• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Knight of Crows

Luck? I don't need it, I just need everyone else's to plummet while I'm around.


Jason Wright fled Ponyville after his failed attempt on his life. Lost and in a haze, he didn't realize how far north he had gone until he awakened the slumbering entities of frost. Now, bound to them and gifted with a forgotten gift of the Goddess, both sustain each other as they go to Equestria with one goal in mind:

Finish what was started long ago.

Featured 1/19
Featured 1/20
Featured 2/20, it wasn't even up for 2 minutes...
Featured 3/1

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 166 )

Yeah f*** them all, they had it coming. :flutterrage: :pinkiecrazy:

Nice, good to see you doing it

Sounds great lets goo!!!!

The thinly veiled 'harmony' of Equestria comes crumbling down...

Ehh looks like an interesting read. Cant wait for more.

Yes...Yeeess..Yeeeeesssss! Another take on the one of the best stories that came out of the Endingverse sign me right up!

"If I am a monster for wanting justice, what does that make you for turning me into one? I am no monster, but a victim. I am living proof of your hypocrisy, that everything you stand for is a lie, that you are traitors to your own ideals. Anyone else would've come for blood, I simply wish to see the truth come to light, for your arrogance, your true nature to be revealed to the world. Nothing will bring me greater satisfaction than doing equal damage to your reputations and Equestria's as a whole in one week, the damage you've done to me for years." Jason partially lied about his intentions, taking advantage of a feature regarding the Horn's functionality when not in use.

Wait, isn’t there consequences to lying to the horn or something?

What I don’t understand why not take the horn from him or at least did it before it blew?

It is, but it isn't. People consider omitting information as a lie, but not by the Horn's functionality. He didn't lie so much as he did leave out what his endgame is.

And his endgame is a trial?

It's what happens as a result of the trial. If you've read the story this is based on, you'll have an idea of what he wants.

I actually haven’t, but ok.

best guess is the horn has more to it then what we are told since if it was possible then i think celestia would have attempted it. maby the horn doesnt allow anyone to steal it and the blowing of the horn only starts the damage reflection and even before there are some rules to it

I highly suggest you give it a read because if you are enjoying this then you will get a slight sense of Euphoria if you read it. It's called An Alternate Ending.

Think I’ve heard about that.

I guess that makes sense.

They basically treated him like total garbage and are now paying the price for their actions.

Wish it happened more in fanfics.

"'Believe'? One has electrocuted me multiple times and another shattered my ribs. So, unless my memories have been altered, which the Horn would've corrected already, or unless I found myself in another Ponyville with perfect look a likes, I don't just believe, I know they're guilty. But since you're obviously interested in defending them, let's start with you!" Jason smiled.

That second one is a possibility.

"We were still a young and relatively weak nation, we couldn't afford personal attachments to the very subjects we may have had to sacrifice the next day to defend ourselves from traditionalists who still believed the Unification was a mistake, or outside threats." She tried to justify herself to the court.

To be fair it depends on how young they were and how long the relationship before that.

"Wrong. Sombra left a gift of sorts in you, feeding your negative emotions. If Nightmare Moon was going to happen regardless, he accelerated the process immensely with his dark magic." Jason played the rest of that scene.

Is that canon?

"'Insinuation'? Your intent doesn't matter when the result is the same. Believe it or not, your sister should've died up there for a crime that there's a fair chance she wouldn't have committed otherwise. A crime that would've caused mass genocide, mind you. Humans discovered that ages ago. So, I have to ask. You were clearly able to save her, why didn't you?"

I don’t think the elements would’ve sealed her in the moon if there was a possibility it would kill her.

"When people suffer mind altering illnesses that can be cured, they tend to suffer permanent damage if it went on too long without treatment. You suffered as Nightmare Moon for 1,000 years, all of which in solitary confinement. Let's list the effects that is known to have, according to human studies:

But isn’t that only human studies?

"You may have been influenced by dark magic, but you still believed everything was your idea. How do we know you are Luna and not something else? At this point, Nightmare Moon should've been permanent, but here you are. It does beg the question though, are you Luna from before Sombra, or are you truly just a 'balanced' Nightmare Moon? Perhaps the Elements did a reset of sorts. Perhaps they purified you. Or maybe they killed Nightmare Moon in some way and replaced her with you." Jason continued. He was fully intent on putting her through an existential crisis, knowing this method would hurt her and Celestia by extension.

That doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

For all your poking at the story none of that which you are poking at actually makes any sense to poke at you are using a thing called logical fallacies look it up if you care too not my fault if you don't know what it means. That kind of criticism is pointless and disrespectful at the least give valid criticism to the story instead of trying to poke at things that you don't understand. Especially since again as the other person said originally this is based off of/inspired by another story which I also highly recommend to read.

You’re sounding a little rude. So I suggest probably not replying if you have a problem with my comment.

No sir its rude to poke at something you don't understand and call it criticism I was criticizing your criticism as its illogical and based on feelings not facts.

I’m not really poking, but whatever you say.

Reading Jason's lines in Sub Zero's voice makes a whole lot more sense to me.

Does it? I may need to try that.

