• Member Since 11th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago


Pleasant dreams, but please don't sleep too long...



Braeburn was young, gay and confused. Then his extended family from Ponyville came to visit in Appeloosa, and Braeburn finds himself even more confused as he tries to work through his feelings for his cousin Big Macintosh.

An introspective romance story featuring Braeburn and Big MacIntosh, written for the 2023 M/M Shipping Contest. (Oh, hey! Won judge's prize!)

Contains some strong homophobic language.

Feedback is appreciated, as brutal as it needs to be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

You should say that this is an introspective romance story in the synopsis instead of the cover art. The text is way to small to see. Please respond to this comment.

Good point. I've put the text on the cover into the description - I'm pretty new to this site so I'm still getting used to description work! Sorry. I'll keep the text on the cover though because it's an homage to a book cover I like and I'm obsessive for dumb details like that.

Pick a struggle

okay... wow. I don't usually comment on fics (something I need to change) but man. fair warning im not good at words when it comes to evaluating others work so i will say this: i love love this fic. it's so heartbreaking and so real.

this is probably gonna be a pretty downvoted fic because m/m is not so well received on fimfic and then on top of that you've got incest but i want to go ahead and say that this is a damn good fic and i guarantee 90% of the downvotes havent read a word of it.

two notes: this fic needs the 'sad' tag, i think, or at least maybe 'drama'. i mean, i went into it assuming it was gonna be emotional so i was prepared but other people may not. aaand, secondly, your paragraphs get pretty lengthy! i think theyd benefit from a few more breaks, but to be honest this was so good i didnt care by the time i got like 10 paragraphs in. i understand stream of conciousness and introspection tend to have bigger paragraphs, but i think for readability id still chop em a tad.

okay, now that thats out of the way, first and foremost, props to you for going for something more taboo with this much confidence and tact. incest... well, it's rare that a fic includes it but doesn't fetishize and/or romanticize it and instead goes into the realistic implications and the shame. and you did so, so well. props.

there is something about the apple family that really digs down into me and fics about them just hit me so hard. maybe it's because i'm from a middle of nowhere rural southern town and they seem... familiar, maybe it's because they seem so much more grounded than lots of characters, maybe its because they lend themselves to so much (realistic) angst - but there's something about them. and until today I did not know this extended to braeburn, but oh man does it.

this fics braeburn makes me so... sad. this braeburn is real. almost too real. just stuck in a town that will never understand him no matter what he does, aching to leave and get away, but then look at what happened to the colt that tried. everything so still and stale and never changing. i wish i had more words for it. the dust and the steel and the way the desert is so empty but so oppressive. you never say the colt died but, well. hes not here. the way it seems like none of it matters a bit to mac and for all we know it really doesnt. it hurts.

I never did leave Appleloosa.

this hurt more than any other line. i dont quite know why, but even rereading it now im almost tearing up haha. the way he is going to stay unhappy and unfulfilled in even the simplest manner for his entire life. stuck. whew.

man. my heart hurts. im going to be thinking about this for a while.

im also going to try and enter this contest with a fic that happens to include homophobia, both internalized and, well, external, and a not entirely happy ending with two ponies that cannot really ever be together, and im not sure i can top this! wow. just. so good.

all that said... kudos to you. :heart:

Well this was a mood. Good work man; made me feel sad.

Thank you! I did think about adding the sad tag when I was uploading it, but it felt sort of weird like trying to decide what the reader's emotional reaction would be. I know that's not really the point, but like I said in another comment I'm new to the site and dumb. As for the long paragraphs, that's something I need to work on in general. Before I re-edited, my last fic was like insane page long single paragraph stretches. I'm learning. Again, thank you. This means a lot.
As for all the downvotes, if nothing else, it's more money to charity. :raritywink: (at least in the comments right?)
Thank you too! I guess I really do need to add that sad tag, haha.

It seems like we probably have some pretty similar taste, so I figured since I've got some spare time I'll try and share some other pieces of media that are similar(ish) to this fic.

It's tough to find much media about being young, queer and scared. The best I've found to capture this has been in the indie webcomic scene. Cate Wurt's asscastle on her website lamezone manages to capture coming to terms with internalised homophobia perfectly in it's absurdity, and Sarah Fowlie's webcomic The Quick And Dirty Life of Fritz Fargo manages to portray a much more three dimensional gay character than typical for m/m romance comics. These can both get pretty sexually explicit, so I'm not sure if I can link them here. David Sedaris' essay "I Like Guys" for the radio show This American Life manages to (entertainingly) portray a genuine story of being young, queer and scared, struggling to work out a first relationship of sorts from his own life.
EDIT: Car Seat Headrest's album 3 also captures this young, scared queer feeling pretty well. Overall I'm not a fan of their music, but this one album has captured me.

