• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 602 Views, 11 Comments

Crystal Destiny - Sailor Aether

Jai is new to the area of eclipse hills and is ready to move on in life. However destiny is fickle and he transported up north to the Crystal Empire. No problem right?

  • ...

The learning process

“This is weird, I’m not gonna lie Amore.” Jai said, walking alongside the Princess.

Princess Amore, but yes I agree. Your circumstances are anything but ordinary that is for certain” Amore corrected. Jai after getting his clothes back had finally had a civilized talk about what he was and how he ended up in the Crystal Empire. Amore listened as the human had recounted the day before. From the sense of not belonging, to the old man and the ring he was given.

“I uh, also can’t take the ring off. So that's fun” Jai said sarcastically. Looking down at the ring on his left hand middle finger.

“A being from another world, with magic strong enough to throw my guards can’t take off a ring?” Amore teased looking at him. Jai rolled his eyes and bumped into Amore who scoffed in mock hurt. She looked at Jai and then craned her head upwards. It wasn’t something she had to do often, save for when her friend, Celestia, came to visit. It wasn’t unpleasant just… different; good different.

“I’ve been here a little over a week with no apology for the literal backstabbing I got. A few bruised sides and noses is the best you could ask for.” Jai shot, breaking the Unicorn's train of thought. A large crystal door at the end of the hallway signified their destination.

“I suppose so. Anyhow we are here, the Crystal Library. All jokes aside, is there anything else I can do to make up for the incident?” Amore inquired again. Ever since Jai had gotten out of his cell Amore had been more sensitive to the humans emotions. One reason was because she did truly feel bad for detaining and borderline torturing a being not from this world. The other reason was his magic, she didn’t know the trigger for it. Even if she was a unicorn his magic felt strangely volatile, yet familiar. She couldn’t put her hoof on it but she would just observe him for a while.

“Unless you’re going to help me with the eating meat thing no. The room, library access, and a tailor are good…I’ll get your side of the story later.” Jai responded as he walked into the library. He put his arm up and waved her off as he ventured off to find the books on magic. Amore shook her head pouting and walked back towards her office.

“He’s so frustrating to deal with. His poor mother must have quite the time raising him” Amore mused to herself. Running fake scenarios in her head of a smaller human running around, being a little menace to the household. Her thoughts then began to drift from his foal hood, to the thought of foals in general. ‘Maybe when Sombra is dealt with’ Amore thought upon entering her office.

“Your highness, news from the scouts has finally returned.” The elderly unicorn mare said. Amore jumped, she was so deep in thought that she hadn’t recognized her own advisor.

“Thank you Opaline. What news from the borders?” Amore asks quickly composing herself.

“Not good news, your highness. Seven of our eight scouts are heavily injured and Sombra’s forces are amassing just beyond the ravine.” Opaline explains. Among the rest of the report nothing else was out of place. The barrier was up, soldiers on standby, her citizens happy or at least as happy as they could be.

“All we can do for now is monitor the situation, dismissed” Amore said, sighing heavily. Opaline bowing slipped out of the office. The click of the door was all the Princess needed to slouch in her chain and grunt irritably. Stupid mad ‘king’ trying to invade and take what wasn’t his.

“One day at a time Amore, one day at a time” She reminded herself. Looking out of her window at the mountains in the distance.

“You’ve been here for two and half days, Jai. Come ea- argh SHOWER. I can smell you from here!” Amore shouted at the human. She had been wondering what he had been reading for the past few days. When she dropped by the first time the Librarian was cautious of the foreign guest. When she dropped by the second day she saw the Librarian leaning against the human using her wings to point and explain. This time she smelled him before she saw him.

“Your highness please don’t yell” the Librarian pleaded. The dark circles under her eyes thicker than usual.

“Sorry QuillHeart, but one he smells and two why haven’t you slept?” Amore inquired using her magic to pinch her nose.

“Well per my contract as long as somepony is in here I cannot close the Library. Also your highness, he’s had a lot of questions.” QuillHeart said exhaustion was clear on her face. Yet she didn’t appear upset about this at all.

