• Member Since 26th Mar, 2021
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Avery Day

Hundreds of masks, not one disguise.


Sunset nearly loses everything to one of the stupidest things that's ever happened to her. However, in spite of how dumb all of it was, it continues to eat away at her. She knows it shouldn't, but she can't stop the feeling on her own.

Thankfully, she doesn't have to do it on her own.

This is the only thing I will ever write referencing anon-a-miss. No relation to any of my other canon.

Featured 12/20/23-12/22/23 :yay:

Pre-read by Nudistsquid.

(Cover image source)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Pardon me, I think I need to go buy a new box of tissues for all the tears I just shed over that.

But more seriously, damn that was good introspection for both of them. I rarely, if ever, even touch Anon-A-Miss fics because the whole thing was, well, poor quality, to put it mildly. But this fic took that concept and did something extremely worthwhile with it. And for that you have much praise from me. Well done.

And high praise this is! Thank you so much :heart:

One of the best things that's ever been done with Anon-a-Miss. A low bar to clear, but still, leave it to Applejack to make something worthwhile with that pile of fertilizer. Thank you for a brilliant bit of character work.

You remain the gold standard for EqG work. Fantastic stuff.

The one good thing I can say about the Holiday Special, with all of its communication, executive mandate, and writing problems taken into account, is that it has inspired a whole genre's worth of storytelling.

A lot of the stories in that genre put the characters involved through a nightmarish form of Tartarus over their mistakes, as if them making mistakes makes them irredeemable. Heck, I know of at least a few stories that take a realistic approach to addressing the digital elephant in the room. Some get a good handle on the consequences of Anon-a-Miss (CapNTilfy's written a whole series that does a fine job of this), while others pivot so far into realism that the writers clearly forgot that friendship is bucking magic. Yeah, friendships being broken is a real life thing, but they don't have to be broken to tell a realistic story! Yes, there ARE good Anon-a-Miss stories out there. But man... some of us really like to vent through writing (not a bad thing by itself, but putting venting before storytelling can lead to some unfortunate results).

As for this story, you have put Applejack's foolishness and Sunset's pain under a spotlight in a way that is realistic, but not horribly dark and dreary. You chose not to make them suffer over Anon-a-Miss, but to instead let them have a frank talk over the latter's blistering feelings. AJ's story really hits home for anyone who has lost someone dear to them and I find it interesting that it allows her to relate to what Sunset's going through. You don't even touch on the culprits behind Anon-a-Miss: a rarely made choice compared to what many other tales do! This works to your story's advantage, as you have kept its focus squarely on what AJ and Sunset are dealing with.

I'll be honest: I read most of AJ's dialogue out loud with something akin to her accent. It just felt like I was hearing her voice when she spoke, especially when she told that story of hers. I'm also very glad that this has a hopeful end that takes a slight shot at how the comic ended without coming off as petty. Very well done! I truly enjoyed your tale of feelings and hurts.

With all of that being said, allow me to make something clear to all of you who hate the Holiday Special comic: The Equestria Girls movies, specials, and shorts ignore its entire existence. Combine that with Hasbro's communication fails causing the stories told by the MLP comics to not line up with what the shows depict, and Anon-a-Miss is basically not canon.

Maybe. I hope. It inspired plenty of stories, but it is not a good one.

“Few months after that, me and Big Mac got into a huge argument over somethin’—can’t remember what anymore—and I locked myself in my room the whole day. Eventually, he came and apologized, and I tried to tell him I was over it, but he wasn’t buyin’ it. And he kept pryin’, and pryin’, and I got so fed up and said some foul, hurtful shit to him.”

I think I know what she's referring to but I can't 100% remember, despite its the humanized version of that one fim episode that involved the same thing with a young AJ and Big Mac. But I can't remember the episode name or plot. :ajsleepy:

She shook her head. “You ain’t got nothin’ to apologize for, Sunset. It’s okay to feel a certain type of way when you’re hurtin’, and ain’t none of us expectin’ you to stop for our sake; only when you’re ready.”

That was me for the first half of 2022. From January to early June I wasn't in the best mood until I finally felt ready after doing something memorable with my family I've been treasuring since. :twilightsmile:

Maybe there was no panacea for the things that ailed her; no magic words that would cause her anger, doubt, and anxiety to vanish in an instant. Maybe it would be a while before she could manage to move on from this.

Takes time to get over the big and little events that happen in our lives. And I don't blame her for taking her time to get over it as that is completely normal. :fluttershysad:

I can totally relate how you feel about Anon-A-Miss. I still enjoy a bit but try to not think about it outside of the many versions I've read on this site. None of them have made me change my mind on my opinion on the comic, but it does make me appreciate the time and effort the users put into making those stories, just like this one. :ajsmug:

Avery, I am incensed. How dare you. Taking that damned comic and writing a competent, thoughtful character piece that defies all the absurd performative/creepy revenge/suicide/misery porn that defines the Anon-A-Miss subgenre. Uuuuuggghhh… I swear if I end up inspired to do something AAM-related I will never forgive you.

(Seriously, great work as usual)

The fact that you not only liked it, but that you're even entertaining the notion of being inspired to write something AAM-related is about the highest praise I could hope to achieve :heart:

Stellar work, Avery.

I always enjoy a good Sunset introspective fic, and this one definitely delivered. There's angst and anger, but it ends on a hopeful and optimistic note, very true to the spirit of the show. And that opening line... you had me hooked from the beginning. I have an entirely shelf dedicated to AAM stories, and Cold Open earns a place in Best of Anon-A-Miss!

And with that, you have also earned your 104th follower!

Nicely done. You have summed up every thought I have made about the 2014 Holiday special comic with this little story right here. Amazing work, Avery.

Maybe there was no panacea for the things that ailed her; no magic words that would cause her anger, doubt, and anxiety to vanish in an instant. Maybe it would be a while before she could manage to move on from this.

Love that line and the ending. Things take time even when you know the answer.

And as someone who will argue that AAM was realistic (or at least more realistic than many try to argue against), it's nice to see an author taking that comic and doing something good with it. The EqG movies were in that sense interesting that Sunset wasn't that quickly accepted until after the end of RR (unlike the later specials, but the reformed characters weren't really used anyway afterwards).

And how beautiful and relatable this fic was written. How Sunset feels, how she acts, how realistically you make her with having lost all progress suddenly (and also some acknowledging how stupid it is from Sunset's perspective that everyone believed Anon was Sunset, but how her friends hadn't really anything to not believe that) and how this talk is not "fix everything"—all a very enjoyable fic to read :twilightsmile:

This is going right up there with Role Reversal and Can You Say Forgiveness in my favourite Anon-a-Miss stories. Well done.

Yup. Good dialogue, good insights, good ending.

See, I'd have had Sunset snark about how Applejack knows anything about the warmth of Witch Titties and if Congratulations are in order for Trixie, but I'm a bit of a gremlin at times and can't resist writing sarcasm.

Bravo for a well written aftermath to Anon-a-miss

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