Perfect. More. Need more. Bring forth the king of Spite, Malice and Hatred!

"You don't go to school, you don't eat a proper diet by dragon standards, you have no friends your age because your chores take up all the time you aren't simping for another pony, and your chores consisted of cleaning and organizing an entire library, now an entire castle. By the way, you're the only one who works there. If that doesn't break any labor laws under normal circumstances, I don't know what does." Jason listed.

To be fair I think I’ve seen spike enjoy it, but I could be wrong.

"It should be obvious. He's a direct line to royalty, who's to say someone won't send a bomb in the mail, or impersonate any known users and use it against them in other ways? It's another example of negligence and recklessness. Afterall, what would happen if any rivals got a hold of him?" Jason said.

They will now.

"Try it!" She snarled, her body became coated in light blue flames as they spread around the edges of the cave. "Try it, and there won't be enough left of you for a funeral. Succeed, and you'll burn with the rest of that town!"

Ok, that’s cool.

A black dragon with grey spines and red eyes is seen flying over the town. His body covered in blood red flames as he is seen attacking the inhabitants indiscriminately. This continued until he was shot out of the air by a ballista, pinning his wing to his abdomen, sending him crashing into another building. As the guards neared, the building erupted in flames that were quickly spreading to others nearby.

Wait, where does spike get his looks from?

"'Monster'? Is that what you were going to say? I never claimed I wasn't a monster, but I did basically say three years of abuse and two more of nightmares, blindness in one eye, occasional muscle spasms, the constant pain I'm in, even breathing hurts, and other physical disabilities thanks to what the ponies I truly admired, the town I loved, did to me, all with smiles on their faces, turned me into one by your standards. You wanted a monster, but you've never actually seen much less read about one. I'm no monster..." Jason walked towards her and looked her in the eyes.

At least he admits it. So yay!

"The Howls in the Wind."

This makes me have a theory. He’s gonna freeze everyone including himself.

Spike probably never tasted friendship with anyone his own age and how many kids so you think outside the geniuses do you think would want to go school compared to doing other things like read comics. Spike is so uneducated that the cmcs are probably smarter and the fact is that he shouldn't be doing the majority of chores in the first place because twilight as the adults has that responsibility. She stays up late to research but she certainly doesn't need to. She has a responsibility to take herself and Spike. until she got that castle Spike didn't even have real bed. He isn't an animal but he was sleeping in a dog bed!

I forgot she was an adult. Thank you for responding to my comment kindly.

I believe in trying to be polite. Unlike some users out there I try to be fair to all the characters and the readers because sometimes things aren't what they seem or people make honest mistakes but Spike was taken advantage of in the show and in the story.

I absolutely agree. Being fair is always right and mistakes happen.


Wait, where does spike get his looks from?

His mother. I said she resembled him, but I probably should've been more specific.

I must’ve missed that.

I know this probably won't happen, but a part of me is wondering if my character Gregory will make an appearance somewhere down the line. Mostly because I'm protective of my characters.

Still, nice nice nice!

I find it funny really for someone supposedly intelligent Twilight does not know what cannibal means

There's a quote that comes to mind for this whole situation.

"You know nothing of the bottomless malice within the human heart."

I think she assumed that because we eat meat that we eat eachother. So it’s less of her not knowing what it means and more of her jumping to conclusions.

If she had bothered to learn about humanity then she would know that cannibalism is not only frowned upon in our society but illegal

I actually heard that it’s frowned upon and illegal in most places with some exceptions.

Yeah, I heard there was an island that did that.

ahh this story brings in all of the assumption and theory that the community has been wondering throughout the years, with none of the nicer ones. I like it.

A very well done story and pacing though I wish to ask. Regarding the memory of the characters specifically celestia, did she actually have trouble remembering him either due to the length of time he was gone or because he was but another face in sea of people/ponies. Also it might be explored later but I don't recall on how long he
was staying in canterlot before going to ponyville.

Just wish to say I love ur stories and have been following it when I can.


Its a known fact that cannibalism is morally and objectively wrong, though regarding the law status on if it is illegal is something else. This from a quick Google search but specifically the method of procurement is usually illegal not the act itself, so u can probably eat ur own flesh or cut it off and share it with ur friends. (Though there are issues with parasite that come from eating human meat though I am only assuming from old memory of an older documentary, so take this with a grain of salt)

This story is, with permission from the author, ultrapoknee, basically a rewrite of Alternative Ending. In some areas, basically a copy/ paste, which I did warn them about if it would be an issue. The main differences between the two are the end goal in mind and Jason being more cruel and sadistic.

I had a feeling it was something like that.

U know that would explain on why I felt both a familiarity to both the name of this story and the human name. That story is in my read later list though I did read a few chapters before doing so. I noticed that it does not include the spirit from the tree of harmony regardless of how a mute point that might be.

Tbf, the entire thing regarding cannibalism is a highly debatable subject to be made illegal but due to a select few still practicing it (prob not to a high enough degree as before) it might be the reason for the lack of ban. (I am guessing from what little I know, it is highly possible that I am wrong)

And to think this whole thing started because I questioned why twilight thought we were cannibals due to eating beef

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