“You don’t seem too upset about it. Might I ask why?” Amore inquired genuinely curious. She had seen them sitting together but the teal Pegasus was nice to every pony.

“Not at all your highness, he was excited to learn and listen. He took notes, and asked so many questions. Some even I hadn't thought about.” QuillHeart said, humming in satisfaction and adjusting her glasses.

“Well I will be taking him with me, he smells and he needs to eat-” Amore began to say.


The sound of a lamp falling and books hitting the floor startled the two mares talking. They each exchanged glances before hurrying towards the source of the noise.

“Heart, I’m fine just knocked a few things on the shelf over don’t stress- oh hey Amore” Jai said looking over towards the two mares. Amore was shocked to say the least at what she saw before her. The human had managed to get basic levitation down for a couple books. As soon as Jai looked away the two books fell with the rest of the mess on the floor.

“Didn’t you tell me magic isn’t native to humans?” Amore asked, eyebrows raised.

“I did and that’s true, your advisor was there the entire time remember? But Heart here explained pretty well how to get started. I’m already so far behind everyone else so this isn’t that impressive.” Jai admitted rubbing the back of his head.

“While true, understanding magic while not being native to it is still impressive.” QuillHeart happily chimed in.

“QuillHeart I hate to do this to you but could you clean this up? It's time for him to go now.” Amore said. The librarian knew that tone of voice and hurriedly nodded. The princess was no longer asking, most only knew of her kind and caring demeanor. Her closer staff knew better than that however and did their best to stay in her good graces. Quill did not know what she had done wrong, but it was best to just go with the flow.

“But I was just getting it down!” Jai whined in protest following the Princess out of the library.

“Feel free to come back anytime,” QuillHeart said. Which she regretted instantly when the Princess turned to glare at her. Did she really do something to irritate the princess? She did drop the human in her library unannounced and she didn’t complain. The confused librarian shrugged and began to clean up after the human.

“Grumpy much? I figured you would have been happy to have me occupied.” Jai remarked sarcastically. Amore said nothing which made the human uncomfortable. The two walked in silence down multiple hallways. Jai finally smelling himself grimaced and understood why he needed to leave the library. He hadn’t showered in a good while and it was not pleasant.

“Here. You are to borrow my bath until we build one that is big enough for you.” Amore said, waving the human inside.

“Got it. I take it, the replacement clothes are here?” Jai Inquired before he entered. Amore nodded and pushed the human into the bathroom.

“They are inside, leave your smelly clothes by the door. I will have a maid come and collect them” Amore stated, turning to leave.

“Thanks, Amore ‘preciate it!” Jai thanked her happily as he began to run the hot water and strip.

“Princess Amore” She corrected again. The Princess turned back and stared at the silhouette for a moment and then hurriedly left the room. Why was she fixated on the human? Why did she care how close he was to QuillHeart? Was she jealous of the librarian for getting to spend quality time with him? No, there’s no way she was jealous for even a moment. They had just met a week ago. Sure he was interesting, and quirky, but no more than that… right?

“You want to train with us?” Rockhoof asked again tilting his head. The human had been in the empire for about a month and a half now and was relatively well known. More for being a night owl and magic addict than anything, but not a major problem. Well not a problem to the civilians; he was a pain to the Princess and himself primarily.

“Rocky I need the exercise. I can’t just sit in the library all day. I think I made Amore mad at poor QuillHeart so let me join you, PLEASE.” The Human pleaded.

“Why can’t you be considerate like that to me.” Rockhoof complained. Jai booped the guard who jumped in surprise and then grumbled.

“You and Heart are both big ol’ softies but she’s a librarian. I’d feel bad if I pestered her.” Jai said, throwing his hands up and shaking his head. A vein appeared above Rockhoof’s brow as listened to the human speak. Him a ‘big ol’ softy?’ As…bucking…if.

“Fine, join us when you get up tomorrow. We’ll be waiting for you. Now if you will excuse me” Rockhoof said smiling. He felt bad for the soldiers, but this was going to be hell week until the human quit. This Rockhoof promised, no this he Vowed.

