• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 2,003 Views, 26 Comments

Twilight and Spike: Daughter and Son of the Beast - Big Imagination E

Twilight and Spike are adopted by Belle. Wonder how it will go?

  • ...

Meeting the Beast

They arrived at the castle and to them screamed spooky. Twilight, Spike and Cadence were all nervous about going inside the place but their mom would be by their side no matter what. They both went inside the castle and looked all around for Maurice. As they were doing this they didn't realize that the furniture was moving and they went to the dungeon. In there they both found him in a cell.

"Papa!" Belle shouted in relieve.

"Grandfather!!" Twilight and Spike said in unison.

"Guys! You shouldn't be in here! You have to get out!" Maurice warned.

"No! Im not leaving you in here! Who did this?" Belle asked.

"There's no time to explain. You need to get out before it's too late!" Maurice said telling them to leave.

"No I won't....." Belle said but got caught by a claw and the torch was out. Everyone was scared as they ran to Belle to help.

"What are you doing here?!" The beast asked angry.

Twilight was now even more scared then ever. "Who are you?"

"Im the master of the castle." The beast replied.

"Please. I've come for my dad. He's sick and could die." Belle said.

"Then he shouldn't have trespassed in my castle!!" The beast shouted.

"Listen please let him go! I'll do anything you want!" Belle said worried.

"There's nothing you can do about it." The beast said walking off.

"Wait! If you let my dad go then you can have me and my adopted kids instead. We'll take his place." Belle offered.

The beast stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to face the two.

"You would...take his place?" The beast asked.

"Guys don't!! You can't do this!" Maurice said worried.

"If I did would you let him go?" Belle asked.

He went in the light and looked at them. "If you did then the answer is yes. But you would need to promise to stay here forever."

The gang were left with no choice but to except that.

"You have our word." Belle said sealing the deal.

"So be it. It's considered done." The beast replied.

He walked to the dungeon door and let Maurice out. But then he grabbed him and dragged him to the carriage outside and placed him ordering it to take him to the village. Maurice cried tears to see his kids trapped with him but they couldn't say goodbye since the beast was real stubborn. They cried and wondered if that wasn't the choice she gone with.

"Master." The candle said.

"What?" The beast asked.

"Since they are gonna stay with us, maybe you could give them a more comfortable room?" The candle asked.

"Alright fine." The beast said annoyed.

The beast walked back to the group who we see still crying. Then he tried showing some compassion. He then felt a little regret for not letting them say goodbye.

"Come. I will show you two to your room." The beast told them.

"Our room?" Belle asked.

"You wanna stay in the tower?" The beast asked back.

"No sir we don't." Spike said.

"Then follow me." The beast said as the girls followed him.

While they were walking the beast saw the girls let a lone tear come from their eyes. The candle suggested he talk to them.

"I hope you like it here. The castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like. Except the West Wing." The beast told them.

"What's the West Wing?" Belle wondered.

"It's forbidden!" The beast told them but calmed down. They finally arrived at their room and the beast escorted them in. "Now if you need anything my servants with be there to assist you."

"Also you will join me for dinner. That isn't A request!!" The beast said slamming the door.

The group was scared having to live with a beast. But then again Belle did for her father so he won't die. She cried on the bed but she knew that she have to get used to it. After a few minutes Spike and Cadence confronted Belle and hugged her hoping to calm down.

"Mom? Since we'll be living here would it be okay if I looked around the castle? I want to get used to this." Spike asked.

"I'll come too. I wish to see the place too." Cadence offered not to let him go on his own.

"Sure honey. But please be careful." Belle said.

"I promise. We'll be back okay?" Spike said as he and Cadence went to look around.

With Belle she heard a knock from the door and saw the teacup and pot coming in and helping her feel more comfortable. Then they tried to get her ready for dinner but she politely refused. The furniture insisted that she must but didn't work out. With the beast he was getting impatient.

"What's taking so long? I asked them to come down. Why aren't they here yet?!" The beast said getting impatient.

Then to his surprise he saw Spike and Cadence come to him with a sad look on their faces.

"Oh. Well. At least you two were able to come down here." The beast said in a calmer tone.

"Um Mr. Beast? Listen Twilight's been through some bad stuff earlier and that only made things worse after what you did." Spike reminded him.

The beast realized that after what he did he couldn't hide the truth. He sighed with a regretful look on his face.

"Yes. Your right. That was uncalled for. Im just not used to having company in the castle. What bad stuff was she dealing with?" The beast told him realizing the mistake.

"I can explain all that." Cadence said.

"Well Ms. Cadence. Please tell us what happened earlier with your friend Twilight." Mrs Potts insisted

"It all started when she noticed that the imposter was planning to ruin the occasion. The one that was behind all this was a Changeling Queen named Chrysalis. She disguised herself as me to ruin the occasion. After the defeat of Chrysalis I asked Shining who was her brother by the way what happened and things took a bad turn after stopping Chrysalis. Wanna know why? Let's say that after Shining told his me everything i got so mad that I decided to end the relationship with Shining Armor, kick out the mane five out of my wedding for life, and cut her ties with Princess Celestia. Yes it was not good. I was so angry that they did not give her the benefit of doubt." Cadence explained.

Everyone gasped and realized that Twilight really had been through a lot.

"Oh. I--I never knew that Twilight was kicked out of her brother's own wedding like that." Mrs Potts said all upset.

"And her friends betrayed her by siding with the imposter? That's just cold. Even I wouldn't do that. I may be a beast but at least I have some loyalty." The beast replied.

"Yes. But can we check on Belle and Twilight? They must be very upset." Spike asked.

"Yes. I was going to apologize to them anyway. Let's go." The beast answered.

Cadence smiled seeing the beast some kindness. They all went to the room where Belle and Twilight were and Beast knocked gently.

"Um Belle is it? Look I heard about your daughter's backstory of her troubles with her brother and I feel bad for her." The beast said.

"Well im glad Spike and Cadence told you. She's been through bad times." Belle told Beast.

"Yeah. That's for sure. So you come down here for dinner please?" The beast kindly asked.

"Can me and my kids think about it?" Belle asked back.

"Yes." The beast answered as he escorted Spike and Cadence back in the room. "But just know that you can't stay in here forever. Sooner or later you'll have to eat something."

He closed the door allowing the group to think. They all hugged their mom in hopes that they we be okay in the castle. Plus they don't need to worry about Gaston. Or that's what they think til he hears about this. And how will the CMC's react when they hear about the castle?

Author's Note:

Be prepared girls. Spike needs you.