• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 546 Views, 236 Comments

Legends Never Die: Friendship is Magic - bookhorse125

Darkness is brewing, and the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance. Reunite with friends, new and old, in this epic final installment in the Legends Never Die saga.

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A Way Out

For a moment, panic flashed on Grogar’s face, but it was quickly overshadowed by anger. He pointed a quivering hoof at Sunny and roared, “GET HER!”

Sunny’s horn lit up in response, and as the first wolf leaped at her, she speared it with a golden rope and pulled as hard as she could. The wolf’s expression shifted to horror as it was scattered to the winds, and the pony inside was freed and gently lowered to the ground.

Hitch gasped and opened his eyes, looking around wildly to try and figure out what was going on. The last thing he remembered was looking out the window at night when he felt something cold at his hooves, and then suddenly he saw things, things that didn’t seem possible, things that seemed too good to be true. Then a golden light yanked him from that bliss, and he felt like he was waking up from a long, horrific nightmare-



The look on Sunny’s face was so bright and hopeful that it glowed brighter than the sun itself. She turned to face the other shadow wolves with a fierce, angry light that made them hesitate, but it was too late for them.

Sunny conjured up a massive whip of arching, terrifying light, and she lashed out at the wolves with it. Wherever it connected with shadow, the wolf would howl and back away faster than Sunny would have thought possible. She pressed closer, wrapping the whip around one of the wolves. It dissolved immediately, its last howl fading away on the breeze. In its place was a purple unicorn with a thick, curly blue mane and a crystal bracelet on her hoof, but Sunny had no time to greet her friend before she was off searching for her others.

“No! No no NO!” Grogar was screaming himself hoarse with blind, uncontainable rage. He watched helplessly as Sunny began to cut into his invincible army, decimating the most powerful monsters he had ever created, without ever slowing down or showing any signs of resistance.

There was only one thing left to do.

He had to make his monsters even more powerful.

Which meant that there was only one place left to go.

Grogar lit up his horns, the lightning crackling, and every wolf suddenly stopped chasing after Sunny and dashed up out of the hole. Grogar cast one last disdainful look of pure loathing at Sunny before he leaped up and out as well.

He wasn’t fast enough. Before they had a chance to escape, Sunny had freed seven innocent ponies, as well as Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp. She watched him go with the strongest urge to chase after him - her head was telling her to go and finish this now - but her heart wouldn’t let her.

So she lighted down by the ponies she had just freed from the shadow wolves, who were all looking very confused and disoriented.

“Sunny?” Zipp blinked several times, as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. “I… are you real? Is this real? What happened?”

“Why is it daytime all of a sudden?” Pipp wondered, holding up her hoof to shade her eyes from the bright sunlight leaking in through the empty panes where there were no more windows. “Wasn’t it, like, just nighttime a little bit ago?”

“What day is it? What year is it? How many birthdays did I miss?” Izzy demanded, looking side to side frantically.

Sunny didn’t say anything; she just stared at them with tears leaking out of her eyes and rolling down the sides of her face, and then she ran forward and wrapped them all in a hug. And then Misty was there, pushing her way out of the crowd of ponies and hugging them all, and then Flurry Heart and Imara and Kailani and Hugo and Midnight and all the other creatures appeared around them, and Sunny was feeling so happy and elated that she felt like she might just faint.

“Sunny, where were you?”

“How did you do that thing with the wolves?”

“I missed you so much, Sunny-”

“Did you get our letters, Sunny? Did you get them?”

“Are the wolves gone forever, Sunny?”

“Sunny! I’m so glad you’re back!”

“What happened, Sunny? What’s going on?”

“Okay, everybody stop!” Imara suddenly shouted over all of them, and every pony and creature fell silent. “Let’s just let Sunny talk!”

The changeling nodded at Sunny, who looked a bit surprised at Imara’s outburst, but she quickly shook her head and took advantage of the abrupt silence.

“Thank you, Imara. So… I was trying to chase Grogar down-”

“By yourself?” Hitch burst out, and several ponies shushed him.

“Yes, thank you, Hitch,” Sunny said dryly. “Anyway, I found this giant portal thing that Grogar had made, and the wolves chased me inside, and I ended up in Ancient Equestria, and there… there I made some friends.”

She turned to where Twilight Sparkle and her friends were standing, off to the side and out of the way, looking kind of awkward to be there.

Eyes widened, mouths dropped open, and the ponies who didn’t know who Twilight Sparkle was were feeling very confused indeed.

“Everypony,” Sunny said loudly, addressing everyone in the air station, “this is Twilight Sparkle, and her friends: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Oh, and Spike,” she added, gesturing to the small dragon hovering above Twilight’s shoulder. “They’re from Ancient Equestria, and they’re here to help us get rid of Grogar - that big blue ram guy,” she added when most ponies looked confused at the ancient name.

“But you just defeated him,” a pony called out from amongst the crowd.

Sunny shook her head. “No. He ran away, but he’s not defeated. We need to track him down and finish this, once and for all.”

“But where is he?” Hitch asked.

“He’s going west,” someone said, and everyone turned to see Sprout standing in front of the empty frame where the stained glass window of an earth pony and the earth pony crystal normally went. He was staring off into the distance, using a hoof to shade his eyes from the bright sun. “I think he’s going back to the portal?”

“That must be his stronghold,” Twilight said to Sunny, and Sunny nodded.

“But we should have a bit to regroup and form a plan,” Sunny said, looking out over the crowd of ponies. “Everypony, listen up. The city is safe for now - all the wolves seem to have retreated. You may return to your homes, and I promise we’ll tell you everything that we know as soon as we figure some things out.” She lit up her horn, and the large, old, rusty doors at the back of the station slowly creaked open, and ponies gratefully poured out, racing back to the city as fast as they could to salvage what they could manage.

As soon as they were gone, Zipp and Pipp pushed the doors closed and rejoined their friends. They and all the creatures who had come aboard the zeppelin all looked like they were very glad to see each other and wanted to have a proper reunion, but they were still anxious to hear what had happened to Sunny and were a bit stunned into silence appearance of such legendary ponies from the past.

Sunny let out a deep breath that she hadn’t known she was holding, and she looked like the weight of the world had just been removed from her shoulders. She folded her golden wings, and slowly they and her horn faded away until she was an ordinary earth pony again. It was nice to feel normal, to pretend that she had normal problems, even if it was only for a little while.

“Everyone… I don’t know what to say. I’m just so, so glad you’re here-”

She was interrupted by a suppressed sob from Flurry Heart. The pale pink alicorn was trembling with silent cries, her eyes wide and her expression unbelieving and heartbroken - not daring to even begin to hope that perhaps this was possible. Tears were slowly working their way down her cheeks and dripping off her chin, and she found that she couldn’t move. Her hooves refused to take a single step, her brain was hardly able to process anything, and she barely heard a word that Sunny said; her vision had tunneled as soon as she had realized who the pony across from her was.

Twilight looked over at her and met her eyes for the first time. There was a look in her eyes that Flurry understood, one that said that she already knew everything, and that there was no secret that Flurry could keep about what was in her future, and at the same time, she was at peace with that. It was also a look of pure, undying love.

“Aunt Twilight?” Flurry’s voice was just barely above a whisper.

Twilight took a step toward her niece and spread her wings slightly. “Flurry Heart.”

Flurry took a lurching step toward her, then another, and soon she was running, and then she met her aunt in a tight embrace, and Twilight wrapped her wings around her, and nothing else mattered in the entire world. Sobs wracked Flurry’s entire body, and she was shuddering as she clung to her aunt and let her tears and cries pour out. She had often dreamed of meeting her aunt again - maybe casting a magic spell to take her back in time for just a moment - but she had always known that those were fantasies, impossibilities that would never come true.

But as she stood there then, she felt Twilight’s arms and wings around her, and she knew that they were solid and true - that they were real.

She also knew that there was nothing more that the world could give her that would ever measure up to this.

They finally broke away, but then Pinkie Pie was there, and Fluttershy and Applejack and Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and even Spike, and she hugged all of them, and her heart had never felt more full.

Twilight smiled bittersweetly as she stepped back and let Flurry Heart have a moment with her friends. A thought seemed to occur to her, and she started scanning the room, as if she was looking for something.

Or someone.

Cozy Glow hadn’t moved since glimpsing Twilight for the first time, either. She was standing stock-still, much the same as Flurry had, a heartbroken expression on her face. But when Twilight began walking towards her, she finally snapped out of her trance and backed away instead.

Twilight stopped a short distance away. “It’s alright, Cozy Glow,” she said softly, offering her hoof to the young filly.

Cozy was shaking her head, looking down at her hooves. Tears splashed on the floor in front of her. Behind them, Twilight’s friends had realized what was going on and stopped what they were doing to watch.

“Cozy,” Twilight said again, gently. “It’s alright.”

“I’m sorry,” the little pegasus sobbed. More tears came, and she cried harder. “I’m so, so sorry…”

“I know, Cozy.”

She looked up, her red-rimmed eyes bloodshot and wet, and wide with what looked like fear.

“I believe you.”

Cozy Glow started crying again, and she averted her gaze once more. “Why?” she forced out, hardly able to speak around her sobs. “Why would you believe me now… after all the… the lies, and the… the things I’ve done, and… everything?”

She felt someone’s hoof on her face, and she looked up to see Twilight standing right in front of her, the alicorn’s eyes also filled with tears. Cozy’s cries were silent now, and she grabbed Twilight’s hoof with her own, almost as if to make sure that it was real, and that this was real, and that she wasn’t dreaming. Twilight gently spread one wing over Cozy’s back and drew her into a hug, silent tears running down her own face, until Cozy had stopped shaking so much.

“I’m so, so sorry,” Cozy whispered again.

“I know,” Twilight said softly. “I forgive you.”

Author's Note:

Wow. There is a lot of crying in this story. I actually started tearing up as I was writing this chapter… I hope that doesn’t make me sound weird… But I have a weird thing for characters crying. I feel like it’s good for them in some ways. So, yeah, I’m going to have my characters cry a lot when I feel like there’s a genuine need for them to be crying. And, apparently, there are a lot of those in this story.

Just you wait until the last chapter. If you do not collapse into a sobbing puddle, then you have no soul. Just a warning.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!