“Thanks Rocky!” The human called behind him. The soldier only waved a hoof in passing as he continued his patrol shift around the castle. Jai, turning on the spot, jogged towards the kitchen and poked his head in.

“Brule? Are you here?” Jai called out. The other cooks looked at the door and laughed before nudging a large green earth pony in the back.

“I hear ya, sourdoughs on the counter take it and git’ gone” Crème Brule yelled in mock irritation. Jai levitated the loaf over to himself and laughed.

“Thank ya kindly sir” The human retorted, bowing deeply and then jogging off towards the courtyard. He had raided the kitchen enough times to get acquainted with the staff. First they were irritated that their ingredients had gone missing. Then they ignored him when he showed up to cook his own meals. After about 3 weeks they paid attention to how he cooked his eggs, toasted his bread, and cooked the fish they imported for him. Eventually they all started to get along when Jai would bring the ingredient shipments himself. The head chef had taken a liking to the human since he didn’t have to cook for him. Eventually the staff chose to cook for him since he wasn’t stuck up like the nobles that would visit.

“Grey skies, cool air, and the best bread I’ve ever had. Magic practice starts now!” Jai said excitedly, running into the castle courtyard. There was a large willow tree in the center of it, and it had become his new favorite spot. Primarily since the tree was not made of crystal, which was a nice change of pace. Eating half of the loaf Jai then sat at the foot of the tree and crossed his legs. Setting the other half in his lap he closed his eyes, and put his hands together interlocking his fingers.

“Just like when we got here. This is my territory; nothing in, only out” The human muttered to himself. Magic slowly gathered around him forming a thin layer of magic. The magic flowed counter clockwise in a steady stream. As each moment passed, the magic took the shape of a sphere as it flowed.


“My territory; only out, nothing in.” Jai repeated as droplets of water began to slowly fall. The sound of rain coming down around him filled his ears. However the rain that made it through the branches of the willow did not fall on his head. The water moved with the magic around the human as he continued to mutter the same thing over and over again.

“Only out, Nothing… Ugh.” Jai groaned, grabbing his head. The water suspended around him fell to the ground and onto his clothes, along with rain he was getting thoroughly soaked. Maintaining the sphere like he did when he ended up at the Castle was his goal yet there was something missing.

“Goddamn, whatever, maybe Amore or Heart can help me out. If basic levitation is all I can do after almost 2 months I’m going to be so mad” Jai mumbled to himself quickly getting up and running back inside.

“Forget about today's forecast I see?” A now familiar voice called out from down the hallway.

“You don't miss an opportunity to be a smartass, huh Amore?” Jai retorted, still holding the left side of his head. Amore looked the human up and down. The fabric clinging tightly to him revealed a frame that lacked muscle definition but not unattractive. Attractive? Why was attractive where her mind went?

“Princess Amore” The princess stated, trying to pull her head from thoughts of the human. Her cheeks flushed as she shook her head, much to Jai’s confusion.

“You uh… Ok? You look a little pale, are you sick?” Jai asked, approaching the Princess.

“Don’t come any closer, I’m fine! I need to um, draft a letter to Canterlot I will see you later bye!” Amore exclaimed, slowly backing away then running from the human. What was wrong with her? Certainly Celestia could help her navigate her confusion right?

“Meant thank her for this fish. I don’t smell that bad though, do I?” The human asked no one in particular as he watched the Princess of the Crystal Empire, the standard of beauty and grace, haul absolute ass away from him.

Author's Note:

Our human still hasn't gotten his apology, Amore hun... tf's going on? Well I guess everyone (pony) is learning new things about each other. And boy... Rocky is gonna have good lesson on the indomitable spirit of the human hehe. :rainbowwild:

Chapter 3 Preview: Will be fleshing out our resident human's familial background,
As always if I missed something or got hoofs/hands mixed up (again) let me know! I stay up late and miss stuff too lol. Anyway Stay blessed!