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30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


This story is a sequel to Apologies After the Love Wave

It's been a few days since the Canterlot Wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. But the wounds are still fresh on the minds of everypony. The Mane 6 complete their community service to clean up from the attack. They then return to Ponyville where they intend to make things up to Twilight, meanwhile, Shining Armor is on his honeymoon with Cadance but is not able to completely enjoy himself as the words he said to his sister still haunt him. Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis plots her revenge on them for her defeat.

Featured 11/9/23!

Part of my Headcanon and Apology Verses.

Also now serves a prequel to Luster Dawn New Days of the Magic of Friendship.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 167 )

Applejack felt herself being shaken and opened.

There are a few mistakes in here maybe have an editor look of it again.

The characters have no emotions, and you do not clarify if there is a dream sequence or not.

It is not clear when the dream sequence begins and when it ends.

You should look for an editor and have them look over the story with you and tell you what you were doing wrong.

“I’m ashamed of you Applejack!” Buttercup said as she looked at her daughter.

apologize with TEARS!! how could you do that to my favorite apple lovers!! :twilightangry2:

How does it not have any emotion? Celestia breaks down, seemed pretty emotional to me when wrote it. Though looking back maybe add more on the others.

Eh, I need to check more throughly I guess.

Like I said, maybe you should have an editor look over it.

Eh I can do it myself. As long as I really go over it.

Also, like I said, there is no clue indicator between a dream sequence and the present day.

You might wanna work on that.

“Sorry? You think sorry is enough for what you and the others did?” Twilight roared. “You abandoned me! For somepony you had just met!”

Ohh I mean I guess that's true but I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding

Twilight then took Applejack in her magic again and threw her against the wall nearby as well. The Earth Pony grunted, she was already quite battered.

Okay I know it's a dream and everybody gets upset but I know for a fact that Twilight we'll never do something like that even if she's angry well I mean she did tackle Cadence but still

"Nothing you can do can make up for this!" Bright Mac shouted.

Look I know giving a second chance can be very hard to receive and everything especially what happened but it doesn't have to be forever they will always find a way to forgive you just need to take time



Yeah. You do need to take time to get over the guilt. But seeing as Twilight attacked Cadance that shows she can be wrathful if pushed too far. Applejack is really feeling bad about it.

“Actually it was bad script writing!” Pinkie said breaking the fourth wall angrily for a moent. “Those above wouldn’t let us get a good apology in! Damn you writers!"

Nice breaking the fourth wall but in a sad way but I guess this is what happens when they want to have to spice out the show people love drama

Okay wow that is interesting starting over story so we're going back to season 2 and 3 so it looks like Applejack and the others are doing community service after the event of the wedding even though technically it wasn't their fault but I guess guilt really is the strongest feeling of them all and they really want to prove that how much they were so sorry for not believing Twilight even though Twilight felt even guilty about how the others felt horrible as well basically there's no right situation everybody is just an emotional wreck I just hope that they all try to figure this thing out I guess we'll find out next time

It may not have been their fault the changelings attacked but they could have averted the disaster if they'd listened to Twilight.

It may be but sometimes without any proof which unfortunately that's always going to be the strong point of it words would not be enough and it sucks but unfortunately that's how it's supposed to be and I remember watching something like that before

“Indeed, but I feel so ugly right now,” Rarity said. “I was tempted to cut my mane all the way down or have you throw mud at me! This will just have to do for now. Until I feel I’ve made amends for what I’ve done, my formerly beautiful mane will be just plain. You can call me Plainity from now on!”

Okay that's a little bit excessive but also kind of funny

“No, I don’t,” Twilight said hugging the pink pony next to her. “I want all of us to be able to move past this. I know it won’t be easy. But we have to try.”

Exactly you can't just feel guilty all your life it's going to consume not just only you but the people all around you who cares about you will filled guiltiness and it's not very healthy

“Maybe she should lead us instead!”

Just wait in season 9 Twilight will be the princess of Equestria

“We also wanna apologize to y’all for the damage we caused. We should have listened to our friend Twilight and been there for her. I’m the Element of Honesty and believe everypony should own up to their actions and be truthful. I thought I was doing the honest thing going to comfort a pony that had just got her feelings hurt. But I was a fool and fell for the lies of that imposter.”

Well technically it was the changelings (except for thorax) was the one who damaged the city

Yeah it was kind of a Reference to that episode where she disguised herself in Friendship University. Also Rarity tends to kind of excessive like when she kissed Celestia’s hoof repeatedly, and the drama queen.

“I am relieved everypony is safe now that the changelings are gone,” she said. “I know my friends have made a mistake. But the one who is truly to blame is the Queen of the Changelings. She is a creature of manipulation and trickery, please don’t blame my friends for falling for her treachery. I didn’t make my accusation with proof when I tried to expose her. I’ve always prided myself on being smart and resourceful but I did not investigate and find real evidence to support my claims. I recently solved a mystery of another sort with those methods but my anger toward the imposter and fear for my brother’s safety blinded me. But in a way, what happened was a good thing as it allowed me to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us. Everything worked out in the end. I know these wounds will take a time to heal, for all of us. But they will in time, I know.”

