• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


As a woman born with Cerebral Palsy, I'm not just defined by my condition. I write stories about ponies with disabilities because that’s my own experiences.



This story is a sequel to How Vinyl Scratch Met Stevie Wonder

Applejack and Stevie had been dating for a year after Applejack confessed her love for him.

But Pinkie Pie has other plans for them.

Storyheart has made me a beautiful cover art, they are open to art trades and if you’re interested you can private message them.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 19 )

Not bad! Now I gotta read the prequel.

what do you mean by

this will be a comment driven story.

this group
Picked by the fands

That just means that you are allowed to make suggestions about the next chapter.

Okay: your characters and their characterizations are rather flat and uninteresting. If you're going to use actual people in your stories, it's best to study them and assign their personalities, other than the fact they're blind. This could be anyone who is blind, so there's nothing to make them stand out and make the reader believe they're seeing Stevie Wonder. What are his mannerisms, how does he speak, is he left or right-handed, does he have any quirks or idiosyncrasies that make him unique? I haven't read any of your other stories, so I don't know what his initial reaction to being in a completely different world was, but I do hope it was something other than, "Oh, wow...this is cool..."

Bypassing all the technical errors such as misused said tags, and improper capitalization of proper nouns, your writing is quite rushed. I can see your passion shining through your work, but it has to be tempered with progressing skill.

You're bringing your readers on a journey, and introducing them into a world you have created. Therefore the burden, or rather the FUN, is for you to fully flesh out that world with colors, sounds, smells, and experiences. You have them all standing in an opulent room. Great. What's in the room? You don't have to describe Every. Tiny. Little. Detail, but give your readers a sense that this room is different from a broom closet.

The same with your characters. Flesh them out, give them their personalities that make them interesting. The goal is to immerse your readers in your writing, and to make them feel as if they're part of the story.

Now, let's deal with the dialogue. It jumps about quite a bit, and doesn't seem to follow a set pattern. There's no natural flow to their conversations, it's just one witty barb followed by another, in what I'm guessing to be an attempt at humor. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but you have to let your readers in on the joke. Assume we have no clue what led up to the conversation, and SHOW, don't TELL, by the characters' actions and dialogue the natural path to the result you're aiming.

Again, don't rush it. Take your time to tell your tale, and you will see better and better results. NONE of this is going to happen overnight, but you WILL become a better writer.

Good luck!

Thank you, I’ll try and make it better

I don't have much time left tonight, so I'll just go over the first part for now.
{for context, I said I'd give feedback in a blog post}

Pinkie Pie and her other friends were at sugar cube corner, Twilight was talking about the second book in the series she had been reading, Rainbow Dash was actively trying to stay awake, Ray was listening with interest to what Twilight was saying.

Okay, so there's quite a bit going on here in this sentence. I would recommend breaking it up into multiple sentences, this is an example of "comma-splicing."
Pinkie Pie and her friends were at sugar cube corner. (I feel "other" is redundant in this context).
Twilight was talking about the second book in the series that she had been reading.
This sentence is quite vague. I know how hard it is to come up with something to fill in the blanks, but I would still suggest giving it a go, else its just: "Person A was doing that thing that they had been doing."
What sort of books might Twilight like? She likes books on magic and maybe magic history, but has also been shown to read fiction such as Daring Doo. I'd suggest choosing a book for her to have been talking about, else this sentence tells the reading nothing.

Rainbow Dash was trying to stay awake, this implies whatever book Twilight was talking about must have been boring for Rainbow Dash, likely not Daring Doo and more likely something technical.

"Twilight was discussing her new book on the magical properties of…"

Ray was listening to what Twilight was saying.
Could use an adverb here, how was he listening? With interest? With understanding? Distracted? Not understanding but still enjoying it? etc.
Also, since I haven't read the prequel story, I do not know about the character Ray.

“I learned so much..” Twilight finish telling her story.

Minor tense error: "finished"
The section above serves as an opener and sets the scene, but it could have been a little more interesting by including more details about what Twilight was saying, but coming up with something for that kind of thing is something I struggle with to. Because its the opening, it's not a good idea to let yourself get bogged down with trying to get this section perfect, but its something you might be able to go back to and edit once you're further into the chapter and more in the "writing zone" or something.

Applejack nudged Rainbow in the ribs, Rainbow woke up with a start.

“What’s going on?” She asked raising an eyebrow at Applejack.

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head in amusement.

And Applejack is here too. Nothing major, but she wasn't introduced with the other characters at the start.
In the sentence here, Rainbow's name is used twice consecutively. Usually, it is a good idea to try to keep use of a character's name to a minimum, or as much as you can go without it getting confusing who's doing what.
"Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash in the ribs, causing her to wake with a start."
The dialogue could also be improved because its quite formal for someone who just woke up suddenly. I've seen "Wuzzat?" being used ("What's that?" but said hastily in reflex).

Applejack put her hoof around Stevie, they had been dating for 4 months now, Stevie kissed her on the cheek.

As above, try to reduce the number of times a name is used, and avoid using the same name consequtively.
"Applejack put hung her hoof around Stevies' neck and he kissed her on the cheek. The two had been dating for four months now."
Also, Stevie wasn't introduced into the scene and the first time he is mentioned is in the action of another character.

“Hey, Applejack so when’s the wedding?” Pinkie joked noticing the exchange.

Might be missing a comma: "Pinkie jokes, noticing the exchange."

“Well, we’ve only been datin’ for 4 months, ah’m not sure we’re ready for that!” Applejack answered her pink friend.

Nothing wrong with the dialogue, but is this the kind of thing that could cause a character to blush?

“So you ever thought of children?” Rainbow asked.

Sounds just like something Rainbow might say.

“Rainbow Dash, no, we haven’t!!” Applejack nearly snapped, her face filled with anger and resentment.

Maybe remove the second comma to make "…Dash, no we haven't" a little more snappy?
Anger and resentment seems a little strong here; especially resentment. Sure, snapping back is a reasonable reaction, but I doubt Applejack would truly resent her over it. Also, might the intrusive thoughts lead to a blush?

Why would Rainbow ask something like that.

1: rhetorical question is still a question and needs a question mark.
2: I wouldn't suggest using these as they directly speak to the user and break immersion, unless it's another character's own thought.

“I was only asking!” Rainbow quietly shrunk down in her seat.

Applejack let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah well, we aren’t ready for that!”

This part's good.

Anyway, this comment is long enough and it's past my bed time. So that's all I'll comment on for now.

Thank you so much for your feedback, you don’t have to go through all of the story!

But I appreciate you helping me I will try and make it better when I can.

So he is alone in his room after the reception? I see a marriage that is going to fall apart rather quickly here.

Yeah, some marriages don’t have a honeymoon, for example, when my dad got married to my stepmom, they didn’t have a honeymoon either.

I changed it so it would flow a bit better.

Hope you enjoy it, and I hope you still don’t think that marriage wall fall apart because it won’t.

This is a nice slice of life story. I enjoyed reading it.

I had not even realized that you had commented, did you at least enjoy the story?

No. I never read it. Never will. I only did that for comedy and because the title reminded me of the song.


You really need to watch out when you pull these type of pranks on people people might not like that, I don’t like that.

No. I never read it. Never will.

That was rude.

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