• Published 9th Jan 2024
  • 325 Views, 16 Comments

Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony Part II: The Pony of Hyrule - Scriblits Talo

The heroes of Hyrule sleep too long in Ponyvile. Both lands still need to be saved.

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Castle Friendship

-and it was in that place that a bond was formed, a friendship that could surpass any evil.
-DJ pon3 _The Legend Of Link

The thrumming echoed throughout the halls, the deep rich reverberations of a cello could be heard. The country-isms of Epona’s Song syncopated within the click-clack of her hooves against the cool crystalline floors of Castle Friendship. Epona’s ears twitched, pivoting from one side to the next.

She found it, although alluring, to be slightly off-putting… How welcoming the castle, the music, seemed; when compared to the startling silence, the darkness of outside. But there was something else too.
She placed a hoof against the door from which the music issued and stopped. At that moment, as a myriad of wordless thoughts filled her mind, it took everything in her not to ball up and cry. She took her hoof from the door and chewed at it for a moment, considering.

The music stopped.

“Breathe it's ok.” She told herself.

She bit her lip and placed her hoof against the door again, and despite herself knocked.

he…hello?” She timidly called into the next room.

“She came, she actually came! It worked!”

There was the sound of a hollow wooden object hitting the ground with a resonant clatter and…

“Your ALIVE!”

The last phrase was uttered as Epona found herself rolling backward, the door slammed open from the inside and a gray form wearing a manic grin plunged her into an enthusiastic embrace.
“I can't breathe,'' Epona squeaked from within Octavia’s grasp, then sweeping her friend up and off of her hooves into a massive hug. Tears touched Epona's eyes, she had seen Octavia just yesterday, right? Why did it feel like years?

“So…You have no idea what happened either? “

“No, I…I don’t. Last I remember… I was bucking apples with AppleJack… I remember we decided to wait an extra day to wait out the scheduled showers. And we were bucking apples, we stopped for lunch… and I woke up… and; and everything was cold and dark and…”

Epona broke off, even sitting in the library as they were, with the comfort of fire's warmth to proscribe the dark, the proceeding thoughts chilled her bones.

Octavia set her tea glass aside to comfort her trembling friend. For the second time that night, Epona found herself locked in the comfort of embrace; But there was something else to it too… Octavia too was shaking. She removed herself from the embrace.

“I… I’m sorry… This dreadful night is getting to me something awful… and that not a single other pony is awake… How is it just you and me and…
…They look so peaceful.” She nodded toward the pair on the opposing couch, who had apparently slumped over mid-conversation; Link, and the DJ. The green-clad stallion and the pale mare each slumped over each other in drooling slumber.

Again Epona tapped at Link's cheek with her forehoof, a half-hearted endeavor after the many failed attempts to awaken her companion. Ice buckets, feathered quills, many varieties of musical instruments, and a remnant plethora of other attempts littered the floor around them. And the pair slept on, all of Equestria slept on...

Octavia gazed for a moment toward her cello which had been removed from the floor and placed neatly against one of the many book shelves.

“I had thought that music might be able to bring the sun back… I had been playing with this theory for some time… That music is magic.” she gave a light chuckle before continuing. “Perhaps not the most surprising statement of all time… but important I think… I think that is part of the reason the Ocarina, those songs worked so well. Equestrian magic and Hylean magic may not work well together, but music… Music is music wherever you are, a language that surpasses all barriers… Music connects us all.
She stared at her cello for a longer strand of time before continuing.

“I thought I might be able to bring the sun back with one of those songs… It worked earlier on that ocarina. But now to no avail. I thought I might be able to awaken Saria with her song… but I just ended up pinging myself with a message… who would have thought. And then I played for you, and you came, and Im… I'm so glad you are here. But that begs the question… Why won't the sun come back up… and why is everyone still asleep, and why only us.”

Epona sat for a moment in silence gazing out the window as a light patter of rain, glistening drops that from the glow of the fireplace, gleaned like starlight patted lightly against the glass. To any resident Equestrian, without any Pegesi to tend to the clouds this might have been off-putting, but Epona was not a local and she found the rain somewhat calming and in her quiet consideration she was reminded of something.

“I had a dream.” she said “When I was asleep, she didn't tell me her name… But she said something about the night, about how everyone… I mean every pony was asleep. She said something about her sister, and that the sun hadn't risen in months. I, I don't think I had ever seen anyone quite like her, slender and dark, and her main shone like the stars “

“ Luna!”

“She said forces of evil were preparing to attack Equestria… And that a way to save my friends was in a well here in town… something about an eye… I think she was talking about the Lens of Truth, and I think it's here in Ponyville! I think somehow it might help end all this!”

Octavia shivered as she stepped out into the rain. This was unnatural, clouds acting on their own. She looked up, the towering cumulonimbus grimaced back at her menacingly as endless drips burbled from their surface. She ducked her head down and followed after Epona, the both of them making their way deeper into Ponyville, and nearer to the village's quiet center.

Author's Note:

And so, it begins.
Lullaby for a Princess

Who Knows

Lullaby for a Hero