The sad thing is it is true because even if you knew they were faking or lying you need proof of evidence or else nobody will not believe you

Yes but as I said had they listened to Twilight they could have averted it.

Well just like Twilight said if she just slow down and think about how to tell them that she's a fake without jumping conclusion without any evidence and like I said everybody was at fault but Chrysalis knows how to play her card right until the end

Ok wow that was something so it looks like the girls finally finished their community service and Celestia will make announcement to the City about the reason attack that she have failed them not listening to Twilight and also leading up to the destruction of Canterlot and everybody was pretty mad but Celestia calmly told them that they will make things better for now on and even Applejack and the others make their apologies to Twilight and even Twilight also apologize as well hopefully once they get home they can figure this thing out and hopefully they're guilty conscious will be too severe I guess we'll find out next time

can you bring twlights parents in

Unfortunately they never made it into the plan I drafted. :twilightsheepish: But maybe that could change.

Yeah thought it would be nice to go back to building up from my original story.

when is the next chapter coming out

I managed to get it done last night. Probably sometime today or tomorrow after i edit it. Been busy these past few Fridays and couldn't sneak some extra writing in.

The Mane 6 arrived back in Ponyville. Applejack immediately heading home with Rarity tagging along. Since her and Sweetie Belle’s parents were out of town yet again, and Rarity had had to do community service cleaning up Canterlot, Sweetie Belle spent a few days at the Apple Farm. They found their siblings both at their clubhouse with Scootaloo as well.

You have two had

Applebloom sighed. “I guess I can relate since we did something pretty bad ourselves with the whole Gabby Gums column not long ago, hurting ponies’ feelings. We were so excited that ponies liked it but that doesn’t excuse what we did. Still, I don’t want to stay mad at you, big sis. It hurt a lot seeing you mad at me during that incident.”

Yeah two wrongs doesn't make a right

“Oh Twilight, I don’t deserve your friendship,” Applejack sobbed. “But I can’t break it apart either. If I did then Equestria would be vulnerable without the Elements of Harmony.”

Does she really think that the elements of harmony chose wrong 😕

Rarity had sewn together an apology dress in a mix of white, pink and blue. It had teardrop designs embroidered into, and even a few real tears that were now dried up. Applejack had a basket of apples as well as an apple pie that she’d carved a sad face on. Fluttershy a vase of flowers and a bag of feed for Owlocious. Rainbow got Twilight a journal, as she knew Twilight had LOTS of books and didn’t want to risk getting her one that she already had. Pinkie got her a photo album in addition to throwing the party. Spike was of course making her her favorite dinner and doing whatever needed doing around the library.

Are you sure that's how the writing supposed to be writing doubles

“You’re too understanding Twilight,” Applejack said shaking her head as she approached her.

And that's why I liked about she doesn't really hold grudges too much even though she has the right to but that's what I liked about these kind of characters maybe I'm just a softy as well

Yeah sometimes too hads are used consecutively.

Hmm, that could be changed maybe but I think it works.

I liked it, it show what could've happened imbetween scenes, I like how Luna used her own example, and provided that blame must be shared equally

“We’ll just work through it like we always do,” Twilight said. “No relationship comes without pain sooner or later.”

Yeah sometimes it could be very messy but even with that I'm sure you guys can pull through

“You just wait Twilight Sparkle, I’ll make you pay for ruining my plan!” Chrysalis said.

Yeah in your dreams chrysalis

Okay so it looks like the main six finally returned back to Ponyville but the other still feels bad for what they did to Twilight even though she keeps on telling them they should not felt that way they were all tricked and yeah it is painful but sometimes relationships can be very difficult without any ups and downs and Applejack told her family about it and they were pretty upset with her but I'm sure they can work this out somehow hopefully they don't have to feel too much of it because hanging on to that guilt will bring nothing but heartache

Riding the coaster with Cadance, her holding his foreleg as she screamed with both joy and fear, not to mention him managing to avoid throwing up on her, or anywhere.

I definitely how I feel every time I ride a roller coaster

But their wedding… oh the rehearsal. Why did Shining have to say those things to his sister? Had it really been him? Or the result of the queen’s mind control? He didn’t know. The pain his little sister had through, thinking he would never forgive her, then she’d been sent down to the caverns.

I think it's in both ways

“Hopefully once she’s had some time to think on her actions, she’ll realize her mistakes and apologize,” Celestia said. “I’ve never been so disappointed in her! She should know she can’t accuse somepony without proof, as I recall she told you the same recently Pinkie Pie!”

Oh yeah the mmmystery on the train that's what I mean you need proof or else nobody will not believe you

“She is evil!” Twilight pointed her hoof at Cadance, causing him to get in front of his fiancé.

Yeah as much as she's right about that she jumped the gun too fast without thinking first

Shining made his way back to Cadance’s room and saw her inside. She touched something on her desk and it lit up as she suddenly ‘changed’. She turned into a tall dark bug like creature. The device she activated revealed similar creatures looking at her.

To be honest I wonder if he did discover something was wrong in the show but then he was really mind controlled

Thankfully the queen was gone now, Shining Armor and Cadance had defeated her, thanks to Twilight finding Cadance in the caves. Shining went to sleep as he managed a smirk at that last thought. Hopefully he’d never see the queen anytime soon.

Yeah about that....

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