Aside from the gay stuff, if you're just looking for some bittersweet, emotional Apple family content the best I can reccomend is SGaP's song e40. A sort of retelling of the last roundoup, it usually gets me at least a little emotional. One of my favourite SGAP songs. Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Punkitt's trans Big Mac story.

For any stories with similar style or prose to this one, my main inspirations writing were Ken Kesey's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (which also inspired the cover for this fic) and Charles Bukowski's Ham On Rye. Neither of these are queer stories, I should add. If anything Ham On Rye is anti-queer, but I found both really engaging with their prose and they helped me settle on the style and structure of this story.

This cover is dope, dude!

Thanks! It's a ripoff off homage to the book cover for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest made for the ~1975 rerelease.

On some level, I get why fics dealing with certain topics get downvoted-bombed, but this is a perfect example of one that doesn’t deserve it. Really interesting and emotionally meaty portrayal of a confusing situation, and while I could quibble about it here and there, the prose being structured as short sentences in long paragraphs works really well here a lot more often than it doesn’t.

Thank you. I uploaded this fic at like 2 am my time, so I'll admit it was a bit of a shock to wake up at like 6 hours later just to find it was already the most disliked fic entered in the contest, but I really can't bring myself to care about any of the dislikes when I've gotten these sorts of comments. People genuinely interested and engaged in what I've written. I write these stories mostly for myself more than anyone else, so to also see that people have genuinely been touched or engaged by them means much more than any dislike ever could.
Also, if you don't mind, could you expand on the sort of "quibbles" you have with the writing? I'm still working out my style and prose, so any criticisms and advice would be pretty helpful. Thanks.

This type of story isn't everyone's cup of tea but you did provide a healthy amount of tact. The ugly side of the pairing is treated with respect and I actually feel kinda bad for Big Mac and Braeburn for the mess they put themselves in.

Lastly I know I read something with a similar style of prose, but it's currently escaping me.

Anyway good luck with the contest.

Thank you! Being a fairly new writer, it feels so great to see people be able to connect with and understand what I tried to do.

Dang... this was a heavy-hitting, incisively emotional exploration of a deeply complicated subject. Your prose style was used to great effect. It evoked a vivid tone reminiscent of Southern Gothic literature and firmly plants you in Braeburn's head. The imperfect grammar was spot on in its capturing of his natural speech and the circuitous direction of his thoughts drove home how uncertain he was about his feelings on everything he was experiencing.

I also absolutely loved the recurring motif of dust. Dust as a dehydrating and suffocating force -- it externalized the desert as an oppressive barrier, symbolic of the inescapable social oppression within Appleloosa. Including the story of the colt who died as a result of trying to escape from one hostile environment into another made for a haunting parable looming over the story as a representation of everything Braeburn dreaded.

It's especially heartwrenching to see bigotry permeate and demoralize the close-knit Apple Family, whose overwhelming love for one another seems as though it should be able to triumph over social cruelty. The scene where Big Mac tells off the intrusive colt near the end was especially painful, because even though he said the things he did as a means of protecting Braeburn and himself, all Braeburn heard was him speaking the words of a violent oppressor.

All in all, a very captivating, moving story. I saw you had mentioned in a previous comment that you're working to pare down your paragraphs, but their length in this work came across as intentional for the sake of tone setting and were effective in that aspect. If it's natural for you to draw out your passages of writing, maybe consider exploring this style a bit more. There's a lot you can do with it!

Thank you! It's really nice to know that the story and its style are resonating with people - it still feels crazy to me that something I've written has managed to make people feel things.
It's definitely reassuring to know that the longer paragraphs work for this story! I'm still working on finding my style, but it definitely seems to involve long paragraphs lol - I'm just trying to make sure they're properly broken up / not oppressively long where they don't fit.

It was still all coming in like slow motion - the smoke pillowed up and away in a marshmallow crawl: grey plumes slipping between each other, bending their way trying to grab up at the sun. The dust picked up and settled and slowed and you could feel it like the air in your lungs. Quick breaths. It must’ve been an hour there, staring at carriages crawl by, before the train actually stopped.

i adore the descriptions here, wow. could just chew it off and roll it around in my mouth

Certainly Big Macintosh, the oldest of us, he knew not to speak - and if he’s the oldest ain’t you gonna trust him?

aww he doesn’t know about Big Mac yet

Like it was some secret game they were playing, just those two - the way he would hunch down, crook his neck either side looking for anypony meant them harm, bunch back up and nod all clear. And she'd just giggle. Just little ones, but so filled with heart.

such a wonderfully observed detail here

"Hoo wee! It's sure cool in here!".


