to you." I answered straight.


"Didn't say"

He let out a few chuckles as he looked upwards for a moment.

"Alright, tell me about yourself." He suddenly said.

I raised my eyebrow, questioning his question.

Well, it lines up with my objective.

I think of my next words.

He's Aunty's friend, so he's most likely in the higher class.

Just stuck in a bad situation.

"I enjoy classical music, they're quite relaxing after any event." I tell my well practiced line as my face masks itself with a smile.

"That so?" He said with a raised eyebrow.


Was there something wrong with that line?

It always worked though.

"Alright, what kind of food do you like? You got a favorite dessert?" He asked with a blank face that I couldn't read.

What kind should I say?

Which answer would please him?

Does he own anything in the food industry?

"You gonna answer?" He asked with a small grin.

"I like potato fondants." I give out an answer.

"Alright, tell me what you like about it." He said with that small grin.

What I like about it.

It's, tasty?

"I enjoy the taste." I confidently answer.

Was that enough of an answer?

"Really?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a tilt to his head.

So it wasn't enough.

"Alright, do you like desserts?"

"Yes." That one was easy.

"What's your favorite?"

What desserts are there?

Is there anything else besides cake and biscuits?

"Cake" I say.

"What kind of cake?"


"Is it really?"

"Yes, I think I would know."

"Alright, what do you think about cookies?"


Right, they're biscuits.

"I never ate them much."

After that conversation, he simply keeps staring at me.

I get slightly nervous as my mask threatens to fall apart.

Seconds pass as he kept his eyes on me.

What is he waiting for?

Just what is his intention.

"You know," he started as his face took on a serious look, "your life is kind of sad."


My mask fully breaks down as I stare at him in shock.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown.

"Alright, answer me this last question," he said with a sigh, "do you even like, being you?"

What does that even mean?

"I, believe I do."

"You don't even know who you are." He said as he got up with a groan.

I only stared forward in contemplation at his words.

He patted my head twice as he walked by. "Try to think about it"

I sat in confusion as his words rang inside my head.

What did he mean by those words?

Was that a test?

Different thoughts ran through my head.


I give out a weary sigh from thinking too much.

"Breakfast is ready!" Joyful Light yelled as a pot was steaming on top of the fire.

I give a nod of acknowledgement as I started to get up.

A slimy and wet feeling goes through one of my cheeks as I freeze.

The wolf that the green pony was leaning on licked me, then it went towards him.

I let out a long sigh.

I really, really should've kept my mouth shut.

Author's Note:

Alright, finally another chapter.:yay:

This one got delayed cause of a few life problems.

The main one being that our country will be celebrating something.

Basically I need to clean out the whole house, even the fucking curtains and the cupboards, then buy gifts for the entire family tree.:ajbemused:

It's exhausting and also takes a bunch of time, so thank you for waiting.:scootangel:

I was also thinking of writing more in this author note, but right now it's late as hell and I haven't properly slept in a whole week so I can't think of anything.:facehoof: