• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 215 Views, 12 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his sidekicks face the most dangerous foe of all time. Lord Tirek.

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Chapter 1: A Loving Picnic and New Friend

It was a bright sunny day in Equestria and we see our 2 favorite boys George and Harold having a picnic with their girlfriends Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon. See ever since the last incident with Chrysalis and when they saved them they were dating since. They been together for 3 years which is also how long they lived in Equestria. We see them enjoying the sun and having a good picnic.

“Isn’t the weather just gorgeous boys? Absolutely gorgeous.” Lyra asked.

“It sure is Lyra. And we can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since we dated.” George answered.

“We can’t believe it either. And it looks like Harold and Bon Bon are both in the moment again.” Lyra said.

She pointed to Harold and Bon Bon as we see them locking lips in a passionate makeout session. After 2 minutes they separated and stared in each other’s eyes.

“You couldn’t resist me could you sweetheart?” Bon Bon asked.

“It’s really hard not to resist you when you’re really cute and pretty.” Harold replied.

“Oh you flatterer. Come here.” Bon Bon said.

The two hugged and they both felt their hearts beating as their love grew stronger and stronger by the second. At the same time they saw Twilight Sparkle and a new pony coming their way. The unicorn beside her is a female with light yellow fur, turqoise eyes, and a red and yellow hair color.

“Oh hey Twilight. We were just enjoying this picnic. Care to join us?” Lyra asked.

“Sure I would. And boys? I want you to meet another friend of mine. She is Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight introduced.

“Hi. George and Harold I presume?” Sunset asked.

“You presume correctly. We are George and Harold.”

“Well it’s nice to finally meet you two. Twilight told me all about you.” Sunset smiled.

“Has she now?” George wondered.

“Yes. She told me how you first came to Equestria and are living the dream. She even told me that you boys defeated King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis with your comic creation Captain Underpants.” Sunset explained.

“Is that right? Well we did save Equestria twice and that’s no lie.” Harold agreed.

“Though I never knew that you were really good friends with Lyra and Bon Bon. You must be really close.” Sunset said.

“Actually Sunset they’re more than friends. The boys are dating them. Ever since they rescued them from Chrysalis they have been together for 3 years and they never had a problem in their relationships.” Twilight explained.

“Oh my. I had no idea that you were actually dating them for three years.” Sunset said surprised.

“It’s true Sunset. They stolen our hearts after stopping Chrysalis. I tell you George is the best boyfriend a girl can have.” Lyra smiled.

“So is Harold. He and I are both in complete love and we never had any issues. Isn’t that right sweetie?” Bon Bon asked.

“Sure thing Bonnie.” Harold answered.

She giggled from the nickname and kissed him on the cheek. Then Harold snuggled up close to her and Bon Bon wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. Twilight and Sunset smiled seeing the romance bloom.

“Well. You certainly are in love. Next thing you know you’ll both be getting married to them.” Sunset replied.

Then everyone blushed really hard at Sunset's comment. She giggled at that.

"Sorry boys. I didn't mean to make you guys blush. I'm just saying that sooner or later you will be married to them. Not right now but soon." Sunset reminded them.

"Ok thanks Sunset. We do love them. But were gonna wait til we are ready to marry them." George said.

"Yeah there's still some things I wanted to do before we can consider marriage. Maybe give it a few more months." Lyra agreed.

"Well Harold can marry me anytime he wants." Bon Bon added.

"Bon Bon. Don't rush your relationship with him. They aren't ready to get married yet okay? It's not a good thing to rush things in a relationship. You need to wait and take things nice and slow. Like how Lyra and George are doing." Twilight reasoned.

"She's right Bon Bon. We know you love him. But you gotta understand that if you really want to marry him then you gotta take things nice and slow. Okay?" Lyra asked.

Bon Bon sighed. "Maybe your right. It's just that I really love Harold. But yes. Maybe I should learn to take things nice and slow."

"There you go Bon Bon. Take it nice and slow and great things await." Lyra smiled.

After that the gang all enjoyed the rest of the picnic and then had to say goodbye to Lyra and Bon Bon. They all went there separate ways but George and Harold knew they will see them again very soon. Then they went with Twilight and Sunset walking around Equestria. They even heard some things about her past.

"So Sunset. How did you and Twilight become friends?" Harold asked.

"You see boys, long ago i wanted to become a princess when I was once Princess Celestia's former student. But when she denied me, I grew jealous and angry and left her to start a new life in a human world. I was happy at first, but I grew out of control when I started picking on other students just to be respected." Sunset explained.

"So you were evil back then?" No offense." George asked.

"None taken. And yes you can say that. I wasn't really the nicest girl back then. But then came Twilight. She helped me learn the importance of friendship and now I changed for the better." Sunset concluded.

"Well were glad you did Sunset. We wouldn't want to see the bad side of you." Harold said.

"Anyways enough about me. Lemme hear some things about you two." Sunset asked.

"Well a long time ago in kindergarten is where we came friends. We both laughed went our old teacher mentioned Uranus and called it a gas giant. That's how we became friends." George explained.

"And after that we hung out in our treehouse. Yep that's where the magic happens. Up there we hung out, make comics, and try to make each other laugh." Harold added.

"Well that explains why you two made these." Sunset said hold two comics they made. "Did you make these at school too?"

"Yes Sunset. But it wasn't the best place to be. When we first went there our old former mean principal Mr Krupp always tried making Jermone Horowitz Elementary a calibrated drone like beehive. Meaning no fun, no laughter, and no happiness. So he left us with no choice but to perform a bunch of pranks and jokes. And all those are basically the last line of defense that we have against our terrible principal." George explained.

"He was really mean to you guys?" Sunset asked.

"Yes Sunset. Krupp was really mean back in the day. But ever since King Sombra attacked he changed too. And funny thing is that George and Harold actually are superhero themselves when they fight along with Captain Underpants." Twilight explained.

"You told me that. But how?" Sunset wondered.

Rather than explaining the boys concentrated on their feet and started flying. That surprised her real good. And then she smiled understanding how they were able to defeat those two villains.

"Well then. That's explains it. Hey I was wondering if you boys wanted to check out my world where I'm from." Sunset asked.

"Sure Sunset. We were curious to see what your world is like." Harold answered.

"Come with me to Twilight's castle and I'll show you." Sunset replied.

So the gang all headed to Twilight's castle and soon they will see what Sunset's world has to offer.

Author's Note:

Get ready for the third story of Captain Underpants!! Also I like to dedicate this trilogy to Haver. He's a fan of Captain Underpants too. This is for you buddy.