The other sister now: "Why, outside there was hotter'n a fresh cooked apple pie!"

young Applejack’s got a few years to go before her countryisms develop into their full form

A foal like him, going out - you’d need a lot of water. I don’t suppose he had any.

well that is just awful, augh. i can’t imagine the heartbreaking guilt and fear and all the complexes Braeburn would be carrying around from that. any version of Equestria that has the homophobia that our terrible and unworthy world does is just horrifying

“What, you ain’t play games with the other foals?” Applejack’s question stung a little. Like I said, I didn’t really know anypony my age.

and given the context of the earlier paragraph, that stings all the more

"We could teach ya catch'im!", Apple Bloom began, "It's real simple see, Big Mac kicks this ball up in the air and then we all run around and try and catch'im!"

that is exactly what i imagine a game that the Apple kids play would be called, just perfect

I thought for sure Big MacIntosh'd make fun of me for it, but when he saw it he just smiled. Similar smile to that kid that ran away - only this time not so weak. Sort of thin, but assured. A kind smile.

just love this detail as well, the stuffed dragon is very metaphor

Everypony ran over to me, ready to help, but none of them quite sure how to. After I'd cleared out my lungs a few times more, I steadied myself up and wandered back inside. We didn't play catch'im again for the rest of the week.

the contrast with the Apple sisters feels really important here. like Braeburn’s sickliness is also a manifestation of how stifled he is by his place in this world

The steel was gone, but you knew it'd come back. What then? I just pushed around crumbs on my plate instead.

ah, i didn’t understand what the steel was the first time but i am getting a sense of it now

Way I said it made me sound like I despised it all. I think I did a little, but I knew some large part of me wanted just to be a ghost too. Fade into background noise instead of spending all my time thinking.

the ghostly half-life that an oppressive world puts on us, i feel it!

And then I'm smiling and it's so stupid, I can't help myself, and I get to giggling. And now here I am, telling him about some poor colt who died and laughing in his face. I wanna stop, and for a moment I do, and then I think back how awful it is for me to do all this and start up laughing again. Then it fades out in some cough. Some real cough, but I fake a couple more at the end. Don't know why.

oh this is just Literature

After I wake up, first thing I notice is that damn stuffed dragon, now up there on my bedside counter, showing off.


The hero pony, some stallion of his own, he'd just saved the sheriff's daughter from some outlaws. Now the two ponies are talking, realising how much they love each other. The stallion gets the mare and all is right. Not too long after that, the book ends. And there I am in this little room alone, nothing more to read.

i mean, what literary gay narrative would be complete without a story-within-a-story of the simplest and standardest hetero romance? and Braeburn having already started it at the beginning and running out of it now in an effort to distract himself from Big Mac is two chefs kissing on the mouth

Crawled on as it did and then just as suddenly as that fear came, the table was empty and it proved wrong. I still felt it stuck in my throat some the rest of the night.

Big Mac being the inscrutable, silent type combined with Braeburn’s very understandable anxieties, i really feel this

“Is there some filly you got a crush on?” and I tell them no, there isn’t. They don’t believe me and ask once again, twice again and every time no just doesn’t satisfy them. I get mad at them - don’t shout, but mad. They can tell. Leave early, off to my bedroom. Doesn’t help at all to tell the sisters of course that I wasn’t lying. Maybe it’s good though, they think there’s some filly I like.

and of course the girls are just reflecting the heteronormativity of this world but augh i sure do hate it

Grabs it in his maw, goes on up to my side counter but hovers there a minute. Some gears in his head turning. Decides against it, turns from the counter. Puts it down there on the mattress, under the duvet. And then they’re there together, him and that dumb stuffed toy snug together.

i just love how much this stuffed dragon is doing in this story. makes the story feel even more like an example of its genre (coming-of-age in the late 19th century American West)

Turned out the sound was from the kitchen downstairs. Granny Smith was getting ready to bake her famous apple pie, some treat for the whole family, but grabbed some pan out of an awkward stack and the whole thing came down. We had a laugh about it. It wasn’t that funny, but we needed something to laugh at.

given what that could have been, yeah, they definitely did. and damn did you do a good job with the tension leading up to this

You’d hear - some beam to your brain, out of nowhere - you’d hear them say: “I heard we got a surprise thunder storm in tonight. That’s why they’re here.” And then you’d hear some other voice out the ether - “No, no. They’re just visitin’. Ain’t here for work.”

of course Appleloose has been such a well-drawn character itself throughout this tale, and bits like this really make it feel real

Of course it was dumb dreaming. I never did leave Appleloosa.

adds to the oof to remember that adult Braeburn does indeed still live in Appleloosa

“Uh…” That pale blue colt, making some turns in his head just to find himself ready to comprehend the question in the first place. “Yeah. Sure.” And he looks at Big MacIntosh, waiting for some follow up or reveal to explain it.

ahaha, Soarin’ origin story! well done!

