• Published 27th Nov 2023
  • 202 Views, 3 Comments

The Beauty of the Rock - ItsMrCapey

Hearts and hooves day… a splendid day for all.. yet, why was she alone?

  • ...

Home Again

After the movie reached its conclusion; Rarity and Maud exited the movie theatre, taking one look up at the sky and seeing the once blue skies had became an orangey hue.

“Oh my, it’s probably time we’ve headed home. Are you going back to Ghastly gorge?”

Maud shook her head. “No, I’ll be staying with Pinkie and Cheese at Sugarcube Corner tonight. I just hope Pinkie isn’t worrying about me too much.”

Rarity chuckles lightly, knowing full well Pinkie Pie would worry. She had seen that when Rainbow Dash flew to The Wonderbolt’s academy. But that was more about receiving a letter from the spectrum maned pegasus. “She’ll be over the moon to see you, dear.”

Maud gave it a thought and nodded before the duo started to make their way to the Manehattan train station. She had noticed Princess Celestia’s glowing sun had almost fulfilled today’s sunshiny duration and to be replaced by Princess Luna’s moon.

When Rarity and Maud had finally arrived to the train station, it didn’t take long for the locomotive to chug down the train trails and pull to a stop in front of the two and a multitude of ponies. Some alone and some in pairs.

Rarity and Maud boarded the train and down the aisle were couples sitting with one another. Scootaloo’s aunts Holiday and Lofty. Noteworthy and his longterm special somepony; Fiddle Sticks. Lyra and Bon Bon. Even a familiar Wonderbolt; Lightning Streak with his special somepony, Rainbow Shine. Finally; the two had found an empty couple of seats and sat down next to one another.

“You know… I’ve enjoyed your trip today.” Maud turned to Rarity, prompting the white unicorn to gently blush before the gray earth pony continued. “Thank you.”

Rarity gave a nod and smile. “You’re absolutely welcome, Maud dear. You know; I’d love to see you again. Maybe you could drop into the boutique sometime?”

Maud nodded. “I have been meaning to upgrade my wardrobe. I only have my frock in it.”

Speaking of Maud’s frock; Rarity gave it a brief look. She had noticed some tears had come through the fabric after years and years of use. “I could potentially fix your frock for you, seeing as you seem to love it very much.”

Although she didn’t show it, Maud was both intrigued and overjoyed about her beloved dress being fixed. All wear and tear had all it had become. She nodded her approval to the unicorn, making Rarity smile once again.

“Excellent! What day works best for you? I know you have a lot of studying to do so I would try to not take too long with your appointment.”

Maud gave it a thought and had finally devised on her appointment date. “I’ll be around again in a day or two. I will be studying geodes and heading towards north; to The Crystal Empire.”

The mentioned of the crystallised city made Rarity’s sapphire orbs glisten in admiration. “The Crystal Empire?! Whatever for?”

The earth pony continued; “I hope to study on The Crystal Heart’s history and power source. The only thing I know about the heart’s history is the era of King Sombra.”

An unfortunate memory of that disgraced unicorn king ruling over those poor crystal ponies made Rarity shudder. Had Pinkie Pie tell Maud about the atrocities and the heavily loathed king?

Rarity sighed before she begun to speak again. “Well… despite the awful historical circumstances; I hope you enjoy your trip, dear.”


Finally; after a few hours on the train, it pulled into Ponyville’s train station. The sky had became black hue. The sun had finished its duty and made way for Princess Luna’s beautiful cratered moon.

Couples, families and the occasional single ponies step off the locomotive. Maud and Rarity following out of the door.

A very familiar blur of pink bounced towards the duo before a couple of pink forelegs were wrapped around the two mares.

“Welcome home! Did you miss me?! Did you have fun?! What was the sky like?!” Rarity was corrected. Pinkie Pie WAS overjoyed to see that her friend and older sister had returned from their trip.

Whilst Maud stayed silent, Rarity gave a muffled; “Mmphh..” prompting the excited pink pony to let go of the pair. “Whoopsie woo, sorry!”