In my memory it happens right away - it must’ve been some minutes in reality, but replaying it in my head, it happens in an instant.

that is how memories are, isn’t it?

Seeing the two of us together like that. Like that, with my cousin. Like that, with a colt. I don’t think I would have lived. I was scared, so I held him tight and it helped a little. And he held me tight right back.

oof, what a passage! 

He's found himself a mare. I'm not stupid enough to hold grudges like that anymore, but if I found out he'd go on with some mare? Back when we were colts, if I knew he had that option, I'd have killed him. I guess I just want to know that he felt something too. That it wasn't some joke or act. That I meant something as much as the stallion he brought with him a few years back.

again the messiness of it just feels all too real! 

"N-no." He just about squeaks out. Canters off dizzy, legs barely stepping in sync. I guess Big MacIntosh's argument must've been pretty convincing, cause thats the last anypony tried spreading rumours about the two of us.

the way that perceptions of masculinity and homosexuality are entangled with each other in this society has been a theme throughout, and this is another great use of it

I think about that runaway colt. Wonder how much further he got than us. Out here, I can see why he ran. There’s peace. Just you and the ground beneath you, ground to hold you up. Feel you don’t have to worry.

that they end up re-enacting a bit of the runaway colt’s journey, Braeburn’s reflection on it, augh. there is so much terrible beauty in this

It's as Granny Smith opens the door, I say "Ouch." Sitting there, rubbing my head, laying right next to my bed. She laughs - tells me she didn't mean to shock me. Doesn't think why Big MacIntosh's bed is in such a state or how I fell out while leaving the covers so perfect.

really cutting it close!

And everything else is just dust.

ending it with the same laughter as he had after telling Big Mac about the colt; no goodbyes, no resolutions, just dust. 

i am unfortunately writing this on an empty stomach and just after work, so i worry that i can’t quite put together the praise this story deserves. just want to say that i loved it. the oppressive atmosphere, the oppressive realism of it all, the dust and the steel. if this is the work of you as a new writer, i cannot wait to see what you have in store in the future.

Wow - thank you. It's always interesting to see which parts work and stick with different people - and incredible just to know that it did work and did stick. Also, I wasn't sure if anyone picked up on it being Soarin', so it's good to see that it landed, lol. I'm sure there were a couple other vaguely encoded mlp / fandom references in there somewhere too.

if this is the work of you as a new writer, i cannot wait to see what you have in store in the future.

Thank you! If you are interested in reading more of my work, I recently updated my rarijack fic, Applejack and Rarity: Scenes from a relationship. It's my hopeful magnum opus. :raritywink: Shilling aside, if there's another M/M contest being held this year, I'm sure I'll try again.

RB_ #18 · March 19th · · ·

This is genuinely brilliant. I wish I could write as poetically as you do. Fantastic work.

I love how poetic you write, and how this story feels so much like a story. I don’t know how to express it, but it feels like a pal telling me a story, and not like I’m just reading fanfic. You’re writing style’s to die for. :ajsmug:

Oh my gosh what an amazing story. :eeyup: Seriously, I was so blown away that I had to make an account just to leave a comment. I relate to and feel so much for Braeburn here, and Big Mac too. They really feel like real people the way you wrote them, and sadly real people aren't always happy. The way they both just made a few mistakes in a short amount of time and were too young to comprehend anything in that one week.. It's SO heartbreaking, but honest.

The scene that really got to me emotionally was when Big Mac confronted the foal. Like, it's written so well from Braeburn's perspective only. In a way that it's difficult to tell if Big Mac genuinely thinks he's protecting Braeburn, protecting himself out of something internalized, or a little bit of both. it equally scars the readers just like how Braeburn was scarred.

But Braeburn's "Of course it was dumb dreaming. I never did leave Appleloosa." broke me the hardest. There's something about the finality of that line, at least up to the point that Braeburn is telling this story, that completes this whole story. I hope Braeburn can come to find happiness after the events of the story.

Thank you!

Seriously, I was so blown away that I had to make an account just to leave a comment.

Wow. I really don't know what to say to this - I'm just still so glad (and shocked, haha) that what I've done connects with people.
In terms of hoping for a happy ending for Braeburn, I felt the exact same way when I finished writing it, so I ended up writing a (hopefully happier) follow up, if you haven't seen it yet.

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