Rarity took a deep breath whilst Maud kept as silent as a mouse. “It was absolutely lovely. We had a brief issue with a very rude mare at the restaurant buuuut… all in all; a wondrous experience.” Maud gave a nod in response.

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down, squeaking in excitement. “Oh my gosh! I knew it! You two had so so so much fun! Me and Cheesie enjoyed our date too! I’ll have to tell you about it, Maud!” Pinkie Pie turned to Rarity for a moment. “Thank you so much, Rarity! See ya! Come on, Maud!”

Maud once again gave a nod, showing a deadpan smile before it disappeared. She turned back to Rarity before she and the two earth ponies parted ways. “Again; thank you. Bye, Rarity.” The monotone earth pony gave Rarity’s hoof a quick shake before she followed after Pinkie Pie who was currently bouncing to the direction of Sugarcube Corner.

Rarity made her own way back towards the boutique before she stopped and back around; seeing the pink pony leading her gray sister to the bakery. “…..”

Rarity knew she had done well today with assisting one of her best friend’s siblings through a hard time. A smile growing on her lips as she made her way back to her own living quarters.

When Rarity had arrived at the boutique’s front door, she saw a heart shaped card and a bouquet of roses on her welcome mat. Who would leave these here?

The most likely candidate for these gifts was… Spike. But she chose to read the letter. Her theory was confirmed. The contents of the letter read;

“Dear Rarity,

I’ve searched for ways to tell you about how I truly feel about you. You are the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria! You make my heart burst into flames every time I see you. Will you be my special somepony?

- Spikey Wikey.”

Rarity sighed. She didn’t know what to do. Spike was a good friend but.. she didn’t return his affections. He was much too young for her. She had always known about his crush but she never reciprocated those feelings. It would surely break his heart once he finds out. As of right now; all she could do was hope he will get over his feelings for her. She didn’t hold any sort of ill will towards the young drake at all.. she was thankful he felt this way about her but she couldn’t return the love he felt for her.

Despite the awkward nature; her unicorn horn ignited with its blue aura, holding the love letter and roses in its grasp. Rarity made her way into the boutique after she pushed the door open. When she entered her place of work and residence; she closed the door and walked into the kitchen.

Her magical aura placed the card and the roses down onto the table before she reached into the cupboard to pull out a vase.

Filling the floral printed vase up with water; she placed the roses into the vase and the card onto the kitchen counter.

Would Spike stop being her friend if she told him her true emotions? She hoped that he wouldn’t.. but she couldn’t just force herself to feel something that she truly didn’t.

Rarity once again sighed and walked out of the kitchen before she trotted upstairs towards her bathroom to begin her bedtime routine. Brushing her curly purple mane and her pearly white teeth with their assigned brushes.

Rarity deep down hoped that Maud would write to her about her Crystal Empire experience and even possibly bring back any trinkets. As for now; Rarity walked out of her bathroom; past the guest room which Sweetie Belle would use whenever she visited her elder sister, into her own bedroom. Rarity’s precious feline ‘friend’, Opalescence awakening from her nap when she spotted the tired unicorn enter through the bedroom door. Opal rolled her eyes and resumed her nap.

Rarity grabbed her mane curlers; placing them into her curled mane to keep those luscious curls in before she climbed into her bed; her head resting against her pillow. Before she fell into tonight’s dream; she thought to herself about her and Maud’s day out. Her sapphire orbs slowly closing and falling into Princess Luna’s land of dreams.


Maud was laying awake in her sleeping bag, every now and again did she glance over at the sleeping Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich before her eyes once again focused on the ceiling. Maybe she’ll find love again? Would she find her true love at The Crystal Empire? Who knows? She looked over at her ‘pet’ rock; Boulder. The inanimate object just stood at her side with Pinkie Pie’s pet alligator; Gummy.

Even the strong and silent Maud Pie could not hold back the inevitable strength of fatigue. She was falling into Luna’s dream world alongside the rest of Ponyville’s inhabitants. Hopefully; Princess Luna will give her any sort of guidance..

Yes… hopefully…

Author's Note:

Oooo weee! Another chapter in the book! After some issues with a cold, some unfortunate events and Christmas; I’ve finally found time to write the newest chapter! Enjoy!